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Good morning, people.

Back with me, Eflia andini in Great News.

This time we will be delivering the news
of the theft that occurred in the house of
one of the residents in the Beringin

the incident occurred at 02.00 pm, and

the items taken by the thief were a
laptop, vcd, radio and television.

more details will be explained by the

reporter Riva who was already at the

efli: Hi Riva, can you hear me?

riva: Hello, Eflia. Yes, I can hear you. I am
at at Beringin housing. Right now, I have
Mr Ahmad and Mrs. Roza, one of the
victim of theft in the area. Good morning,
Mr Ahmad and Mrs. Roza.
ahmad roza: Good morning, mr!
riva: How are you and your family?
ahmad: Fortunately, my family is okay.
riva: Approximately, what time did the
theft occur at your house mr?
ahmad: the theft occurred at
approximately 02.00 pm
riva: what items were taken by the thief?
ahmad: laptop, vcd, radio and television
riva: why the items taken are only
electronics, don't take jewelry or money?
roza: there is a possibility, if the thief
enters the room, it will take money and
jewelry. It's just that, because my
husband was in the room, the thief didn't
dare enter.
riva: How was your condition after the
theft occurred? Trauma or something.
What hope do you have now?
roza: there must be trauma. And this is
the first time there has been a theft in my
house. Of course, I have hope for the
authorities to act as quickly as possible.
At least, public safety is maintained, so
that theft does not happen again.
riva: All right, thank you, mr Ahmad and
Mrs. Roza for your time. Okay, Eflia. This
is Riva reporting from the scene.

okay, thank you for reporter Riva and mr
Ahmad and mrs Roza, I hope all viewers
are more careful

so that was the news for this morning,

Follow the next update in Great News one

hour ahead. I am Eflia Andini, good
morning and see you.

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