Interview 44

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Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

MODEL INTERVIEW-II conscious and to help as the executive was

Candidate’s Name: Sanjay Kumar Singh
Chairman: There is no doubt that the judicial
Singh: Good morning to you all, Sirs. process in India is very slow. Whereas,
sometimes, years for a case to be decided. Can
Chairman: Good morning, Mr. Singh. Please be
you speak out the reasons for such legal delay?
Singh: There are various reasons for legal
Singh: Thank you, Sir.
delay. There is no one reason; it is not a simple
Chairman: Mr. Singh, I see from your records thing which can be solved with a magic wand.
that you been a student of Law. Well, almost One of the reasons is that the process of
every member of the legal fraternity is being judicial determination is slow, as there are too
queried about ‘judicial activism’ these days, many cases and too few judges. A survey done
and it has become a subject matter of much a few years ago in that there are 10 judges to
debate. Can you give some recent instances of every million people in India whereas in the
judicial activism? United States, as far back as 1982-83, there
were 107 judges to every million people. Then,
Singh: Sir, the Constitution has provided for lawyers have been known to seek
the separation of the three arms of adjournments on frivolous grounds, further
government- namely, the legislature, the some lawyers have most of the work, and as a
executive and the judiciary – in order to keep a result are rushing from court to court. Being so
balance. Sometimes the executive itself does busy, they often do not have enough time to
not want to take a decision and wants the do justice to a particular case. Apart from this,
decision to be taken by somebody else or lawyers go on strike, which is most
rather wants to shoot from the shoulder of unreasonable. This also causes delay as
somebody else. For instance, in the Ayodhya matters pile up and previous dates given which
case the reference was sent to the Supreme fall during the strike period have to be
Court because the executive did not want to postponed further and further and longer dates
take any particular decision at that stage. The given. The fact that there are so many avenues
judiciary has returned the reference obvisously of appeal or revision creates its own problems
because it realised that it is a totally political of delay. One appeal is understandable but if
and a historical matter and not one which can there are two or three opportunities of appeal
be decided upon properly by the Supreme and for revision and a lawyer can get a matter
Court. However, a certain amount of activism admitted in court and a stay, then the party
in cert areas may be necessary. If you find that can sit pretty, for example if it’s a house under
the law and order situation is bad and people litigation. In a legal battle, it obviously suits
are not respecting the rule of law them one side to delay and the lawyer goes along
certainly someone has to step in at some with him. He tries to get an adjournment and
stage. In the case of contempt pertaining to or use other tactics to delay the matter.
Mr. Kalyan Singh, it was necessary for the
judiciary to tell people you can’t take the law Chairman: How does the system of having
into your own hands and not respect the tribunals or Consumer courts or Lok Adalats
undertaking given to the court. In the past, help in reducing the backlog of cases?
judges did not feel the necessity of entering
Singh: The system of having tribunals or
into areas which lay beyond interpreting the
consumer courts or lok adalats is an emerging
law. Now, the social pressures and mores are
trend and it will have to continue. The courts
such that they can see the problems arising
are so clogged with cases; there is simply too
from, say, ed labour or child labour and feel
much pressure on them. Having Consumer
compelled to take some activity in these areas.
Courts or Income tax tribunals-which have
Public interest litigation (PIL) has brought
been very successful- or excise tribunals, can
these areas before the judiciary and made it
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only better the situation; especially since rest of the world by the five permanent
specialists are put on the job in such bodies members of the UN Security Council. Moreover,
and this ensures a quicker turnover of cases. the reduction in global expenditure on
In the Consumer Courts, the individual can destructive weapons is yet to be made
argue his case himself. This is beneficial to the available for human development. Tragically
litigant concerned as it is not very expensive enough, even the Third World countries are
and helps him to build a rapport with the spending two to three times as much on arms
system. He can be asked questions directly as as on the education and health of their people.
to the nature of the problem and it can be This must end. The international community
solved there and then. Further the judgments must make full use of the UN agencies and
don’t have to be long they can be brief and legal instruments to replace confrontation by
explain the verdict in simple language so that cooperation, and resolve conflicts by peaceful
the litigant understands and gets relief means and give up military options. The
immediately. Security Council with an increased membership
of permanent members, with India being one
Our Comments: The candidate displays of them, will have to play a positive role. The
commendable in-depth knowledge in his special UN will have to push its programmes of
subject. His answers who that he has mastered preventive diplomacy, peace-making, peace-
his subject thoroughly and discusses crucial keeping and above all peace-building on a
and sensitive issues with some authority borne priority basis. The right to development is
out of knowledge and understanding. firmly recognised as a basic human right. It is
a continuous process for the improvement of
First Member: Independence, democracy,
the well being of the entire population and of
security, disarmament and development are
all individuals. It attacks poverty, want and
the ‘Panchasheel’ that secures both peace and
hunger. It alleviates misery and ensures
human rights. The success of UN in years to
education with enlightenment for all human
come lies in protecting and promoting each of
beings. It covers aspects of human
these elements. But all these concepts have
development on the basis of security, social
undergone a sea-change since the adoption of
welfare, education and health as an integrated
the UN charter and the Universal Declaration of
package. It means an environment of social
Human Rights. Could you explain the change in
justice and equality of opportunity.
the aforementioned concepts that has taken
place over the years? First Member: What is India’s contribution to
democracy, human rights and peace?
Singh: Sir, as far as far as democracy is
concerned, it is no longer merely the will of the Singh: India has a vital stake in democracy,
majority. It means a special protection of the human rights and peace. India is not only the
rights of the minorities. Harmony and tolerance world’s largest democracy but the most diverse
are its basic features. The agenda for our world and pluralistic society of tremendous diversity
must be rapid democratisation so that people in ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic
become their own masters and protect their terms. It is deeply rooted in the rule of law.
own destiny in a climate of peace and human While democracy declined and even perished in
development. Security no longer means only many of the countries in the region, it always
military or physical security. It increasingly flourished in India against all odds. In a way
includes social and economic security of a safe India has been a beacon for other nations to
and healthy environment, security of human chart a democratic course. Mahatma Gandhi
development through education, adequate first launched a struggle a non-violent one,
nutrition, health care, clothing and shelter and against apartheid in South Africa to remove
the security of employment. In short, it that shameful blot from the face of our planet.
comprises everything that guarantees human Then he led the freedom struggle here. To him
dignity. The tragedy of disarmament is that 80 the liberation of the Third World from colonial
per cent of conventional arms are sold to the

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Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

rule and elimination of apartheid and social continues to be dismal. It is, therefore, not
discrimination all over the world were essential surprising that its antics to internationalise the
for upholding human rights and dignity. He Kashmir issue in the guise of concern for
protested against all discrimination, human rights in the various UN forums have
deprivation, misery and inequities. Human miserably failed.
rights and fundamental freedom are the bed-
rock of our Constitution. Over the years our Our Comments: The candidate is fully prepared
ethos, institutional framework and the public for the interview and has ready and correct
consciousness for the observance of human answers to all the questions asked. He must
rights and for the rectification of anomalies and certainly have impressed the member.
violations in their observance are very vibrant.
Second Member: Although it has been four
These consist of an independent judiciary,
years since the Narasimha Rao Government
democratically elected legislatures, responsive
initiated the economic reform process in our
and accountable executive, a free and alert
country yet apprehensions and anxiety have
press, and a vast and vigilant network of active
been expressed by certain people about the
NGOS. In India, the bullet has never succeeded
future of the reform process, particularly after
over the ballot. Even so India faces serious
the debacle of the Congress Ministries in some
difficulties in regard to the promotion of the
states in the recently held Assembly elections.
level of human rights. Some of them arise out
What could be the reasons behind such
of socio-economic nature, others out of the
multi-ethnic nature of the Indian society and
many due to the wider problems of Singh: What is really causing these repeated
development. bouts of anxiety about the future of the
reforms process is that liberalisation has been
First Member: What has been Pakistan’s record
imposed in our country from above. It seeped
in this respect?
down from the top. Our economic reforms
Singh: In sharp contrast with India, Pakistan process did not blossom from the grassroots.
was ruled for many years by military The grass blades of liberalisation and economic
dictatorships. Even now the army has the last reforms did not sprout from the politico-
word on many important matters of State. It economic soil of our country. It was not a
has a poor record of indulging in a systematic government policy change spurred by popular
cleansing of minorities since its independence. conviction. Instead, the reform process was a
The Hindu minority has in numbers become desperate alien transplant.
one third of what it was after Independence
We had to rush to the IMF and the World
though its total population increased from 28
Bank with a begging bowl because our foreign
million to 113 in 1991. This reverse
exchange reserve position looked like the coal
demographic trend is the result of a systematic
stock of State Electricity Board. We got
constitutional and legal apartheid. During the
valuable aid, but tied inextricably to an
same period in India the Muslim population
economic prescription that laid down the
grew from 7 per cent to over 13 per cent of its
dismantling of all the formidable controls that
present population of 900 million. The
characterised the earlier permit-license-quota
repression of the Ahmediyes in Pakistan is well-
regime. It was IMF’s economic therapy that
know. By now they have forfeited their right to
bade the introduction of a laissez-faire
be Muslime there. Sections of the majority
economy. As part of the aid bargain, India had
community itself do not seem to fare better.
to fall in line with western world and recognise
Much can be said about the plight over decades
intellectual property rights, introduce product
of ethnic groups like Sindhis, the Baluchis and
patents, become a signatory to the General
the Pakhtoons. On issues of human rights,
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and enroll in
State sponsored terrorism, religious in
the World Trade Organisation. All this might
tolerance and drug trafficking Pakistan’s record
not have been spelt out in writing, out was

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clear in the conditions to qualify for that much- action for social development and poverty
needed aid. alleviation programmes. After all, countries like
Sweden, Denmark and New Zealand have
Liberalisation is not therefore of our skin market- oriented economies and yet are
and blood. It is emitted implant. The fact that regarded as socialist countries with a well
every time we hit a bump on the road it is our established welfare cover for the citizen from
rulers who have to vouch for the fact that the the cradle to the grave. Besides, the concept of
economic reforms process itself has not got market socialism being followed in China today
derailed is proof enough that liberalisation is as conveys the message that market mechanism
precariously poised on our body politic. and the private sector would be allowed to
operate within the broad parameters set by
Liberalisation certainly has not spread its
tentacles beyond the municipal limits of Delhi.
Sure enough, at the level of the central Second Member: Is the term ‘market socialism’
Government, the number of clearances of recent origin?
required for setting up a new project, or for
direct investments to come in, has drastically Singh: No, Sir, the term ‘market socialism’ was
come down. But at the State Government first coined by the late Polish economist,
level, there is only a marginal scaling down of Professor Oscar Lange, in the fifties when he
permit-licence-quota barriers. State was actively engaged in planning and wanted
Government continues to shelter themselves to incorporate certain features of the market in
behind high protectionist walls. It is easier order to make the working of socialism more
today to scale the walls of South Block than efficient.
that of many State secrete its.
Our Comments: The candidate is quite alert
Second Member: Considering the adverse and has in depth knowledge of economic
impact of the liberalisation on the weaker reforms being followed in India and other
sections of our country, the Government has countries. His concepts are clear.
been asserting that it is following the ‘middle
path’ while undertaking the reform process. Third Member: What do the recent changes in
What exactly is this “middle path”? socialist countries signify? Do they represent
the victory of the capitalist system over the
Singh: Sir, the “middle path” you have just socialist system? Do they signify the victory of
referred to is a middle path between unbridled pluralist democracy over one-party rule?
market economy and a controlled economy.
The idea is to harness the strengths of the Singh: Sir, I think one can give a clear answer
market forces to enhance the welfare of the to the last question and say that the urge for
masses. In other words, the “middle path” is freedom and political democracy, as we have
based on policies that will prepare the known it, has won the day at least in a large
economic agents to adjust to the changes of part of the socialist world and it is only a
reform and increase the capabilities of the poor matter of time before it can establish itself in
and the weak to benefit from the new the rest of the former socialist territory.
There can be little doubt it; even though one
Second Member: Is “Market Socialism” a would wish that the process of change towards
contradiction in terms? democracy would be as smooth as it has been
in Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet
Singh: No, Sir, market socialism is not a Union. However, what is important even with
contradiction in terms. It is a totally wrong respect to the change towards political
notion to think that market economy and a democracy is that, unlike in many of the so-
welfare state are mutually exclusive and that called Third World countries, the democratic
the free market is based on the survival of the system once established in the former socialist
fittest while the welfare concept rests on state countries is likely to ensure a genuinely wider
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Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

and effective participation of the people in the cannot do. It can only try to impose goods and
body politic rather than being twisted and services of low quality produced at a high cost
moulded by the vested interests. This is on the consumers. Markets also provide signals
because of the thoroughgoing changes made in regarding the costs of resources to be used in
the property relationships and the relative production. All this happens in an environment
economic equality achieved in these societies of competition among the producers at home
even before they embarked upon economic and abroad.
development in the post-Revolution period. The
educational levels and awareness of the people But, the biggest failure of the markets or
at large are also quite high in the socialist the private enterprise is in respect of
countries, as against the perpetuation of employment generation and social welfare.
illiteracy and ignorance in several other This is basically attributable to the highly
developing countries despite pursuing unequal distribution of income and wealth in
economic planning for decades. societies where the private sector operates
through market mechanism. In an unequal
With regard to the first question, many society the price signals in the marketplace
been asserting that the recent changes favour the production of luxury goods even
represent a triumph of capitalism over the where the resources are not sufficient for
socialist system. To my mind, this assertion producing essential goods of mass
arises from their outdated view of capitalism consumption. On the cost side, the markets put
itself, not to speak of their very narrow and a low price on labour where the poor are asset
prejudiced view of socialism. Frankly, such less and lack bargaining power. It is often said
people are happy over the fall of what they that markets bypass the poor and the
consider to be their rival centre of power. This underprivileged and that they cannot
explains why they are not concerned about the participate in the market-driven development.
socially disruptive impact of the manner in This is not an accurate statement. The poor
which the economic reforms are being rushed and the underprivileged are very much driven
through in these economies through external into the market. The child labour and bonded
pressures, particularly in the former Soviet labour are all participating in the market but at
Union, without caring for adequate institutional very unequal or unfavourable terms. Therefore,
preparedness. This only shows that they would markets can be expected to perform their
like to see these ‘rival’ centers of power efficiency function without harming equity only
destroyed and even the least of the traces of when the initial distribution of income and
socialism, which they perceive to be their real wealth is favourable. On this score, markets
enemy, extinguished. can do less harm in the former socialist
countries than in countries where the social
Third Member: What lessons do we learn from and economic inequalities are greater. In such
the recent changes in the economic systems situations various strategies and policies have
and policies in the socialist countries which to be evolved to counter the harmful effects of
were undoubtedly a source of inspiration for us the operation of market.
when we embarked upon the path of planned
economic development forty years ago? Our comments: The candidate exhibits a depth
of knowledge on the issues raised and is able
Singh: The foremost lesson, to my mind, is to communicate the same in an effective and
that as the economy gets rich and easy manner.
sophisticated markets have to play a greater
role for transmitting signals from the Fourth Member: Speak for two minutes on the
consumers regarding their tastes and subject – Today India faces more internal
preferences. The bureaucracy cannot perform threats than external.
this function. Skilful advertisements through
mass media can change the consumer Singh: India’s greatest weakness is not its
preferences but even this the bureaucracy economy but internal dissensions. Perhaps the

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Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

most dangerous threat the nation faces is not Singh: Thank you, Sir, I have no questions
so much from its enemies on the borders as please. Good day to you all sirs. (He makes a
from the internal political struggle causing smart exit.)
growing violence between ethnic groups, castes
and creeds; the political scramble for votes at Our Comments: The candidate displays
any cost, and the struggle which makes sworn excellent awareness, keen interest and
enemies of those in power and those who wish capacity for sustained hard work. He takes
to wrest this power by all available means fair pains to keep himself well informed of current
or foul. In our so-called democratic polity, the affairs and reveals the ability to contribute
question of even a fair election is in doubt as substantially and constructively during
criminalised politics uses money and ‘goonda’ discussions on national and international
muscle power to sway the voters, prevent any subjects. He succeeds remarkably in creating a
just action by the police or by those strong and favourable impression on his
responsible for the election machinery or even listeners by his sincerity, matured ideas,
by the judiciary. balanced views, and rational approach. He
stands a good chance of being selected.
Politics has been progressively criminalised
and those rising to political power and The Resume
authority have forced the bureaucracy, police
I was interviewed by the UPSC Board for
and democratic institutions to fall in line at the
recruitment to the Civil Services on………1995.
cost of jobs, promotions and postings. For the
The Board comprised a Chairman and four
seething masses of India, there is little equity,
other members. All of them put questions. The
law or justice, but only that of criminalised
interview lasted for about…… minutes.
action, corruption and ‘safarish’ – the appeal
for help to those who wield power. The The questions asked were from diverse
bureaucracy has slowly wilted in the face of fields and related to judicial activism, legal
political demand, as have the police. The only delays, changing concepts of democracy,
way for officials to survive is to tacitly obey the security, disarmament and development in
dictates of their criminalised masters. today’s world, India and Pakistan’s contribution
to democracy, human rights and peace, anxiety
The only way for the destitute masses to
about the future of economic reforms, middle
retain some self-respect and vent their anger,
path, market socialism, significance of recent
is in violence, insurgency and terrorism for
changes in socialist countries. Finally, I was
underground criminal gangs and terrorists,
asked to speak on the subject – Today India
society itself is the enemy, money must be
faces more internal threats than external.
made by any means and any opposition must
be removed by force against individuals. The I was able to answer all the questions
millions of jobless educated youth are fair satisfactorily.
game for recruitment drives by illegal violent
gangs and every political party or leader must The Board was cordial and helpful.
have their private armies of goons to achieve
No. of Words: 120
advantage within or outside the law. Needless
to say, India today faces more internal threats Roll No . . . . . . . . .
then external.

Chairman: Well, Mr. Singh, we have come to Note: to get solution of MAINS-2012
the end of this interview. Before you adjourn
for writing your resume of the interview, would Call us
you like to ask any question yourself?

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