Selecting and Constructing Data Collection Instruments 2

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– Complexity of the data to be collected

– Complexity of data to be collected how personalized the data to be collected will be attributed
to the complexity. Sometimes when it comes to the privacy issue of the data collection, there is a
need for you to have interview instead of the questionnaire. The questionnaire method. So the
complexity, the contents of the questionnaire will be dependent on the type of method that
you're going to make use of

– Frequency of data collection

– This will be considered if you're going to have series of research, if it's considered to be a
continuation of the previous research, or if it's going to be a type of research that will be
monitoring the result from one research to the other. The data collection will not be one time
collection. There will be more than one data gathering or data collection from your respondents.

– Intended forms of data analysis

And the last one, your decision or your data collection strategies will be dependent on the intended
forms of data analysis. For what purpose are you going to make use of the data that you have gathered?
Let's say in your case, it is being needed for the completion of your thesis, and it's supposed to be done
for this semester. So the intention of data gathering is only going to be for this particular period, and at
the same time, it's only for educational purposes. So it will not be for publication in an international
setting. It will not also be for presentation for journal entry. Okay? So it will only be for the completion of
your thesis. So the data collection strategies that you should be selecting should be strategies that will
enable you to get information as fast as possible, as efficient as possible. But then again, it should be
effective in getting all relevant answers coming from your respondents.

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