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Writing an Impressive Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter is one of the most challenging aspects of applying for a job. You can

spend a lot of

time and effort writing a perfect letter, but not know if anyone is going to read it. Unfortunately,


may not. But if they do, it may give you your only chance to pitch yourself as a good candidate

for the job.

Writing a good cover letter can be hard work. You need to make sure it’s well written, shows the

employer why you’re qualified, and doesn’t have any glaring errors that could cost you an

interview. It’s

definitely worth taking the time to make it shine.

A CareerBuilder survey reports that:

40% of employers are more likely to pay attention when a cover letter is included with an


Another CareerBuilder survey notes that 10% of hiring managers wouldn't hire a candidate who


include a cover letter.

How to Get Your Cover Letter Noticed

What’s the best way to get your cover letter noticed when the employer has to look through a

pile of

them? First of all, take the time to write a good one. Some hiring managers expect to receive a


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letter. In those cases, it should be mentioned in the job posting. Even if it’s not required, though,

a well

written cover letter gives you the opportunity to sell your credentials to the company and to
show them

why you’d be a good fit for the job.

What Not to Include in Your Cover Letter

You want your cover letter to stand out for the right reasons. There are some things you

shouldn’t include

in your cover letter if you want to make a good impression. It's not helpful to include personal

information or mention how you left your last job. Stay focused on the job at hand and your


for it.

Finally, never include salary requirements unless the employer specifically requests that you do.


then, be careful how you respond. You don’t want to knock yourself out of contention for the job


you’re asking for too much money. You also don’t want to get an offer for less than you’re worth.

Get the Cover Letter Basics Right

There are some quick and easy steps that you can take to write a cover letter that will impress

the hiring

manager. Take a look at these tips and see which ones will work best for you. Even a few small


can make a big difference.

Choose the Right Type of Letter

Before you start writing a cover letter, be sure that you’ve chosen the right type of letter. The

style will be

different depending on whether you’re writing a letter to send or upload with a resume, inquiring


job openings, or mentioning a referral.

Find a Contact Person

If you can find a contact person for your cover letter, you will be able to personalize it, and you’ll

someone to follow up with to make sure your letter gets noticed. If you can’t find someone, don’t


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There are other options you can use to start your letter.

Include a Referral

A referral can put in a good word and help you get hired. It’s worth taking a few minutes to see if


know anyone who can refer you to the job. Check your LinkedIn network, your college alumni


and your Facebook friends to identify anyone who works at the company who could refer you. If

you find

someone, ask them for a referral.

Choose a Basic Font

Pick a font that’s easy to read. Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, and other similar non-script,


fonts work well for body text. Size is important too —make your text too small and the hiring


won't want to make the effort. Depending on the font, somewhere between 10- and 12-point font

size is usually best.

Keep It Short and Simple

Cover letters don’t need to be long. In fact, all a lengthy letter will do is make the reader’s eyes


over. A few paragraphs are plenty, and your letter should never be longer than a single page. If

your letter

is too long, don’t use a smaller font. Edit and cut words instead.

Leave Plenty of White Space

Another way to improve readability is to include spaces between the greeting, paragraphs, and

signature. It’s much easier to read a well-spaced letter.

Use Bullets

Using a bulleted list is another way to get information noticed in your letter. Paragraphs tend to


together, but bullets draw the reader’s eyes to the content on the page. Make sure each bullet

point is

short and starts with an action word.


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One of the most important steps to writing a cover letter that stands out is showing the company


you’re a professional candidate who meets the job requirements. When you do so, you’ll make it


for the hiring manager to decide that you’d be a candidate worth

interviewing. Match Your Cover Letter to Your Resume

Choose the same font for both your resume and cover letter, and your application will look

polished and

professional. Don’t mix and match fonts. It’s fine to have a different font for your page headers,

but be

consistent with the font you use in your cover letter and resume content.

Match Your Skills with the Job Qualifications

One of the most important ways to get your cover letter noticed is to make a clear match

between the

job requirements listed in the help wanted ad and your credentials. Don’t expect the employer to
figure it

out. If you do it for them, it will up your chances of getting an interview.

Highlight Your Most Relevant Skills

Don’t use your cover letter to rehash and repeat everything in your resume. This is an

opportunity to

focus on the specific skills and attributes you have that will benefit the employer. Focus your

letter on the

top few skills that best qualify you for the job.

Customize Your Letter

It’s not worth sending a cover letter that isn’t targeted. This is your pitch to get an interview, so

take the

time to customize your letter, mention a referral if you have one, and share your strongest


for the job. Don't use the same basic cover letter for every job

application. Close with Your Follow-Up Plan

If you have a contact person, mention how you will follow up with them. Whether you have a


person or not, include your contact information so it’s easy for the employer to get in touch.

Then add a

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module closing and your name, and you’re almost done.

Make Sure Your Cover Letter Is Perfect

Before you send your letter, you should review every detail carefully. Even a small typo could be


to take your application out of consideration for the job.

Check for Typos and Grammatical Errors

Don’t click send or upload your letter before you have taken the time to thoroughly proofread it.


and grammar checkers such as Grammarly are great, but they won't catch everything. Read

your letter

out loud, and you may pick up some more mistakes. You can even try reading it backward to

really focus

your attention.

Include an Email Signature

When you email a cover letter, be sure to include a signature with your name, phone number,


address, and LinkedIn profile URL if you have one. That will make it easy for the recruiter to get

in touch

with you.

Email It to Yourself

There’s one more thing to do before you send your letter: Email a copy to yourself for a final

check. Make

sure the formatting is just as you want it—and proofread it one more time.

The following are some cover letter samples:

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1. How do you make a resume?

Take pointers from the resume sample below; start with your name and contact information.

Next, move on to your summary statement, which includes four to six sentences of your most


professional qualifications. Go on to your skill set, followed by your work experience. Finally,

end with
your education.

2. What’s the best resume template to use for a hospitality resume?

The best template will depend on the specific position you desire. If you apply for an entry-level

hospitality position, such as a bellhop or food server, then you will want to use a simple

template. This

type of template appeals to everyone, and you can easily customize it, which is great for when

you apply

for multiple positions simultaneously.

However, when you look at a hospitality resume sample for a more experienced position, such

as a

general manager or sales and marketing coordinator, you should implement a professional


template. This format does a better job of emphasizing your previous work experiences and


competencies. Work history takes preference over the education and skills

sections. 3. What should your education section look like in a hospitality resume?

Generally, education goes at the very bottom of the resume, as is the case with our hospitality


sample. Emphasize your most advanced degrees. That means if you have a bachelor’s degree,

then there

is no reason to include your high school diploma.

There are cases when you can put education first. If you are a recent graduate with not much


history, then putting education closer to the top can help you. Additionally, if you graduated from

prestigious university, putting the section at the top can make that connection stand out

more. 4. What do you put on a hospitality resume for your first job?
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Many hospitality jobs are entry-level positions. They include valet attendants, housekeepers,


greeters, front office associates, drivers, and more. You can get an idea for how to write these

resumes by

perusing the respective hospitality resume sample, but there are other tips to keep in mind.

For starters, focus on the relevant experiences you do have. Volunteer experience and classes,

you took

at community college are all great to include. Additionally, do not be afraid to leave your resume

less than

one page in length. Everyone has to start somewhere, so do not try to exaggerate or ramble to

fill in

Public Speaking is a ‘formal’ face-to-face communication method where a person(s)

uses the medium of speech to Inform and/or Influence a group of listeners (an audience).

The following three skills are required for effective Public Speaking…

Planning & Preparation

Positive Non-Verbal Communications


In this session we will be looking at…

The importance of Planning & Preparation for effective Public Speaking

The importance of Non-Verbal Communications for effective Public Speaking.

The aim of this game is to speak for a full 60 seconds on your randomly selected topic without any

Hesitation A pause longer than three seconds.

Repetition Using the same words or phrases repeatedly (excluding the phrase of the topic)
Deviation Going completely off the given topic.

You will get one point for each second you are able speak on your topic without being successfully
challenged by a member of your audience. If you are able to speak for the full 60 seconds on your topic
without any successful challenges you will receive ten extra points.

Each successful challenger will get one point, however each unsuccessful challenger will get minus one

All Public Speaking activities require Planning & Preparation!

Before you can start to plan and prepare the message and the structure for your Public Speaking activity
you will need to consider the…

1. Purpose
2. Audience
3. Timings
 90% OnPlanning & Preparation
 10 % delivery
Public Speaking can only inform and/or influence an audience if it is delivered in a structured way!
The best way to ensure that your Public Speaking activity is structured is to plan & prepare notes that
can be used as a guide when speaking.

Your notes should be headings and key words bullet-point format and not a word for word script of
everything you want to say.

 70% body language

 23% voice pith and tone
 7% words used

Public Speaking isn’t just about what you say; It’s also about how you say it!

When undertaking any Public Speaking activity, you need to be mindful of…

 Your Posture & Body Movements

 Your Facial Movements & Making Regular Eye Contact

 Your Voice Pitch & Tone






▪ Define personal grooming

▪ Identify some of the perceptions people can form solely from one’s appearance ▪ Explain the
importance of being well groomed

▪ Practice personal grooming habits


▪ It is important for a positive self-image and every effort should be made to encourage and maintain a
pleasing and attractive appearance.


▪ It is commonly used to refer to a person’s

appearance. It is made up of personal hygiene,

tidy hair, appropriate dressing for an occasion.


▪ Confidence: When you look great externally, you’ll feel more confident and realize that you can
achieve more. It gives you the confidence to do your best in all walks of life.

▪ Better hygiene: It’s not completely about having nice hair and wearing well fitting clothes. Grooming
yourself also shows that you care about personal hygiene which makes you more enjoyable to be

▪ Attractiveness: Being well-groomed and wearing well-fitting clothes makes you more attractive
because you’ll look put-together.

▪ Get compliments: By looking good and well-kept, you’ll draw positive attention to yourself. People will
compliment you on how good you look, smell, and your kindness.


1. Follow a haircut schedule

2. Take care of your mouth

3. Have a skincare routine

4. Cut your nails

5. Groom your eyebrows

6. Find your scent

7. Trim your beard

8. More conditioner, less shampoo

9. Shave the back of your neck

10. Wear sunscreen

11. Change your razor


1. Understand your skin

2. Home skin care

3. Do not keep long hair if you can’t maintain it.

4. Eyebrows should be shaped whenever required.

5. Unwanted hair on your hands, legs, underarms or any other body part should be regularly removed

6. Hands should be clean and nails properly trimmed and manicured.

7. Minimal Makeup

8. Smell Fresh Always

9. Regular exercise

10. Following a healthy diet

11. Dental Hygiene

12. Dress well

13. Appropriate shoes

14. Show pleasant manners


1. Focus on your skin first.

2. Prime your complexion.

3. Go for a lightweight base.

4. Spot-conceal blemishes.
5. Dab a cream blush on your cheeks.

6. Don't forget a glowy highlighter.

7. Opt for natural-looking brows.

8. Try a curling mascara.

9. Dust powder on the T-zone only.

10. Apply lip tint or MLBB lipstick on your pout.


"the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person”

"a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation." .


1. Specialized Knowledge
2. Competency
3. Honesty and Integrity
4. Accountability
5. Self-Regulation
6. Looking the Part


Build Expertise

 Don't let your knowledge and skills get outdated. Make a commitment to build expertise and to
stay up to-date with your industry.
 Develop Your Emotional Intelligence
Professionals can sense the emotional needs of others.
 Honor Your Commitments
Whenever you make a promise to your boss, colleagues or clients, keep it
 Don't make excuses
instead, focus on meeting expectations as best you can, and on making the situation right.

 Be Polite
Be kind and polite and use good manners to everyone you come into contact with, no matter
what their role is, and no matter how you're feeling
 Have the Tools You Need
Do you show up to a client meeting lacking important samples? do you find yourself operating in
situations where you don't have the skills you need to do a good job?
 Honor Your Commitments
Whenever you make a promise to your boss, colleagues or clients, keep it

 True professionals are always prepared. This requires advance planning, timeliness and
attention. Focus on improving your time management and planning skills, so that you're always
in control.”


 Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between
specific activities
 Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder – so that you get more done
in less time, even when time is tight, and pressures are high.
 Greater productivity and efficiency.
 A better professional reputation.
 Less stress, Increased opportunities for advancement
 Greater opportunities to achieve important life and career goals

  Time management system for superhero productivity


 Effective Communication skills play a crucial role in honing one’s personality

 Communication helps individuals to express themselves in the most convincing way.
 Your thoughts, feelings and knowledge should be passed on in the most desirable manner and
effective communication skills help you in the same.


 Careful selection of words is essential for effective communication skills. You really need to
know what you are speaking. You never know what might hurt the other person. Never even
think of being rude to anyone.
 Speak convincingly so that the other person understands what you intend to communicate. Your
style of speaking has a tremendous impact on your personality.
 Speaking confidently is the key to an impressive and great personality. Do not show signs of
nervousness while interacting with others
 Develop proper eye contact with the other person. Do not look around while interacting with
the other person.
 Take care of your body language. Correct body language exudes confidence which further hones
an individual’s personality. Do not fiddle with things around while speaking.
 Be very particular about the pronunciation of words. If you are not very sure of how to
pronounce a particular word, avoid the same in your speech. Pronouncing words wrongly
creates a bad impression on others.
 You really do not need to speak with a fake accent to prove that you have excellent
communication skills. Avoid copying others. An individual should have his/her own style to stand
apart from the rest. Speaking articulately enhances one’s personality and makes him/her
different from others.
 Do not play with words. Never try to fool anyone as you might fall in the trap later on. One
should always say things straight to the point. .
 It is important to be a good and patient listener for effective communication skills. Observe
whether the other person is listening to you or not. Allow the other person to speak as well in
case of queries or confusions.

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