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General Instructions:
1. There are 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory .
2. This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E.
3. Section A contains eighteen MCQ of 1 mark each, Section B contains seven questions of two marks
each, Section C contains five questions of three marks each, section D contains three long questions
of five marks each and Section E contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each.
4. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in section B, C, D and E.
You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
5. Use of calculators is not allowed.

1. A wire is loaded by 6 kg at its one end, the increase in length is 12 mm. If the radius of
the wire is doubled and all other magnitudes are unchanged, then increase in length
will be
(a) 6 mm (b) 3 mm (c) 24 mm (d) 48 mm
2. For a given material, the Young's modulus is 2.4 times that of rigidity modulus. Its
Poisson's ratio is
(a) 2.4 (b) 1.2 (c) 0.4 (d) 0.2
3. A cube of aluminium of sides 0.1 m is subjected to a shearing force of 100 N. The top
face of the cube is displaced through 0.02 cm with respect to the bottom face. The
shearing strain would be
(a) 0.02 (b) 0.1 (c) 0.005 (d) 0.002
4. The reason for the change in shape of a regular body is
(a) Volume stress (b) Shearing strain (c) Longitudinal strain (d)
Metallic strain
5. The coefficient of viscosity for hot air is
(a) Greater than the coefficient of viscosity for cold air
(b) Smaller than the coefficient of viscosity for cold air
(c) Same as the coefficient of viscosity for cold air
(d) Increases or decreases depending on the external pressure
6. A good lubricant should have
(a) High viscosity (b) Low viscosity
(c) Moderate viscosity (d) High density
7. The property of surface tension is obtained in
(a) Solids, liquids and gases (b) Liquids
(c) Gases (d) Matter
8. The surface tension of a liquid
(a) Increases with area (b) Decreases with area
(c) Increase with temperature (d) Decrease with temperature
9. If two glass plates are quite nearer to each other in water, then there will be force of
(a) Attraction (b) Repulsion
(c) Attraction or repulsion (d) None of the above
10. On mixing the salt in water, the surface tension of water will
(a) Increase (b) Decrease
(c) Remain unchanged (d) None of the above
11. The maximum force, in addition to the weight required to pull a wire of 5.0 cm long
from the surface of water at temperature 20oC, is 728 dynes. The surface tension of water
(a) 7.28 N/cm (b) 7.28 dyne/cm
(c) 72.8 dyne/cm (d) 7.28×102 dyne/cm

12. The velocities of three particles of masses 10 kg, 20 kg and 30 kg are 10i, 10j and 10k
m/s, respectively. What is the velocity of their centre of mass?
a) (i + 2j + 3k) m/s b) 10 (i + j + k) m/s
c) (10i + 20j + 30k) m/s d) (3i + 2j + k) m/s
13. A system consists of 2 particles of the same mass. Let one particle be at rest and
another particle have an acceleration of “2a”. What would be the acceleration of the
centre of mass of the system?
a) a/4 b) a/2
c) a d) 2a

14. A radioactive particle at rest, having mass 10g, breaks into 2 fragments (1&2) in the
mass ratio 2:3 respectively. If the first one moves with a velocity of 10m/s what will
be the speed of the second particle?
a) 4.33 m/s b) -4.33 m/s
c) -6.67 m/s d) 6.67 m/s
15. Two cylinders have the same mass and radius. One is hollow and the other is solid.
Which one will have the greater moment of inertia about the central axis?
a) Hollow cylinder b) Solid cylinder
c) Same for both d) Depends on length of cylinder
16. A solid disc has a mass of 10kg and radius 1m. Find its radius of gyration.
a) 1.414m b) 0.707m
c) 1m d) 1.732

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
(e) If assertion is false but reason is true.
17. Assertion : Hydrostatic pressure is a vector quantity.
Reason : Pressure is force divided by area, and force is a vector quantity.
18. Assertion : To float, a body must displace liquid whose weight is greater than the
actual weight of the body.
Reason : The body will experiences no net downward force, in the case of


19. Find the expression for radius of gyration of a solid sphere about one of its diameter?
20. The angle θ covered by a body in rotational motion is give by the equation θ = 6t +
5t2 + 2t3. Determine the value of instantaneous angular velocity and angular
acceleration at time t = 2S.
21 A steel wire of length 4.7 m and cross-sectional area 3.0 x 10-5 m2 stretches by the
same amount as a copper wire of length 3.5 m and cross-sectional area of
4.0 x 10-5 m2 under a given load. What is the ratio of the Young’s modulus of steel to
that of copper?
22. Explain why The blood pressure in humans is greater at the feet than at the brain.
23. The triple-point of water is a standard fixed point in modem thermometry. Why ?
What is wrong in taking the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water as
standard fixed points (as was originally done in the Celsius scale) ?
24. here were two fixed points in the original Celsius scale as mentioned above which
were assigned the number 0 °C and 100 °C respectively. On the absolute scale, one of
the fixed points is the triple-point of water, which on the Kelvin absolute scale is
assigned the number 273.16 K. What is the other fixed point on this (Kelvin) Scale ?
25. Explain perfectly black body with an example.


26. A solid cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates about its axis with angular speed 100 rad .
The radius of the cylinder is 0.25 m. What is the kinetic energy associated with the
rotation of the cylinder? What is the magnitude of angular momentum of the cylinder
about its axis?
27. Explain why friction is necessary to make the disc to roll .
(a) Give the direction of frictional force at B, and the sense of frictional torque, before
perfect rolling begins.
(b) What is the force of friction after perfect rolling begins?
28. The Marina trench is located in the Pacific Ocean, and at one place it is nearly eleven
km beneath the surface of water. The water pressure at the bottom of the trench is
about 1.1 x 108 Pa. A steel ball of initial volume 0.32 m3 is dropped into the ocean and
falls to the bottom of the trench. What is the change in the volume of the ball when it
reaches to the bottom?
29. A 50 kg girl wearing high heel shoes balances on a single heel. The heel is circular
with a diameter 1.0 cm. What is the pressure exerted by the heel on the horizontal
30. A tank with a square base of area 1.0 m2 is divided by a vertical partition in the
middle. The bottom of the partition has a small-hinged door of area 20 cm2. The tank
is filled with water in one compartment, and an acid (of relative density 1.7) in the
other, both to a height of 4.0 m. Compute the force necessary to keep the door close.


31 A solid sphere rolls down two different inclined planes of the same heights but
different angles of inclination. (a) Will it reach the bottom with the same speed in each
(b) Will it take longer to roll down one plane than the other?
(c) If so, which one and why?


A solid disc and a ring, both of radius 10 cm are placed on a horizontal table
simultaneously, with initial angular speed equal to 10π rad/s. Which of two will start
to roll earlier? The coefficient of kinetic friction is uk = 0.2.

32. What is Bernoulli’s Theorem? Derive expression for it ?

Using the above relation solve:
A plane is in level flight at constant speed and each of its wings has an area of 25 m2.
If the speed of the air is 180 km/h over the lower wing and 234 km/h over the upper
wing surface, determine the plane’s mass. (Take air density to be 1 kg/m3), g = 9.8


33. What is Stoles Law? Derive Expression for Terminal velocity when a solid of radius r
& density 0 falls through a viscous liquid of density  .
Using the above relation solve:
In Millikan’s oil drop experiment, what is the terminal speed of an uncharged drop of
radius 2.0 x 10-5 m and density 1.2 x 103 kg m-3. Take the viscosity of air at the
temperature of the experiment to be 1.8 x 10-5 Pa-s. How much is the viscous force on
the drop at that speed? Neglect buoyancy of the drop due to air.

33. A hole is drilled in a copper sheet. The diameter of the hole is 4.24 cm at 27.0 °C.
What is the change in the diameter of the hole when the sheet is heated to 227 °C ?
Coefficient of linear expansion of copper = 1.70 x 10-5K-1.

A child running a temperature of 101°F is given an antipyrin (i.e. a medicine that
lowers fever) which causes an increase in the rate of evaporation of sweat from his
body. If the fever is brought down to 98 °F in 20 min, what is the average rate of extra
evaporation caused, by the drug? Assume the evaporation mechanism to be the only
way by which heat is lost. The mass of the child is 30 kg. The specific heat of human
body is approximately the same as that of water, and latent heat of evaporation of
water at that temperature is about 580 cal .


34. Thus, the pressure P, at depth below the surface of a liquid open to the atmosphere is
greater than atmospheric pressure by an amount gh. The excess of pressure, P − Pa, at depth
h is called a gauge pressure at that point. The area of the cylinder is not appearing in the
expression of absolute pressure. Thus, the height of the fluid column is important and not
cross-sectional or base area or the shape of the container. The liquid pressure is the same at
all points at the same horizontal level called as hydrostatic paradox. The flow of the fluid is
said to be steady if at any given point, the velocity of each passing fluid particle remains
constant in time. This does not mean that the velocity at different points in space is same.
The velocity of a particular particle may change as it moves from one point to another. That
is, at some other point the particle may have a different velocity, but every other particle
which passes the second point behaves exactly as the previous particle that has just passed
that point. Each particle follows a smooth path, and the paths of the particles do not cross
each other. The path taken by a fluid particle under a steady flow is a streamline. It is defined
as a curve whose tangent at any point is in the direction of the fluid velocity at that
point. For steady flow equation of continuity hold good and it is a statement of conservation
of mass in flow of incompressible fluids. In general
Av = constant
Av gives the volume flux or flow rate and remains constant throughout the pipe of flow.
Thus, at narrower portions where the streamlines are closely spaced, velocity increases and
it’s vice versa. Steady flow is achieved at low flow speeds. Beyond a limiting value, called
critical speed, this flow loses steadiness and becomes turbulent. One sees this when a fast
flowing stream encounters rocks, small foamy whirlpool-like regions called white water
rapids are formed.
1) The flow of the fluid is said to be steady if at any given point, the velocity of each
passing fluid particle
a) Remains constant in time
b) changes continuously
c) continuously increasing
d) None of these
2) According to equation of continuity area is
a) Directly proportional to velocity
b) Inversely proportional to velocity
c) Does not depends upon velocity
d) None of these
3) Write a note on Variation of pressure with depth. Give its formula
4) What is hydrostatic paradox?
35. When a body is subjected to a deforming force, a restoring force is developed in the
body. This restoring force is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the applied
force. The restoring force per unit area is known as stress. If F is the force applied normal to
the cross–section and A is the area of cross section of the body.
Magnitude of the stress = F/A
The SI unit of stress is N-m-2 or Pascal (Pa) and its dimensional formula is [ML-1 T-2]. The
restoring force per unit area in this case is called tensile stress. If the cylinder is compressed
under the action of applied forces, the restoring force per unit area is known as compressive
stress. Tensile or compressive stress can also be termed as longitudinal stress. In both the
cases, there is a change in the length of the cylinder. The change in the length ΔL to the
original length L of the body is known as longitudinal strain.
The restoring force per unit area developed due to the applied tangential force is known as
tangential or shearing stress.

1) Restoring force per unit area is called as

a) Stress
b) Strain
c) Modulus of elasticity
d) None of these
2) Ratio of change in dimension to original dimension is called
a) Stress
b) Strain
c) Modulus of elasticity
d) None of these
3) Define shear stress.
4) Define stress. Give its SI unit and dimension

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