Nanoscale: Mechanisms and Applications of Terahertz Metamaterial Sensing: A Review

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Mechanisms and applications of terahertz

Cite this: Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 13864
metamaterial sensing: a review
Wendao Xu, †a Lijuan Xie †a and Yibin Ying *a,b

Terahertz (THz) technology has attracted great worldwide interest and novel high-intensity THz sources
Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

and plasmonics are two of the most active fields of recent research. Being situated between infrared light
and microwave radiation, the absorption of THz rays in molecular and biomolecular systems is dominated
by the excitation of intramolecular and intermolecular vibrations. This indicates that THz technology is an
effective tool for sensing applications. However, the low sensitivity of free-space THz detection limits the
sensing applications, which gives a great opportunity to metamaterials. Metamaterials are periodic artificial
electromagnetic media structured with a size scale smaller than the wavelength of external stimuli. They
present localized electric field enhancement and large values of quality factor (Q factor) and show high
Received 30th May 2017, sensitivity to minor environment changes. In the present work, the mechanism of THz metamaterial
Accepted 23rd August 2017
sensing and dry sample and microfluidic sensing applications based on metamaterials are introduced.
DOI: 10.1039/c7nr03824k Moreover, new directions of THz metamaterial sensing advancement and introduction of two-dimen- sional materials and nanoparticles for future THz applications are summarized and discussed.

1. Introduction vibrations, including weakly bound molecular entities with

hydrogen bonds and weak interactions such as van der Waals
The terahertz (THz) wave, lying between 0.1 and 10 THz, is the forces,1,2 which is significant for molecule and biomolecule
last part of the electromagnetic wave to be explored. Being situ- detection. Because of the absorption, some chemicals like
ated between infrared and microwave radiation, the absorption illicit drugs,3 antibiotics,4,5 pesticides,6,7 amino acids,8 geneti-
of THz rays in molecular and biomolecular systems is domi- cally modified organisms,9 melamine,10 and other harmful
nated by the excitation of intramolecular and intermolecular residues have been identified by detection through pressing
powder samples into pellets.11 However, this method is suit-
able for studying the feasibility of THz detection, not for trace
School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University,
amount analysis. To obtain better sensitivity of THz detection,
866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou 310058, P.R. China. E-mail:
Zhejiang A&F University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 311300, China
THz attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectroscopy,12 terahertz
† These authors contributed equally to this work. differential time-domain spectroscopy,13 waveguides,14 and

Wendao Xu is a Ph.D. student Lijuan Xie is a professor at the

at the College of Biosystems College of Biosystems Engineering
Engineering and Food Science, and Food Science, Zhejiang
Zhejiang University, China, and University, China. She obtained
has worked as a visiting student her Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang
at Massachusetts Institute of University in 2009 and then
Technology and Kyoto University. worked as a visiting researcher
He obtained his bachelor degree at the Department of Electrical
from Zhejiang University in 2013. and Computer Engineering,
His current research interests are Rice University, USA. Her current
in terahertz sensing and imaging research focuses on terahertz
applications. devices and the optical proper-
Wendao Xu Lijuan Xie ties of materials.

13864 | Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 13864–13878 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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metamaterials15,16 have been developed. Among them, THz sensor applications. We also discuss the trend and challenges
metamaterial sensing is not only signal-enhancing but also of THz metamaterial sensing including novel metamaterial
easy to operate, which attracts significant attention from design and introduction of nanomaterials into metamaterial
researchers in diverse fields. sensing, graphene plasmonics, graphene metamaterial devices
Metamaterials are periodic artificial electromagnetic media and topological insulator induced THz surface plasmons.
structured with a size scale smaller than the wavelength of
external stimuli, presenting properties that cannot be found in
Nature. They were first developed to realize fascinating pro- 2. The mechanism of THz
perties such as negative refraction index17,18 and cloaking.19,20
Within the rapid progress in recent decades, the development
metamaterial sensing
of metamaterial research lies in diverse aspects that have been Metals, such as gold and silver, which commonly show surface
reported in some reviews, such as all-dielectric metamater- plasmon polaritons (SSP) in the visible part of the spectrum,
ials,21 reconfigurable metamaterials,22,23 flexible metamater- have significantly different physical properties in the THz
ials,24 metadevices,25 graphene metamaterials,26 tunable meta- regime that make them hard to sustain SPPs at a flat metal
materials,27 and metasurfaces.28 THz metamaterials, as firstly
Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

intersurface. As the THz frequency is far below metals’ plasma

reported by Prof. Xiang Zhang’s group,15 have received a great frequency, these materials have very high conductivity which
deal of interest and have become a popular topic in THz makes them resemble a perfect electric conductor (PEC) to a
science and technology, including metamaterial modu- greater extent.38 Thus the SPP’s electric field only slightly pene-
lators,16,29 metamaterial polarizers,30 THz wave generation,31 trates the metal, exhibiting poor confinement, thereby losing
THz wave absorbers,32 compressing imaging,33 etc. In recent plenty of advantages. To overcome this poor penetration of the
years, metamaterial based sensors have shown their potential THz wave, one suitable solution is to use metals with a tex-
in diverse applications, which can be found in some review tured surface so that the electric field can effectively go further
articles.34–36 These metamaterials are suitable for sensing into the metal side. Therefore, these engineered metal surfaces
applications as they provide spoof surface plasmons37 with can support SPP-like modes and metamaterials are an excel-
localized electric field enhancement and large values of lent example.
quality factor (Q factor) which show high sensitivity to minor As mentioned in the introduction, there are several types
environment changes. Our review is specially focused on THz of metamaterials, including metasurfaces, metamaterial
metamaterials as they are easier to fabricate than mid-infrared absorbers, MMDs, all dielectric metamaterials, graphene meta-
metamaterials, near-infrared metamaterials, and visible meta- materials, etc. Among them, metasurfaces, metamaterial
materials. Because of their potential detection abilities, THz absorbers, and MMDs are the most commonly used types
metamaterial-based sensing technology is expected to provide serving as sensors in the THz region. Thereby, we will mainly
a wide range of applications in the near future. In this paper, focus on the sensing mechanisms based on them, as well as
we reveal the mechanism of THz metamaterial sensing, includ- show the mechanism of metamaterial-based thin film sensing.
ing typical metasurface based sensing, metallic mesh device We also show a comparative table of the performance of the
(MMD) based sensing, metamaterial absorber based sensing, metamaterial sensors regarding the current state of the art as
and thin film sensing. As THz metamaterial-based sensing Table 1.
research has progressed rapidly in the past decade, we divide
its applications into several aspects including molecule 2.1. THz metasurfaces
sensors, biomolecule sensors and biosensors, and microfluidic Metasurfaces (as shown in Fig. 1a),39 consisting of single-layer
or few-layer stacks of planar structures, can be readily fabri-

Yibin Ying is a professor at the

College of Biosystems Engineering Table 1 A comparative table of the performance of the metamaterial
sensors with respect to the current state of the art
and Food Science, Zhejiang
University, China. He obtained
Method Sensitivity Other advantages Limitations
his Ph.D. degree in 1999. And his
research interests lie in the broad Fluorescent High Easy operation, Photobleaching
rapid detection
areas of advanced material
Colorimetric Low Simple preparation, Interference from
technology, and intelligent equip- rapid detection sample
ment, including nanotechnology, SPRa High Label-free, real time High cost of the
visible/near-infrared and terahertz detection instrument
spectroscopy, biosensors, artificial THz High Fruitful structure Complex
intelligence and robotics. metamaterials design, rapid fabrication
detection process
Yibin Ying
SPR is short for surface plasmon resonance.

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Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

Fig. 1 Typical metamaterial sensing. (a) Metasurface. Reprinted with permission from ref. 39. Copyright (2014) Nature. (b) Metamaterial absorber.
Reprinted with permission from ref. 42. Copyright (2017) Elsevier. (c) Metallic mesh device (MMD). Reprinted with permission from ref. 50. Copyright
(2014) American Chemical Society. (d) Red shift of the resonant peak caused by external sensing targets.

cated using lithography and nanoprinting technologies.28 The The demonstration of metamaterial absorbers represents one
ultrathin thickness in the wave propagation direction can of the most significant applications as the oft-overlooked loss
greatly suppress the undesirable losses caused by the resonant components of the optical constants have much potential and
responses and the use of metallic structures. As the meta- meaningful use when manipulated to create an effective absor-
material atoms are much smaller than the incident wave- ber. As an effective medium, the effective impedance of a
length, they are not resolved by the electromagnetic wave to metamaterial absorber can be defined as
behave as a new material or medium. The reflection and trans- pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
mission properties of a boundary between two homogeneous ZðωÞ ¼ μðωÞ=εðωÞ: ð1Þ
media are determined by the continuity of field components at
When the effective impedance of a metamaterial absorber
the boundary. When adding to the interface some periodic
matches the free space impedance Z0, the reflection is mini-
subwavelength resonators of negligible thickness to form a
mized. It will then behave like an absorber at a certain fre-
metasurface, the reflection and transmission coefficients will
quency.41 By designing a new structure of the metamaterial,
be dramatically changed due to the boundary condition modi-
the frequency of the near unity absorption peak can be tuned.
fication caused by the periodic subwavelength resonators.28
The localized magnetic and electric resonant field enhance-
The incident electromagnetic wave couples into the surface
ment in the impedance matching metamaterial absorber
electromagnetic wave propagating back and forth along the
shows strong interaction with an external sensing target,
surface of resonators and is accompanied by the charge oscil-
which can be used in ultrasensitive target analysis and bio-
lations inside the resonators. These coupled surface electro-
sensing applications (Fig. 1b).42 Further, a metamaterial absorber
magnetic wave and oscillating charges are well known as
based sensing scheme in the THz regime displays significantly
surface plasmons. In the THz regime, spoof surface plasmons
enhanced sensitivity which outweighs that of planar meta-
are used to explain the mechanism of metamaterials.37 The
surfaces.43 The enhanced sensitivity of the metamaterial absor-
localized electric field enhancement caused by THz meta-
bers is mainly induced by the strong resonant electric and
surfaces enables a great improvement in sensitivity of external
magnetic field enhancement in the absorber cavity, which may
target detection because a tiny change of the environment will
be extremely attractive in sensing applications.
result in the change of resonant peaks, including the resonant
Flexible materials are suitable for targets of unshaped sur-
frequency and the Q value of the resonant peak.
faces and hold potential applications in various cases. A THz
sensing platform based on a highly flexible, ultrathin meta-
2.2. THz metamaterial absorber material absorber with thickness down to 50 μm was develo-
Typical metamaterial absorbers are bi-layered metal structures ped for sensing applications as presented in Fig. 2a.44 Its
spaced by a dielectric film; they were firstly reported in 2008.40 maximum frequency sensitivity was numerically achieved at

13866 | Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 13864–13878 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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Fig. 2 (a) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the fabricated metamaterial absorber with a schematic cross-section of the sample (top
right) and the fabricated metamaterial absorber is caught between two fingers to illustrate its large flexibility (bottom right). Reprinted with per-
mission from ref. 44. Copyright (2015) AIP. (b) Thickness dependence of dielectric films on calculated transmission properties of the metallic mesh.
Reprinted with permission from ref. 61. Copyright (2009) The Japan Society of Applied Physics. (c) Schematic showing the location of the sample
under measurement by a THz near-field system. Reprinted with permission from ref. 64. Copyright (2012) OSA. (d) Experimental setup of a THz
spectroscopy system using a Tsurupica lens to focus the THz waves on the annular nanogap sample. Normally incident THz waves illuminate the
sample from the substrate side. (e) Schematic diagram of an Al2O3 ultrathin layer on an annular gap array in a 150 nm thick gold film on a glass sub-
strate. (Inset) Enlarged illustration of the Al2O3 overlayer on the nanogap, which is filled with Al2O3. Panels (d–e) are reprinted with permission from
ref. 65. Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society.

139.2 GHz RIU−1 (RIU is short for refractive index unit). By grid intervals ranging from tens to hundreds of micrometers
decreasing the spacer thickness to 15 μm, the sensitivity of the have shown specific transmission Fano like dips in the THz
sensor was not dramatically enhanced comparing to the pre- regime, where the dipped frequency can be controlled by the
vious case as mentioned (50 μm thick spacer), which indicated size of the MMD.47 This dip is reported as being attributed to
that the thickness of the spacer was not the major effect of very splitting of the first-order surface plasmon polariton mode. Due
thin film detection but the architectures of the resonators were. to the structure of MMDs and the oblique wave incidence, the
A general metamaterial absorber had only one resonance Fano-like dip occurs, forming a sensitive sensor accompanied
absorption with a single patterned structure. To obtain a multi- by a high Q factor resonance.36 The sensing modality of MMDs
band perfect absorber, multiple different metallic patterns were is revealed by the frequency shift (red shift) of the dip with the
needed. However, a simple design consisting of only an asym- addition of external analyte layers as shown in Fig. 1d, which
metric cross was presented as a triple-band terahertz absorber,45 have attracted a large amount of attention and interest owing to
which was sensitive to the tiny change of the external dielectric their applications as label-free biosensors.48–51
environment with a maximal sensitivity of up to 1.6 THz RIU−1.
2.4. THz metamaterial-based thin film sensing
2.3. THz metallic mesh devices Thin film sensing is one of the simplest cases in THz meta-
MMDs, as presented in Fig. 1c, are generally composed of well- material applications as the thin film is flat with given optical
distributed square holes and exhibit anomalous transmission properties. With the employment of simulation as well as
properties. As a kind of subwavelength aperture,46 MMDs with experiment, thin film simulation and detection can be suitably

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used to display the sensing properties of THz metamaterial compared with that from the opposite surface. And in their
applications. study, using a thinner MHA could obtain a better sensitivity,
The split ring resonator (SRR) is a well-known and widely which indicated that the reflection characteristic of the thin
used type of THz metamaterial application. It is reported that MHA could be applied to highly sensitive THz detections. A
with the increased thickness of photoresist on the top of the fishnet structure based circular hole array59 was also intro-
metamaterial, the frequency shift of the resonant peak grew duced into THz sensing as a polarization insensitive sensor. In
but with a slower speed as a result of the decay of the electric their work, the frequency shift and the amplitude modulation
field above the space of the SRRs.52 With the addition of a were investigated as a function of the refractive index and the
16 μm dielectric overlayer, a nearly 120 GHz frequency shift thickness of the overlayer, showing promising sensing capa-
could be observed, which is in line with the simulation results. bilities for the refractive index changes with a sensitivity reach-
Moreover, with the increase of the height of the SRR thickness, ing 128 GHz RIU−1. Moreover, due to the cutoff effect of the
the frequency shift was enlarged, and thereby pointing out a metal holes and the mismatch of the resonant frequency of
new potential approach for signal enhancing. The effects of the two sides,60 the transmission peak of MHAs decreased sig-
dielectric overlayer thickness on planar THz metamaterials nificantly (the minimal thickness of the dielectric film was set
as 50 μm), which made it difficult to measure the resonant
Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

(double SRR structure) were studied using THz time-domain

spectroscopy (THz-TDS).53 By evaluating the effects of uniform peak and decreased the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
dielectric overlayers ranging from 100 nm to 16 μm, the limit- Metamaterials, which hold the sensitivity to the thickness
ations and obstacles of THz metamaterial based sensing were of thin films, inspire the application of thickness detection.
revealed with an overlayer of 100 nm that is quickly approach- The thickness of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) was
ing the limit of detectability. Some frequency selective surface detected using MMD and a 1 μm thickness difference could be
(FSS) consisting of asymmetric double split ring (aDSR) also recognized (the thicknesses of the samples are 3 μm, 4 μm,
showed a promising sensitivity.54 With the addition of asym- and 5 μm as shown in Fig. 2b).61 Two-dimensional images of
metry, this FSS presented a Fano like resonant peak, which MMD with thin film attached on its surface were also recorded
was extremely sensitive to external overlayers, showing a 4 GHz and the differences between images of various thin film thick-
frequency shift by covering 10 nm of sample. As high Q factor nesses could also be easily distinguished. A similar method
resonances are extremely advantageous for ultrasensitive THz had been applied to SiO2 film thickness detection62 by MMDs,
metamaterial designs, a low loss dual band metasurface was where the sensitivity could reach sub-mm-thick SiO2 layers.
fabricated with high Q Fano and quadrupole resonances.55 With the introduction of Fano resonances to metamaterials,
The sensitivities were evaluated by the red shifts of the two res- the minimum thickness resolution of Si further reached
onances when coating the analyte on the surface of a meta- 12.5 nm which is 1/16 000 times the wavelength of the incident
material. The refractive index sensitivity of the Fano resonance THz wave.63 Moreover, a near-field THz system was constructed
(2.06 × 104 nm RIU−1) with a higher Q factor was much better to reduce the spot size for THz metamaterial sensing.64 By
than that of the quadrupole resonance (5.07 × 103 nm RIU−1). placing the metasurface sensing platform close to a sub-diffr-
Singh and his colleagues56 presented similar trends with sensi- action THz source (the distances were 25 and 50 μm in their
tivity levels of 7.75 × 103 nm RIU−1 for a quadrupole resonance study), the number of the resonators and the minimal sensing
and 5.70 × 104 nm RIU−1 for a Fano resonance where the sensi- film area were significantly reduced, presenting a smaller
tivity could be further enhanced by employing a thinner sub- inter-cell coupling strength and a remarkably increased
strate. As traditional SRR structures were sensitive to the polar- Q factor compared to that of far field THz systems as demon-
ization of incident THz radiation, polarization-insensitive strated in Fig. 2c. An area of only 3 × 3 resonators (0.2 × 0.2λ)
metamaterial devices,57 which were composed of square ring could be excited, which was much smaller than the area
resonators, were especially suitable to work together with the excited by the far field system. By combining a near field
linear polarized femtosecond laser pumped THz radiation source and metamaterial sensing, the sensitivity could be
with a minimal resolution of 17.7 μmol L−1 in the detection of improved to a λ/375-thick dielectric film. As the excited area
bovine serum albumin. and the thickness of target were much smaller than the tra-
Like metasurfaces, a metal hole array (MHA) was also used ditional THz far field system, THz near field based meta-
to study the effect of dielectric film sensing by Miyamaru and material detection demonstrated promising potential in bio-
his colleagues.58 The reflection dip shifted to lower frequen- molecular detection. The most extreme sensitivity of THz
cies with increasing dielectric film thickness (the smallest metamaterial based thin film detection reached down to 1 nm
thickness of this study was 50 μm), which indicates the poten- which was 1/106 of the incident THz wavelength as shown in
tial to be applied in highly sensitive THz applications. In their Fig. 2d.65 In this work, a nanogap was used to confine THz
work, the dependance of the reflection spectrum on the waves into sub-10 nm metallic gaps, which can detect the
MHA’s thickness and the side to which the dielectric film was refractive index changes caused by only a 1 nm thick Al2O3
attached were also investigated. The sensitivity of the THz layer with as much as 5% shift in the peak position as demon-
MHA sensing of the illuminated side of the array outweighed strated in Fig. 2e. The THz wave excited electric field was
the opposite side of the array as the contribution from the illu- extremely strong in the nanogap, which contributed to the
minated surface to the reflection spectrum was much stronger enhanced sensitivity.

13868 | Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 13864–13878 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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A THz plasmonic waveguide was also introduced into THz In this section, we will introduce recent trends of meta-
nanofilm sensing.66 In this work, a high-aspect-ratio metallic rod material-based applications with respect to molecule sensors,
array (MRA) was demonstrated to generate and propagate THz biomolecule sensors, biosensors, microfluidic sensors and
surface plasmonic waves and realize nanofilm sensing. The sensi- some other applications.
tive MRA THz waveguide sensor could detect 300nm-thick SiO2
and ZnO nanofilms coated on a 100 μm-thick polypropylene film. 3.1. Molecule detection
Thin film sensing is fundamental and of great scientific sig- In 2011, a paper-based planar metamaterial device was fabri-
nificance, which reveals basic sensing properties such as the cated for glucose detection as shown in Fig. 3a.67 In their
effects of refractive index, volume of the sensing target, reson- work, they presented glucose detection with a sensitivity reach-
ance type, the thicknesses of the substrate of the metasurface, ing 3.0 mmol L−1 as presented in Fig. 3b. As the normal con-
and spacer of the metamaterial absorber. The sensing pro- centration of glucose in human blood ranges from 3 mmol L−1
perties of metamaterial detection are of extreme importance to to 30 mmol L−1, this device holds the potential for further
further structure design, target sensing, and biosensing. practical applications. As inexpensive and abundant paper-
based biosensors could be more accessible to average users,
Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

the paper-based THz metamaterial sensor was promising and

3. THz metamaterial-based sensing could be fabricated as a lab-on-a-chip device. A highly sensitive
applications and selective sugar detection method was reported using
nano-antennas which operated in the THz frequency range
The THz metamaterial sensing method has been utilized in (0.5–2.5 THz) (Fig. 3c).68 The strongly localized and enhanced
many dynamic fields based on the theory as mentioned above. THz transmission by this metamaterial sensing tool could

Fig. 3 (a) Schematic of the micrometer-sized metamaterial resonators sprayed on paper substrates with a predefined microstencil. (Bottom left)
Photograph of a paper-based terahertz metamaterial sample. (Bottom right) Optical microscopy image of one portion of an as-fabricated paper
metamaterial sample. (b) Experimentally measured transmission spectra of the paper metamaterial samples coated with a series of glucose solutions
with varying concentrations. Panels (a–b) are reprinted with permission from ref. 67. Copyright (2011) Wiley. (c) Schematic of the THz detection of
sugar molecules using a nano-antenna array-based sensing chip. The small cubes represent crystallized molecules of sugar and the THz wave is nor-
mally incident on the chip. Inset is a microscopic image of the nano-slot-antenna array for fructose. (d) Normalized THz spectra measured with the
glucose antenna for D-glucose and (e) sucrose molecules. (f ) Normalized THz transmittances using a nano-antenna array with a fundamental reson-
ance at 1.7 THz are shown for Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Light, Coca-Cola Classic, Pepsi-Cola, and Sprite. Panels (c–f ) are reprinted with
permission from ref. 69. Copyright (2015) Nature. (g) Schematic of the metasurface structure with kanamycin sulfate molecules deposited on the
surface. (Top left and bottom left) SEM images of the metasurface. (Bottom right) Kanamycin sulfate molecular structure. (h) Fractional change
of transmittance versus frequency for kanamycin sulfate. Panels (g–h) are reprinted with permission from ref. 73. Copyright (2015) Nature.
(i) Schematic of spoof plasmon sensing using a linear array of subwavelength grooves with guided THz wave. Panel (i) is reprinted with permission
from ref. 77. Copyright (2014) American Chemical Society.

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effectively increase molecular absorption. When the absorp- illustrated in Fig. 3i, they showed that broadband spectral data
tion peak of carbohydrate molecules and the transmission could be experimentally extracted from corrugated metallic
peak of nano-antennas were matched, the absorption of the surfaces consisting of a linear array of subwavelength
sensing target was enhanced, which enabled selective detec- grooves.77 The enhanced light–matter interactions that occur
tion at low concentrations, as shown in Fig. 3d and e.68,69 For in the vicinity of the spoof plasmon surface allowed for a more
instance, the intensity of the transmission peak at 1.4 THz efficient use of the limited power of current terahertz sources
would be obviously damped with the addition of external and could detect lactose at 300 ng mm−2. A THz plasmonic
D-glucose molecules which had a strong absorption peak at sensor using a hybrid planar waveguide composed of a subwa-
1.4 THz, and sucrose could not induce such damping of the velength plastic ribbon waveguide and a diffraction grating
transmission peak. This novel method could also be extended was also employed in THz sensing.78 Within localized and
to the utilization of the discrimination of different popular enhanced THz plasmonic fields, the minimum detectable
drinks including Coca-Cola Zero, Coca-Cola Light, Coca-Cola amount of analytes (Bi2CuISe3) in powdered form reached
Classic, Sprite, and Pepsi-Cola Classic (Fig. 3f ). 17.3 nmol mm−2.
Food security and safety, two major global public health
Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

issues, are receiving increasing worldwide attention with the

growth in population.70–72 As external harmful additions, such 3.2. Biomolecule detection and THz biosensing
as pesticide and antibiotics, show fingerprints in the THz THz technology has attracted a large breadth of interest in the
region,4–7 THz spectroscopy shows great feasibility in food biomedical context as the collective vibration modes of protein
safety applications. To further improve the sensitivity of THz and DNA molecules are predicted in the THz regime.79,80 Thus
detection, metamaterials have been introduced into food protein detection and THz biosensing applications are of great
quality and safety control in recent years. The research group significance to extend the utilization of THz technology. As the
at Zhejiang University, China, employed THz metamaterials in detection of trace amounts of protein is needed, THz meta-
food safety applications. A metasurface consisting of square- materials are suitable for the signal amplification in those
shaped slits on a high resistance silicon substrate with extra- applications.
ordinary optical transmission resonance at ∼0.3 THz was used Detection of small amounts of horseradish peroxidase was
for kanamycin sulfate detection as presented in Fig. 3g.73 demonstrated using a highly sensitive MMD sensor by Yoshida
Extraordinary sensitivity had been reached with the minimal and his colleagues.81 To evaluate the sensitivity of the MMD
detectable concentration down to 100 pg L−1 (Fig. 3h), sensor, horseradish peroxidase was printed on the surface of
showing a dramatic ∼1010 times enhancement with the utiliz- MMD with the utilization of a commercially available printer.
ation of metasurfaces as a consequence of the existence of THz As a result, a distinct shift of the transmission dip occurred
electric field amplification, comparing to the lowest detectable with horseradish peroxidase at a concentration of 500 pg mm−2
concentration of kanamycin sulfate on bare silicon (∼1 gram (11 fmol), presenting a significantly high sensitivity of this
per L). Swiftly, a circle slit-shaped metasurface was used for MMD sensor for the femtomole level of sensing targets.
tetracycline hydrochloride (TCH) detection with a minimal Planar wallpaper-based metamaterials were also utilized for
detectable concentration as small as 0.1 mg L−1.74 In TCH protein detection. The metamaterial structures varied includ-
detection, ∼105 times sensitivity improvement was obtained ing both hexagonal and square unit cells.82 Multiple methods,
with the utilization of metasurfaces when compared to including the theory, simulations, and experiments, were used
sensing on a bare silicon substrate only. Pesticides have also to characterize these metamaterials with different patterns. By
been widely used and have become a global concern partly applying these novel structures, the resonant peaks can reach
because of the harmful effects on human health and the a good match with biotin’s which may help to increase the
environment. A THz metamaterial absorber was reported for sensitivity of biotin. Furthermore, a thin-slab metamaterial
the detection of pesticides, namely chlorpyrifos-methyl.42 structure enhanced the THz absorption signal of an ultrathin
Sensitivity improvement could be accessed by comparing the adsorbed layer as demonstrated in Fig. 4a, thus serving as a
sensing performances of THz metamaterial absorbers and signal amplifier.83 By matching the absorption peak of bovine
Teflon plates. In their work, the limit of detection (LOD) was serum albumin (BSA) and the resonant peak of the meta-
calculated to be 0.204 mg L−1 which was lower than the World material at 4.8 THz, the absorption of BSA molecules was
Health Organization’s provisional guideline limit for chlorpyri- enhanced with a concentration of 300 mM (Fig. 4b). While
fos-methyl in vegetables (1 mg L−1). THz metamaterial absor- using other molecules like Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) and 3,3′-di-
ber based sensing indicated the potential applications in food ethylthiatricarbocyanine iodide (DTTCI), no significant absorp-
quality and safety control. Additionally, THz metamaterials tion signal was observed. This study indicated that with the
with SRR structure could be used in the tiny refractive index improvement in structure design of a metamaterial device,
difference between transgenic product and non-transgenic they could show selectivity by matching the absorption peak of
ones with clearly distinguished SRR response peaks,75 indicat- sensing targets and the resonant peak of metamaterial
ing the possibility in identifying transgenic products. devices. Thereby, THz metamaterial sensing could improve the
By using a scattering edge coupling method, THz waves sensitivity and, in some cases, the selectivity could also be
could be guided onto the surface of metamaterials.76,77 As maintained.

13870 | Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 13864–13878 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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Fig. 4 (a) Schematic illustrations of the metamaterial sample. (b) (Top plot) Normalized transmittance spectrum of a submicron-thick BSA protein
layer (black circles) and the transmittance of the metamaterial sample (red circles) show the matching of the protein signal and metamaterial reson-
ance. (Bottom plot) Normalized transmittance spectra of an ultrathin layer of BSA molecules absorbed on the metamaterial sample and a reference
sapphire substrate. Panels (a–b) are reprinted with permission from ref. 83. Copyright (2016) Nature. (c) Schematic of a THz metamaterial sensor
with different shapes of sensing targets. Reprinted with permission from ref. 85. Copyright (2015) OSA. (d) The schematic diagram of label-free THz
measurement for cell apoptosis. Reprinted with permission from ref.86. Copyright (2016) AIP. (e) Schematic diagram of THz metamaterial bio-
sensing. Top-left shows the SEM of SRRs without and with biomolecules for comparison. Reprinted with permission from ref. 90. Copyright (2013)

Microorganisms have frequently been researched in THz ones, implying the field enhancement effects in this work. The
metamaterial sensing applications partly due to the comparable frequency shift saturated at 60–80 GHz when the gap area was
size of a microorganism to the size of a THz metamaterial full of microbeads. In practice, monitoring the cell status
atom. Slot antenna arrays were used to demonstrate individual during natural growth or after some treatment was very essential
yeast cell detection by Park and his colleagues,84 where the and label-free sensors were among the best choices. As the
addition of yeast cells caused a shift in the resonant frequency metamaterial sensor was sensitive to the number of the external
of metamaterials. Their simulated and experimental results also cells, this type of sensors could be used in label-free measure-
indicated that sensors fabricated on relatively low permittivity ments of cell apoptosis. A flexible metamaterial fabricated on a
substrates (like quartz) presented higher sensitivity and vertical 10μm-thick polyimide substrate was constructed, consisting of a
range of the effective sensing volume than that on high permit- planar array of five concentric subwavelength gold ring resona-
tivity substrates (like silicon). The field enhancement effect was tors (Fig. 4d), which was sensitive to the external tiny change of
confirmed when sensing yeast films on metamaterials with the dielectric environment.86 In their work, oral cancer cells
different sizes of slot widths, showing that the sensitivity was with and without a sanative drug were tested and a linear
higher for smaller slot widths (metamaterial with a 2 μm slot relationship between cell apoptosis measured by flow cytometry
width causing ∼13 GHz frequency shift when deposited a 4 μm and the relative changes of resonant frequencies of THz meta-
yeast film). As the shapes of microorganisms varied in sensing materials were observed and further analyzed. As the cell
applications, the sensitivity of the shape dependence was one number of cured oral cancer cell samples was obviously smaller
important consideration. Therefore, THz metamaterial sensing than that of control ones, the frequency shift of the meta-
of samples with different shapes was studied, where different material resonant peak with cured oral cancer cell samples was
shapes of polystyrene microbeads were selected as targets much smaller than that with uncured ones. This work was of
(Fig. 4c).85 In their work, spherical, ovular, lens-shaped, and general importance in developing cheap, label-free, real-time,
star-shaped structures of polystyrene microbeads were studied. and in situ detection tools.
Star-shaped microbeads presented the best sensitivity in the A label-free THz biosensing platform for living body-related
low-density regime which was three times that of spherical molecular binding was demonstrated using a thin MMD,

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showing that the dip frequency shift and transmittance attenu- tion as shown in Fig. 4e.90 Both the low and high frequency
ation of the dip frequency were dependent on the bonding resonant modes of the metamaterials were found useful in
amount of sensing targets.87 As a basic and effective bonding, detecting SA with a frequency shift up to 6.76 GHz (non-
the avidin–biotin interaction was selected as an example and a diluted SA solution, extent of labeling ≥1 mg ml−1). SRR pat-
small amount of biotin (0.17 pg mm−2) was detected through terned metamaterials were also used for fast and accurate
this method. A similar MMD was used for single- and double- detection of microorganisms, such as fungi and bacteria.39
stranded DNA detection with a polyvinylidene difluoride Extremely small amounts of the microorganisms were detected
(PVDF) membrane for adding DNA samples.88 Free-space THz as their sizes were on the same scale as the micro-gaps of the
measurement could not recognize the optical properties of a THz metamaterials. A blue shift of the resonant peak was
small amount of DNA molecules due to the low absorption of observed with the addition of 0.019 μm−2 Escherichia coli
such targets. However, MMD devices provided an enhanced (E. coli) because the refractive index of water was greater than
sensitivity as they were sensitive to the tiny refractive index that of E. coli cells. As the excited electric field was at the
difference between single- and double-stranded DNA at the several tens of micrometer level, the absorption of water was
concentration of 2 μg mm−2, showing a potential approach to not strong, thereby making this metamaterial sensor usable in
Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

the analysis of biologically relevant DNA samples. Alkanethiol liquid sensing with the most sensitive area locating at the gap
molecules were detected by using metamaterials with an SRR of the SRR structure which was not easy for free space THz
pattern.89 A differential transmission (DT) interrogation sensing.
method was applied to measure the resonant peak difference
of metamaterials with and without sensing targets, where the 3.3. Metamaterial based microfluidic applications
DT signal mainly came from the interaction between alkane- The initial step towards THz metamaterial based microfluidic
thiols and metamaterials by electron transfer and/or the applications was the detection of liquid samples. Planar SRR
variation of the dielectric constants. The carbon chain length structure arrays were fabricated for 50 nm thin liquid layer
dependence of the alkanethiol molecules was studied in this sensing, where both the circular current driven and linear
work, indicating that metamaterials offer a promising way to polarization induced resonances presented red-shifted reson-
read out the carbon number in the self-assembled alkanethiol ances.91 When acquiring the reflection of a metamaterial
molecular monolayers. Further, numerical simulations also using THz radiation, the reflection signal came from the sub-
confirmed that the strong electric field at the gap and corner strate (GaAs) part and the metamaterial (SRR) part formed two
regions of this kind of metamaterials had shown large pulses in the received time domain spectrum as shown in
enhancement of the sensitivity. A label-free and specific meta- Fig. 5a and b.92 Therefore, the THz spectra of the reference
material biosensor, which was decorated by octadecan thiols and sensing signal could be collected in a single measurement
and biotins, was employed for streptavidin–agarose (SA) detec- from different intersurfaces of the substrate. An ethanol–water

Fig. 5 (a) Schematic diagram of the experimental arrangement in reflective geometry for a metamaterial with aqueous solutions. (b) Typical reflec-
tive THz time-domain waveforms from split ring resonators (SRRs)/GaAs. Panels (a–b) are reprinted with permission from ref. 92. Copyright (2013)
AIP. (c) Optical configuration of the experimental setup around the complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) sample. (Right plot) A photograph of
a CSRR used in the experiments. Reprinted with permission from ref. 93. Copyright (2013) Springer. (d) Schematic of the fluidic THz metamaterial
device for the sensing of aqueous solutions. (Right plot) Photograph of the fluidic metamaterial device. Reprinted with permission from ref. 94.
Copyright (2016) Royal Society of Chemistry. (e) Schematic diagram of the metamaterial absorber integrated microfluidic sensor. The microfluidic
channel is sandwiched between the metal microstructure array and the metal reflector. The metal microstructure array is attached on the cap and
the metal reflector is on the substrate. The analyte in the channel flows in from the inlet and out from the outlet. A THz beam is incident from the
cap side and the reflected terahertz beam is measured for sensing. Reprinted with permission from ref. 95. Copyright (2016) Wiley.

13872 | Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 13864–13878 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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mixture (ethanol 30%, 50%, 70%, and 100%) and an aqueous employed to differ different kinds of liquids, such as gasoline,
solution of NaCl (0.666, 1.202, and 1.903 mol L−1) were investi- liquid paraffin, glycerin and water.99
gated and the peak–valley value near the resonant region
depended linearly on the solution concentration, which came 3.4. Other applications
from the variation of the dielectric environment near the inter- The large wavelength associated with THz radiation severely
face between the metamaterials and the aqueous sample. hindered its interaction with nano-objects, including nano-
Complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs), as demon- particles, nanorods, and large biological molecules; however,
strated in Fig. 5c, were fabricated to achieve better reflection by fabricating THz metamaterials with a gap achieving the
energy than SRRs for the detection of glycerol–water mix- nanometer level, the electric field could be strongly enhanced
tures.93 The reflected resonant dip frequency changed sharply as shown in Fig. 6a.100 The THz dipole nanoantennas spaced
with glycerol concentration, showing detection sensitivity by nanogaps of 20 nm allowed retrieving the spectroscopic sig-
about 8 times higher when compared to the case on a silicon nature of a monolayer of cadmium selenide quantum dots at
substrate. By depositing a dielectric film on a metamaterial, 5.65 THz, presenting a Fano-like interference between the fun-
the resonant frequency shifted but saturated at a specific thick- damental antenna mode and the phonon resonance of the
Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

ness as a result of the limited sensing volume of the meta- quantum dots with an absorption enhancement factor greater
material;94 thereby, the dielectric constant of various polymers than one million (Fig. 6b). Therefore, trapping a THz wave into
could be extracted. In this work, they demonstrated a micro- nanovolumes might develop sensitive as well as selective
fluidic channel based on metamaterials to address the real sensors in the future. The extraordinary transmission of a THz
dielectric constants for a polar liquid solution partly due to wave through an array of nanogaps with varying dimensions
the fact that the resonance shift was mainly caused by the real and periodicities was employed for the THz sensing of thin
dielectric constants of the liquid solution (Fig. 5d).94 As an film single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) (Fig. 6c).101 As
instance, the dielectric constants of sodium chloride and pot- CNTs behaved like conductors which could strongly change
assium chloride solutions had been determined with various the electric field excited by metamaterials, a 10 nm-thick film
concentrations. THz metamaterial absorbers trapped incident of single-walled CNTs over the gaps led to 43% extinction of
THz waves into a thin layer, forming strong attenuation of the THz waves. Compared to polar liquids such as water and
incident THz waves, showing an extremely strong electric field ethanol, oil does not show significant absorption in the THz
enhancement in the thin layer, and, thereby being suitable for region, enabling easy oil detection even in free space THz
sensitive detection. In 2016, an array-dielectric–metal micro- detection. SRR patterned THz metamaterials were also used as
structure was constructed where the dielectric layer of the a sensor for discriminating gasoline of 93# and 97#, indicating
structure was hollow and acted as the microfluidic channel, the potential applications of gasoline identification.102 The
serving as a highly sensitive sensor for label-free refractive experimental and simulated results showed that the red shift
index sensing (Fig. 5e).95 By the novel design of the electro- of the high frequency resonant peak was larger than that of
magnetic parameters of the metamaterial absorber, the the low frequency one.
electromagnetic fields could be strongly confined in the
channel, which resulted in the significantly enhanced inter-
action between the sensing targets and the incident THz wave. 4. Conclusion and perspective
Compared to the traditional THz metamaterial absorber
sensor, this new type of THz metamaterial absorber sensor 4.1. Novel metamaterial design
achieved a high sensitivity up to 3.5 THz RIU−1. The proposed In recent years, the sensitivity of metamaterial detection has
idea of combining metamaterial and microfluid with a great been improving partly due to the improvement of meta-
light–matter interaction could be extended to other frequency material structures. Increasing the excited electric field or uti-
regions and showed promise in sensing and biosensing lizing the high electric field for sensing are two plausible solu-
applications. tions. In the literature, we find that sensing applications using
A THz artificial material composed of MRA also was suc- a Fano-like structure, metamaterial absorber, and squeezing
cessfully incorporated into microfluidics as a miniaturized incident THz wave into a nanovolume (the common method is
waveguide with an extended optical-path-length for label free shortening the gap to the nanometer level as a result, enhan-
fluidic sensing.96 The detection limit of a liquid analyte was cing the electric field) are possible ways toward ultra-sensitive
demonstrated to be less than 0.1 mmol which indicated that applications. Novel metamaterial designs are still of great sig-
this type of phase sensitive sensor had good adaptability in nificance as the requirement for low-cost and fast sensors
lab-chip technology. In recent years, THz surface plasmon increases.
resonance using prism-coupling and periodically grooved metal In addition to sensitivity, another crucial consideration for
films was used for refractive index sensing.97–99 The gap dis- metamaterial design is the selectivity of the device.68,69 In
tance between the prism and the metal film and the incident recent years, Fano coupling of the sensing targets and the
angle have great effect on the performance of sensing. The sen- metamaterial device has been observed when the absorption
sitivity could reach up to 2.57 THz RIU−1 when using a second- peak of sensing target and the resonance of the metamaterials
order mode sensing by simulation.98 This device could also be are well matched.100 Therefore, applying metamaterials in

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Fig. 6 (a) (Left plot) Sketch of the THz nanoantenna array and definition of geometrical antenna parameters. (Right plot) SEM detail of a nanogap
region (upper panel); two-dimensional surface plot of the field amplitude enhancement factor around the gap region at the quantum dot (QD)
resonance frequency (lower panel). (b) Transmittance of the array for THz polarization set along the nanoantenna long axis and without QDs over
the surface (green curve); transmittance of the same array covered with a QD monolayer, for THz polarization set along the y (black curve) and x
(red curve) axis. Panels (a–b) are reprinted with permission from ref. 100. Copyright (2015) American Chemical Society. (c) Schematic diagram of
THz transmission coupled to a single-walled carbon nanotube film on 2 nm-wide metallic nanogap arrays. Reprinted with permission from ref. 101.
Copyright (2015) Royal Society of Chemistry.

sensing applications can improve the sensitivity as well as pre- fruitful practices. Hence, introducing nanoparticles to THz
serve the fingerprint signal of sensing targets. However, the metamaterial sensing may open up a new avenue for
Fano-like resonance does not always occur in the THz regime researchers in the development of new embranchments of
when matching the absorption peak of the sensing target and THz detection.
the resonance of the metamaterials, which is partly due to the
weak and broad absorption of sensing targets in the THz 4.3. Graphene plasmonics and graphene metamaterial
band. Therefore, novel designs of metamaterials are needed devices
when detecting targets with a broad absorption band. Graphene plasmonics have been found tunable and less lossy
compared to metal induced plasmonics.105 In recent years,
4.2. Introducing nanomaterials into metamaterial sensing graphene plasmonics have been successfully used in protein
Nanomaterials, such as gold nanoparticles, quantum dots, sensing and the fingerprint detection of external molecule in
etc., are attractive in various sensing applications.103,104 the mid-infrared region.106,107 The addition of external mole-
However, the plasmons of those nanoparticles do not lie in cules on the surface of graphene metamaterials will induce
the THz region, which limits their use in many sensing appli- two major phenomena, red shift of the graphene resonant
cations. As mentioned above, quantum dots have been used peak and external molecule induced doping of graphene,
in THz metamaterial sensing, showing that THz metamater- which moves the Fermi level of CVD grown graphene toward
ials can sense ultrathin films with thickness down to the the Dirac point, accompanying a decrease of the carrier
nanometer level.100 This inspires us to introduce those nano- density of graphene and red shift of the resonant peak of the
particles into THz metamaterial sensing. Nanoparticles, such graphene plasmonics. Therefore, graphene plasmonic based
as gold, can be functionalized and used in many applications; sensing may be a new research theme as the addition of the
therefore, introducing them into THz sensing will lead to external sensing target induced doping of graphene also con-

13874 | Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 13864–13878 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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tributes to the red shift of the resonant peak, which enhances the sensitivity has been improved through the strongly con-
the sensitivity. fined electromagnetic fields in the channel, resulting in the
Graphene-metamaterial heterostructures have been significantly enhanced interaction between the sensing targets
reported as active THz wave modulators in recent years, where and the incident THz wave. However, this type of device is still
the external electric voltage induced doping of graphene con- a refractive index sensor at present as the selectivity of those
tributes to the modulation ability.108–112 As is well known, devices is low, calling for the need for biosensing applications
many methods can be used to induce the doping of graphene, which has been employed in metamaterial sensing in other
including the addition of external molecules. Therefore, intro- bands.126
ducing graphene metamaterials to THz sensing technology
may produce new sensing strategies as the external molecule
induced doping of graphene that significantly changes the Conflicts of interest
electromagnetic environment near the surface of metamater-
ials as compared to the case of metamaterial sensing only There are no conflicts to declare.
which is sensitive to the refractive index of the sensing targets.
Published on 24 August 2017. Downloaded on 10/12/2022 6:00:43 AM.

Two-dimensional (2D) materials other than graphene, such

as molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), have also been introduced Acknowledgements
into THz metamaterial technology.113 As 2D materials show The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support pro-
similar physical properties, this inspires us that more and vided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
more 2D materials will be utilized in THz metamaterial (no. 31671573).
technology in the near future. Like graphene, other 2D
materials also have been widely employed as sensors.114–119
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