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All living things are made from one or more cells.

A cell is the simplest unit of life and they are

responsible for keeping an organism alive and functioning. This introduction to cells is the starting point
for the area of biology that studies the various types of cells and how they work. There is a massive varie-
ty of different types of cells but they all have some common characteristics. Almost every different type of
cell contains genetic material, a membrane and cytoplasm. Cells also have many other features such as
organelles and ribosomes that perform specific functions.

Trace the historical

development of the

Understand the Identify and illus-

significance of trate the different
Chemistry in parts of the cell and
studying Biolo- describe their speci-
gy. fic functions.
A. The Chemistry of Life

Cells are made up of various chemical components. The chemical compound present can be
divided into two principal classes: inorganic and organic. Inorganic compounds are molecules, usually
small, that typically lack carbon and in which ionic bonds plays an important role. Inorganic compounds
include water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and many salts, acids and bases. Organic compounds always
contain carbon and hydrogen. Large organic molecules include lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and nu-
cleic acids.

Wrinkles Osteogenesis Imperfecta Albino rabbit

Why does your skin wrinkle as you get older? If you have osteogenesis imperfecta, why do your
bones break so easily? Why do albino rabbits have pink eyes? The answer to all of these questions, at
the most basic level, is chemistry! Biology is the study of living things and the key to understanding
biology is to understand the fundamental chemistry which underpins all life.

In young skin collagen molecules form elastic triple helices which stretch as the skin moves. With
age, the molecular structure changes to become more rigid, brittle and more likely to tear. When colla-
gen combines with bone it gives it tensile strength, like reinforced concrete. In osteogenesis imperfecta,
the collagen and bone don’t combine so the bone is brittle and breaks easily. And an albino rabbit lacks
one single molecule called melanin.
The chemistry of life begins with the basic principles of bond formation and bond breaking, and
the nature of the different compounds formed. Life revolves around the balancing act between the en-
ergy released as bonds are broken and the energy taken in as bonds are formed. Life on earth depends
on the nature of the carbon atom and the nature of water. Water is fundamental to life and under-
standing the properties of water helps to make sense of many other areas of biology.

Whilst many small molecules and ions play vital roles in cells and organisms, macromolecules are
also key. An understanding of the chemistry of compounds including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
ATP, DNA and RNA gives you the tools you need to make sense of everything from cell biology to ecolo-
Electrons are pulled towards
Water: a key molecule for life the oxygen, creating a slightly
positively charged region. This
overall unequal charge is
The chemical formula for water is H2O – two hydrogen represented by the Greek
delta, for dipole.

atoms covalently bonded to one oxygen atom. The shape of the

molecule and the distribution of electrons in this molecule
means it is polar, with the oxygen slightly negative and the hy-
drogen atoms slightly positive. As a result water molecules are
held together by hydrogen bonds. It is the effect of these
bonds which makes water liquid at room temperature and the Electrons are pulled away
from the hydrogen towards
perfect medium for life. After all, it makes up 60-70% of your the oxygen, creating a slightly
positively charged region.

B. Cell (The Fundamental Unit of Life)

Cells are the basic unit of life. In the modern world, they are the smallest known world that per-
forms all of life’s functions. All living organisms are either single cells, or are multicellular organisms com-
posed of many cells working together.


(1590) Hans and Zacharias Janssen- two

Dutch lens makers who invented the first com-
pound microscope when they put two of their First compound microscope
in Circa
lenses together in a tube.

(1665) Robert Hooke- English scientist who discovered and came up with the name ―cells from Latin
term ―cella while looking through a microscope at a piece of cork.
Supposedly, the cork (which was made of dead oak tree tissues) reminded him of the small rooms that
the monks lived in at the monasteries.
(1683) Anton Van Leeuwenhoek- Dutch amateur scientist who ob-
served some of the first living cells under a simple (1 lens) microscope.

He named these small organisms ―animalcules‖.

It is now believed that some of the living cells he saw were actually

(1831) Robert Brown- discover the nucleus.

(1838 and 1839) Matthias Schleiden a German botanist and Theodore Schwann a German
Zoologist,viewed plants and animals under a microscope and discovered that plants and animals are
both made of cells.

(1855) Rudolph Virchow - Prussian physician collaborated his ideas with the other two scientists and
they developed the Cell Theory.


The Modern Cell Theory consists of three statements based on large body of scientific research. The
original work was done by Schleiden and Schwann.

1. Cell is the basic unit of life.

2. The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in living things.
3. All living things are composed of cells.
4. Cells come from pre-existing cells.
KEY CONCEPT 1: Eukaryotic cells have internal membranes that com-
partmentalized their function.
Plasma membrane — the selective barrier.
Cytosol- a semifluid, jellylike substance inside the cell in which sub
celular components are suspended.
Cytoplasm-region between the nucleus and plasma membrane
Nuclear membrane- double membrane that encloses the cell nucleus.
It serves to separate the chromosomes from the rest of the cell.

KEY CONCEPT 2: Eukaryotic cell’s genetic instructions are housed in the nucleus and carried out by the
Nucleus- information central
Nuclear envelope- double membrane
Pore complex- lines each pore and plays an important role in the cell by regulating the entry and
exit of proteins and RNAs
Nuclear lamina- netlike array of protein filaments that maintains the shape of the nucleus by me-
chanically supporting the nuclear envelope.
Chromosomes- structures inside the nucleus that carry the genetic information.
Nucleolus- where a type of RNA called ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is synthesized from instructions in
the DNA.
Ribosomes- protein factories; complexes made of ribosomal RNAs and proteins, are the cellular com-
ponents that carry out protein synthesis .
Cytoplasmic locales: A. Free ribosomes B. Bound ribosomes
KEY CONCEPT 3: Endomembrane system regulates protein traffic and performs metabolic functions.
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM- Biosynthetic Factory; Extensive network of membranes
1. Smooth ER- Synthesises glycogen, lipids and steroids.
2. Rough ER- It participates in the synthesis of enzymes and

GOLGI APPARATUS- Shipping and receiving center

A. Vesicles B. Cis-to-trans model
LYSOSOME- Digestive compartments. Membranous sac of hydrolytic enzymes that many eukaryotic
cells use to digest (hydrolyze) macromolecules.
VACUOLES- Diverse maintenance compartments.
 Food vacuoles
 Contractile vacuoles
 Large central vacuoles
KEY CONCEPT 4: Mitochondria and chloroplast change energy from one form to another.
ENDOSYMBIONT THEORY—This theory states that an ear-
ly ancestor of eukaryotic cells engulfed an oxygen-using non-
photosynthetic prokaryotic cell. Eventually, the engulfed cell
formed a relationship with the host cell in which it was en-
closed, becoming an endosymbiont (a cell living within ano-
ther cell). Indeed, over the course of evolution, the host cell
and its endosymbiont merged into a single organism, a eukar-
yotic cell with a mitochondrion. At least one of these cells
may have then taken up a photosynthetic prokaryote, becom-
ing the ancestor of eukaryotic cells that contain chloroplasts.

MITOCHONDRIA- chemical energy conversion/powerhouse

of the cell. Sites of cellular respiration, the metabolic process
that uses oxygen to drive the generation of ATP by extracting
energy from sugars, fats, and other fuels.
Cristae- in folding inside the membrane
CHLOROPLAST- capture of light energy
found in plants and algae, are the sites of photosynthesis. This process in chloroplasts converts solar
energy to chemical energy by absorbing sunlight and using it to drive the synthesis of organic com-
pounds such as sugars from carbon dioxide and water.
PEROXISOME- oxidation; contain enzymes that remove hydrogen atoms from various substrates and
transfer them to oxygen (O2), producing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a by-product. These reactions
have many different functions.
KEY CONCEPT 5: The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers that organizes structures and activities in the
CYTOSKELETON- the cell’s backbone; a network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm
Three types of molecular structures: A. Microtubules B. Microfilaments C. intermediate filaments.
MICROTUBULES- shape and support the cell and also serve as tracks along which organelles
equipped with motor proteins can move.
Centrosomes and centrioles
Cilia and Flagella
KEY CONCEPT 6: Extracellular components and connections between cells help coordinate cellular activi-
CELL WALL OF PLANTS– Extracellular structure of plant cells. Protects the plant cell, maintains its
shape, and prevents excessive uptake of water.
CELL JUNCTIONS- Neighboring cells often adhere, interact, and communicate via sites of direct physi-
cal contact. Plasmodesmata (plant cell) and Tight Junctions, Desmosomes, and Gap Junctions in animal

Exercise No. 1
Creative Learning: Cell Structure and Function
Using your available materials at home create a model of a cell with their specific functions. It
maybe a poster, 3d model, edible or any creative way you want that exhibits knowledge of cytological
anatomy (the parts of a cell and their jobs). The cell may be either a plant or an animal. (See the
example and the attached criteria below)

Category Points

The model shows attention to detail and demonstrates 40%

excellent effort and creativity.
All listed organelles are correctly located and 30%
referenced on legend or labelled on the model.
Functions of all organelles are correctly described in 30%

TOTAL 100%

Mocha flavoured cake with fondant

icing and gumpaste toppers shows a
References: model of Plant Cell.
Video presentation about cell ( -by Jea Kaye Q. Awa, Freshman stu-
Estopacio, EIAOM (2018) Introduction to Life Science dent taking up Bachelor of Science in
Basic Biology Pharmacy at UST.

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