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Int. J. Plant Sci. 164(3 Suppl.):S93–S102. 2003.

䉷 2003 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.



Nina Theis and Manuel Lerdau1
Ecology and Evolution Department, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5245, U.S.A.

For the past 40 years, the ecology and evolution of plant secondary metabolites have been major foci of
investigation. We use one class of secondary metabolites, the terpenes, as a case study for exploring the factors
regulating the evolution of metabolite function. Evolution of function can occur as a result of change at any
of several scales of biological organization. Changes in gene sequence and/or genetic architecture underlie
several important evolutionary changes in function, and changes in gene regulation that alter terpene quantities
also are linked with functional shifts. In addition, changes in the spatial distribution of terpenes within plants
and in the structures used for terpene storage can be involved with functional shifts. Finally, as volatile
compounds, terpenes play important roles as signaling compounds, and evolution of function can occur through
changes in organisms that receive signals as well as the organisms that send them. In terpenes, significant
changes in function have occurred as insects have learned to use terpenes as attractant or deterrent cues. A
complete understanding of the evolution of function in secondary metabolites requires studying the regulation
of function across all of these scales.

Keywords: secondary metabolite, terpene, terpenoid, allocation, chemical defense, chemical ecology.

Introduction olite, and tens of thousands of lives each year are destroyed
by its commercial importance. In another striking example of
Nowhere in the plant kingdom do ecology, evolution, and profitable secondary metabolites, the Bayer Company later ap-
human affairs come together as intricately as in phenomena plied similar acetylation techniques to salicylic acid, derived
involving secondary metabolites. (Secondary metabolites are originally from the bark of willows, Salix, to create aspirin.
those compounds produced by plants that are not directly es- The modern appreciation of these secondary metabolites
sential for basic photosynthetic or respiratory metabolism; from ecological and evolutionary perspectives had its spread
such compounds are known as primary metabolites.) The im- outside of the plant-insect ecology community with Fraenkel’s
portance of these compounds is apparent in some of the earliest
1959 article in Science, “Raison d’Être of Secondary Plant
annals of human history. For example, Papaver somniferum,
Substances.” In this article he postulated that the overwhelm-
the original source of morphine and codeine, was known to
ing array of chemicals found in plants were more than simply
the Sumerians in 4000 BCE as hul gil (joy-plant). These two
alkaloids, so important in human affairs for many millennia, by-products of primary metabolism that served as waste prod-
probably evolved within the genus Papaver originally as de- ucts for these organisms that lacked excretory systems. By the
fensive compounds against herbivores. As a testament to the time of Fraenkel’s article, the dust had largely settled on the
importance of secondary metabolites, P. somniferum was one question of whether nonnutritive factors such as attractants
the first plants to be cultivated for a reason other than its or repellents played a major role in insect host preference.
caloric or nutritive value. Sadly, its importance has only in- Fraenkel, Dethier (1954), and their colleagues had provided
creased over time. overwhelming evidence that insects paid attention to these sec-
Organic chemists of the nineteenth century were among the ondary substances in making their choices about what plants
first to recognize and study the diversity of plant secondary to eat.
metabolites and to analyze them both in terms of structure Within 1 year of Fraenkel’s 1959 publication, extensive re-
and function. Chemical modification of morphine, obtained view articles in both the plant physiological and entomological
from P. somniferum, was one of the Bayer Company’s first literature addressed the topic of the functions of secondary
great commercial successes. The German organic chemists de- substances (Neish 1960; Thorsteinson 1960). Ecologists and
veloped techniques to acetylate morphine and produce what evolutionary biologists soon took up the cudgels, and the past
they claimed at the time to be a nonaddictive version of the 40 years have seen the development, testing, refinement, and,
drug. Soon, however, the company realized that their new
in some cases, rejection of models that describe the ecology
product, sold under the trade name Heroin, was vastly more
and evolution of these “secondary” substances. With the func-
addictive. The economies of several developing nations in Asia
tional roles of these compounds broadly acknowledged, several
still depend on the acetylation of this plant secondary metab-
challenges presented themselves to scientists interested in their
ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Most obviously, the de-
Author for correspondence; e-mail
tails of the processes underlying the interactions between each
Manuscript received September 2002; revised manuscript received January 2003. of these compounds and their target pest or pathogen became


(and remain) one of the most vibrant topics in ecological and The diversity of chemicals found within plants has been
physiological research. explained as resulting from the interaction of plants and their
Two features of these chemicals and the interactions between major pests, pathogens, and predators. Ehrlich and Raven
the plants that produce them and their respective pests raised (1964) proposed that the evolution of secondary plant metab-
questions that continue today to motivate ecologists, evolu- olites and the stepwise evolutionary responses to these com-
tionists, agriculturalists, and legions of graduate students. First pounds by phytophagous insects have led to the radiation and
of all, the staggering diversity of “secondary” chemicals found diversity of both of these groups. While the stepwise process
in plants, even in closely related taxa, immediately raised ques- of escape and radiate has come under close scrutiny, the com-
tions regarding the origin and maintenance of this diversity. plexity of this battle between plants and insects is well doc-
Second, the role of these chemicals in modulating plant-pest umented in the diversity of secondary phytochemicals that act
interactions and the prevalence of host specificity among phy- as deterrents against herbivores. The model of Jones and Firn
tophagous insects are poorly understood but essential issues (1991) brings advances in our understanding of chemical ac-
for ecological and evolutionary studies as well as for applied tivity to bear on the question of chemical diversity and indi-
questions in agriculture. cates that plants will have a much higher diversity of com-
Evolutionary and ecological studies of plant secondary me- pounds than are used for defense at any one time. Together,
tabolites have been closely linked because of the early recog- the models of Jones and Firn (1991) and Ehrlich and Raven
nition that many of these compounds played distinct ecological (1964) explain the amazing chemical diversity observed. These
roles while also showing phylogenetic affinities, such that de- ecological and physiochemical models must, however, be eval-
tails of the distribution of chemical structures among taxa uated within a phylogenetic framework when attempts are
could not be explained without considering evolutionary re- made to apply them to empirical data (Monson 1996).
lationships. However, it soon became apparent that phyloge- The more challenging issue has been, and continues to be,
netic relationships among plants were not sufficient to predict developing a model for predicting the quantities of secondary
functional roles of secondary compounds. For example, chem- metabolites found in plants. The work of Herbert Simon to
ically similar secondary metabolites such as terpenes can serve extend optimality modeling and linear programming tech-
a range of functions, including herbivore deterrence, fungal niques from economics to other disciplines (Simon 1959) soon
toxicity, and pollinator attraction; they can also function as found a receptive home in ecology and evolutionary biology.
solvents for higher molecular mass compounds that would The first efforts to use optimality theory in plants were applied
otherwise solidify and clog transport systems in plants. to models of reproduction (Cohen 1966). Seminal articles fol-
Ecological and evolutionary models have focused on the lowed shortly thereafter that addressed questions regarding
origin and maintenance of plant chemical diversity and on the allocation to secondary metabolites from an optimality per-
regulation of chemical concentrations within plants. There has spective (McKey 1974). These articles were based on the log-
been less effort to date on formal models of the evolution of ical conclusion that any resources allocated to defense could
secondary metabolite function and of how function may not be used for growth or reproduction. Thus, in evolutionary
change over time, though some researchers have examined terms, there must be a cost to defense, and this cost can be
these questions on the scale of particular plant clades (Arm- calculated by estimating the foregone reproduction resulting
bruster et al. 1997). Rather than attempt to cover the panoply from allocation to defense. The benefit of allocation to defense
of theoretical and empirical literature regarding all of the above is then the increase in reproduction that occurs as a result of
topics, this review focuses on one of the most diverse chemical a plant’s not losing biomass to pests or pathogens.
groups, the terpenoids, and addresses questions regarding evo- Coincident with this explicit optimality approach, Feeny
lutionary origins, plant concentrations, and changes in func- (1976) developed a model of allocation to secondary metab-
tion through time. Recent advances at the genetic, physiolog- olites that was based on a notion of the risk faced by plants.
ical, and ecological scales allow us to use terpenes as models This model, the apparency model, partitions plants into those
for the study of the evolution of chemical function and of the that are likely to be specialized on by herbivores (plants that
ecological impacts of evolutionary change. We begin by re- are apparent) in contrast with those that are not. The “un-
viewing the broad classes of models used to explain chemical apparent” plants, ephemeral in their distribution, are more
diversity and concentration and then move on to discuss recent likely to evade detection by specialists and can afford defenses
advances in our understanding of terpenoids in light of these that work at low concentrations and are mobilized for reuse.
models. The concept of apparency brings explicit consideration of risk
to the calculation of optimal levels of defense in plants.
Evolutionary Models In the early 1980s attention began to focus on the role of
resource availability as a parameter affecting growth rate and
With the recognition that secondary metabolites were not the relative costs and benefits of producing secondary metab-
just plant waste products came attempts to understand their olites for defense. This optimality approach is seen in the evo-
distribution and abundance. Two challenges immediately faced lutionary model of Coley et al. (1985) and Bloom et al. (1985).
efforts to develop models of allocation to secondary metab- A decade ago Zangerl and Bazzaz (1992) brought together risk
olites. The first was to understand the origin and maintenance and resource availability into a comprehensive optimality
of the astounding diversity of chemicals produced in the plant model that has proven extremely effective at predicting allo-
kingdom, and the second was to discover the patterns under- cation to defense.
lying the variation in quantities that are found both within Among the models not based on optimality principles, per-
and among plants of the same and different species. haps the most significant model was put forth in the early

1980s by John Bryant et al. (1983). They proposed that al- the precursors of sesquiterpenes (C15) and multiples thereof,
location to various defensive compounds was governed by ba- for example, the triterpenes (C30), via the cytosol; and the
sic stoichiometric requirements and that when resources were plastidic DOXP/MEP produces units of C10, such as the pre-
available in excess of a plant’s ability to use them for growth cursors of monoterpenes (C10) and diterpenes (C20), etc.
or reproduction, the resources would be allocated to secondary (Lichtenthaler et al. 1997). Recent evidence indicates that there
metabolites. This model, termed the carbon-nutrient balance may well be sharing of intermediates across these pathways,
hypothesis, has excited much heat and a little light, but its a sort of biosynthetic cross talk (Jux et al. 2001).
intellectual status is more akin to the sort of null model that A common ancestor has been implicated for both pro-
all good optimality models must posit simultaneously (Beatty karyotic and eukaryotic prenyltransferases (Chen et al. 1994).
1980) than to a general challenge to optimality thinking (Ler- These enzymes share two highly conserved regions that contain
dau and Coley 2002). the aspartate-rich consensus sequence DDXX(XX)D (Mc-
The challenge now facing ecologists and evolutionists is less Garvey and Croteau 1995). This sequence has been postulated
to discern which particular optimality model is most applicable as the binding site for the metal ion-complexed diphosphate
to particular plants and their secondary metabolites than it is group (Ashby and Edwards 1990; Lesburg et al. 1997). The
to bring together advances in the genetic and physiological electrophilic reaction mechanism proceeds through the gen-
bases of secondary metabolite function with ecological and eration of a carbocation intermediate. This mechanism is also
phylogenetic patterns of compound distribution. For terpenes used by the TPSs, which share the similar DDXXD motif
enough is known, as we outline below, to begin to draw these (Bohlmann et al. 1998). These electrophilic reactions in TPSs
connections and develop a theoretical perspective that uses and the manner in which the resulting carbocation is quenched
ecology and evolution to understand diversity and abundance give rise to the great diversity of terpenoids functioning in so
from the genetic to the phylogenetic scale and that takes into many different metabolic processes.
account the functional roles of these compounds. Evidence for the common heritage of the plant terpene syn-
thases comes from the similar reaction mechanism, as well as
Genetic Details and Biochemistry of Terpenoids from sequence similarity, including exon and intron size and
conserved sequence motifs (Bohlmann et al. 1998; Trapp and
The functional diversity of chemicals within plants is best Croteau 2001). Phylogenetic analysis of 33 TPSs from an-
demonstrated by terpenoids. More than 30,000 terpenoids giosperms and gymnosperms established that the origin of
(Buckingham 1998) have been identified, each one composed TPSs occurred before the splitting off of the angiosperms (Bohl-
of 5-carbon (prenyl diphosphate) building blocks added mann et al. 1998). Synthases from angiosperms and gymno-
together to make 10-carbon, 15-carbon, and even 2000– sperms functioning in primary metabolism are more closely
500,000-carbon chains, as is the case for rubber. Terpenes are related than angiosperm synthases are to each other. However,
functionally diverse, and many are integral to primary metab- the specific functions of monoterpene, sesquiterpene, and di-
olism, e.g., hormones such as gibberellins and abscisic acid, terpene synthases involved with secondary metabolism evolved
electron carriers such as plastoquinone and ubiquinone, after the divergance of the gymnosperms and the angiosperms.
terpene-derived compounds that form structural parts of mem- For example, the limonene synthases in gymnosperms (Abies)
branes such as phytosterols, and photosynthetic pigments such and angiosperms (Mentha) are not closely related but are, in-
as carotenoids. stead, an example of convergent evolution.
There are two biochemical pathways responsible for the syn- S-linalool synthase, an enzyme that produces S-linalool, an
thesis of terpenoids. In both prenyltransferases act in the con- attractive component of some floral blends, is structurally the
densation of an isoprene unit, IDP (isopentenyl diphosphate), most distinct synthase gene identified so far. This distinctive-
with an IDP isomer, DMADP (dimethallyl diphosphate), in a ness may not be surprising as the action of this enzyme is
head-to-tail addition. The result, prenyl diphosphates of var- different from other synthases, catalyzing a simple ionization,
ying lengths, is then modified through dimerization and cy- with water trapping the carbocation rather than the inter- or
clization by TPSs (terpene synthases) to produce a diverse array intracarbon carbon bond formation (McGarvey and Croteau
of terpenoids with an almost equally diverse array of functions. 1995; Pichersky et al. 1995). However, a common origin be-
The head-to-tail addition of isoprenoid units was initially tween plant-linalool synthase and bacterial-linalool synthase
identified as the biosynthetic mechanism for the synthesis of is unlikely, since it has been hypothesized that in plants this
terpenoids (Ruzicka 1953). The first pathway described, one synthase is actually a composite gene that evolved through
that is common to bacteria, fungi, mammals, and plants, is a recombination event between a copalyl pyrophosphate
the mevalonic acid pathway (Spurgeon and Porter 1981). In synthase-like gene and the limonene synthase-like gene (Cseke
plants there are two subcellular locations for the synthesis of et al. 1998).
terpenes, the cytosol and the plastids. It was not until 1997 In general, the synthases involved in the production of ter-
that Lichtenthaler et al. (1997) discovered that the plastid- penoid secondary metabolites are far more readily adaptable
bound pathway was distinct biochemically. They showed that than synthases involved in the production of terpenoid primary
this “new” pathway, the DOXP/MEP (deoxyxylulose phos- metabolites. While gene duplication is believed to be the pri-
phate/methylerythritol) pathway, is identical to that discovered mary mode for evolving a new trait from an old gene (Gottlieb
in bacteria a few years earlier and probably is a legacy of 1982), the evolution of function in secondary metabolites may
prokaryotic endosymbiotic ancestors (Cvejic and Rohmer not require doubling; if a gene is not critical for organismal
2000). Thus, in higher plants there are two pathways for gen- function, there may be continuous opportunity for new func-
erating terpenes. The classic mevalonic acid pathway produces tions to evolve by mutation, leading to higher diversity (Pi-

chersky and Gang 2000). When such a change occurs in an angiosperms, Thymus and Mentha. In Thymus vulgaris there
isolated population it may be tied to cladogenesis. In addition, are six chemotypes in which epistatic interactions form a dom-
functional diversity can arise with very little change in synthase inance hierarchy. The chemotypes, in rank order of dominance,
structure. Closely related genes can encode enzymes synthe- are geraniol 1 alpha terpineol 1 thuyanol-4 1 linalool 1 car-
sizing dissimilar monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Bohlmann vacrol 1 thymol. A series of six loci each with a dominant and
et al. (1997) showed that TPSs with greater than 70%–90% a recessive allele controls the branching along the pathway
identity can catalyze distinct chemical reactions, whereas other and, thereby, the chemotype produced (Vernet et al. 1986).
TPSs with no more than 30% similarity may catalyze the same Unless the plant is homozygous recessive for geraniol, geraniol
reaction. By swapping regions on two synthase genes, 5- will be produced; if it is homozygous recessive for geraniol,
epi-aristolochene and vetispiradiene, Back and Chappell then alpha terpineol will be produced; if it homozygous re-
(1996) were able to demonstrate that just one exon is respon- cessive for both geraniol and alpha terpineol, then thuyanol-
sible for substrate specificity while another exon is responsible 4 will be produced, and so on, along the hierarchy of the six
for the different reaction products. Another path to diversifi- morphs.
cation involves enzymes that synthesize multiple products de- In Mentha different species have been extensively studied to
pending on protein environment. In some cases only a single determine the genetic control of the monoterpenes in this ge-
product is formed, while in other cases numerous products are nus, with attention paid both to the end-products and to the
generated by the same synthase. For example, in grand fir, enzymes that produce the intermediates (Murray and Lincoln
Abies grandis, the substrate farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) leads 1970; Hefendehl and Murray 1976; Croteau and Gershenzon
to an extraordinary diversity of end products when acted on 1994). Most of the genes in the pathway appear to be diallelic
by constitutive synthases such as g-humulene synthase (three with simple dominant and recessive alleles. For example, lim-
major and 52 minor sesquiterpenes) or d-selinene synthase onene synthase is controlled by two diallelic genes that interact
(three major and 34 minor sesquiterpenes). In contrast, in- epistatically. The interactions between these two genes control
ducible synthase enzymes such as d-cadinene synthase and (E)- the production of the three possible end-products: (-)-trans
a-bisabolene synthase each produce a single end-product carveol, (-)-trans-isopiperitenol, or limonene itself. Compli-
(Steele et al. 1998). These two single-product enzymes are in- cating the picture further, a third allele epistatically affects these
duced in response to herbivore damage, suggesting perhaps a two genes and can lead to the synthesis of linalool and linalyl
general pattern of constitutive terpene synthases leading to acetate rather then any of these three cyclic monoterpenes. The
multiple end-products, while those that are induced in response study of Mentha has also led to the identification of several
to damage have fewer end-products. Clearly, further work multiallelic loci as well as alleles with incomplete dominance
must be done to test the generality of this pattern. (Croteau and Gershenzon 1994).
In terms of the factors regulating the quantity of terpenes In addition to the complex examples outlined above, there
produced, the primary regulation appears to reside in the first are a number of examples of simple genetic control by one
step of the pathway, the conversion of prenyl diphosphate into major dominant gene or by closely linked loci for angiosperms
the structurally diverse higher terpenes (McGarvey and Cro- as well as gymnosperms. In Perilla frutescens, there are two
teau 1995). From studies on isoprene synthase in velvet bean dominant genes essential for the formation of cyclic monoter-
(Kuzma and Fall 1993), linalool synthase in Clarkia breweri penoids (Nishizawa et al. 1992), and in Achillea simple dom-
(Pichersky et al. 1994; Dudareva et al. 1996), and limonene inant genetic control has been identified for the sesquiterpene
synthases in mint (Gersehenzon and Croteau 1993), levels of longipinenone (Fischer et al. 2001). In Pinus elliotii, both b-
terpene synthase activity have been correlated with the pro- pinene and myrcene are each controlled by single but inde-
duction of terpenoids, although levels of precursors could ul- pendent genes (Squillace 1971). Similarly, d-3-carene, a mono-
timately be a rate-limiting step (McGarvey and Croteau 1995). terpene present in Pinus pinaster, is controlled by one major
For example, the level of monoterpenes in the oil glands of gene or closely linked loci (Plomion et al. 1996). Experimental
mint species reflects the enzyme levels (Gersehenzon and Cro- studies using hybrids have produced similar results. Raguso
teau 1993; Gershenzon et al. 2000). Similarly, linalool synthase and Pichersky (1999) found that S-linalool in C. breweri was
activity closely matches the production of linalool and its de- controlled by simple Mendelian dominance. Shepherd et al.
rivatives. However, when petunia was transformed with S- (1999) used QTL analysis on half sibs and also found the
linalool synthase cDNA linalool was successfully expressed but monoterpenes of a eucalypt hybrid to be controlled by a single
not emitted. Instead it was converted to the nonvolatile -linalyl- gene region. In summary, it is difficult to generalize the relative
b-D-glucopyranoside (Lücker et al. 2001). Induction by importance of simple Mendelian compared with complex ep-
wounding or by fungal elicitors may also lead to an up- istatic relationships in determining the composition and quan-
regulation of TPSs and prenyltransferases (Martin et al. 2002). tities of terpenes produced. The apparent ubiquity of both
However, with the notable exception of Mentha, little is known mechanisms, however, indicates multiple possibilities for ge-
about the enzymes along the pathways. Without information netic control, and, thus, evolutionary change, in most taxa.
on concentration of intermediates and flux rates through the
pathway, it is difficult to accurately assess the most important Location and Function of Terpenoid Production
regulatory steps (Croteau and Gershenzon 1994).
Genetic variation (both within and among species) occurs Terpenoid secondary metabolites occur across a wide range
in the context of both epistatic interactions and simple Men- of plant tissue types; those serving as defensive chemicals are
delian relationships. For example, epistatic interactions have often secured in secretory structures. Such specialized struc-
been implicated for the two best-studied systems among the tures minimize the risk of autotoxicity but maintain terpene

concentrations at sites whose defense is crucial. In conifers, sensory modalities may be crucial in determining the function
terpenoids are stored in resin ducts or lactifers under pressure, of particular terpenes (Bergstrom et al. 1995).
which can have a devastating impact on small herbivores (Ger- Dalechampia is an excellent example of the crucial role that
shenzon and Croteau 1991). In angiosperms, glandular tri- spatial patterns of scent emission can play in plant-insect in-
chomes that contain terpenes often serve as a first line of de- teractions. From a phylogenetic study, Armbruster et al. (1997)
fense against would-be herbivores. These externally based determined that a triterpene resin underwent an evolutionary
structures enhance the effectiveness of chemical defenses be- switch in function from a deterrent and toxin to an attractant
cause they can arrest feeding preemptively. In addition, pellucid and reward, and then back again to its deterrent role. Ances-
glands and secretory ducts within leaves are also common trally, resin functioned as a defense, evenly distributed in the
(Fahn 1988). floral tissue. However, in a group of more derived species
In conifers, oleoresin, a complex mixture of terpenoids that within the same genus, pollinated by resin-collecting bees, resin
includes monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and diterpenes, is an ducts are unified and positioned for optimal pollinator at-
important defense strategy against bark beetles and their as- traction leading to greater pollination efficiency. In the most
sociated fungal pathogens (Langenheim 1994). There is great derived species, resin ducts occur in the leaves and protect the
diversity in the manner of storage and release for this defensive foliage from herbivores. The chemical composition of the res-
blend. On one end of the continuum are compounds stored in ins is similar in all three taxa; it is the placement of the resin
branched interconnected canals, e.g., the resin canal system of duct within the plant that defines its functions.
Pinus. Attack by an herbivore or pathogen causes very little
biochemical induction of terpene synthesis in conifers with Organism Response and the Evolution of
complex canal systems; the main plant response involves the Function in Terpenoids
transport of terpenes through the canals to the site of attack,
often across several meters. At the other end of the spectrum For all compounds involved with interorganismal signaling,
are the simple resin cells of Thuja (cedar), which can be induced function can evolve through changes in the recipient organisms
by attack but are normally either absent or present in very low rather than through changes in the sending organism. The
quantities. Abies (true firs) have multicellular resin blisters that literature is replete with accounts of both toxicity and repel-
are less complex in Larix, Picea, and Pseudotsuga (larch, lency on insect, mammalian, and molluscan herbivores (Ger-
spruce, and Douglas fir), where the blisters are connected but shenzon and Croteau 1991; Harborne 1993; Langenheim
also inducible (Lewinsohn et al. 1991). 1994). These toxic effects have been demonstrated mostly for
As Gershenzon and Croteau (1991) point out, the defense generalist herbivores, but many of these studies have been con-
theory proposed by McKey (1979) and Rhoades (1979) of ducted on agricultural pests rather than actual herbivores the
“risk and value” has largely proven useful in locating the tis- plant is likely to encounter in a natural setting (Berenbaum
sues with the highest levels of terpenes. Concentrations of ter- 1986; Gershenzon and Croteau 1991). Many specialist insects,
penoids are generally higher in reproductive structures and which the plant certainly does encounter, have seemingly
typically highest in the foliage during and immediately follow- adapted to these defensive compounds. No longer do they find
ing flowering (Rapparini et al. 2001). Young leaves are more these compounds repellent; instead the compounds may be
important to a plant than older leaves, and the highest levels used as cues for host recognition, even when they retain their
of terpenoids are found in the young organs (Fischbach et al. growth inhibiting effects. While feeding on the toxin may re-
2002). Variation in concentration can also vary within a tissue. duce growth, fitness can actually increase through reduced pre-
The pattern of constitutive monoterpenes along the needles of dation due to sequestered toxins.
ponderosa pine slows caterpillar feeding. Terpenes increase as Are these adaptations and counteradaptations the very phe-
the caterpillar feeds, motivating the caterpillar to switch nee- nomena that Ehrlich and Raven envisioned in 1964? Few tax-
dles and slowing the rate of damage, thereby giving the plant onomic groups have been put to the test, because a sound test
time to induce TPSs (Litvak and Monson 1998). requires both a robust phylogeny and ample ecological infor-
For terpenoids that are released to attract insects, specialized mation. Most of the research conducted on plant-insect inter-
storage structures are far less common. These compounds are actions has not explicitly addressed even reciprocal adaptation
generally released as they are produced and so are maintained (Futuyma 2000), much less the “escape and radiate” hypoth-
within plant tissues far below toxic levels. However, there are esis of Erhlich and Raven. In the few cases where it has been
exceptions to this pattern. Osmophores are specialized scent- properly tested, the hypothesis has been both rejected, e.g.,
producing organs of variable morphology and ontogeny, many Mexican flea beetles, Blepharida, on its host Bursera (Becerra
of which store the volatiles they produce. In orchids such as 1997), and supported, e.g., Phyllobrotica beetles and plants
Stanhopea, Clowesia, and Polycycnis, euglossine bees are at- in the Lamiales (Farrell and Mitter 1990) and Tetraopes (long-
tracted to the terpene-based scent that is emitted from these horned beetle) on Asclepias (milkweed) (Farrell and Mitter
structures (Vogel 1963; Dressler 1982). Specialized structures 1998). This last example appears to follow a phylogenetic
are not necessary for the establishment of spatial patterns in progression in the potency of the cardenolides, tracked by the
floral emissions. Pollen and anthers can have altogether dif- counteradaptations of the beetle lineage. These linked changes
ferent mixtures of volatile scents compared to the rest of the are especially intriguing as the beetles are just one of the many
flower, and many pollen-feeding insects are adapted to dis- groups of herbivores that feed on Asclepias.
cerning these scent mixtures (Dobson 1987; Dobson and The most charismatic herbivore on Asclepias is certainly the
Bergstrom 2000). Scent guides that bolster visual nectar guides monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus, which is the textbook
have also been identified, indicating that interactions among example of a specialist herbivore that feeds on a toxin (car-

denolides) and gains advantage via sequestration. Interestingly, Phylogenetic analyses of floral scent have demonstrated that,
for first instar larvae, a high concentration of cardenolides while there is some conservation in the classes of compounds
actually reduced the rate of growth and survival (Zalucki and produced, there is also a high degree of homoplasy at the level
Malcolm 1999). Another specialist on Asclepias, the weevil of the specific compound (Barkman 1997; Levin et al. 2001).
Rhyssomatus lineaticollis, is cryptically colored and does not The great diversity of compounds is likely maintained to pro-
sequester the toxin, although there are high concentrations of mote pollinator fidelity. When rewards are not forthcoming,
cardenolides in the pith where the larvae feed. The stems on the importance of these signals is especially apparent and pol-
which adults lay their eggs have relatively lower concentrations linator attraction occurs by deceit. For example, in Ophrys
(Fordyce and Malcolm 2000). These two alternative tactics spp. (Orchidaceae) chemical mimics of specific insect phero-
highlight the flexibility that exists when natural selection can mones are emitted by the orchids in order to attract male
act on two operators; the strategy of feeding on Asclepias leads pollinators (Ayasse et al. 2000; Mant et al. 2002). Some Aroids
to very different ecological tactics that, in turn, are correlated attract pollinators seeking oviposition sites by emitting an odor
with extreme differences in morphology, physiology, and of carrion or excrement (Kite 1995; Kite and Hettersheid
behavior. 1997). Specificity of floral scent can be beneficial by encour-
A number of herbivores recycle terpenoids, using them for aging fidelity, as in the extreme case of the figs and their fig
protection without sequestering them; they secrete the ter- wasp pollinators. It is likely that each of the 750 species of fig
penes, and this secretion is used to ward off predators. Some emits a blend specific enough to attract its one species of fig
species of the plant genus Bursera produce a resin after insect wasp (Hossaert-McKey et al. 1994; Grison-Pige et al. 2002).
damage; specialist herbivores in the genus Blepharida utilize In geonomoid palms, there is also evidence for maintenance
this resin by adorning their backs with a regurgitant and an of reproductive isolation through pollinator attraction (Knud-
anal secretion that match the hosts’ defense chemistry (Evans sen 1999), and such relationships have been shown for a va-
et al. 2000). The weevil Oxyops vitiosa produces a mixed riety of taxa, including but not limited to Ranunculaceae, Cim-
terpenoid secretion garnered from its host plant Melaleuca icifuga (Pellmyr 1986) and Orchidaceae, Satyrium (Ellis and
quinquenervia (Wheeler et al. 2002). By covering its integu- Johnson 1999).
ment with this secretion, the weevil repels generalist predators. In what appears to be the most recently derived function of
Another beetle, Eurypedus nigrosignata, constructs fecal volatile terpenes, the emission of typical “floral” compounds
shields using terpenes found in their larval host plant Cordia is induced from the foliage of cotton, tobacco, and corn by
curassavica (Gomez et al. 1999). Similarly, larvae of the leaf- the feeding of larval lepidoterans. Parasitoid wasps, in turn,
feeding beetle Lema trilinea carry fecal shields that contain utilize this signal to locate their larval lepidopteran hosts. Upon
steroidal glycoalkaloids and saponins, which are modified positive identification, the wasp will oviposit into the feeding
from their host Solanum dulcamara (Morton and Vencl 1998). caterpillar. The specificity of this signal has been demonstrated;
For volatile compounds such as the monoterpenes and ses- Heliothis virescens and Helicoverpa zea feeding on corn each
quiterpenes, it is likely that the concentration of the compound elicit the production of a unique ratio/blend of terpenoids, as
is related to its function. As noted above, terpenoids whose well as lipoxygenase-derived volatile compounds. The differ-
function is involved with reducing herbivory tend to be stored ence in the two signals is distinguished by the specialist par-
in secretory structures or organs, which usually contain ter- asitoid Cardiochiles nigriceps and allows it to pinpoint its host,
penes at high concentrations, on the order of milligrams per H. virescens (De Moraes et al. 1998). Similarly, the parasitoid
gram (Kleinhentz et al. 1999). Terpenoids involved with pol- Cotesia glomerata uses the signals produced by Brassica oler-
linator attraction, however, tend to be located in parts of the aceae var. gemmifera (brussel sprouts), where the emission of
plant where the resistance to flux is very low, and substantial green leaf volatiles as well as sesquiterpenes and cyclic mono-
flux rates can occur even at low concentrations, on the order terpenoids is systemically induced after feeding by Pieris bras-
of micrograms per gram (Schiestl and Ayasse 2000). sicae caterpillars (Mattiacci et al. 2001).
Changes in function through changes in receiver underlie One of the most exciting recent discoveries involving volatile
some of the most important events in the evolution of land terpenes and signaling to predators and parasitoids involves
plants. During the Carboniferous period, ca. 300 Ma, flower- the apparently ubiquitous induction of homoterpenes in re-
like structures and insects capable of pollination began to sponse to herbivore damage (Degenhardt and Gershenzon
emerge. By the Cretaceous, 150 million years later, pollen and 2000). Homoterpenes are C-11 and C-16 compounds pro-
ovules supplemented the diets of some predatory insects (Cre- duced by the removal of four carbons from sesquiterpenes and
pet 1983). The chemical deterrents against pests and pathogens diterpenes. In certain plants, predators and parasitoids have
emitted by plants were co-opted by insects seeking either food learned to use the induced release of these compounds as cues
or mates (Pellmyr and Thien 1986). The chemistry of floral to locate prey/hosts. It appears that this induction may be
scents is similar to nonfloral deterrents, and theory indicates primitive across higher plants (Boland et al. 1998) but that
that these early herbivorous insects inadvertently acted as pol- the insect response may have been independently derived mul-
linators; thus a novel selection pressure arose for chemical tiple times. Further study on concerted phylogenies of plants,
volatiles to be attractive (Pellmyr and Thien 1986). In a study herbivores, and their predators/parasitoids is necessary to de-
of the scent emitted by insect-pollinated cycads, representing termine whether or not these these relationships involve mul-
an independent evolution of insect attractants, Pellmyr et al. tiple independent evolutions of a novel function.
(1991) found classes of attractant compounds that are chem- This “cry for help” has been demonstrated for a number of
ically similar to those produced by taxa with deterrent different plants soliciting predators. Linalool is induced in
volatiles. Phaseolus lunatus, lima bean, following infestation by the her-

bivorous mites Tetranychus urticae. The herbivore is repelled plex and potentially rewarding field of study. The complexity
by this compound but not so the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus arises for two reasons. First, evolutionary changes can occur
persimilis (Dicke 1986). In another example, sesquiterpenes simultaneously across multiple levels of organization. Changes
are induced by potato plants that have been damaged by the in gene sequence and/or genetic architecture can have profound
Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, and Weiss- influences on function. In addition, changes in function can
becker et al. (2000) found the predaceous stink bug, Perillus occur by changing concentrations of terpenes, without any
bioculatus, which is attracted to damaged plants, to be re- direct change in the genes coding for the terpene synthase
sponsive to these compounds. Predator cuing in on insect dam- enzymes. The second reason behind the complexity is the sig-
age has also been demonstrated for conifers. Oxygenated nificant role that volatile terpenoids play as signaling com-
monoterpenes attract the bark beetle parasitoid Roptrocerus pounds among organisms. Important functional changes can
xylophagorum after insect damage by two herbivores, the evolve through changes in the receiver (or addition of a new
southern pine beetles and the southern pine engraver, in Pinus receiver) as well as through evolutionary changes in the sender.
taeda, loblolly pine (Petterson et al. 2000). Similarly, in spruce
One of the most exciting current avenues of investigation in
the bark beetle parasitoid Rhopalicus tutela is attracted to bark
the evolution of function addresses the use by plants of induced
beetle larvae “concealed” under the bark of spruce trees by
terpenes as signals to attract predatory insects. The possibility
the emitted volatiles (Pettersson 2001).
that evolution of function can occur through insect adaptation
The induction of volatile compounds as a result of insect
allows for much faster and more complicated evolutionary
feeding sets up the possibility that neighboring plants could,
in fact, use these signals, much as parasitoids do, to detect changes in function than if changes only in plants were in-
insect presence on neighboring plants. This intriguing idea de- volved with all changes in function.
scribed as “talking trees” has been met with much controversy Because of the myriad roles that terpenes play and the ap-
since it was first introduced 20 years ago (Baldwin and Schultz parent speed with which those roles can change, understanding
1983; Rhoades 1983). Proper controls have been lacking in the regulation of the evolution of function is of great impor-
many studies that find plants responding to neighboring in- tance both in predicting how natural and agricultural systems
duction (Dicke and Bruin 2001). Recently, Karban et al. (2000) will respond to large-scale environmental changes and how
demonstrated in manipulated field conditions that when sage- deliberate attempts to alter plant physiology and behavior
brush, Artemesia tridentate, emits an epimer of methyl jas- through genetic manipulations are likely to affect both plants
monate after mechanical damage, neighboring Nicotiana at- and their pests. In addition, understanding the regulation of
tenuata individuals respond by inducing defense compounds. terpene (and other secondary metabolite) production opens up
The methyl jasmonate produced by the damaged plants has the possibility of manipulating the timing of gene expression
been shown to increase resistance to herbivores (Farmer and and, thus, the evolution of novel function without changing
Ryan 1990). The neighboring wild tobacco plants, which grow the basic chemical signature of the plant. Of course, such ef-
in close proximity naturally, increased their synthesis of forts must also take into account that terpenes, as noted at the
polyphenol oxidase, an enzyme putatively involved with de- beginning of this article, play key roles in primary as well as
fense, and these plants experienced less herbivory than control secondary metabolism.
plants. This response disappeared when the air between plants
was blocked but not when the soil was blocked. Recently, in
a lab-based study lima bean has demonstrated plant-to-plant
communication through a volatile signal. In the presence of
an herbivore-damaged plant, the genes of undamaged lima
bean elevate the expression of several terpenoids (Arimura et
al. 2000). Arguments from physical and chemical transport We received support during the preparation of this manu-
principles, however, suggest that plant-to-plant communica- script from the National Science Foundation (DEB 0206300),
tion by volatile signals is probably exceedingly uncommon the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund of the American Mu-
(Lerdau 2002). seum of Natural History, the Bullard Fellowship and the Hrdy
Conservation Biology Programs of Harvard University, and
Conclusion the Andrew Mellon Foundation. We thank Diane Martin, Rob
It is clear even from this brief review of terpenoids that the Raguso, and two anonymous reviewers for comments on an
evolution of function in secondary metabolites is both a com- earlier draft.

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