Week 8 - 9 (TVP 3) The McDonaldization of Society

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The McDonaldization of Society

The Rationalizaton Process

• All societies have an inherent need to give some

logical meaning to a world that appears to be

• Individuals (and collectives) seek out values and

practices that guide action

– actors calculate all possible means available to them,

choose the alternative that best allows them to reach
their ultimate end, and then follow that line of action.
Weber’s Theory of Rationality

– Bureaucracy: a large scale organization composed

of a hierarchy of offices. Each person has certain
responsibilities and must act according to the rules
– Technical Training is need to ascend within the

– For Weber, the bureaucracy is the model of

• Despite the advantages of bureaucracy:
– According to Weber: Suffers from the
irrationality of rationality.

– People are confined not to express themselves:


– Red Tape; poor quality of work

George Ritzer
• Postulated that the
theoretical underpinnings
of the rationalization
process can be applied to
modern consumption
practices developed post

• What led to the rise of a

McDonaldized Society?
Learning Journal questions:

• To help you think about the ways in which you have come across
aspects of McDonaldisation in your own consumption experiences,
you may to consider the following questions:

• Do you agree with George Ritzer that you have grown up largely in
a “McDonaldised world”?

• Is McDonaldisation all bad? Can you also identify some positive

impacts it has in your life?
– Consider and reflect upon experiences from your own
consumption (life)…

• How has McDonaldisation impacted (or not impacted) your personal

consumption experiences - your education, holidays, hobbies, work,
eating, drinking, socializing etc.
What is McDonaldization?

• “The process by
which the principles of
the fast food
restaurant are coming
to dominate more and
more sectors of
American society as
well as the rest of the
world” Ritzer page 1
An Introduction to McD’s
• 2019 Revenues= $21.07 billion
• Avg McD’s $2.7 Mil in revenue (2019)-$1.7 Gross Profit
• 37,855 outlets in 120 countries (2018)
• McDonald’s feeds 1% of the global population everyday
• 15% shareholder return since 2012- 10-20% payouts
• It is the world’s largest distributor of toys
• 97% of all Americans have eaten at McDonald’s at least
• High Growth Markets - China, Italy, Korea, Poland,
Russia, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands and related
An Introduction to McD’s

• ½ of all outlets are outside U.S.

• McD’s is a symbol of “Americanism”
across the globe
– Moscow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81u9JW3Moys
– End: 2:44

• Big Mac Index

– How economists determine the
purchasing power of different currencies
• https://www.economist.com/big-mac-index
• The Economist's Big Mac index is based
on the theory of purchasing-power parity:
that, in the long run, exchange rates
should adjust to equal the price of a basket
of goods and services in different
countries. Our basket consists of one
McDonald's Big Mac, and we've compared
it with the average price in America, $4.20.
According to our burgernomics, the Swiss
franc is 62% overvalued: the exchange
rate that would equalise the price of a
Swiss Big Mac with an American one is
1.55 francs to the dollar; the actual
exchange rate is only 0.96. The cheapest
burger is found in India, where it costs just
$1.62. Big Macs aren't sold in India, so
we've taken the price of a Maharaja Mac,
made with chicken instead of beef.
• “Our goal: to totally dominate the quick service
restaurant industry worldwide…I want McDonald’s to
be more than a leader. I want McDonald’s to
dominate Page 9 McDonaldization
What is McDonaldization?

• “The process by
which the principles of
the fast food
restaurant are coming
to dominate more and
more sectors of
American society as
well as the rest of the
world” Ritzer page 1
What is McDztn?
• To “Mc” is to be successful
– McDentists
– McDoctors
– McEducation
– McChild care centers
– McNewspapers
• Short stories
• Wide coverage
• Quick, fast, consistent
Dimensions of McDonaldization
• What makes McDztn so successful?

1. Predictability
2. Calculability
3. Efficiency
4. Control
Dimensions of McDonaldization
• Predictability: The assurance that products will be the
same everywhere.

– No surprises

– Roles of employees are scripted

• Result: the same experience everywhere.

• Choose an industry where the emphasis is on

• How is predictability a core component to their product

Disney Predictable Fun
• Safe, litter-free, traffic-free, immaculately landscaped
fantasy world

• How do you know?

• Guide books, publicity, friends & family,
western folklore
• Planned itineraries
Creating Predictable Settings
• Fast Pass: creating predictability at disney
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D-jpc741rw

• Scripting:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgHi50N9FGs
Disneyization of Society
1. Themeing
– The application of narrative to institutions or
2. Hybrid consumption
– Combining consumption forms under a single
umbrella (entertainment, sustenance, shelter)
3. Merchandising
– Promotion of goods
through copyright and
4. Performative labour
– Business that emphasise the theatrical/
5. Control and Surveillance
– Managing flows to ensure optimal performance
Dimensions of McDonaldization
• Efficiency: “the optimum method for getting from one
point to another.”
page 12

– From being hungry to being full

– The online degree

• Rules and Regulations ensure efficient work

– Following steps in a predesigned process

• Generally, efficiency is a good thing

– Allows people to accomplish tasks quickly and
with less effort

– An emphasis on speed
– More work gets done
– More customers get served
– Greater profits are earned
– Economies grow
• Choose an industry where the emphasis is on

• How is efficiency a core component to their product

• The Efficient Way to
Weight Loss
Dimensions of McDonaldization
• Calculability: emphasis on the quantitative aspects of
products/ services sold.

– Quantity vs. Quality

• Quantity has become equivalent to quality

– McDztn places an emphasis on time and money

– An emphasis on Quantitative over Qualitative

• Choose an industry where the emphasis is on

• How is calculability a core component to their product

Calculability in Fast Food
• Sizes:
– Regular
– Large
– XL
• An emphasis on price
• Quantity over quality
– Example Burger King
Nutrition Facts
Calories Fat Salt Sat. Fat
2520 144g 2290mg 59g

Recommended Daily Intake:

2000 65g 1600mg 20g
Calories Fat Salt Sat. Fat
2075 105g 3,780mg 32g

Recommended Daily Intake:

2000 65g 1600mg 20g
Dimensions of McDonaldization
• Control: A design process used to regulate customer/
employee behavior.

– Limited menu, few options, uncomfortable seats

– The use of technology to control employee

• Choose an industry where the emphasis is on control.

• How is control a core component to their product

• Educational Factory Systems: Another Brick in the wall:
• Start at 2:20 (Must open in advance)

• Student ID numbers
• Class size
• Standardized programmes- little to no opportunity to
• MCQ Tests vs. Oral Examinations
• Instructor Manual’s
• Test Banks
• Standard criterion for admission (GMAT; IELTS; GRE)
• Demanding PPT instead of taking notes
• Performative Labour
Assessment Strategy
Advantages to McDztn
• Products are safer
• Greater availability of G/S (Cash Points, shop at night)
• Instant gratification
• Uniform quality expectation
• Lots of alternatives at all price ranges for time poor society
• Easier to compare products
• Equal opportunity consumption; instant consumption
• Technology & innovation is diffused through industry and
other countries faster
The Irrationality of Rationality
• Rational systems inherently spawn irrationalities
– Thus McDonaldized systems are inherently ‘enabling’ and

– Poor quality products; poor service; unhealthy lifestyles;

environmental degradation
DisAdvantages to McDztn
• Environmental:
– Contamination due to pesticides and animal wastes
– Deforestation to product paper wrappings
• Cultural:
– Dehumanizing settings where we eat or work
– The assembly line mentality
Learning Journal questions:

• To help you think about the ways in which you have come across
aspects of McDonaldisation in your own consumption experiences,
you may to consider the following questions:

• Do you agree with George Ritzer that you have grown up largely in
a “McDonaldised world”?

• Is McDonaldisation all bad? Can you also identify some positive

impacts it has in your life?
– Consider and reflect upon experiences from your own
consumption (life)…

• How has McDonaldisation impacted (or not impacted) your personal

consumption experiences - your education, holidays, hobbies, work,
eating, drinking, socializing etc.

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