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BCG / C-LS / gr8e2.4w70-72

Name: _________________________________________
Grade 8
Roll No.: _____ Div.: ____ Date ____ /____ / _______
Topic: Entertaining: 2.4 Analysing the ways that
2021-22 2022-23
2023-24 2024-25
writers appeal to their audience
Wkst No.

Read the extract on page 56 to attempt questions1-5.

1. Answer the following questions.

a) What ‘weird thing’ happened to the writer?




b) What initially shocked her about her experience?




c) Why does being on social media mean you live ‘within and outside of your
own experiences’?




d) According to the writer, how do we try to present ourselves on social





2. What do you think are the purposes of this article?

3. Which of these audiences do you think the article is intended for? You
can choose more than one. Give reasons for your answers.
• senior citizens • people aged between 21 and 35 • children
• people who use social media • a general audience.







4. a) Look at the use of pronouns in these two quotations. What does the
writer assume she has in common with the audience?
‘All of us are publishers’.




how we make sense of our own identities to ourselves.




b) The writer uses vocabulary associated with the hyper-connected’ experiences

of social media, such as: ‘IRL”, “Instagram Stories’, ‘shareability” and “likes”.
Why does the writer not define the meaning of any of these words? Again,
what assumptions is she making about her readers?



BCG / C-LS / gr8e2.4w70-72

Name: _________________________________________
Grade 8
Roll No.: _____ Div.: ____ Date ____ /____ / _______
Topic: Entertaining: 2.4 Analysing the ways that
2021-22 2022-23
2023-24 2024-25
writers appeal to their audience
Wkst No.

5. a) The writer has also used informal dashes rather than brackets to create
parentheses. Find an example.




b) The extract begins with ‘A weird thing..., which is an informal expression.

Find two more examples of informal vocabulary.




c) How might informal vocabulary appeal to her intended audience?




Read the paragraph on page 58 to attempt question 6 and 7.

6. a) Identify the complex sentence in the extract.




b) Identify the subordinate clause in parentheses in the complex sentence.




c) Are the ideas in the sentence simple or complex?




7. What do you think is the effect of mixing or juxtaposing these sentence

types? Think about the content and also the writer’s relationship with
her audience.




8. a) Go back to the article on page 56 and see if you can identify other
examples here the writer uses and juxtaposes different types of sentences.
Discuss why the writer does this.




9. Match the following annotations to the numbers in the student analysis

on page 59.

a) Accurate identification of grammatical features. _____

b) Appropriate, well-chosen examples. _____

c) Clear point on language and audience. _____

d) Highly developed analysis with a clear link between

sentence types and audience. _____
BCG / C-LS / gr8e2.4w70-72

Name: _________________________________________
Grade 8
Roll No.: _____ Div.: ____ Date ____ /____ / _______
Topic: Entertaining: 2.4 Analysing the ways that
2021-22 2022-23
2023-24 2024-25
writers appeal to their audience
Wkst No.

10. Using the model on page 59, to analyse the effects of the variety of
sentences in the first paragraph of the article (beginning ‘A weird











11. Write a paragraph explaining how the article is written to appeal to its
intended audience.


















Create a checklist -discuss the criterias, check your work.








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