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1. Answer in English.

2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 12 March 2023.

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


This assignment aims to encourage students to examine and evaluate the issue given
and complete the required tasks based on the issue.



You are teaching a group of exchange students from a foreign country. Your pupils are
mid-teens. These pupils have been assigned to your class because they need to achieve
the standard of English language proficiency required by your school. You will be
teaching them for one semester and have been asked to measure their improvement in
the four basic English language skills.

Write an essay to describe how you would assess your pupils. Your essay should be
comprised of the following:
● A description of how you would assess and evaluate each of the four skills.
● A description of how you would prepare them to face assessment and evaluation
at a level higher than their own.
● Evidence from contemporary1 and relevant literature to support your arguments

a) Refer to Topics 2,3,4,6, and 7 in the course module.
b) Refer to the rubrics given below for mark distribution.

(30 marks)


1 Generally regarded as literature in the area that is written within the last decade or so.

Based on the arguments that you have presented in the above essay, propose ONE
complete assessment2to be administered to the pupils mentioned in the above question.
Your assessment must be comprised of the following characteristics:
● It addresses all of the four language skills
● It is a complete assessment3
● It is accompanied by a complete grading scheme.

Refer to the rubrics given below for mark distribution.

(20 marks)

[Total: 50 marks]



Discuss the following topic in the forum and submit the proof of your participation in the
online discussions:
The multiple-choice format is the best form of assessment to assess a large group of pupils
such as those we have in some Malaysian schools.
Do you agree with the above statement?
[Total: 10 marks]

2 To be read as a complete assessment which may include an examination paper, the accompanying audiovisual
material (the listening and speaking components).
3 It is to be administered in one occasion. For example, in one class with all the four skills included in the


PART I (50%)
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or Max
*QN CLO No response
Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0


1 1 Introduction 1.0 Well-developed The introductory The introductory The introduction states The thesis and/or 4
Background/ introductory paragraph contains paragraph contains the thesis but problem is vague or
history paragraph contains adequate some does not adequately unclear. Background
Define the problem detailed background background explain the details are a
Thesis Statement background, a clear information and states information and states background of the a seemingly random
explanation or the the problem. The collection of
definition of the problem and some the problem, but does problem is stated but information, unclear, or
problem, and a thesis explain using not explain using lacks detail. not related
statement details. States the details. States the to the topic.
thesis of the paper thesis of the paper.

1 1 MAIN POINTS 2.5 Three or more Three or more main Three or more main Less than three main Missing main points. 10
Body Paragraphs main points are points are present points, but all points, Absent idea
1) how you well but may lack detail lack development. with poor development.
would assess developed with and development in development of
and evaluate supporting details. one or two. Acceptable ideas. Missing suggestion of
each of the four suggestion of assessment and
skills. Excellent Feasible suggestion assessment and Vague suggestion of evaluation that
2) how you would suggestion of of assessment and evaluation that assessment and includes the four skills.
prepare them to assessment and evaluation that includes the four evaluation that
face assessment evaluation that includes the four skills. includes the four Missing suggestion for
and evaluation at includes the four skills. skills. preparation to face
a higher level skills. Acceptable higher level evaluation
than their own. Feasible suggestion suggestion for Vague suggestion for
Excellent for preparation to preparation to face preparation to face

suggestion for face higher level higher level higher level
preparation to face evaluation evaluation evaluation
higher level
1 1 Conclusion 1.0 The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion does The conclusion does not 4
summarizes the main summarizes the main summarizes the main not adequately summarize the main
topics without topics. topics, summarize the main points at all. No
repeating previous Some suggestions for but it is repetitive. points. No suggestions for change or
sentences; writer’s change are Vague suggestions for suggestions for change opinions are included.
opinions and evident. change and/or or
suggestions for opinions are opinions are included.
change are logical included.
and well thought out.

1 1 Relevant and 1.0 The work utilizes The work utilizes The work tries to The work utilizes No support from the 4
contemporary contemporary and relevant literature to utilize contemporary minimal literature to literature given
literature support relevant literature to clearly support the and relevant literature support the arguments
clearly support the arguments presented to clearly support the presented.
arguments but some parts of the arguments presented
presented. literature are more but the
than five years old. contemporariness and
relevancy of the
literature are

1 1 Use of relevant 1.0 Displays eloquent use Displays competent Displays arguable Displays poor use of Displays no use of local 4
local examples of local and relevant use of local and proficiency in the use local and relevant and relevant examples to
examples to support relevant examples to of local and relevant examples to support support the arguments
the arguments support the arguments examples to support the arguments presented.
presented. presented. the arguments presented.

1 1 ORGANIZATION 1.0 Logical, compelling developed. Progression of ideas in Arrangement of essay Essay arrangement 4
progression of Progression of ideas in essay is unclear virtually absent.
ideas in the essay; essay makes sense and is awkward, yet moves and illogical. The No sense of direction.
clear structure which moves the the reader writing lacks a Ideas,
enhances reader easily through through the text clear sense of details or events are in

and showcases the the text. without too much direction. Ideas, random
central idea or Strong transitions exist confusion. The writer details or events seem fashion; No
theme and moves throughout sometimes strung internal structure and
the reader through and add to the essay’s lunges ahead too together in a loose or indiscernible
the text. Organization coherence quickly or spends random writer’s
flows so too much time on fashion; there is no line of thought.
smoothly the reader details that do not identifiable Absent transitions
hardly thinks about matter. Transitions internal structure and .
it. appear readers
Effective, mature, sporadically, but not have trouble following
graceful transitions equally the writer’s
exist throughout the throughout the essay. line of thought. Few,
essay. forced
transitions in the essay
or no
transitions are present.

7.5 30


2 2 Task Completion 1.0 The assignment Almost all required Some required Required components Off-topic; formatting 4
and structure includes all required components are components are are mostly absent; guidelines for layout
components of the included; formatting included; formatting formatting is (headings), spacing, and
task and follows guidelines for layout guidelines for layout repeatedly inconsistent alignment are not
formatting guidelines (headings), spacing, (headings), spacing, in layout (headings), followed, making the
for layout (headings), alignment, and alignment are spacing, and assignment unattractive
spacing, alignment, indentations, etc. are sometimes followed.  alignment, reducing or hard to read.
indentations, etc. almost always 3-4 problems in readability and
Format and layout followed.  1-2 format and layout, but attractiveness.
make the assignment problems in format the assignment is easy
exceptionally and layout, but to read
attractive. readability and
attractiveness are not

2 2 Assessment 2.5 The proposed The proposed The proposed The proposed The proposed 10
addressing the assessment, assessment, assessment, assessment, assessment,
● Fully covers ● Covers reading, ● Covers reading, ● Questionably ● Does not cover

four skills reading, writing, writing, listening, writing, listening, covers reading, reading, writing,
listening, and and speaking and speaking but writing, listening, listening, and
speaking ● Each skill is has biases to and speaking speaking
● Each skill is assessed using the some skills over ● The tools used to ● Tools used to assess
assessed appropriate tool / others. assess the skills the skills are not
appropriately technique. ● Each skill is may not be appropriate to the
using the ● Good allocation of assessed using a entirely skill.
appropriate attention to all common tool / appropriate to the ● Unfair allocation of
tool / technique. four skills technique. skill. attention to all four
● Accurate ● Fair allocation of ● Questionable skills
allocation of attention to all allocation of
attention to all four skills attention to all
four skills four skills

2 2 Complete 1.5 The grading scheme The grading scheme The grading scheme The grading scheme The grading scheme 6
grading scheme covers all categories. covers all categories. covers all categories. covers all categories. covers all categories.
● The categories ● The categories are ● The categories ● The categories are ● The categories are
are accurate for appropriate for are appropriate questionably inappropriate for
each skill. each skill. for each skill but appropriate for each skill.
● The division of ● The division of contain minor each skill. ● The division of
grades isaccurate grades are areas of error. ● The division of grades is unfair
and appropriate appropriate ● The division of grades and/or inappropriate
grades is isoccasionally
appropriate, with unfair and/or
minor errors inappropriate

5 20

Total 12.5 50



Excellent Good Fair Poor Or Max
*QN CLO No response
Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0

Quality of All five comments are Four of the comments Two or three of the One post submitted. Postings done
Postings good, appropriate, are good, appropriate, comments are OR All posts done in past
relevant, meaningful, relevant, meaningful, somewhat good, one day. assignment
and respectful. and respectful. appropriate, OR None of the timeline.
Postings reflect active Postings reflect meaningful and comments are good OR No postings
participation within participation within respectful. and relevant. given as proof
1 3 2.5 10
assignment timeline. assignment timeline. Postings show OR Comments are of participation
relatively short short responses that in discussion
participation time. are not substantial
nor meaningful.
Minimum effort (e.g.
“I agree with Tina”)

Total 2.5 10

Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.

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