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Esee CAE

How interest in science can be boosted?

In today’s world, most students are not interested in educational topics like
science and therefore, government should take some measures and encourage
them to try to improve their knowledge more often. In this essay, I will present
some of the most affordable and effective methods for boosting interest in
science and consider the implications of each one.

First and foremost, a lot of students these days choose to spend their free time
playing video games and watching TV programmes which do not only affect
their health, but also their mood. Watching science programmes on TV could be
an excellent alternative to those activities, as it would let students to spend their
time the way they want and improve their knowledge at the same time. It would
be a great idea to improve the science programmes which children consider to
be boring and make them more appealing to them by transforming the learning
process into a funny one. Scientific explanations of funny moments from
everyday life would be entertaining, interesting and educational at the same
time, so many students will find pleasure in it.

It is thought that students learn enough information about science at school, but
studying science and being interested in it are two completely different things.
The rigid and often boring teaching methods which are applied nowadays
encourage students to memorize certain information about this topic, instead of
making them passionate and curious about science. It would be a great idea to
improve teaching facilities by presenting funny and interesting experiments to
students during science classes more often, as children tend to enjoy the
practical part more than the theoretical part of science.

All in all, government should find the best methods for encouraging an interest
in science and try to apply them in schools. These two suggestions, meaning
funnier science TV programmes and improved teaching facilities, would not
only boost students’ interest in this topic, but would also make them feel
passionate about it.
‘Dress-down’ day

The aim of this report is to analyze if introducing one day at the end of the
working week when employees can wear informal clothes would be a good idea
or not.

Are there any benefits?

A ‘dress-down’ day could make employees feel more comfortable at work,
which could increase the quality of their work. It is known that the more you
enjoy your job and working environment, the more your accomplishments will
be. Moreover, employees will not feel so much pressure from the company as
before and could start treating their daily tasks with more conscientiousness.
Some of them could actually start enjoying working overtime on these days,
when the atmosphere is more pleasant.

Could it affect the company?

Many companies interact daily with potential future clients, with colleagues
from other countries or even with people from the management department and
their image could affect the image of the company, too. An employee who is
dressed formal looks more responsible, trustworthy, competent and serious in
his job, and so will look the company. However, when an employee is dressed
informal, he seems to be distracted from his tasks and disinterested, which
would probably reduce the number of its clients.

From the information provided in this report, it is clear that introducing a ‘dress-
down’ day wouldn’t be such a good idea. It would probably be better if
employees wore informal clothes only when they met outside working hours.

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