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Episode 1

Orientation - As a student teacher, I have a duty and responsibility to uphold. To complete my

assignments, I must work together with my critique and supervisor teachers.

Expectations - I anticipated learning more teaching-related information, gaining experience managing a

real classroom, and learning the standards that must be met by teachers.

Cooperating school - is a public elementary or high school that offers off-campus practice teaching for
aspiring teachers.

Cooperating principal – the individual who holds the position of highest authority or importance within
a collaborating school.

Cooperating teacher - a teacher who is mentoring a teacher trainee in the subject area and a mentor
who models effective teaching practices for the teacher trainee.

Expectations What I need to do

Be a good teacher and work hard for the learners I should set an example for the students by acting
appropriately and portraying decent manners,
habits, and behavior.

I should be dedicated to getting ready and review

my lessons in advance.

Be friendly and extend help to one another I should be willing to offer my support to anyone,
especially to the learners, cooperating teacher
and other stakeholders who needs my help. I'll be
accessible to anyone who needs my assistance
and ensuring credibility at all times.

Expectations What I need to do

Fulfill my duties as an educator. My responsibilities as a teacher should include
creating thorough, succinct lesson plans, obliging
my resource teacher's reasonable requests,
learning more about my pupils, and maintaining
moral interpersonal relationships with both my
resource teacher and my students.

Adhere to the standards of professional conduct Recognize and act in accordance with the new
for teachers. status that I now hold as a teacher rather than a
peer of my students by conducting myself
professionally in all of my actions, words, and

Knowledge - I must be well-versed in the subjects I will be discussing in order to transmit accurate
information and prevent spreading wrong ideas.
Skills – To design and promote activities that will challenge students to go beyond their comfort zones
by making use of their skills with strategies and other teaching techniques

Attitude – Create harmonious connections with the learners and keep good relations with the school
staff and administration.

Habits – to cultivate positive professional attitudes, interests, and beliefs regarding the teaching
profession. These routines will be beneficial to me during my internship.

Orientation sessions are conducted because it's essential for us student teachers to know what to do
and how to execute things and act both inside and outside the cooperating school's premises. We must
become familiar with the school's rules, the behaviors of the learners, and our own responsibilities. As a
result, we might be equipped to deal with and overcome challenges that may arise.

I need to follow the policies and procedures of the cooperating school so that I can blend in and
comprehend the attitudes and behaviors of the learners and other people inside the school campus. I
may practice setting a positive example for the learners by being mindful of what is and isn't permitted
on the school grounds. By abiding these regulations, it fosters goodwill and respect with the cooperating
institution and adhering to the protocol set forth by the DepEd 

I need to follow the policies and procedures of the cooperating school so that I pursue and attain a
position that will promote the image of my educational institution and provide me with a
comprehensive teaching experience. My rights and ideals as a student teacher will be safeguarded by
simply adhering to these rules and regulations, which will also serve as a constant reminder of the dos
and don'ts, my constraints, and my limitations. For this reason, I've placed a satisfied and contented
emoji on the left side.

Given the time I spent in the teacher education program, there is no explanation as to why I am not
prepared to teach. I'm a student of education who respects his beliefs as a teacher in addition to
applying concepts in practical ways with his hands and intellect. In addition to being prepared and ready,
I also need to have the desire to achieve. The ability to teach effectively and sustainably is a key
foundation for doing so.

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