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In the earlier times, most of the cut flowers were kept in water but nowadays,

scientists have introduced many floral preservatives to improve the vase-life of cut

flowers. But not everyone has access to floral preservatives or prefer alternative choices.

Most flower shops have struggled with what to do with the flowers that are left unsold

and eventually wilting and going to waste, most common of them are roses.

Wilting is defined as the rolling, folding or dropping of leaves and young stem due

to loss of turgidity. It occurs due to high transpiration and low water absorption rate. Due

to low water absorption xylem vessels loss their turgidity resulting in the blockage of

xylem vessels (Quark Science, 2022).

A coconut is the edible fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree of the

palm family. Coconut flesh is high in fat and can be dried or eaten fresh or processed into

coconut milk or coconut oil. The liquid of the nut, known as coconut water, is used in

beverages (Brittanica, 2021). The antibacterial property of coconut, the presence of lauric

acid, and the ability to extract antimicrobial peptides Cn-AMP (1, 2, and 3) from tender

coconut water has drawn attention on its effectiveness in normal consumption (Rukmini,

J. N., et al., 2017). This shows potential in preventing microbial growth.

In this study the researcher aims to determine whether Coconut (Cocos nucifera)

water has an effect in prolonging the vase life of roses. Moreover, this could lead to a

new eco-friendly alternative floral preservative.

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