Esee CAE

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Esee CAE

In today’s world, practical subjects are at least as important as academic ones, because they
are part of the adults’ everyday lives. They are responsible for teaching a student how to
behave in society and how to live a healthy and organized life, and that is why many people
believe that they should be taught in schools.
The usefulness of practical subjects cannot be denied, as they make the difference between an
ordinary adult, who rushes through his whole life, avoiding most of his problems, and a
responsible one, who lives a balanced and well-organized life, coping with the obstacles
which appear in his way.
Each person should be informed about topics like diet and nutrition, cooking, gardening,
cleaning, automobile care and maintenance, household repair and they should also have
knowledge related to bank and important documents, in order to cope with the everyday lives’
tasks. As some parents do not have the possibility or time to teach their children such things,
practical subjects should be taught in schools.
In conclusion, therefore, even if there would be extra costs in schools, practical subjects
should be taught, as they make the students more responsible.

One of my favourite books, which I would recommend to anyone, is Pollyanna, written by
Eleanor Porter.
This book tells the story of an eleven-year-old orphan, called Pollyanna, who had to move
with her wealthy, but cold aunt called Polly, who didn’t want to take her in, but feeled that it
was her duty to her sister. Pollyanna's attitude towards life is centered on ”The glad game”,
which consists in finding something to be glad about in every situation, no matter how bleak it
may be.
On one Christmas, when she was a little kid, Pollyanna was hoping to find a doll in the
missionary barrel, but instead of that, she got a pair of crutches. Her father invented ”The glad
game" on the spot, explaining Pollyanna that she should have been happy because she didn’t
need to use those crutches. From then on, she used the game as a method to cope with the
problems in her life. She also started to teach the game to the people she met, brightening in
this way their lives.
The thing I like the most about ”Pollyanna” is the depth of the message it conveys and the joy
it brings to you while reading it. I would recommend this book to anyone, as it would
definitely change their attitude towards life and would bring them happiness and optimism.

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