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Money and Banking

Course outline S1,2023

Week Topic Reading

1 Introductory concepts Mishkin Ch 1
Overview of the financial system Mishkin Ch 2
2 What is money? Mishkin Ch 3
The meaning of interest rates Mishkin Ch 4
3 The behaviour of interest rates Mishkin Ch 5
Interest rate setting by central banks Macfarlane (2001)
4 Risk and the term structure of interest rates Mishkin Ch 6
Banking and the management of financial Mishkin Ch 9
5 The money supply process, part 1 Mishkin Ch 15
The money supply process, part 2 Bank of England (2014)
6 The conduct and strategy of monetary policy Friedman (1968)
Mishkin Ch 17
Macfarlane (1998)
7 The stock market Mishkin Ch 7
Monetary policy and the stock market Bernanke (2003)
8 Mid-semester exam 1
9 The global financial crisis (2007-2009) BIS (2009)
IMF (2009)
Edey (2014)
10 The foreign exchange market Mishkin Ch 18
Exchange rates and inflationary pressures Kent (2022)
11 Monetary policy and aggregate demand Mishkin Ch 22
Aggregate demand and supply analysis Mishkin Ch 23
12 Monetary policy theory Mishkin Ch 24
The role of expectations Mishkin Ch 25
13 Wrap-up lecture, overview of the course

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