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The author's purpose in paragraph indicate that a number of recent geologic studies seem to provide support for the coastal hypothesis Indicate that coastal and inland migrations may have happened simultaneously explain why humans may have reached America’s northwest coast before animals and plants did how that the casstal hypothesis may explain how people frst reached Alaska but it cannot explain how people reached areas like moder British Columbia and Washington State avers in Native American languages occurs slong the wast coast oF the Americas, suggesting thet this region has been settled the longest. al IL of the following are mentioned about the experimental strtegy described EXCEPT: {twas designed so that teachers would eventually reflect without help from others. (reves used by a grou of teachers over a period of yeas @o:: Ie hing wath car wing hi econ Oo reflective practice could help teachers to feel more intellectually involved Jn thar ola and work in teaching andl enable them to cope with the paucity of scientific fact and the uncertainty of knowledge in the discipline of teaching ‘The word “Hein” in the pesage is closest in meaning to @ eresens a ‘Many millions of years after fems evolved (but long before the Hawaiian Islands were born from the sea), another kind of flera evolved on Earth the seed-bearing plants. This was a wonderful biological invention. The seed has an outer coating that surrounds the genetic material of the new plant, and inside this covering is a concentrated supply of nutrients ‘Thus, the saad’ chancse of cunvval are greatly enhanced aver those of the naked spore. One type of seed-bearing plant, the angiosperm, includes all forms of blooming vegetation. In the angiosperm the seede le wreppad in an additional layer af covering, Some of these caste are hhard—ke the shell of 2 nut—for extra protection. Some are soft and tempting, ike 2 peach or 2 chery. In some angiosperms the seeds are [equipped with gorsamer wings lke the dandelion and millaeed seed, These new characteristics offered better ways for the seeds to move to new habitats, They could travel through the air float in water, and lie for many months, According to 2 major reason that coconuts can establish themselves in distant locations that ther seeds can @ © survive long exposure to heat on island beaches @ (© flow and survive far long pions in ocxan water ere sstnater or maintenance and groath ii i jt is srs the seed-besring plants, This wae 3 wonderful biolegical invention. The seed has an outer coating that surrounds the genetic material of the new plant, and inside this covering isa concentrated supply of nutvients. “Thus, the seed's chances of survival are greatly enhanced over those of the naked spore, One type of seed-bearing plant, the angiosperm, includes all forms af blooming vegetation. In the angiosperm the seeds are wrapped in an accitional layer of covering. Some of these coats sre hard—lke the shell of @nut—for extra protection. Some are soft and ‘tempting like 8 pasch or cherry. In same angiseperms the saad are equipped with gossamer wings ke the dandelion and milkweed seeds. ‘These new characteristics offered better ways for the seeds to move to new habitats, They could travel through the alt float in water, and lie dormant for many months. {An introductory sentence fore brief summary of the passage is provided on the right. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage, Same sentences do nt belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage Algae ate classified as symbiatic because they produce energy through the process of photaeyrthes'e @ Lchers helped create favorable condtions forthe growth of spore-producing plants such as ferns and mosses. Seed-bearng plants antived and spread quickly in Hawai, [i 0 erie hereon hat inrenced ti seeds stil t0 funive and to move to different arese Seed-besring plante evalved much later than epare-praciucing plants, but both types of plants had evolved well before the formation of the Hawallan islands Unlike spores, seads must move to new habitats in order to have a strong chance of survival and growth, After the formation of the Hawaiian Islands, much time passed before conditions were suitable for plant life. 1+ Algae ove clossfied as symbiotic because they produce eneray through the process of photosynthesis, «The first successful plants on Hawaii were probably lichens, which consist of algze and fungi living in 2 symbiotic relationship ‘+ Seed-bearing plants arrived and spread quickly in Hawai, thanks to ccnaracterites that inereated their seac# ablity 9 survive ancl to move to different areas. {An introductory sentence fore brief summary of the passage is provided on the right. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage, Same sentences do nt belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage Algae ate classified as symbiatic because they produce energy through the process of photaeyrthes'e @ Lchers helped create favorable condtions forthe growth of spore-producing plants such as ferns and mosses. Seed-bearng plants antived and spread quickly in Hawai, [i 0 erie hereon hat inrenced ti seeds stil t0 funive and to move to different arese Seed-besring plante evalved much later than epare-praciucing plants, but both types of plants had evolved well before the formation of the Hawallan islands Unlike spores, seads must move to new habitats in order to have a strong chance of survival and growth, After the formation of the Hawaiian Islands, much time passed before conditions were suitable for plant life. 1+ Algae ove clossfied as symbiotic because they produce eneray through the process of photosynthesis, «The first successful plants on Hawaii were probably lichens, which consist of algze and fungi living in 2 symbiotic relationship ‘+ Seed-bearing plants arrived and spread quickly in Hawai, thanks to ccnaracterites that inereated their seac# ablity 9 survive ancl to move to different areas. ‘According to paragraph 4, why do seeds have a greater chance of survival than spores do? To receive crelt, you must select TWO answer choices. Fh er 9 ee te pe spe & oH @ Seeds ste better protected from environmental dangers than spores are ‘Seeds are heavier than spares and are therefore more likely 19 take root and grow. True statements based on the discussion of seeds and spores in paragraph 4: 1+ Seeds do not need to rely on outside sources of nutrients {+ Seeds are heavier than spores andl are therefore more likely to take root and grow,

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