Bahasa Inggris

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Kelas XMA

Group Member 8:
1. Rafa Aryasatya (31)
2. Ragil Windu P. (32)
3. Reza Pandu F. (33)
4. Rizki Ardiansyah (34)
5. Ryan Nur Ariffudin (35)


Our gratitude goes to the presence of God Almighty who has given His mercy and
grace so that the writer can complete the task entitled ‘P5 Report’ on time. The
author also expresses his deepest gratitude to Ms. Widarti, S. Pd, M.M. as the
English teacher who has directed the writer in completing this task. The purpose of
writing this report is to find out the importance of maintaining cleanliness in the
surrounding environment.
The author also thanks the parties who cannot be mentioned one by one who have
been involved in writing this report. The author realizes that this report is far from
perfect. Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism will always be received
with pleasure by the authors for the improvement of further report writing.

Gombong, 2 March 2023

Cleanliness is a human effort to protect the environment from various waste
in order to create a healthy and comfortable life. Cleanliness is a reflection for every
individual in society in maintaining health which is so important in everyday life.
There is a saying "cleanliness is the base of health". This means that cleanliness
affects health. Cleanliness is a state where it is free from dirt, including dust,
garbage and odors.
We have to keep things clean so that things are comfortable. If we maintain
the cleanliness of the body and the food we consume, surely we will always be
healthy. The same goes for keeping the environment clean. A clean environment
will be a comfortable and safe place because it will not become a nest of disease.
Cleanliness in the school and community environment is quite good. This is
indicated by the availability of trash cans in several corners of the school so that
students can dispose of their waste. In addition, pickets for classrooms have also
been carried out in an orderly manner, so that classrooms are clean and comfortable.
Within the community, community service has often been held to clean gutters, tidy
up the village field, as well as community service at the mosque in preparation for
an event.
There are many benefits that we can get from maintaining cleanliness,
a. Before a natural disaster occurs
By diligently cleaning the home and surrounding environment, such as
disposing of trash in its place, managing waste properly, cleaning gutters
around the house, you can prevent the risk of a flood disaster.
b. Prevent infectious diseases
Keeping the environment clean can help reduce the population of various
animals that are harmful and have the potential to carry disease. In addition,
maintaining personal health such as bathing regularly and washing hands
regularly before and after doing activities can also minimize the risk of germs
and viruses entering the body so maintaining cleanliness means also
maintaining good body health.
c. Creating a healthy and comfortable environment
In this case, cleaning the house and the surrounding environment regularly
every day can build a comfortable environment and atmosphere to live in. Not
only yourself, other people will also be happy to see a neat and clean
environment. Of course, these benefits can be obtained by being disciplined in
carrying out small habits such as diligently sweeping, arranging things around
the house, cleaning and arranging the yard, and so on.
d. Improving Physical and Spiritual Health
As previously explained, keeping the house clean will create environmental
conditions that are healthy and comfortable to live in. A clean environment will
also minimize various factors that cause disease. Apart from that, a clean and
tidy home also helps you to have a clearer mind.
Here are some actions you can take to maintain cleanliness.
a. Dispose of trash in its place
Not only does it make the environment dirty, littering can also block the flow
of rivers, which eventually triggers flash floods. When the garbage is
transported, the river flow will stop and its volume will increase. This is what
has the potential to cause enormous pressure. By disposing of trash in its place,
this can prevent the risk of flooding.
b. Routinely Cleaning Ditches
Cleaning gutters regularly is also a very effective way of keeping the
environment clean. Routinely carrying out mutual cooperation activities or
community service cleaning gutters with the surrounding environment, is able
to prevent floods and dengue fever mosquitoes. Therefore, it is better to make
a community service program once a week to avoid flooding.
c. Segregate types of waste
Citizens should know the types of waste and how to manage it properly. The
type of waste based on its nature is divided into two, namely inorganic and
organic waste. Inorganic waste is waste that is not easily decomposed, such as
plastic containers, bottles, paper, plastic toys, and drinking glasses. Meanwhile,
organic waste is waste that is very easily damaged. Some examples of types of
organic waste include food scraps, vegetables, leaves, and so on.
d. Reducing the use of single-use plastics
The use of single-use plastic can certainly pollute the environment with plastic
waste. This actually becomes a problem when plastic waste is increasing and
endangering other living things. Too much plastic waste will pollute the
environment. Plastic is very difficult to decompose and can endanger the lives
of land and sea animals.
e. Carry out pickets in the classroom
How to maintain the cleanliness of the school environment can be started in the
place where children study, namely the classroom. The form can be making a
picket schedule to take turns cleaning the class before or after class is over.
Furthermore, how to keep the class clean can be done by dividing tasks, such
as sweeping and mopping the floor, as well as wiping down surfaces or objects
in the classroom. Good classroom cleanliness will make students comfortable
to study.

Based on the discussion above, it can be interpreted that maintaining

cleanliness is something that must be done. There are many ways you can do to
maintain cleanliness, such as disposing of trash in its place and carrying out pickets
in the classroom. By maintaining cleanliness, the environment becomes
comfortable and we can avoid various diseases. The author's suggestion is that we
must always maintain the cleanliness of our bodies, family environment, school
environment, and society.

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