Prof Ed 221 - Activity 2

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Unit 2 (Prof Ed 221) Name: ____________________________________________

Activity No. 2 Program/Year: ____________Date Submitted: ___________

A. The following are examples of learning outcome; in the second column, write the domain
𝑐𝑢𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒

in which each outcome is classified and in the third column the level/ category to which
the learning outcome belongs.

Domain Level/Category

1.Formulate a procedure to
follow in preparing for class

2. Formulate new program

3. Perform repeatedly with

speed and accuracy.

4. Listen to others with respect.

5. Select the most effective

among a number of solutions.

6. Watch a more experienced


7. Know the rules and practices.

8. Show the ability to resolve


9. Apply learning principles in

studying pupil behavior

10. Recite prices of commodities

from memory

*For the cognitive domain, use Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to determine level
*For the psychomotor, use Dave’s Classification

B. Using the indicated topic or subject matter, formulate learning outcomes for each of the
3 domains arranged from the simplest to the most complex level or category.

1. Cognitive: Topic- Investigative project in Biological Science

• Remembering
• Understanding
• Applying
• Analyzing
• Evaluating
• Creating
2. Psychomotor: Topic – Table Setting
• Observing
• Imitating
• Practicing
• Adapting
3. Affective: Topic- Developing and Nurturing Honesty
• Receiving
• Responding
• Valuing
• Organizing
• Internalizing

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