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Describing a famous capital city

1. Name of the city and why is it so famous?

2. Where is the city located / situated?

3. Population / inhabitants /

4. What is the weather like? Describe the climate/ Give details in

winter and in summer. The best time for visiting it…

5. What is the city like? City center, suburbs, slums, outskirts…

6. What are the people like? Intruding /sociable / friendly ….

7. High lifestyle? poverty? unemployment ? low-income families…?

8. What is the public transport like? Bycicle lane /Traffic jams / busy

traffic …

9. Is it a safe/ dangerous city? Crime rate? Juvenile delinquency?

Gangs? Homeless?

10. Clean/ dirty /noisy / pollution/ litter on the pavement / graffiti /

environmentally- friendly / eco friendly

11. Are there any famous monuments or structures?

12. What can you do there?


Tourist attractions places of interest

Lively bars and restaurants /chain stores

Markets /Fashionable boutiques and shops / shopping center/

shopping malls

Green and open spaces / public spaces / gardens

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