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BT 2019

Attempts of restoration of forest ecosystems in global level

Various strategies, such as assisted natural regeneration, tree planting, and natural regeneration with
assistance, are used to restore forest ecosystems around the world. The tactics frequently involve
involving and engaging the community, safeguarding existing forests, and utilizing native plant species.
The Bonn Challenge, the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration, and the UN Decade on
Ecosystem Restoration are a few organizations and programs that support forest restoration on a global
scale. The outcome of these efforts will rely on a number of variables, including the climate, the soil, and
the degree of human involvement.

Certainly! Here are some further details regarding the efforts being made worldwide to restore forest

1. Natural Regeneration: Allowing forests to spontaneously recover on their own is one of the
most economical strategies. Consequently, less human involvement is required, and natural
processes like seed dissemination, germination, and growth are permitted to take place. In
regions where disturbances like logging, fires, or cultivation have ended, it is frequently
2. Planting trees: This entails putting down trees in regions where forests have been destroyed or
damaged. The strategy can be put into practice in a variety of ways, including by using direct
seeding methods or growing seedlings in nurseries. The success of tree planting is influenced by
variables like soil quality, weather, and the utilization of native species.
3. Natural regeneration with assistance: This combines the advantages of planting trees and
natural regeneration. The strategy entails guarding and fostering natural forest regeneration by
eradicating interfering vegetation and giving new trees support to ensure their survival.
4. Community Engagement: Local communities are frequently involved in the design and execution
of restoration operations. Participation from the community may support long-term
sustainability, raise awareness of the advantages of forests, and guarantee the preservation of
indigenous knowledge.
5. Protection of Existing Forests: An essential component of restoration efforts is safeguarding
existing forests from deforestation, degradation, and fragmentation. In order to do this, it may
be necessary to put laws and regulations into place that control how land is used, to encourage
conservation, and to establish protected areas.
6. Native plant species are used in restoration projects to increase biodiversity, foster ecological
resilience, and increase the likelihood of success. By outcompeting native species and changing
ecological processes, using exotic species can have a negative effect on regional ecosystems.

In general, a variety of variables, including the degree of human involvement, the accessibility of
resources, and the participation of local populations, affect the outcome of restoration efforts. To
guarantee the long-term success of forest restoration activities, ongoing monitoring and evaluation are
also crucial.

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