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Comprehension and Analysis

1. How and why does language change?

Language evolves for a variety of causes. For starters, it evolves in response to the changing
needs of its audience. To relate to new technologies, new products, and new experiences in a
clear and efficient manner, new words are required. Another reason for change is that no two
people have experienced language in the same way.

2. What is the role and function of language in culture?

The expression of culture is inextricably linked to language. It serves a crucial social purpose
by fostering sentiments of group identity and solidarity by transmitting values, beliefs, and
practices. It is a method for transmitting and preserving culture, customs, and shared values.

3. Why do some social groups have their own subculture lingo?

Deviance and subcultures
Starting with what they called Social Disorganization Theory, they claimed that subcultures
arose as a result of some population sectors' lack of socialization with mainstream culture and
their adoption of alternative axiological and normative models on the one hand, and as a result of
their adoption of alternative axiological and normative models on the other.

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