Gr8e2 1w59-61

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BCG / C-LS / gr8e2.1w59-61

Name: _________________________________________
Grade 8
2021-22 2022-23
Roll No.: _____ Div.: ____ Date ____ /____ / _______
2023-24 2024-25 Topic: Entertaining: 2.1 Enjoy reading
Wkst No.

Answer question 1 before you read the extract on page 46.

1. Think about the title of the article.

a) Who or what do you think a ‘big river man’ is?



b) Is there anything unusual about the title of this article?




2. a) Read the extract on page 46 – 48 in your textbook. Note the words or

phrases that you are not familiar with in the box given below.
b) Choose five words from the above list to fill in the table.

Refer the
[meaning that Sort the word
dictionary Does it contain Does the context
No Word/ phrase you have come [eg:noun,verb.
to check the prefix or suffix help
up with while Adjective etc]

BCG / C-LS / gr8e2.1w59-61

Name: _________________________________________
Grade 8
2021-22 2022-23
Roll No.: _____ Div.: ____ Date ____ /____ / _______
2023-24 2024-25 Topic: Entertaining: 2.1 Enjoy reading
Wkst No.

Reread the extract on pages 46-48 to answer the following questions.

3. Answer the following questions.

a) Who is this extract about?



b) What is the extract about?



c) When do the events take place?



d) Where do the events take place?




e) Why has the writer written this text?




4. a) Write any 2 ideas or uses of language in the article that stood out or raised
questions in your mind. These could be things you liked, disliked or found
confusing or intriguing.

 _____________________________________________________________


 _____________________________________________________________


b) Now work in a small group to discuss your responses to Question 4. Had

you come up with similar ideas? How have your views changed (if at all)
after the discussion?






5. This extract is from a type of writing called a feature article for a

magazine. This type of text is usually written in a creative and engaging
way and often from a personal perspective. What in the text shows that
this is a feature article for a magazine? Explain with evidence from the





BCG / C-LS / gr8e2.1w59-61

Name: _________________________________________
Grade 8
2021-22 2022-23
Roll No.: _____ Div.: ____ Date ____ /____ / _______
2023-24 2024-25 Topic: Entertaining: 2.1 Enjoy reading
Wkst No.



6. Is your reaction to the text shaped by your knowledge of or level of

interest in swimming or Slovenia?





7. GAPPS is used to identify the various aspects of writing .

a) What does the following letters stand for

G ___________________

A ___________________

P ___________________

P ___________________

S ___________________

b) Identify the GAPPS for the extract on pages 46- 48

G ___________________

A ___________________

P ___________________

P ___________________

S ___________________
Understanding Perspectives
Identifying the stakeholders Example: Each circle contains a relevant
perspective that could inform your understanding of the issue. For each
of these groups, there may be multiple perspectives within the group. For
example, students in grade 2 might have views that are different than
students in grade 8, or girls might have different views than boys on certain
Write in words and phrases and discuss in class.

Residents who
live near the Parents

Shoud recess be
eliminated from Local fast food
Health elementary schools?
advocates restaurants and
variety stores

Ministry of Students Teachers


Grade 1–3
students Grade 4–7


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