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Seven Days

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: - | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong
Relationship: Kim Dokja/Yoo Joonghyuk, Lee Seolhwa/Yoo Joonghyuk
Character: Kim Dokja, Yoo Joonghyuk, Yoo Sangah, Han Sooyoung, Lee Seolhwa
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Falling In Love, Possibly Unrequited Love, Husbands,
Divorce, Author Is Sleep Deprived
Stats: Published: 2022-04-11 Completed: 2022-04-20 Chapters: 2/2 Words:

Seven Days
by Layxloeyzz


Yoo Joonghyuk asks that Kim Dokja sign the divorce papers, and Kim Dokja asks that they
spend 7 days together before they part ways.

“What happened to us?” Kim Dokja murmured to himself as he stared at the diamond ring
on his ring finger, which was both beautiful yet loveless.

Threadfic from twitter @/zzyyllzz ( Divorce au longer version)


originally was a threadfic on twitter (@/zzyyllzz)

divorce au longer version that I will be editing from time to time, beta-read by
@/artdoesnotart @/liesolette and @evaryn_ thank you for being an amazing and hard-
working beta-reader and helping me throughout this.

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

It had been exactly four months since Yoo Joonghyuk had moved out of their house and into the
city. They agreed on it, and it was ultimately Kim Dokja’s idea. Kim Dokja suggested Yoo
Joonghyuk get an apartment in the city so that it would have been easy for his gaming career, he
thought that was the best idea but turned out it wasn’t.

Yoo Joonghyuk has gotten an apartment in the city near his workplace, whereas Kim Dokja is far
away from the city, alone at their shared home, writing his novels. He is, in fact, a writer.

They were doing well with video chatting every day, never missing a day. Until their days became
busier, causing them to not cross paths as frequently as they used to, eventually losing touch.

“I’m sure he’ll be surprised,” Kim Dokja said quietly as he stood in front of Yoo Joonghyuk
apartment. To surprise his husband, he took a train and walked to his house in the middle of the
night on February 14 th-a day before his birthday.

His steps were heavy from uneasiness when he walked into the apartment because;

1. The door wasn’t locked.

2. There was a strong perfume odour.
3. Clothes were strewn about on the floor.

As he heard moans and a woman’s voice from Yoo Joonghyuk’s bedroom, his body felt like it was
crumbling. His life was shattered right there, tears streamed down the floor, but thankfully he
didn’t collapse.

His legs slightly shook as he stepped out of Yoo Joonghyuk’s apartment, not once looking back as
he hoped to awaken from a painful dream with his husband lying beside him, cuddling and kissing
each other good mornings as they used to. Oh, how he wished it was all a dream, but it was painful
to tell him it wasn’t.

“I’ll meet you at our house, Joonghyuk-ah. If you do come back.” he murmured softly, his voice

I’ll wait for you to explain yourself and tell me you love me. That you still care about me” Kim
Dokja gazed up, stars staring back at him brightly as if trying to comfort him. Tears wouldn’t stop
running from his cheek and soaking his sweater.
“This is entirely my fault.”

With one last word, he went completely quiet, not knowing what to say anymore, he always
thought they were doing well together even though they fight most of the time. He knew that he
would forgive Yoo Joonghyuk if he asked for forgiveness but would Yoo Joonghyuk even do that?

“Are you returning home this weekend?” Kim Dokja mumbled, unsure whether it was appropriate
to ask and awaiting a response from Yoo Joonghyuk .

“I’m afraid I can’t co-“ Yoo Joonghyuk sighed on the other line, he sounded annoyed.

“It’s okay! I expected that response anyhow, just wanted to ask if you suddenly change your mind,”
Kim Dokja whispered faintly, looking out the window glumly.

“Why did you ask?” Yoo Joonghyuk asked, dismissing what Kim Dokja had stated.

“I have a book signing this weekend,” Kim Dokja said, his voice barely keeping up.


“Thank you, and-um, Joonghyuk-ah-ah, I’m now busy, so I’ll contact you later.” Kim Dokja
fidgeted as he racked his brain for an excuse to get out of this conversation soon. He felt like
suffocating as time went by. “Love you and take care,” Kim Dokja said, eager to finish the call as
soon as possible.

“All right, Kim Dokja, take care,” Yoo Joonghyuk hummed as he hung up the phone.

There was no “I love you” or “Dokja-yah” anymore. Everything felt like a dream; they used to talk
warmly to one other, tease each other, and have long conversations to fill the emptiness they felt.
But it’s no longer the same. They—no, their relationship—changed.
“Where did it go wrong?” Kim Dokja questioned himself out loud, his voice slightly cracking as he
felt himself becoming tearful all over again after promising not to hurt himself emotionally nor
mentally anymore. “Let’s just accept our fate,” he groaned, brushing his tears away, and continuing
his work.

Yoo Joonghyuk stood outside the house he formerly lived with his soon-to-be ex-husband, Kim
Dokja. He recalled the promises he had made and the goals and dreams they had, but they were
dust to him at the time since they were things he hadn’t thought about in months.

He inhaled deeply and extended his hand, knocking on the door, gathering his confidence. He
expected to be met by Kim Dokja when the door opened, but it was opened by a long-haired

“You are Joonghyuk-ssi right?” The woman raised her head and smiled at him.

“Yes, I am,” he responded, reaching out his hand, despite the fact that he was wary of her.

Rather than shaking his hand, the woman stepped aside and stated,“My name is Yoo Sangah.
Dokja-ssi awaits you in the living room“ with a forced smile.

He strolled into the home hesitantly, nostalgia and memories bouncing about in his head. Yoo
Joonghyuk gulped and looked around the house, which had remained unchanged.

Yoo Joonghyuk was getting a divorce with his husband, that was the only reason he was at their
once shared house. A part of him pleaded with him not to file for divorce, but he did, and now it
was time for Kim Dokja to do the same, and they’d be free of each other.

He expected Kim Dokja to lash out and yell at him, but all he got was a little grin and arms wide
extended for an embrace. Kim Dokja embraced him without wasting a beat.

Yoo Joonghyuk leaned into the embrace, resting his head on Kim Dokja’s shoulder. His emotions
were all over the space, he was feeling tensed but at the same time he felt.... safe in Kim Dokja’s
“Hey,” Yoo Joonghyuk said, his eyes barely open from the warmth and comfort he felt from being
held by his soon-to-be ex-husband.

“Hey there, Joonghyuk-ah,” Kim Dokja smiled, tenderly ruffling his husband’s hair.

“Don’t call me that anymore, Kim Dokja,” Yoo Joonghyuk sighed.

“Oops, my bad,” Kim Dokja said. Yoo Joonghyuk shook his head and surveyed the living room.
He didn’t see how Kim Dokja’s smile had thinned to a narrow line and how troubled he appeared.

“Here, coffee for two,” Yoo Sangah stated as she placed two cup on the coffee table.“You can talk
about it. I’ll be in the kitchen. Call me if you need anything.” She smiled and walked away,
leaving them alone.

Yoo Joonghyuk pulled a piece of paper from his bag and set it on the table.

“As you are aware, this is why I am here today.”

“Of course, it’s the only reason you’re back,” Kim Dokja replied, looking down the page that made
him experience millions of emotions. Yoo Joonghyuk raised his eyebrows curiously.

“I’ll do my best to make things as painless as feasible for you.”

“Don’t worry, it was never painless.”

“I’m sorry”

“It’s okay, its not your fault”

Yoo Joonghyuk observed Kim Dokja’s slow motions; how he stepped aside and grabbed the paper
cautiously, and how exhausted he appeared. But Yoo Joonghyuk brushed it off, assuming it was
only because Kim Dokja was busy and tired with his upcoming book.

“We will split our properties equally, but this house will be solely yours, I promise you,” Yoo
Joonghyuk said as Kim Dokja studied the page.

“You promised a lot of things at the altar 5 years ago too,” Kim Dokja mumbled to himself. “All
right, where do I sign?” He replied loudly finally catching Yoo Joonghyuk’s attention.

“At the bottom of the page,” Yoo Joonghyuk remarked as he reached into his pocket for a pen.

Yoo Joonghyuk noted how cold Kim Dokja had become when their hands brushed against one
other’s. He recalled how Kim Dokja’s hands always had been warm, it never was cold as it is now.

“Are you feeling cold right now?” With concern, Yoo Joonghyuk enquired.

“I’m glad you noticed it,” Kim Dokja said with a gentle grin, ignoring the question Yoo Joonghyuk
asked him. His eyes no longer sparkled as they used to.

“May I make a request?” Kim Dokja smiled softly as he turned to face Yoo Joonghyuk .

“Sure,” Yoo Joonghyuk said hesitantly, well aware of the mess he had done, their relationship
ended because of him and not fulfilling Kim Dokjas wish would made him the bad guy.

“Please stay with me for 7 days” Kim Dokja requested firmly but his action said otherwise, his
hands were trembling as he tightened his hold on the paper.

“I’m not capable of doing it.”Yoo Joonghyuk swiftly said, his voice clear and sharp.

“Please, just a week,” Kim Dokja pleaded for his request to be fulfilled.

It’s only a week. That was all he asked for. Seven days of them pretending to be in love- it was easy
as that, pretending had always been easy for both of them. They pretend so well.
Yoo Joonghyuk been pretending to be in love with Kim Dokja and Kim Dokja been pretending to
be happy in front everyone when he was hurting inside, hurting himself by convincing himself that
everything would be okay, everything would go back to as it was.

“But Seolhwa-“ Yoo Joonghyuk said softly, causing Kim Dokja’s breath catch in his throat.

Oh, so that’s her name; it’s a lovely name, so she must be lovely as well.

Before proceeding, Kim Dokja let out a sigh, “This is my final wish. You’ll be rid of me in a week.
Don’t worry.”

“What do you expect will happen in a week, Kim Dokja?” Yoo Joonghyuk leaned against the sofa,
looking directly at Kim Dokja.

“You simply have to pretend you love me and spend those days with me as a happily married
couple. That is all.” Kim Dokja rumbled out, avoiding Yoo Joonghyuk ’s eye contact at all cost.

“Okay.” Yoo Joonghyuk stood up from the sofa and stared down at Kim Dokja who had his head
bowed, waiting for a response.

“Let’s do it,” Yoo Joonghyuk remarked, nodding. It’s only a week. What could possibly go wrong?

The First Day.

The weather was pleasant enough for them to harvest with ease. Even when it wasn’t raining, the
ground was still muddy. Yoo Joonghyuk ’s boots were already encased in a thick coating of muck.
They currently were harvesting together at their own orchard.

A vivid memory of him and Kim Dokja harvesting together every afternoon crept back to him, how
they used to play around with the mud and pick fruits every evening, causing him to get engrossed
in the environment before him.

While Yoo Joonghyuk was harvesting, Kim Dokja would zone out while staring around the
gorgeous orchard throughout the afternoon. He had no idea there was a greater view inside. He
yearned for the happy days spent with his husband.

As Yoo Joonghyuk’sbasket was full of strawberries that he picked up, he decided to went back
inside the orchard house. Yoo Joonghyuk entered with carts full of strawberries, only to find Yoo
Sangah holding those for Kim Dokja. Yoo Joonghyuk studied him with curiosity, his brow

“I couldn’t carry them since they were too heavy for me,” Kim Dokja explained.

“However, you used to carry tonnes of them by yourself?” Yoo Joonghyuk replied as he wiped the
sweat from his forehead and set the carts on the floor.

“But not anymore,” Kim Dokja remarked, giving him a little grin that didn’t reach his eyes the way
it used to.

“I appreciate your help, Yoo Sangah-ssi. You may now relax. I’ll be with Yoo Joonghyuk ,” Kim
Dokja said, tilting his head and thanking Yoo Sangah, who dipped her head in reverence.

“It’s my pleasure; I’ll prepare the dinner.” She went away after giving Yoo Joonghyuk a short
glance, a glance that gave out strong aura showing she was uneasy around him. Yoo Joonghyuk
decided to ignore it.

“Shall we?” Yoo Joonghyuk extended his hand and gazed towards Kim Dokja softly.

“Yes!” Kim Dokja exclaimed out loudly, letting Yoo Joonghyuk hold onto his cold hand.

They walk around in comfortable silence, Yoo Joonghyuk picking nice pieces from the trees and
Kim Dokja merely pushing the cart behind him. Kim Dokja remembered his curiosity only after
they left the orchard house.

“Hey Joonghyuk,” Kim Dokja said as Yoo Joonghyuk grabbed for another tangerine. “How’s it
going with your gaming career?”

“It’s alright, I have my own team now, and we work well together,” Yoo Joonghyuk stated as he
peeled one that looked particularly appetising. “I think I’ve won numerous accolades and have a
lot of admirers now, but it’s exhausting most of the time.”

“I’m glad you’re doing well there,” Kim Dokja commented warmly. He seemed to be in

Yoo Joonghyuk stood right alongside him, holding a peeled tangerine.

“Here... give this one a shot.” He let it come into contact with Kim Dokja”s lips. The shorter of the
two parted them to eat it off Yoo Joonghyuk ’s palm, nodding in response.

“It’s great and sweet, and we got it just in time.” Kim Dokja’s gaze is drawn to his smile and the
gentle flush on his face.

“Did you forget, Kim Dokja, we always pick them up on time?” Yoo Joonghyuk snorted and bit on
a half-biten tangerine.

“How could I ever forget such wonderful times?” Kim Dokja giggled dumbly, a faint playful tone
in his voice.

They continued to stroll and talk here and there, but it’s more Kim Dokja questioning and Yoo
Joonghyuk responding as he picks the tangerines.

“By the way,” Kim Dokja continued, “I’ve instructed Yoo Sangah to move your clothes to the
guest room.”

Yoo Joonghyuk came to a complete halt in front of him. The only thing keeping the setting light
from seeing them where the trees around them, which were coincidentally orange as well.

“you-you still have those?” Yoo Joonghyuk ’s eyes widened as if he hadn’t expected it.

“How could I possibly throw those out?”

Instead, Kim Dokja answered gently, looking down at his muddy boots.

“Don’t you hate me?” Yoo Joonghyuk murmured, unsure whether to ask or not, but Kim Dokja
heard him well enough.

“I never hated you.” While Kim Dokja spoke, the hue from the setting sun reflected beautifully on
his eyes. “What you did, maybe, but not you.”

Yoo Joonghyuk took a deep, silent breath.

“I don’t really like defining people I meet by their mistakes.” He said that rendered Yoo Joonghyuk
speechless. “Everyone makes mistakes, right?”

“Yeah, everyone does...” Yoo Joonghyuk replied, as they continued to pick oranges and throw
them into the basket.

Kim Dokja wondered if Yoo Joonghyuk would learn from his mistake. Maybe he would, maybe he

Still, in deep thought, Kim Dokja followed Yoo Joonghyuk back to the orchard house.“Look...”
Yoo Joonghyuk pointed right behind him where the hills are, “beautiful.”

Kim Dkkja hummed and took a step to get a better look at the setting sun. His hair became

“The sunset isn’t seen like this from the orchard because the hills are obscured by trees.” Yoo
Joonghyuk spoke up from the side, his hands in both pockets.

“This place is incredible...” Kim Dokja’s cheeks rounded as a result of his bright smile.

“It is, indeed.”

Yoo Joonghyuk concurred. But when Kim Dokja turned to face Yoo Joonghyuk , he wasn’t
looking at the sunset.

Kim Dokja parted his lips, pursing them again, but instead turned away and gazed at the sunset.

“You know, Joonghyuk, when you’re not here, sunset always reminds me of you,” Kim Dokja
continued, sensing Yoo Joonghyuk ’s silence.

“When night falls, the sun sets, leaving me feeling lonely, as if there is no one by my side, and my
world eventually darkens.”

“That’s why it reminds me of you.” Kim Dokja chuckled lightly, not wanting to look at Yoo
Joonghyuk ’s expression.

“Kim Dokja”—”
“We should go now,” Kim Dokja said quickly, before Yoo Joonghyuk could say anything, and
walked inside the orchard house.

The Second Day.

Do you live here?” Yoo Joonghyuk inquired of Yoo Sangah, who was setting the table with a
simple breakfast.

Yoo Sangah raised her head and simply nodded before returning to her work.

“Well, you could say I work here for Dokja-ssi,” Yoo Sangah explained calmly.

Yoo Joonghyuk nodded and walked into the kitchen, pulling fresh vegetables from the refrigerator.

Yoo Sangah observed every move made by Yoo Joonghyuk and decided to ask, “Joonghyuk-ssi?
But have I set the table for breakfast”

“He only enjoys his own cooked meal,” a soft voice from behind him said, forcing Yoo Joonghyuk
to tilt his head back and look at tired Kim Dokja.

“Good morning, Dokja-ssi,” Yoo Sangah replied, bowing.

“Good morning, Sangah-ssi. I hope you ate your breakfast, and I appreciate your early morning
efforts.” Kim Dokja chuckled and sat in the bar stool.

“It’s my pleasure, and please don’t hesitate to notify me if there’s anything else I can do for you.”
Yoo Sangah cheered and started to leave. She wouldn’t miss a chance to cast a quick glance at Yoo

“What do you want?” Yoo Joonghyuk spoke up, his hand moving smoothly with the knife, slicing
the chillies into small pieces.

“Huh?” Kim Dokja turned back to Yoo Joonghyuk was busying himself in the kitchen.

“It’s for breakfast,”

“As is customary.” Kim Dokja replied, thinking Yoo Jonghyuk would ask what he meant by that.

“All right,” Yoo Joonghyuk said before continuing.

Kim Dokja’s eyes widened as he didn’t expect Yoo Joonghyuk to remember what Kim Dokja had
always asked Yoo Joonghyuk to make for their breakfast. He assumed that since Yoo Sangah had
already made pancakes, Yoo Joonghyuk would simply make a breakfast for himself, but no.

They ate their breakfast in silence, but Kim Dokja couldn’t help but let out soft gasps whenever he
bit into Yoo Joonghyuk ’s omurice. It tasted far superior to any fancy omurice.

“Have you been sleeping well Kim Dokja?” Yoo Joonghyuk made the decision to break the

“Yes, of course I am. Why did you ask?” Kim Dokja spoke with his mouth still full of rice, making
it difficult for him to say anything.

“You appear tired.”

“I’ve been sick for a while,” Kim Dokja said softly, his lips pursuing his.

“Have you seen a doctor?” Yoo Joonghyuk wondered aloud instantly, staring into Kim Dokja’s
eyes, waiting for an answer.

“I did.”


“It’s just a cold,” Kim Dokja says as he tightens his grip on the chopstick. “I’ll be fine”

“Just a cold?” Yoo Joonghyuk raised his brows, not believing Kim Dokja because he knew he kept
things to himself.

“Just a cold,” Kim Dokja explained, his smile distant and soulless.

“All right, if you say so.”

Yoo Joonghyuk shrugged and kept eating, glancing at Kim Dokja every second and noticing how
slow and careful Kim Dokja is. He wondered if it was just a cold, but decided to brush it off.

The rest of the day passed with them going about their business, Kim Dokja editing his book and
Yoo Joonghyuk mostly in the kitchen or on the phone, talking with whoever he was talking with,
and Kim Dokja didn’t need to ask who he was talking with.

The sun was setting, signalling that it was already night-time.

“Hey Joonghyuk,” Kim Dokja said, setting his laptop on the coffee table.

“Hmm?” Yoo Joonghyuk responded with a hum.

Kim Dokja stood up and walked over to where Yoo Joonghyuk was sitting. “Let’s dance.” He

“Kim Dokja, what are you doing now?” Yoo Joonghyuk snorted, but still extended his hand for
Kim Dokja to hold.

“I’m not sure, maybe I just missed the days when we used to dance every night.” Kim Dokja spoke
softly, his left hand resting on Yoo Joonghyuk ’s shoulder and his right hand being grasped by Yoo
Joonghyuk ’s rough hand.

Yoo Joonghyuk rested his left hand on Kim Dokja’s waist, clutching it tightly as if it were made
for him to hold, which it really was.

Their hands were tightly intertwined, rough and soft, wide and slender, strong and delicate. Their
hands were intended to be perfectly intertwined. They soothed all apprehensions within themselves
as they flowed harmoniously together.

Their feet were perfectly synchronised with the beat of their hearts. It was slow yet elegant, that
would left everyone in awe and admiration. The warmth that enveloped them grew stronger and
more intense by the second.
“You’re a lot thinner than you used to be.” Yoo Joonghyuk followed his lips, his gaze fixed on
how small Kim Dokja’s waist appeared.

“I wonder why,” Kim Dokja muttered.

Of course, it was because Yoo Joonghyuk wasn’t there to feed Kim Dokja like he used to, wasn’t
there to look after his health like he used to, and he was leaving soon.

Their hands were intertwined tightly, rough and soft, wide and slender, strong and delicate. Their
fingers were meant to be perfectly intertwined. As they flowed harmoniously together, they
soothed all apprehensions within themselves.

Their feet were perfectly synchronised with the bests of their heart. The waltz was slow yet
elegant, it would leave everyone in awe. They were used to it because they used to dance without

“This reminds me of the waltz we did on our wedding day.” Kim Dokja broke the silence, his gaze
fixed on Yoo Joonghyuk , his gaze soft on his husband.

“Oh please, you kept crying because you were overwhelmed at the time,” Yoo Jonghyuk
responded, leading them around the living room while holding Kim Dokja securely in his arms.

“Because I was happy at the time,” Kim Dokja chuckled.

“I was content just being by your side, and I am still.” He added, swaying through the hall with his
hand on Yoo Joonghyuk’s. Yoo Joonghyuk had an unreadable expression on his face as his eyes
were only on Kim Dokja. “I am the happiest man in the world today.”

Under the moonlight, Kim Dokja appeared to glow. The colour emphasised his pale skin and
golden brown eyes.

It’s almost as if Kim Dokja’s eyes were the moon themselves, encasing Yoo Joonghyuk in its warm
glow, and Yoo Joonghyuk felt as if he was being pulled into its depth. He had never felt so... safe.

“I’m glad you are, “ Yoo Joonghyuk said gently. He was perplexed as to why his heart was
pounding so loudly

They were just dancing, but it felt so warm as if he didn’t want to stop, and they kept leading each
other in a light rhythm of their heartbeats.

“I wish I had more time to spend with you, Joonghyuk-ah, but fate isn’t on my side,” Kim Dokja
murmured, hoping Yoo Joonghyuk wouldn’t overhear and ask questions.

He wished, and his wish was definitely not granted.

The Third Day.

Yoo Joonghyuk was concerned about how long Kim Dokja had been suffering from headaches.
When they were having breakfast together, Kim Dokja abruptly stopped speaking and paused for a
moment before continuing.

When they were watching a movie together the second time, Kim Dokja winced in pain, and when
Yoo Joonghyuk asked if he was okay, he just brushed it off.
“Is it true, Kim Dokja, that it’s just a cold?” Yoo Joonghyuk demanded a response. Kim Dokja
averted his gaze as they walked together in the garden.

“Hopefully,” Kim Dokja said, fiddling with his fingers.

“I’ve seen you taking medicine from time to time. Are those for colds?” Yoo Joonghyuk persisted
in his questions. He couldn’t stop questioning everything since he arrived here.

“Yeah, it’s for my cold and, uh- headaches; I’ll be fine in 2 or 4 days.” Kim Dokja smiled
reassuringly at Yoo Joonghyuk and continued to walk around the field.

They were surrounded by bright green leaves and large yellow sunflowers wherever they went.

They were met with the sight of an eternal field and a day that Kim Dokja had wished was just as

“Are you still fond of sunflowers?” Yoo Joonghyuk spoke softly. The sunflowers in front of him
drew his attention.

“How could I possibly never?” Kim Dokja muttered, his eyes peeking as he looked at the bright

“We first met in a sunflower field nine years ago.” Kim Dokja added, sensing Yoo Joonghyuk was
deep in thoughts.

“Wasn’t that when I fell in love with you?” Yoo Joonghyuk closed his eyes and took a deep breath,
remembering how he fell in love with Kim Dokja.

He never believed in first love or love at first sight, but Kim Dokja was both.

He remembered looking at the prettiest smile he’d ever seen and hearing a soft voice call his name.
That’s when he realised he’d fallen in love with an angel.

“I thought you forgot those time” Kim Dokja’s breath caught in his throat, his face flushed from
Yoo Joonghyuk ’s confession.

“How could I not be Kim Dokja?” said the Yoo Joonghyuk . He turned to face Kim Dokja. His
eyes were filled with unspoken emotion that he didn’t realise he had.

“I wonder why you fell out of love,” Kim Dokja mumbled to himself, he decided to walk in a fast
pace in the middle of sunflowers field.

“So pretty,” Kim Dokja exclaimed in awe as he gazed at the vibrant yellow.

He walked down a path, looking at the flowers that were almost as tall as he was, squirming at the
sight of bugs but brushing them away and focusing on the plant instead.

He saw a butterfly, which he didn’t mind, and leaned in closer to inspect its lovely purple, black,
and white wings. He slowly lifted his finger and guided the insect onto it. When it opened its wings
and Kim Dokja saw the full extent of its speed, he smiled in amazement.

For some reason, he was overjoyed that the butterfly was displaying everything about it. The
butterfly reminded him of Yoo Joonghyuk , the past Yoo Joonghyuk who showed him every side
of him and loved Kim Dokja dearly.

Yoo Joonghyuk took in the scene in front of him, his heart pounding and his eyes widening as he
saw how eternal Kim Dokja looked like.


One word could only describe what he was seeing in front of him. Feeling himself drawn and
pulled into its beauty was like finding a salvation he didn’t even realize he needed.

‘Kim Dokja-‘ Yoo Joonghyuk gathered his breath, and eventually a voice emerged from him.

Kim Dokja turned around with a smiling expression on his face. The butterfly on his finger flew
away, but he didn’t really care as he began making his way over the other who was going to him.

“Joonghyuk-ah! Isn’t this beautiful?” Kim Dokja exclaimed enthusiastically, raising his hands in
the air and laughing heartily.

“Yes, it is beautiful.” Yoo Joonghyuk ’s gaze was fixed on Kim Dokja’s face.He was astonished
by the beauty in front of him.

“I wish I could stay here eternally,” Kim Dokja said.

“Why do you have so many wishes so suddenly?” Yoo Joonghyuk snorted, brushing off the green
leaf on Kim Dokja’s fluffy black hair that seemed to glow turning brown.

“Perhaps because it will never be fulfilled?” Kim Dokja tittered his head and responded softly, his
voice cracking slightly.

The Fourth Day.

With only four days until their divorce and separation, Kim Dokja wanted to make as many wishes
as he could.

“Hey, I’ve got something for you.” Kim Dokja made a ruffling sound as he took out a white box
and handed it to Yoo Joonghyuk ’s hand, who examined it suspiciously.

“What exactly is this, Kim Dokja?” Yoo Joonghyuk wondered out loud, setting his phone down
Bessie’s him and focusing his gaze on the box Kim Dokja handed over him.

“It’s a gift for you, for your upcoming birthday—I know there’s still time.” Kim Dokja said softly,
outing his lips as he was in deep thought before continuing, “But who knows if I’ll ever be able to
give you a present on your birthday?” Kim Dokja’s voice was distant when he spoke.

Kim Dokja looked at Yoo Joonghyuk ’s rough hands, struggling to unwrap the present due to the
amount of tape the smaller had applied.

“For God’s sake, just rip it.” Kim Dokja rolled his eyes as Yoo Joonghyuk ’s struggle became
unbearable, and he did as Kim Dokja told him with a huff.

Kim Dokja observed Yoo Joonghyuk ’s expression as he slowly opened the cardboard box,
anticipating what was inside. Kim Dokja wasn’t sure if Yoo Joonghyuk would appreciate the gift,
let alone remember what kind of memories they had with it.

A book and a small pocket watch sat in Yoo Joonghyuk ’s. The book was brand new and had no
blemishes. The carved lines on the plain covers spelled out “epiphany” in black letters and were
adorned with a minimalistic image. The author’s name was written at the bottom: Kim Dokja, and
the title was repeated on the side, with a number at the top to indicate the volume.
A white-black pocket watch twitched and reminded them of time passing, of the past, present, and
future, sat there as Yoo Joonghyuk looked at it with a conflicted expression. Yoo Joonghyuk
carefully placed them back in the box while staring at Kim Dokja.

“You said you were going to write a horror genre book,” Yoo Joonghyuk recalled, and Kim Dokja
froze for the thousandth time, his mind racing against the clock to come up with an answer.

“It’s not the same idea you told me about?”

“No, I threw away everything I had back then.”


“On my birthday, I threw everything away,” Kim Dokja confirmed.

“Why?” Yoo Joonghyuk furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, he recalled back when Kim Dokja
said he never wanted to write a romance genre book.

“I wanted to start over, to try something meaningful rather than nonsense like I used to.” Kin Dokja
casually shrugged his shoulders.

“But nonsense is your thing,” Yoo Joonghyuk chuckled as he remembered Kim Dokja telling him
his ideas while they cuddled together to sleep.

“It is, but trying something new is like making a positive change in yourself.” Kim Dokja cracked a
small smile at him.

“Joonghyuk-ah,” Kim Dokja said softly, his slender and cold hand reaching out to grasp Yoo
Joonghyuk’s rough and warm hand.

“Will you read it after the seven days are up?” Kim Dokja moved closer to Yoo Joonghyuk , eager
for an answer.

“Don’t worry, I wil. I’ve always done it.” With a smile on his face, Yoo Joonghyuk said. Kim
Dokja’s eyes widened in surprise.

He didn’t want to go. Kim Dokja was adamant about staying. He wanted to stay at their shared
house and go through their usual routine.

He wanted to stay. Yoo Joonghyuk is torn; he has Lee Seolhwa waiting for him, but he wants to
stay with his soon-to-be ex-husband at their once-shared home.

“I’m- I’m sorry Joonghyuk-ah,” Kim Dokja said before crying. Even Yoo Joonghyuk ’s hands
scrambled to hold him up, he broke down.

He cried out everything he had been feeling for the past six months. He let out everything he’d
been holding in.

It didn’t matter how loud he was because everything inside of him was begging to be let out, and
he felt as if he’d been broken from the inside out if he didn’t.

Yes, this is how it felt to be hurt, a sharp pain that lingered with you throughout your life,
intensifying with each breath you took. Kim Dokja felt alone in the world, fighting an impossible
war with a wooden sword and a paper shield.

“Why do you feel sorry for Kim Dokja?” Yoo Joonghyuk spoke softly, caressing Kim Dokja in his

“In every way” Kim’s Dokja’s voice sounded so distant, he said those three words sincerely.

“Please stop,” Yoo Joonghyuk pleaded, “it hurts for me to question about you and our

No, Yoo Joonghyuk didn’t know what hurting truly felt like.

Hurting, was being afraid of your mere existence being wiped off this planet; hurting was like
having cold grip of fear at your neck- fear of being exposed, fear of being forgotten, fear of being
second choice, fear of being hated by someone you loved, fear of being afraid.

“I am hurting, Joonghyuk-ah”

“I don’t want to lose you; I want to live,” Kim Dokja muttered, his hold onto Yoo Joonghyuk’s
shirt tightened.

The tickling sound of the pocket watch enchanted them in the room, reminding them of time and
how much time was left.

The Fifth Day.

The next morning, Yoo Joonghyuk was relieved to feel Kim Dokja in his arms, but panicked when
he remembered what had happened the day before. He stared at the Kim Dokja’s peaceful face
while he was sleeping, despite the fact that his eyes were slightly swollen red from crying.

He remembered being worried as Kim Dokja cried in his arms. He remembered feeling sadness
wash over him as he realised that if Kim Dokja was crying so hard, something must had gone
horribly wrong.

He decided that if Kim Dokja was ever going to tell him what was wrong, he wouldn’t force it and
would instead wait patiently for the right time. But, after what he’d done, would Kim Dokja ever
open up to him? He mused to himself.

The light cast on Kim Dokja’s eyes woke him up, and they fluttered open, staring back at Yoo
Joonghyuk with those gorgeous eyes.

“Good morning,” Yoo Joonghyuk said quietly, not wanting to wake him up with a loud voice in the
middle of morning.

Kim Dokja hummed back, looking dazed and out of it. He pressed his face into Yoo Joonghyuk ’s
chest, and Yoo Joonghyuk smiled, wondering if he was feeling better.

“Yesterday..” Kim Dokja’s small voice was muffled by Yoo Joonghyuk ’s own shirt, which the
smaller was pressing against his face.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me why you cried,” Yoo Joonghyuk said instead, not wanting to
force Kim Dokja to answer. It would only make matters worse.

“All right” Kim Dokja said, nodding his head.

They just laid there for a while, listening to each other’s heartbeats. For the first time, Yoo
Joonghyuk felt at ease, as if he didn’t have anything to worry about because simply being by Kim
Dokja’s side kept him safe.
He allowed himself to be drawn into the warmth.

As time went by, the sunset was already setting down and the house was filled with comfortable
silence letting Yoo Joonghyuk to enjoy his time by himself until Kim Dkkja decided to run towards
him excitedly.

“Joonghyuk-ah!” Kim Dokja exclaimed.

He dashed towards Yoo Joonghyuk , who was sipping his evening coffee. Kim Dokja was holding
a guitar.

“Do you still play?” Kim Dokja questioned, his eyes brightening as he cheered.

Yoo Joonghyuk sat on the sofa beside Kim Dokja and carefully took the guitar from his grasp.

The guitar holds so many memories of them as a pair. Kim Dokja had given him a guitar for his
20th birthday. The guitar aged alongside them. Yoo Joonghyuk hadn’t touched a guitar in so long
that he surprised himself by being able to play fairly well.

He made mistakes on certain notes and couldn’t keep up with certain tempos, but Kim Dokja kept
cheering, snickering, and praising him for remembering so much despite months of insufficient

Kim Dokja sang for him while Yoo Joonghyuk played the guitar, as they used to. Kim Dokja tried,
but his voice cracked and he couldn’t go as high as Yoo Joonghyuk remembered him going.

Kim Dokja would grumble whenever he didn’t, but Yoo Joonghyuk would reassure him by nudge
him with his knees and smile. Neither of them cared about the sun setting as time passed.

Kim Dokja turned to face Yoo Joonghyuk , who was smiling. He was compelled to smile, but he
would stop when he realised it was all a ruse and that the smile would be for someone else after
they divorced.

“Does she make you feel happy?” Kim Dokja spoke his thoughts loudly, causing Yoo Joonghyuk
to look at him.

“I... I’m not sure anymore...” Yoo Joonghyuk admitted, being unsure of his own words.

He could have replied, “Yes, she does,” but he did not.

“But didn’t you fell in love with her?”Kim Dokja said and wondered what she had that he didn’t.

He assumed he was Yoo Joonghyuk ’s first choice, but it turned out that he wasn’t.

“Perhaps I do.”

“What do you mean by perhaps?”

Yoo Joonghyuk massaged his forehead. He was troubled as to why he couldn’t answer Kim
Dokja’s questions.

He could have replied, “Yes, I love her,” but he hesitated and decided not to.

“She is beautiful, calm, and kind,” Yoo Joonghyuk said, “but I’m not sure what made me fall in
love with her.”
Kim Dokja gave a nod, “It’s all right. Joonghyuk-ah, I’m sure she makes you happy, and that’s all
that matters!”

Yoo Joonghyuk had no idea why his heart was thumping as if it had been wounded by what Kim
Dokja had just said.

“So, Kim Dokja, how about you?” Yoo Joonghyuk soke slowly, placing the guitar in his laps and
fixing the string.


“What makes you happy?” Their gazes met as they both held conflicted expressions, unsure of
where the conversation was going.


“I think I’m happy just by that,” Kim Dokja said, waving his hand reassuringly.

Kim Dokja wished he could smile and say to Yoo Joonghyuk , “You make me happy,” but he

The Sixth Day.

They down in the remotely loud place, a crowded restaurant near their house. They weren’t saying
anything nor had the thought of starting a conversation. Kim Dokja looked at the surface of the
table blankly and he forgot where he was for a second, thinking how he should handle things when
there’s only two days left together.

“Kim Dokja” Yoo Joonghyuk brought Kim Dokja back to reality and he lifted his gaze, meeting
Yoo Joonghyuk eyes. “What do you want to order?”

When Kim Dokja noticed that there was a man standing there waiting for him to order, Kim Dokja
apologized for not noticing.

The waiter quickly left after Kim Dokja set his order, and the table they were sitting at was into a
wave of silence, neither of the two knowing what to say. It was heavy silence and Kim Dokja didn’t
know how to lighten it up.

“Do you still like dumplings?” Yoo Joonghyuk spoke up, breaking the awkward silence between

“Yes, I still do,” Kim Dokja sighed as he leaned against the seat.

“With the dipping?” Yoo Joonghyuk crossed his arms and asked, there was slight of amusing tone
in his voice.

“Yes, with the dipping,” Kim Dokja chuckled, brightening the atmosphere. “I remember your
expression when you saw me dipping into a sauce,” Kim Dokja teased, as Yoo Joonghyuk

“I’ve never liked the sauce. The flavour of the dumpling will fade “As he crossed his arms, Yoo
Joonghyuk explained.

“And you used to only eat your own dumplings, What happened to that” Kim Dokja teasingly
raised his brows. Yoo Joonghyuk sighed in defeat.
“I changed, Kim Dokja. It’s been a long time.” He replied firmly, his eyes already showing how
serious he was.

“Yeah, you changed along with our relationship,” Kim Dokja admitted dully.

“Are we really going to have a conversation about that right now?” Yoo Joonghyuk thought aloud,
leaning closer to Kim Dokja who sat in front of him with his arms on the table.

“I’m just saying what’s on my mind.”

Kim Dokja was relieved that Yoo Joonghyuk had stopped asking questions, he remained silent as if
he were guilty. Kim Dokja fiddled with the napkin on the table, folding it anxiously in an attempt
to calm himself.

“Joonghyuk-ah,” Kim Dokja said, and the said man looked at him blankly. “I’m sorry for what I
just said,” he apologised.

A sad smile settled across his features as he took Yoo Joonghyuk ’s hand in his own, chucking the
napkin aside and instead playing with Yoo Joonghyuk ’s fingers.

Yoo Joonghyuk ’s hands were so warm unlike his cold hands and they were big in comparison to
his own, maybe Kim Dokja was fooling himself, but he felt as if his fingers fit perfectly in between
Yoo Joonghyuk ’s.

It was as if they were meant to be there.

It’s all right...” Yoo Joonghyuk murmured softly, his gaze fixed on their interlaced fingers.

Despite the fact that only their fingers were touching, it somehow comforted Kim Dokja, calming
his quick heartbeats.

When the waiter arrived and placed their food on the table, Kim Dokja let go of Yoo Joonghyuk ’s

“Smells good,” Kim Dokja said, a small smile on his face.

“Enjoy your food and eat all of it.” Yoo Joonghyuk demanded, swinging his chopsticks
dramatically before digging in.

“I’ll keep an eye on you.” Yoo Joonghyuk glared at Kim Dokja, who responded with a roll of the

They ate their food in comfortable silence, and Kim Dokja was relieved that the previous
atmosphere had faded and he was feeling a little better. They finished their meal, paid for it, and
went out.

Walking side by side down the street The days drew closer to August as the leaves changed colours
ever so slightly, never making a noticeable enough difference until you noticed.

Kim Dokja took a breath and exhaled it, feeling somewhere he had no idea existed. The sun was
setting, and even though it wasn’t low in the sky, it still accentuated the colours.

As they reached at somewhere that weren’t crowded and away from the preying eyes, Kim Dokja
grabbed Yoo Joonghyuk’s arms and pulled him along, running through the grassy field and nearly
tripping in a gopher hole along the way.

Kim Dokja ignored him and continued on his way, fully intending to explore the small forest
teeming with llife He eventually slowed down to the point where they were walking at a normal

Yoo Joonghyuk came to a halt and drew Kim Dokja’s with him, halting him in his tracks. “It says
Restricted Area,” Yoo Joonghyuk explained, “so we can’t go in.” The forest was enclosed by

Yoo Joonghyuk was looming over them, gesticulating over the wired fence in front of them. The
sign on the fence meant nothing to Kim Dokja because a metre away was an opening.

“Oh please, there’s a reason there’s a hole in the fence,” Kim Dokja gasped out dramatically.

Yoo Joonghyuk rolled his eyes in defeat as he said, “You’re so stubborn, Kim Dokja.”

“Joonghyuk-ah, how about you put everything aside for a moment and just come with me?”

Kim Dokja questioned, and Yoo Joonghyuk exchanged a brief glance before chuckling. Kim Dokja
took this as a sign and began climbing in the opening, with Yoo Joonghyuk close behind.

“You know, Kim Dokja, I really missed breaking rules with you,” Yoo Joonghyuk said as they
walked through the opening. He grasped Kim Dokja’s hand and entwined their fingers.

Kim Dokja responded with a smile, allowing Yoo Joonghyuk to lead him deeper into the forest.

They didn’t say much to each other. Kim Dokja was actually enjoying walking to nowhere in
particular; it brought him back to life.

“Watch out, don’t trip,” Yoo Joonghyuk warned, clutching Kim Dokja’s hand tightly.

“I’m not that frail. I’m capable of looking after myself “Kim Dokja let out a groan.

“But you didn’t seem this frail before,” Yoo Joonghyuk said,Kim Dokja nodded, holding back any
words that would be able to blow up his act.

The two of them broke into what appeared to be an opening just as he was feeling sadness and fear
creep in—something that happened a lot these days. It was just a circle of grass, no brush or trees,
just a place where you’d pitch your tent to camp.

It was the ideal setting for Kim Dokja to feel at ease.

“The scenery here is breathtaking,” Yoo Joonghyuk said, breaking the silence.

“Yes, it is. Just being here makes me feel safe.” Kim Dokja exhaled and closed his eyes.

“I want to feel this peace for the rest of my life.” He exhaled out loud, for some reason he felt like
his heart was about to burst out from the feeling of being free.

“You can now Kim Dokja.” Yoo Joonghyuk looked at Kim Dokja, who had his eyes closed.

Kim Dokja looked stunning. He reminded Yoo Joonghyuk of the endlessly brightening sunflowers.

“Yes, I can now.... Ican finally be free,” Kim Dokja said softly, tightening his grip on Yoo
Joonghyuk ’s arm.
“You are free to express yourself completely. I’m here to comfort you “Yoo Joonghyuk stated.

Yoo Joonghyuk could see Kim Dokja fighting back tears; he knew Kim Dokja was hurting himself
and he couldn’t stop it. He wanted to help, but a part of him felt he didn’t deserve to.

Kim Dokja’s knees almost buckled under the weight of his tears, but he held himself up, clinging
to a string he didn’t want to let go of; and that was the sensation of Yoo Joonghyuk holding him as
if he were everything.

“I’m fine, Joonghyuk-ah.”

“You are not.”

“You can lie to yourself, but not to me”

“But you weren’t there for me when I was hurting- when I needed you the most. You weren’t there
to hold me like you are now. You walked away.” Kim Dokja’s voice trembled.

“I’m sorry”

Kim Dokja was so preoccupied with keeping himself up that he didn’t notice the hot drops dripping
down his face.

Kim Dokja felt pitiful for crying in front of Yoo Joonghyuk once more. With Yoo Joonghyuk , he
was always at his weakest, showing him every side of himself openly.

“You have the right to fall out of love. It happens, and I don’t blame you for it. I blame myself for
keeping you in a cage with me and not allowing you to be free.” Kim Dokja sobbed out making
Yoo Joonghyuk to tighten his hold around him reassuringly.

Kim Dokja blamed himself for everything, he shouldn’t had, it never was his fault.

The Seventh Day.

“What should we do today?” For some reason, Yoo Joonghyuk murmured, his words heavy.

Kim Dokja just hummed in response as he looked at him. He appeared tired, but relaxed, as he
always did.

“Today is the last day.”

“Let’s just stay at home together,” Kim Dokja exhaled as he lay snugly on the bed.

Yoo Joonghyuk , who was sitting on the edge of the bed, just stared at him. He noticed how tired
and sick Kim Dokja appeared. Kim Dokja ’s health deteriorated day by day, and Yoo Sangah
became increasingly protective of him.

“Are you... are you all right?” Yoo Joonghyuk stuttered out, placing his hand on Kim Dokja’s
forehead just to have Kim Dokja turning away.

“I’ll be fine.....soon enough,” Kim Dokja replied, a small smile on his face, a distant smile that
Yoo Joonghyuk disliked.

“Joonghyuk-ah,” Kim Dokja said softly.


“Can you promise something?” Kim Dkkja fiddled with the his fingers.


Yoo Joonghyuk ’s grip on the blanket became tighter. He had the impression that Kim Dokja was
leaving him, as if they would never cross paths again.

They wouldn’t, of course.

“Take care of her—please be happy and start a family with her, as you have always desired. I’m
sorry I couldn’t provide you with the family you desired.” Yoo Joonghyuk ’s heart was beating
loudly as Kim Dokja said. He wished to express his disapproval with it.


“It’s my final wish. Please take care of her. Don’t let her go through what I went through.”

Yoo Joonghyuk ’s pupils dilated. It was as if a dagger had pierced his heart, shattering him to
pieces. He knew he was wrong, but he also knew he didn’t deserve to be forgiven.

For the past six months, Kim Dokja assumed that Yoo Joonghyuk looked at him as if he were in

Maybe... just maybe, Yoo Joonghyuk was looking through him and at someone else the entire
time. Maybe Yoo Joonghyuk had always wanted to restart and re-love, but with Lee Seolhwa and
not his husband. He began to fade away from Kim Dokja ’s sight as he felt out of love.

“Please,” he pleaded, feeling utterly pathetic because he knew what it was like to be a second
choice and be passed over by someone you care deeply about

“Yes... yes I will,” Yoo Joonghyuk replied, hesitantly.

“I want you to be happy, Joonghyuk-ah, but she will make you the happiest person on the world.

Kim Dokja placed Yoo Joonghyuk ’s hand against his chest, squeezing it reassuringly. Yoo
Joonghyuk ’s happiness was more important to Kim Dokja than his own.

“I really don’t get you, Kim Dokja,” Yoo Joonghyuk took a deep breath.

Yoo Sangah who just walked inside the house from grocery shopping saw Yoo Joonghyuk running
through the kitchen’s cabinet with a serious expression. He noticed her presence behind him and
quickly walked towards her.

“Sangah-ssi? Could you please tell me where the wine is? Yoo Joonghyuk went through every
drawer and still couldn’t find any wine.

“And for what?” Yoo Sangah had her arms crossed and a sceptical look on her face.

“I cooked dinner for Kim Dokja,” Yoo Joonghyuk explained.


“It’s my last night here.”

“Joonghyuk-ssi, whatever you’re doing is only going to hurt him more,” Yoo Sangah sighed.

“Nothing will change; the future is predetermined by your continued absence from him. “

Yoo Joonghyuk ’s lips were clasped together. He couldn’t take back what she said because it was

“I don’t want to hurt him; instead, I want to make amends for everything,” Yoo Joonghyuk stated

“Then you leave him the next day? That is merely cruel.” Yoo Sangah had her arms crossed,
leaning against the wall.

Yoo Joonghyuk was lost for words; he was puzzled by what Yoo Sangah said. His head was
bowed in embarrassment.

Yoo Sangah sighed again, this time loud and long.

“Dokja-ssi can only drink water, he’s sick, and you should have paid more attention to his health
than the divorce,” Yoo Sangah affirmed before leaving, giving Yoo Joonghyuk a glare.

In frustration, Yoo Joonghyuk massaged his brow. He had no idea what she meant by those. He
couldn’t even find the right words to fight back. He opened the cabinet and took out two glasses
and continuing on setting dkwn the table.

“What...what is this for Joonghyuk-ah?” Kim Dokja uttured out after a minute of trying to process
the scene in front of him.

There was a candle lit up on the table with various of dishes made by Yoo Joonghyuk , just for

“How about we have a dinner together?” Yoo Joonghyuk drawn his attention elsewhere, feeling

Kim Dokja sat down in the chair and chuckled softly. He was moved slightly by Yoo Joonghyuk ’s
efforts to make their final night worthwhile and memorable, as it should be.

“That’s so sweet of you,” Kim Dokja said. Kim Dokja’s glass was filled with plain water by Yoo
Joonghyuk , his ears were a bright red colour.

“I made chicken dumplings for you because they’re your favourite, and I made sure not to make
them too spicy because you’re sick right now.” Yoo Joonghyuk rumbled out, careful not to make
atmosphere between them, pointing on the various dished in front them.

“Joonghyuk-ah, I really appreciate you putting your efforts into our last dinner,” Kim Dokja said,
taking a slow bite of the dumpling, savouring the flavour.

“I sincerely hope you enjoy it without feeling burdened or anything bad.” Yoo Joonghyuk let out a
sigh, relaxing his shoulders and sipping a sip of grape juice.

On their last day together, Kim Dokja wasn’t sure whether he should be troubled or moved by the
fact that Yoo Joonghyuk was finally attempting to pursue their relationship.

Yoo Joonghyuk hoped Kim Dokja would see through his actions; he was attempting to make up for
everything rather than apologising because he wasn’t as good with words as Kim Dokja.
They both were thinking about something different.

“You know, Kim Dokja, I had a great time with you during our days together.” Yoo Joonghyuk
started as he sliced the steak flawlessly.

“I’m glad you did because it taught me a lot,” Kim Dokja said, taking a small bite of the well-
cooked steak and humming as the flavour melted in his mouth.


“Love is many things—-it can be many things, and I experienced its cruelty,” Kim Dokja shrugged

Yoo Joonghyuk remained silent. His mind was a jumble from trying to maintain his composure and
not crumble. He felt like crying for the first time in a long time.

“Thank you, Joonghyuk-ah.”

“For what?”

“I can finally move on because you made me realise my own feelings.” Kim Dokja gave a soft
smile. His smile was genuine this time.

Kim Dokja found his peace, he was finally able to heal himself.

Yoo Joonghyuk lost his peace. He was gradually getting hurt on the inside.

“I love you, Joonghyuk-ah, and I’m finally letting you go.” Kim Dokja grinned as Yoo Joonghyuk
froze on his seat, feeling his heart pound loudly.

“But don’t you love me?” Yoo Joonghyuk said as he gulped, feeling himself get sweaty.

“Yes, but you don’t, so why should I keep our relationship going?” Kim Dokja chuckled, but it
came across as forced.

“I’m prepared to sign divorce papers.” His voice slowed to a whisper.

Yoo Joonghyuk ’s breathing was laboured, and a throbbing pain accompanied each beat of his

“But the day isn’t over yet—- there’s still time for us to... pretend,” Yoo Joonghyuk objected,
reaching out to hold Kim Dokja’s hand but he brushed Yoo Joonghyuk’s hand off.

“I’m tired, Joonghyuk-ah, and I’d like to rest, so please hand me the divorce papers so I can sign
them.” Kim Dokja gave a shaky nod.

Each step Yoo Joonghyuk took as he extracted the paper from his beg felt heavy to him. His heart
ached just looking at it, and he wanted to scream and tear it apart.

“There,” Yoo Joonghyuk said, handing Kim Dokja the divorce papers and a pen. Kim Dokja’s
hand shook as he took the pen. To him, everything felt heavy.

He finally moved his hand and wrote down his signature after taking a deep breath. He never
imagined he’d despise his signature.

Yoo Joonghyuk looked at him with a pained gaze, his hands trembling as he tried to contain
himself. It was his fault, he knew, and he had to live with the consequences.

“Goodbye, Yoo Joonghyuk , my ex-husband.” Kim Dokja gave a soft smile. His eyes welled up
with tears as he looked down at Yoo Joonghyuk , who had his head bowed.

“Yes... goodbye,” Yoo Joonghyuk said, his voice cracking for the first time.


“Is he really not going to see me out?” Yoo Joonghyuk stood outside the house with his luggage in
his hand, it was full of his clothes and things that he left at the house, now he was taking it with

“No, Dokja-ssi is sound asleep. He requires rest “Yoo Sangah said firmly as she bowed down, a
threatening smile on her face.

One last time, Yoo Joonghyuk wanted to see Kim Dokja. He wished he could stay and hug his
husband—his ex-husband—but he couldn’t.

Yoo Joonghyuk hummed as he pushed past Yoo Sangah out of the house he once called home. He
was so stupid that he wasn’t even sad anymore; he just felt hollow on the inside. He felt empty, and
the feeling grew stronger with each step away from the house.

When Yoo Joonghyuk returned to his apartment, he felt as if he had entered a new world he had
never known existed. When Lee Seolhwa hugged him and smiled at him, he forced himself to
pretend the person in front of him was someone else so he could smile and cope with whatever was
going on.

Be happy.

Be happy for him.

He repeated that sentence in his head several times, but when he looked Lee Seolhwa in the eyes,
he found himself scowling.

He couldn’t.

People around him were perplexed as to what had happened to him. Three weeks flew by in an
instant. As time passed, he felt as if he were floating.

He was greeted with a hard slap on the face when he opened the door to his apartment.

“How come you didn’t tell me?” Lee Seolhwa raised her voice, her face flushed with rage and tears
streaming down her cheeks.

“What exactly do you mean?” The pain in his cheek stinging, Yoo Joonghyuk whispered.

“Yoo Joonghyuk , you cheated on your husband with me! When I confessed, you never bothered to
tell me that you had a husband!” Lee Seolhwa ’s voice was becoming louder. “I’m disgusted with
both you and myself.”

“I can explain, Lee Seolhwa—” Yoo Joonghyuk reached out to grab Lee Seolhwa ’s shoulder, but
she brushed him away harshly.

“Don’t you dare touch me.” She forewarned, her eyes revealing how enraged she was.
“Yoo Joonghyuk , did you even like him? Did you even consider him once? You would have
turned me down if you did! You wouldn’t be hurting him by making him wait for you if you did!”
Lee Seolhwa continued to yell.

She was letting it all out. She felt like killing him and herself when she received a call from Kim
Dokja’s lawyer yesterday about Yoo Joonghyuk getting a divorce from his husband.

Lee Seolhwa had never expected Yoo Joonghyuk to do something so heinous. She was even more
disgusted with herself for falling in love with him in the first place.

She was a fool. What on earth was she thinking?

“I loved him, I still love him, but I also love you.” Yoo Joonghyuk wasn’t sure what he was

“You can’t be in love with two people at the same time, asshole. You ruined his life, and neither
you nor I deserve to be forgiven.”

“But I promised him I’d be happy with you.” Lee Seolhwa pushed Yoo Joonghyuk against the wall
as he said all that.

“Guess what Yoo Joonghyuk , you’ll need to break his promise again because I don’t want to stay
with an asshole like you any longer,” Lee Seolhwa gritted her teeth as she drew him by his shirt

“I’ve learned my lesson—I’ve learned the meaning of love. You, with your shitty personality,
should do the same.”

Lee Seolhwa shrieked in his face. She was furious with herself for ever believing that love is

It isn’t, as she learned.

She took a step back and drew her belongings with her.

“Kim Dokja was kind enough to forgive you, but I’m not one of them. He deserved better—-
someone not you. He had found peace.”

“Yoo Joonghyuk , I hope you die with guilt gnawing at you.” She spat out, her voice loud and

“Why are you acting as if he’s gone?” Yoo Joonghyuk was suffocated.

“Because he is gone”

A loud bang echoed throughout the apartment, and Lee Seolhwa left him there on his keens as he
attempted to recall what she had just said.

He’s gone.

What exactly did that mean?

Ringing sound enchanted the empty and silent apartment, Yoo Joonghyuk took out his phone out
from his pocket with a trembling hand.

Yoo Joonghyuk said, his hand trembling, “He-hello.”

“Joonghyuk-ssi, I’m Han Sooyoung, Kim Dokja’s lawyer. I’ll get right to the point: the house has
been named after you, and it is now your property.

“Could you please tell me if Kim Dokja is okay?” Whatever the lawyer said, Yoo Joonghyuk

“Now you’re worried about him,” mumbles the other line, which Yoo Joonghyuk didn’t

“Dokja-ssi suffered from brain cancer for a year and died on July 14, the day after he signed the
divorce papers,” she stated emphatically

“What-“ As Han Sooyoung hung up the phone, Yoo Joonghyuk spoke in hushed tones.

He was diagnosed with brain cancer. That explains the frequent headaches, Kim Dokja’s caution
with everything, Yoo Sangah’s protectiveness over him, Kim Dokja’s voice cracking whenever he
sang, and Kim Dokja’s request for seven days together.

“Joonghyuk-ah” Kim Dokja called out softly, grazing towards his husband who leaned on the
sofa, sweating and tired after working.

“What?” Yoo Joonghyuk grumbled.

“Can we talk?”

“Not right now Kim Dokja, I’m tired” Yoo Joonghyuk shook his head and said firmly.

“But it’s important- I thought I was your first priority?” Kim Dokja finally gathered his courage to
say that, he had been holding himself back from saying it ever since Yoo Joonghyuk started
working at the city.

“Can we not do this right now?” Yoo Joonghyuk rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.

“I’m sick”

“ No you’re not- you look health and well” Yoo Joonghyuk snorted as if what Kim dokja said was
funny to him.

Kim Dokja pursed his lips. “It hurts, Joonghyuk-ah, but you don’t notice because you fall asleep
the moment you walk into this house. You’re so tired that you don’t even look at me anymore.”

Kim Dokja waited for a response for a moment, but Yoo Joonghyuk remained motionless. “You’re
being overdramatic,” he muttered.

Kim Dokja was struck.

It was clear that there was no way to reach Yoo Joonghyuk. His husband refused to listen to him
and even had the audacity to accuse him of being “overdramatic” when he was simply expressing
his concerns.

He turned and left the table, shaking, before Yoo Joonghyuk could see the bitter tears welling up in
his eyes.

Yoo Joonghyuk realized too late, that night Kim Dokjaactually wanted to talk about his illness with
him but Yoo Joonghyuk ignored and hurt him. He desired a breakdown. He made Kim Dokja go
through hell over the divorce. He made matters worse for himself.

Yoo Joonghyuk collapsed onto the bed, convinced he’d never be happy again. He wrapped himself
in the blanket. There was blood on his hand, but he had no idea where it had come from. All he
knew was that Kim Dokja had faded away.

Even though he was crying, his heart appeared to be laughing. It was mocking him and his stupid

On his birthday, August 3rd, he received this as a gift.

Yoo Joonghyuk understood that if he were in Kim Dokja’s shoes, he would want to be free. He
knew that if he were in Kim Dokja’s shoes, he would want to be let go.

Let go so that his heart can be free of burdens and hurt, so that it can be filled with love and

Yoo Joonghyuk , on the other hand, ruined those for him.

“I’m sorry, Kim Dokja.” Yoo Joonghyuk pleaded and pleaded.

He repeatedly asked to be in Kim Dokja’s embrace. He wished Kim Dokja to kiss him. He was
willing to go to any length to return time to its previous state.

“Please... don’t leave me.” He muttered each word as if Kim Dokja would return and smile at him.

"Joonghyuk-ah, my love."

" Yes, Dokja-yah?"

"Do you love me?"

" Yes, I always have."

"That's all I need."

He fell asleep on the bed without meaning to, curling into himself as if trying to find warmth
within himself that was fading along with Kim Dokja.

When he opened his eyes, he wished it had all been a dream. But it wasn’t the case. Kim Dokja’s
arms were not around him when he awoke. He awoke in a cold apartment with the darkness
engulfing him.

Yoo Joonghyuk wished he could close his eyes and sleep, immersing himself in a world where
anything was possible, Kim Dokja was alive, and they were happy together.

He took Kim Dokja’s last book in his hands and opened it with a heavy heart. Tears blurred his
vision as he read, despite the fact that each word hurt him, he continued to read.

“Kim Dokja, why did you write our story?” Yoo Joonghyuk sounded hurt, in pain, and

Kim Dokja wrote about them, how they met, how they became friends and lovers, how they
married, how they built a house together, and how they eventually parted ways.
He’d come to the end of their story.

For everything, I am grateful to my husband -no, my ex-husband. Thank you for spending the last
seven days of my life pretending to love me the way you used to. Please don't blame yourself. It
wasn't your fault. I've finally found my peace. You should as well. So, since I'm not coming back,
please stop hoping and start living instead. I love you and goodbye. Take care.

Thank you for showing me what love truly feels like.

Note from the author: Kim Dokja’s final words to him made Yoo Joonghyuk scream, a silent

“Would you please come back?”

Yoo Joonghyuk wanted to laugh, but his laughter would end up sounding morbid and sorrowful
because he thought it was funny that he had left someone who loved him so much.

Why did this happen?

It was now Yoo Joonghyuk ’s turn to experience what it was like to be hurt.

“Kin Dokja, I can’t live without you—what am I supposed to do with my life now?”

Yoo Joonghyuk had always known that crying would make the pain go away. But he couldn’t do
it. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He coughed, but nothing came out. He
blinked, but nothing came out.

He screamed, but nothing came out of his mouth.

Yoo Joonghyuk sobbed, his eyes puffy and red. He held a glass of water in his hand, looking at it
with his tired and lifeless eyes.

He took a sip and let the water run down his throat and all over his body. He exhaled and closed
his eyes.

“Kim Dokja, I don’t deserve to live,” he said softly.

As he looked down at the pocket watch, a sad smile appeared on his face.

It displayed the time as 11.58 a.m.

His birthday was coming to an end in less than two minutes. He never expected a birthday to be as
painful as it was.

“Kim Dokja, I love you.” He smiled, his heart calmed down so suddenly.

“I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for not being there for you, for leaving you, and for causing
you pain. I apologize for not noticing it sooner.” As he spoke his heartbeats ceased as he closed his
eyes and fell onto the cold bed.

The pocket watch slipped from his grasp and landed on the floor, reminding him of the time.

12 a.m.

His birthday had ended abruptly.

Kim Dokja was free.

Kim Dokja was no longer a threat of being hurt or in pain.

Yoo Joonghyuk was free too.

Yoo Joonghyuk was no longer alone and making dumb decisions.

They learnt something from spending seven days together.

Love is beautiful yet painful.

“Oh shit! I’m late” Kim Dokja mumbles as he looked over his watch, running with a coffee in his

As he strides inside Yoo Enterprise ready to face an interview. He wished to work there because
Han Sooyoung, his childhood friend works there. Excited to surprise her, Kim Dokja did not see a
silhouette in front.

It all happened too fast a bump and the caramel macchiato pours gracefully down Yoo
Joonghyuk’s white button-down and black suit. The two-man behind him immediately try in all
their efforts to clean the coffee while scolding Kim Dokja.

“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there sir... I was running late” Kim Dokja apologizes, bowing down
90 degrees.

Yoo Joonghyuk has an unreadable face as take off his black coat and fling it to one of the man.

“Kim Dokja?” Yoo Joonghyuk voices out, his tone sounded so longing and yearning.

Yoo Joonghyuk wanted to reach out and hug the smaller man in front of him, he wanted to beg and
apologize. Who knew he would meet his past lover, his husband.

“Yes sir?” Kim Dokja tittles his head to the side confusingly.

Yoo Joonghyuk smiles a thin smile but shows enough how happy he is as the men behind him are
dumbstruck by how soft he looked like.
Yoo Joonghyuk was cursed, he was cursed to remember his previous life, when he cheated on his
husband, hurt him, and left him to suffer alone.

In this life, Yoo Joonghyuk vows to stay by Kim Dokja’s side forever and if he breaks it well death
will be upon him

In this life, Yoo Joonghyuk is different, a whole new person but with the same feelings for the man
in front of him.
Book Cover and Announcement

Seven Days AU book cover made by hope and rumi @/No One's Ho and @/passionspen on
twitter. Tysm for such a pretty cover ( I cry just by looking at it)

I've gotten notifications of my readers looking forward for new chapter :0 but like I'm not sure
about it.

Comment down reasons why I should write a new chapter of this au please, so I can get my
inspiration and get myself to work! <3
End Notes
End Notes

I hope this ending was acceptable since I wanted to give you joonghyuk a second chance to
redeem himself.

Thank you for reading (sending kisses)

votes and comments are appreciated, tell me your thoughts on this <3
find me here!

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