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ina Safdar Unit J Culture Society, Community Individual and Society c, Man eannot live ity, in society el ntellectual, maturity, material goods between individual and ty but it is something ‘our thought and our ‘group, in comm emotional, ‘animal, He lives y. Without society mi iberty do not develop and these are unthinkable, ‘The relation jot merely a physical, functional, or organic, or systematic 4y not only controls our movements but also shape our identity, Man is a soci emotions. Society ious” that means companionship or friendship. In the complex pattern of the a web of social Society derived by Latin word “ Sociology, the term ‘Society’ refers to not a group of people but to t norms of interaction that arise among them. According to Maclver “society is relationship”. Definition of Society Wright — Society is not a group of people, it is the system of relationship that exists between the individual of the group. G.D.M. Cole — Society is a complex of organized association and communication with a community. Giddings — Society is a union itself the organization the sum of formal relations in which associating individuals are bound together. Nature of Society Society means likeness. Society also implies difference (i) Inter-dependence (ji) Co-operation, 1s likeness is an essential pre-requisite of society. The sense of likeness was focused Society mean: in early society on Kinships that is real or supposed blood relationships. In modem societies the iple of nationality or one world. The conditions of social likeness have broadened out in the pri sense of likeness does not eliminate diversity or variation. Inter-dependence: Family, the first society with which we all are closely associated, is based on the biological inter-dependence of the sexes. None of the two sexes is complete by itself and Ms. Samina Safdar eee Scanned with CamScanner ee eel Jepyes euweS “SW -aonjd a1uyep quouuuiod & sapnjour Ayjenuasso yj “pxcous e ayy] KuoswEN 101 St yy Mowauwuldad -sroquiou quampuas AyyununTHoD ain Suowre ,Surjsoy-om, sty] saqpedor SuiBuojaq Jo Suyjory s19Ja0 -eare yetsonsay v saydnago seanpe AagumUstuoD -Aaqeooy auyap & ut apisas 01 suoq 1 uay Ayumuod v sunoy a}doad Jo dows OU -fayununuoa © Suyusioy warp pea 2m ‘9j!] wouRWOD B JO SUON!PU? syseq atpazeys Aaxp wep Sem e Yon tu s04poB0n aa sfenptaspur ay zaxauaym -2Kdoed JO dno ‘sureu sonore ‘ousueued quauuag AUNWHOD aqdoad Jo dno1y Aqunurutoy Jo JudUI9]g joumu09 v uo Buycaeo junuiwuod — S4sqpuny, “ayy souopuadop-so wuorejndod wewny © st 1 ung Suy puo vase ayydesioo8 par 20s Jo uoNeztue%x0 [e101 ay) Sf AIpUNLURED — SJOHUIN PUE UANGEE, ‘vore uyy29}-am, Jo a0x8ap auos yum dnosd [e1o9s w sy AyunuWOD — snpardog pur St Aun Jo uonuysq. yunuswi09 30 dnos® yexp {189 aA\‘2pt] UoUWHOD e Jo SuoRIpuOD js ayy ang savor Zejonsed exp 30 sy OU azeys Kay 4p Kea © Yn ut so4na%0y ay BLE] 4 fous *dnos8 Aue jo sToquiou ayn soAaUDYA\ “BUIAt| f}90s Jo vase UE se paxsyou sy AyUMUIUOD Aqyunurwe “Aiynydof pue Kddey ant 0} soqtoue auo yay a1esado00 que stp yo stoquiaw a4, ‘wonezado-09 uo ssa1 Ajureg “ayy Addy w aAt] UNE Aayp aK} tyoro yrs atesadooo ajdoad ssajun, %s1x0 wea Ata!205 ou uorTesad0-00 noua :uo}psado-03 “pom qwasaid ain wi {aan s} souapuadap-s9qut Jo 198) SMHL J24TO mp Jo pre atp Aq rwauyyyiry ae wore ‘sain Gites s.r Scanned with CamScanner Naturaltys Tt is not made or ereated by an act of will but is natural. Likeness: There isa likeness in language, customs+ mores eles “Wider ends: The ends of community are wider. ‘ommunity has some particular name: Ex: Panjab are called Panjabis ‘A particular name: Every ¢ ce between Society and Community ‘A definite geographic area rity consists of a group is not an essential aspect oF Fan individual living in @ 12 definite locality oF sense of feeling may Differen: Society is a web of social relationship. y. Society is an abstract. Commu particular area with some degree of feeling. Community always denotes geographic area. Community is @ comer Tn community sen be present or may not be present in s0ck community in a society. The objectives and Society involved both likeness an Community is smaller than society. 7 Tess extensive and varied. Likeness is more impor ety. So interest of society are 4 difference. Sentiment isan essential 4 interest of community he objectives an than difference in community. | element of ‘community- are comparatively Social structure ves, We stick to the grooves and experience the made of gro we collective goals. Social structure is like a web Jike manner. Thus we achie interplay between them in a web- Status: ‘satus refers to a person’s social ranking in a society as determined by wealth, influence, and ge. Ithas two types: 4 Asertbed (ceived at bith no eos. Ex: ds ‘achieved (eared by personal achievement 3 s, known by members of commu prest uughte, son, Pakistani etc.) . dd efforts. Ex: Qualified doctor) © Master (dominate nity, Ex: Quaid-e-Azam, Mother Teresa) 1m a person occupying a specific position in a social Roles: Pattern of behavior expected fror ship with one or more individuals “Rights & Obligations -~ relation than one status. When incom held at the same time, system Role Conflict: more patible role demands are placed on a person by two or more statuses Ex: performing different roles like mother, researcher, good citizen 1 Structure: The stable patter of social relationships that exist within a particular group or Social society. Ms. Samina Safdar Scanned with CamScanner Nramowork of Sootal Stemeture ‘Achleved Status Family Members, Close Friends, Peer Gender, Ethnicty, Gender, Class ‘Occupation, Education, Income level ‘Ms, Samina Safdar Scanned with CamScanner i MI Ms. Samina Safdar Social Interaction act toward and respond to others...the teraction is the process by which people I concept to action (Anything people are conscious of doing because of other people). Social Interaction 1s two or ing up their action. Social intera the For instance, interaction more people taking one another foundation of society. Without interaction there would be no group life. ion of an individual from birth to death, which exists in is the major processes for the so every culture in of Social Intera fer- penetrate the mind of each ‘cial interaction is a process whereby men Dowson & Getty: other”. «Between individual and groups (singer and audience) ‘+ Between groups and groups ‘+ Between individual and culture (norms, values, customs, and traditions) Three elements that define the CONTEXT of social interaction 1. The physical setting or place 2. The social environment ies surrounding the interaction Ms. Samina Safdar Scanned with CamScanner 2 What makes human beings net predictably in certain situations? coke} egal NORMS: IS: The presence of norms ~ rules about what we should and should not do in # situ 1 groups and subgroups have norms - Norms are specific rules of behavior, agreed upon and shared, that_prescribe limit fof acceptable behavior. Often they are not written, over even consciously reflected upon. ROLE PLAYING: The statuses we inhabit and the roles we play ean have a profound influenes con both our attinudes and our behavior. Playing a new socal role often feels awkward at fist and we may feel we ore just acting or pretending to be something that we are not When we are insure of role expectations we ry to get eves (ins) from the behavior of those around us ‘Two methods of social intera 1. Nonverbal 2. Spoken Nonverbal: Waving hand, shaking a fist, nodding head up and down, raising eyebrows ‘Types of social interaction Exchange: When people do something for each other with the express purpose of receiving a reward or retur, they are involved in an exchange interaction. Cooperation: A cooperative interaction occurs when people act together to promote common interests or achieve shared goals Conflict: Conflicts arise when people oF GrOUPS have incompatible values or when the rewards or resources available o a society or its members are limited. Competition: Competition is form of confit in which individuals or groups confine their contict within agreed-upon rules. Conflict always involves an attempt to gain or use power. Confit isnot always negative. One problem with confit is that it often leads to unhappiness iS Scanned with CamScanner Co Gor Ms. Samina Safdar Cultural Diversity Culture Culture: may be defined as an integral whole which affects human ideals, actions and modes of living. According to E.B. Taylor, “Culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, customs and all other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society.” Culture is also defined as behavior peculiar to human beings, together with material objects used. Culture consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, codes, institution, tools, techniques, works of arts, ceremonies and so on. Culture was “Gefined earlier as the symbols, language, beliefs, values, and artifacts that are part of any society. As this definition suggests, there are two basic components of culture: ideas and symbols on the one hand and artifacts (material objects) on the other. The first type, called nonmaterial culture, includes the values, beliefs, symbols, and language that define a society. The second type, called material culture, includes all the society's physical objects, such as its tools and technology, clothing, eating utensils, and means of transportation. vefine Culture 7 What is diversity? ‘The concept of diversity is based on individual acceptance and respect. It is an jue and different. understanding that individuals are u ‘Three sources of diversity 1. Demographic characteristic 2, Culturd “ethnicity, language, age, gender, social class, religion 3. Personal characteristi age, gender, communication style, economic background, personality: abilities and skills, social and technical Cultural Diversity « Theexistence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society. ‘© Cultural diversity (also known as multiculturalism) is a group of diverse individuals from different cultures or societies. Usually, cultural diversity takes into account language, religion, race, gender, age and ethnicity. Ms. Samina Safdar Scanned with CamScanner 4 Cultu liversit within aa ed Tefers to the wide range of cultural differences found between and circa ane 8 atlases (line geography) or social broad cultural grou wology or demographics). Cultural diversity acknowledges the existence of ApS within a culture. Cultural diversity includes (but not limited): + Language © Race Ethnicity + Dress © Values * Religion and religion practices + Social and community responsibi * Family and family responsibil ‘© Political views Pakistani Culture Every great nation enjoys its own culture. Similarly, Pakistani culture is very distinct due to its Islamic nature and rich historical background. Although Pakistani culture in its present shape prominently Islamie but it has been influenced by various cultures ofthe Sub-Continent to a great extent. That is why itis different than the other culture of Islamic countries. Pakistan is an ideological Islamic state. Its existence is due to Islam. Thus Pakistani culture is primarily based con the Islamic way of life, The society and culture of Pakistan comprises numerous ethnic groups: Punjab, Sindh, KPK, and Baluchistan, The origin ofthe eurent Pakistan culture can be traced back to the Indus Valley civilization, which was simultaneous with the ancient Egyptian ‘and Sumerian civilizations, around S000 years ago. Elements of Pakistani Culture Islamic Values: Pakistani culture is actually a part of the contemporary Islamic civilization which draws its value and traditions from Islam and rich Islamic history. Majority of population comprises of Muslims and follows teachings of Islam, ie, belief in one Allah, Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad P.B.UH, brotherhood, equality and socal justice ete, Islam is religion of peace and Ms. Samina Safdar Scanned with CamScanner 5 Language i Be is , Sindhi, Puree One of the basic factors in culture. The regional languages of Pakistan , i, i, il ‘aluchi, Pushto, Saraiki, Brahvi, Gojri and Hindku are the product of the same cultural back; . ‘ground which brought Urdu into existence and later Urdu was adopted as a national lan, ef vehi ‘guage and chief vehicle of cultural and National Society. Fairs and Festivals The culture of Pakistan has great tradition of Fairs and festivals. These fairs are held in ts are held to commemorate their all parts of the country. Moreover, annual Urs of great s anniversaries. On these occasions, fairs are also held in which people take part in great numbers, Furthermore, The Lok cultural festivals of Pakistan are very well known in all over the world, ‘These Lok culture and heritage festivals include the Lok Mela, religious celebration on the SUFI’s shrines. Out of these the Horse and Cattle shows of Lahore, Mianwali and Sibi are famous wheseas the Polo festival fo Gilgit is prominent at ‘national and international level. Moreover annual urs of Hazrat Dasta Ganj Bakhsh, Madhu Lal Hussain, Baba Bulhay Shah, Baba Farid Gunj Shakar, Baba Gulu Shah, Pir Jamaat Ali Shah, Abdul Latif Bhitail, Hazrat Noshah Ganj Bakhsh, Bari Imam, Lal Shahbaz Qolandar, and Bahauddin Zakriya are celebrated with great fervour. Sports Pakistani people are great lovers of sp cricket, football, badminton, squash, table tennis, are played throughout the county. In addition and athletics are also very popular among masses. Pakistan has produced great 1u in Wrestling, Hanif, Miandad, Imran, Wasim Akram, Islahuddin, KHalid mahmood, Akhtar Rasool, and rts and games. Modern games like hockey, wrestling, boxing, sportsmen in the past. These include Bhol and Inzamam in cricket, Shehnaz sheikh, Munir Darin hockey and Jahangir, Jansher in squash, Rich Literature: Pakistani culture is tich in the literatures of Urdu, Punjat Baluchi and Kashmiri languages. Urdu literature boas of the masterpieces of Maulana Azad, Iqbal, Shbli, Hali, Ghalib, Agha Hashar, Monto and Faiz a cut with great names like Waris Shah, Sultan Bahu, Ghulam Farid, Bulhay Shah i, Sindhi, Pashtu, Baruhi, whereas the Punjabi literature Scanned with CamScanner Hussain ete, Similarly, Sindhi titer litters: wi ct Shah Abdul Latif, Sochal Sammast ature glitters with the masterpieces of Shah Abdul La hah Qadir B Rames like Sheikh, Saleh, Baba, chi Tit 7 ‘The Baluchi literature comprises of masterpiees of Jam Dutky Mutaninad Ati, Zahoor Shah Hashmi, Ghani Parvez, Variety of Dresses Pal hsh, and Faqir Nabi Bakhsh, ‘The Pushto literature also boasts of Raghoon Khan, Akhund dardeeza, Khushal Khan Khattak and Rahman Nasrat Baluch, Abbas Ali Zemi and Aziz Bugti ete. ‘ani culture is rich in variety of dresses: ‘The people of Punjab, the Pathans of Khyberpakhtonkhwa » the Baluchi people and the Sindi wear their own distinct dresses. ‘These dresses are Very colourtul and prominent and give attractive look during national fairs and festivals, Handicrafts Pakistan enjoys great distinction in handicrafts at international level. Wooden furniture of Chiniot, sports goods of Sialkot and embroidery of Multan and Hyderabad is world famous. Ms, Samina Safdar Scanned with CamScanner

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