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This is a diagnostic test for the Advanced level of Move Up. The test is designed to be administered to students before
they start the course. It should help teachers identify the individual needs of their students within a given level.
Students with low scores on the test may find the first lessons of the course quite challenging and teachers may
therefore like to supplement the class work with extra activities.
At the other end of the scale, students with high scores may wish to do some supplementary in-depth activities.

Students’ test scores could subsequently be used for diagnosis of particular language and skills areas to be focused on
during the course.

The test can be administered in two versions according to the time available:

1. A fast version, which can be completed in 30 minutes. This consists of Language Usage and Vocabulary

2. A longer version, which can be completed in 60 minutes. In addition to the Language Usage and Vocabulary
sections, there are Reading and Writing components. Teachers may like to give their students extra time to
complete the writing test.

The Language Usage and Vocabulary components of the test consist of multiple choice fill-in-the-blank and
cloze activities.
The Reading section consists of questions in the form of multiple choice items, sentence completion, and true or
false questions.

Scoring and Interpreting

A key is provided for each component.
The test format makes scoring very straightforward.
For the writing test, it is probably better not to use a rigid scoring system, but teachers should base their judgement on a
combination of the student's effectiveness of communication, accuracy, range of structure, and vocabulary within the
limits of their overall level and general organization.
An interpretive grid is provided as a guide for teachers.

Fast test: 30 minutes

Language Usage 40 points
Vocabulary 20 points

Total: 60 points

Complete test: 60 minutes

Language Usage 40 points
Vocabulary 20 points
Reading 20 points
Writing 10 points

Total: 90 points

Ó Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2002

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