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Prelims History Gen. Science Geography Indian Polity Current events Sci. & Tech.

Sci. & Tech. Environment India & the World Economics HISTORY (MAINS)
Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

EXPECTED GENERAL QUESTIONS WITH have been able to generate has not been
MODEL ANSWERS equitably distributed. The beneficiaries have by
and large remained the privileged few though
Question: Economic growth with social justice the middle class is expanding. Unfortunately,
has been stated as the national goal and also practically all our public sector enterprises have
the objective of our planning. How, in your turned out to be losing propositions. They do
opinion, India is attempting to achieve this not show profit, because there is no strict
objective? accountability. The bureaucratic approach,
labour disputes, induction of politics into the
Answer: Sir/Madam (as the case may be)
working of the public sector enterprises and the
economic growth refers to increased production
war between the administrators and the
of goods and services, measured in terms of
technocrats have all contributed jointly for the
annual national income. In other words, it is
poor performance of the public sector. In
the increase in national wealth. This increased
general, the economic growth has mainly come
and growing wealth should not be concentrated
about from the agricultural and private sector
in the hands of the few privileged individuals or
areas. In the field of agriculture as well as
a group or a class of people. It should, on the
private industry, there is heavy concentration
other hand, be equitably distributed to the
of wealth. Rich landlords and the monopoly
people at large, it means the growing national
industrial houses have been cornering the
income should in reality be shared by all people
income. The land is owned by a few. More than
to the maximum extent possible. This will
70 per cent of the population is dependent on
facilitate the narrowing of the gap between the
agriculture for its existence. Since the owners
‘haves’ and the ‘have not’s. As for the
get the lion’s share, the question of even or
mechanism, our Government proposes to
equitable distribution does not arise. The daily
accomplish this objective by operating the
wage earner hardly gets a subsistence wage,
major industries and means of production in
whether in the rural areas or in urban centers.
the public sector. The Government can also fix
To add to the woes, the efforts made to use
ceiling on incomes, ownership of land and other
taxation and other levellers have also proved
properties. Selective and graded taxation,
counter-productive. It has only resulted in the
wealth tax, estate duty, expenditure tax, etc.
accumulation and operation of black money in
could also be employed to serve as levelers.
a big way. There are vested interests, various
Our Government has opted for most of these.
lobbies and corruption every- where. In my
Question: Do you think we have really view, our experiment of combining socialism
succeeded in promoting economic growth with with democracy has not proved successful and
justice? hence the economic growth has been limited
and also social justice has not been translated
Answer: Sir, I would say our economic growth into reality.
since Independence has been rather moderate,
if not meager. On the other hand, there has Question: Of late, there has been a demand
been a tremendous explosion in our population to delink degrees from jobs. Do you feel it is a
growth. Therefore, we cannot say that we have correct move?
attained the goal of economic growth with
Answer: Sir, the idea is to produce trained
social justice which we are aiming at. We are
and skilled personnel than more graduates
nowhere near countries like Germany, Japan,
without practical training. The general
South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, etc. which
education will be tapered off at the 10+2 level
have been constantly showing over 10 per cent
and the students will be encouraged to undergo
annual growth rate each year. Our growth rate
practical vocational training and acquire skill.
has averaged around 3 per cent per year.
Facilities will also be afforded and mass media
Secondly, because of the social distinctions,
will also be utilised for all to enhance their
prevailing illiteracy, customs, ignorance and
general knowledge and learning by self-help
social barriers and so on, the wealth that we

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Prelims History Gen. Science Geography Indian Polity Current events Sci. & Tech. Environment India & the World Economics HISTORY (MAINS)
Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

basis. Thus students can acquire the laid down Answer: Sir, Indian society has long been
standards without pursuing a regular, fulltime bound by ancient traditions, customs and the
academic career. Therefore, theoretically, there caste system. Religions, language, regional ties
is no bar in allowing those who do not have and superstitions had strong hold on the
degrees to appear in the UPSC tests and people. People were living mostly in self-
qualify on merit. Even now for professional contained villages and the joint family system
courses like engineering, medical, etc. the and patriarchal authority held sway. Education
minimum standard of education is only 10+2 was confined to a few of the higher castes and
level. The same criteria can be applied for the vast majority of the people remained
Government jobs also. The important point is ignorant and illiterate. Women occupied a low
that the candidate should pass the UPSC tests, status and suffered many disabilities.
whether he is a degree holder or not. This will Economically, the industrial revolution which
save unnecessary crowding of universities and swept across Europe and revolutionised the
colleges. I would say there is merit in this life-style of people and contributed to the
proposal and it should be implemented growth of empires, did not arrive at all in India,
gradually and correctly to ensure that the till much later, say after two centuries. People
standards are maintained. were not interested in politics and political
institutions as such. Before the advent of
Question: How can the technology be used to science, even the idea of nationhood had taken
further socio-economic reforms? root. With the induction of science and modern
education all these have undergone radical
Answer: Sir, the social conditions are to a
changes. Many urban centres have developed
great extent influenced by economic factors.
and there is a constant migration from the
We have already seen how technology can lead
villages to the cities. The joint family system
to green revolution as well as to
has practically ended except perhaps in some
industrialisation and thus culminate in
remote villages. The Indian nation was born
economic growth. Further, technology has
and independent India has taken its exalted
enabled man to conquer nature in many
place among the comity of nations. The
spheres. Technology has shown that we can
experiment in socialist democracy is creating
even conquer space and unveil its secrets.
an egalitarian society People have become
Similarly, we may soon be able to unravel the
politically very conscious. Many of the
very secret of life itself. Science and technology
superstitions and customs fast disappearing.
have shrunk the world by creating revolutions
The caste system is also breaking up. The
in the field of communications and travel. We
government is making systematic efforts to
have now very effective mass media to educate
narrow down the gap between the rich and the
the people. All old concepts, customs,
poor. Jet travel and mass media have narrowed
traditions and even religious doctrines are
down the distances. Thus, science and
undergoing changes because of scientific
technology have brought visible changes in our
discoveries and new knowledge. There will thus
be no place for dogmas, superstitions and blind
beliefs. By proper application of science and Question: Can you differentiate, in simple
technology we can change the ideas of people, language, the Gandhian and Nehruvian models
help them to learn truth and thus accept social of economic development? What their
changes readily. When there is enough, to respective advantages and limitations? Which
spare economically and if people get truly you think is more suited to Indian conditions?
educated and enlightened, there will be no
difficulty in accomplishing social changes. Answer: Sir, Gandhi ji envisaged a simple,
self-supporting village economy. He found that
Question: What, according to you, is the India lived in its villages since time
impact of science on the traditional Indian immemorial. He felt the same arrangement
society? could continue. This approach was symbolised

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Prelims History Gen. Science Geography Indian Polity Current events Sci. & Tech. Environment India & the World Economics HISTORY (MAINS)
Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

by Charkha, the spinning wheel, and his forms of expression through which
exhortation to buy khadi and swadeshi goods. communication of ideas is facilitated. The
In his view, large scale industrialisation radio, the cinema, the telephone and the
resulted in exploitation of the labour by the television are a few examples of these new
capitalists. Hence he did not favour machines forms. Possibly some of these may even
and mass production. The Gandhian model is become more powerful than the press. The
not suited to the modern scientific and right to freedom of speech and expression
technological era. Today, even the villager is automatically extend to these also.
not satisfied with a simple, hard life. He also
wants modern comforts, jet travel and mass Question: What measures would you suggest
communication have exposed the villages to to overcome the problem of power or energy
modern urban living. Finally, such village self- shortage being faced by our country?
supporting model cannot cope with population
Answer: Today, more and power is needed for
explosion and defence needs. Nehruvian model
rapid economic growth and better living. We
emphasises industrialisation and urban
have already tapped the available sources of
civilisation. To avoid exploitation of the labour,
hydel and thermal power. Nuclear power
Nehru opted for socialism, that is state
generation is very costly and also risky. We
ownership of key industries. Nehruvian model’s
must, therefore, try to harness the wind, ocean
limitation is that the state-run industries or
waves and solar energy to overcome the
public sector undertakings have to be managed
shortage. In our country, there is great
under the provisions of a democratic
potential to generate power from solar energy.
constitution. There is little accountability.
By research and developments, the cost of
Besides, there is too much political and
producing solar energy can be significantly
bureaucratic interference. Hence, most public
brought down.
sector ventures have not been efficient and
profitable. Nevertheless the Nehruvian model Question: What do you understand by the
has made India the eighth biggest industrial expression scientific temper’? What is its
power in the world. It has contributed to the significance in the Indian context?
green revolution. By ensuring accountability,
the public sector undertakings can be made to Answer: The expression ‘Scientific temper’
work more efficiently. Besides, many of the refers to the mental attitude and outlook of an
controls, quotas, licensing etc. which inhibit the individual, be he a layman, scholar, scientist,
private sector have to be removed. With soldier, engineer, politician, teacher, student or
competition the public sector has to perform or anybody for that matter. A true scientist has a
perish. logical and rational approach in solving
scientific problems. He proceeds from known
Question: Do you agree with the view that facts and after carefully observing the facts, he
‘Freedom of the Press’ should have found a formulates the theory. The theory is tested
place in our Fundamental Rights guaranteed by with new facts. The theory can be regarded as
the Constitution? correct only till it is disproved by the discovery
of in India further facts. Thus he comes to
Answer: I feel it is not necessary to include
conclusions by a process of deductive
Press Freedom as such in the Fundamental
reasoning. He does not take anything for
Rights. The right to Freedom of speech and
granted. He tests each theory against available
Expression guaranteed to the citizens,
facts and verifies its validity He remains
automatically includes Freedom of the Press.
objective and detached and is not carried away
The press has no special rights which are not to
by emotions, hearsay, dogmas or per-
be given or which are not to be exercised by
conceived notions. This inquiring attitude,
the citizen in his individual capacity. Moreover,
rational as well as logical approach and the
science and technology have invented and are
discarding of irrational notions, superstitions,
still inventing and bringing into use many
rigid beliefs, etc, is generally referred to as

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Prelims History Gen. Science Geography Indian Polity Current events Sci. & Tech. Environment India & the World Economics HISTORY (MAINS)
Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

scientific temper it indicates an open mind, and they should be enabled to acquire technical
receptivity, understanding the flexibility on the skill, so that they can gain economic
part of an individual. In India most of us are independence. Once women are educated,
steeped in customs, religious doom, rigid skilled and economically self-reliant, they will
linguistic, regional, caste and communal be able to enjoy the rights conferred on them
feelings an ne like. If the country is to progress by the Constitution.
we have to rise above these unscientific
influences and decide each problem and issue Question: Despite being legally banned, the
pure merits as a scientist does in accepting or evil of dowry still continues to hold in India. As
rejecting a scientific theory. Scientific temper is an IAS officer, how can you fight the dowry
thus extremely important for national unity, menace?
integrity and progress.
Answer: Sir, dowry, like untouchability, is a
Question: Suppose you are posted as District deep-rooted social evil. Despite stringent laws
Collector in a rural town, how would you tackle against untouchability and the vigorous
sudden communal outburst? crusade against it conducted by great leaders
like Mahatma Gandhi, it still prevails. Many
Answer: First of all, I will ensure to obtain social thinkers and writers have pointed out
advance information and warning through good that social reforms and changes cannot be
intelligence system. Make sure that the law achieved by legislation alone. Education
enforcing forces like the State Police, CRPF, enlightenment, personal example by prominent
etc. are in adequate strength and fully mobile. people and economic betterment are necessary
I will also alert the local army and other to bring about social reforms. At the same
military commanders. Next, I will round up all time, I would like to stress the need and
bad characters and trouble makers. I will also importance of legislative measures also. If sati,
have dialogue with the leaders of different child marriage etc., had not been made illegal,
factions and rival groups and impress upon it would have been difficult to eliminate them.
them the importance or resolving differences If widow remarriage, women’s succession
through peaceful and non-violent means. If rights to property, divorce and the like have
despite all my efforts violence does break out, I not been legal, the progress of women would
will use minimum force necessary to put it prove to be very difficult, Now that we have
down instantly. Once all concerned realise that legislation against dowry, we must do all we
I am earnest and mean business, I am can to arouse social consciousness against it.
confident there won’t be any trouble at all. As an IAS Officer, I will arrange for vigorous
prosecution of those who give or accept dowry,
Question: The Indian Constitution has given I shall enlist the help and cooperation of the
equal rights to women in our country. There is educational institutions and social organisations
no discrimination on grounds of sex. Do you in my district to launch a vigorous campaign
agree that the women in India are better off against the dowry evil. We can have dramas,
and fully emancipated today? street plays and folklore to propagate our
goals. Of course, promotion of education itself,
Answer: Our Constitution has certainly given
especially among women, girls and adults,
equal rights to women. However, it is one thing
would help to eradicate dowry. The plan
to lay down the law and it is another to
implementation also will help in the long run,
translate the letter of the law into reality. I
to conquer this evil as it contains provisions to
cannot say that the lot of the women in India is
promote literacy, employment and economic
a very happy one. By and large, the majority of
betterment. Therefore, I shall work for the
women in India are dominated by, men. Their
successful implementation of the plan.
lack of education, their economic dependence
and also lack of knowledge and skills compel Question: What do you understand by the
them to be totally dependent on the men folk. I “socialist pattern of the society”? How has it
feel the women should be given due education

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Prelims History Gen. Science Geography Indian Polity Current events Sci. & Tech. Environment India & the World Economics HISTORY (MAINS)
Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

influenced the economic and political system in spite of the legal sanctions, atrocities against
India? SCs continue to be perpetrated. Secondly,
there are continuing communal clashes and
Answer: The term “socialism” has many flare-ups, particularly between the two major
connotations-from communism of the extreme communities of Hindus and Muslims. The third
left, through democratic socialism down to the social problem is growing student unrest. Many
pink Fabian socialism. If socialism means the universities and educational institutions are
sharing of one’s wealth voluntarily and willingly plagued with student indiscipline and closures.
with others, then Gandhi ji can be reckoned as Fourthly, the growing violence and terrorism to
the best socialist of the world. So also many of settle scores is a major threat. Indiscriminate
the ancient sages and sadhus of India. But the shooting, stabbing, murders, robbery,
valid criticism would be that they did not kidnapping and the like are being resorted to
amass or possess much wealth to share. As for frequently by more and more people, especially
India, the Nehru’s concept of socialism adopted the educated youth. One wonders whether
by us, is a system in which every citizen will people have lost faith in the normal law and
enjoy equal opportunity for progress. The justice. The fifth social problem relates to
communist concept extends to control of not dowry and injustice to women. Next, I would
only the means of production, but also say, is our attitude towards family planning.
distribution by the state. Their motto has The poor and illiterate have not taken kindly to
moved, “from each according to his ability” to modern family planning measures as yet. Then,
“each according to his need”. Hence it implies I would list the corruption menace which has
the application of force and compulsion by the swelled up like a cancerous growth. Corruption
state. On the other hand, the Nehruvian model has sapped our moral values. Finally, is mass
is rooted to democracy and freedom of the illiteracy due to which the people are easily
individual. Our socialism aims to combine the exploited and led astray.
dynamism of capitalism the discipline of
communism. Nehru did not wish to glorify the Question: Despite the incentives offered by
state at the expense of the individual citizen. the Centre and State governments, our
At the same time the gap between the haves doctors, engineers, scientists and other
and have-nots has to be narrowed. Thus, the specialists are not enthusiastic to work in rural
mixed economy formula was evolved. Major areas. What should be done to attract them
and key industries like steel, fertiliser, oil, etc towards our villages?
will be owned by the state as also the transport
means like railways, airways and shipping. In Answer: Sir, the basic problem in our villages
many areas there could be joint ventures and is the lack of even essential facilities and
the private sector will also have its allotted amenities. There are no roads, electricity,
sphere the aim will be equality before law and housing, hospitals, schools, shops, transport.
equitable distribution of wealth. On the political In fact all the urban comforts are missing in
side we will continue to enjoy the the villages. If we provide this infrastructure in
parliamentary type of democracy. The Five- the rural areas, our educated youth will
Year Plans, public sector industries, wealth tax definitely find them very attractive. In fact,
and graded taxation, as well as certain they will be more attractive than the big cities
controls, quotas, licences and limited and not only the educated youth, but also
distribution system of essential commodities others will flock to the villages. When one is
were adopted as the components of our used to city comforts like water supply, public
socialistic pattern. transport, electricity, medical care, cinema,
television, telephone, telegraph, road, rail and
Question: What are major social problems air facilities, colleges and universities, shopping
being faced by India today? facilities and so on, it becomes difficult to live
without them. So these should be provided in
Answer: Sir, despite Gandhiji’s efforts and all the rural areas urgently. Secondly there should
that our Government has been doing and in

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Prelims History Gen. Science Geography Indian Polity Current events Sci. & Tech. Environment India & the World Economics HISTORY (MAINS)
Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

be scope for employment, research and career power. Religious fundamentalism, communal
prospects in villages also. We must start new clashes and caste conflicts are playing havoc in
industries in rural areas. Thus, it the villages our society. Hence, we cannot say that we are
are modernised, the educated youth will totally secular in all respects.
automatically go to the villages on their own.
Question: Could you tell us what prompts you
Question: Do you agree with the contention to try an administrative post instead of a
that eradication of unemployment should take scientists post? (The question is put to a
precedence over eradication of illiteracy? As it candidate who holds a first class M.Sc degree)
is, there – are too many educated unemployed
youth and they are highly susceptible to anti- Answer: Sir, I firmly believe that in this
social influence. technological age an administrator with an
expert knowledge of science can serve the
Answer: I am afraid, Sir, I would like to people much better than another without it.
express my differing views on this issue. You
will agree, Sir, that an educated youth has a Question: can you elaborate your answer with
better chance of getting employment, or an example?
earning a living than an uneducated one.
Answer: Yes, Sir, let us take the problem of
Secondly, an educated person cannot he easily
feeding the teeming millions. The population is
misled by false propaganda. I think, we are
increasing at an explosive rate. The area of
mixing up the issues literacy, education and
arable land is limited. In these circumstances,
unemployment. One does not get educated and
the only solution seems to be to increase the
become literate solely to find employment. We
yield per acre by scientific farming. Here,
have to provide employment to illiterates also.
scientific research and technology can step in.
There is frustration on the part of –educated
these can’t be done in a vacuum. We need able
youth, because our educational system is not
administrators with a science background.
job oriented, but oriented towards job-seeking,
which does not teach us to –become self- Question: What are the basic features of our
employed and self-supporting. Constitution?

Question: India is a secular State. What do Answer: The basic features of our Constitution
you understand by this? are:

Answer: It means, India is not a theoretic state Supremacy of the Constitution; objectives
a state run by-a particular religious group. On specified in the Preamble; Rule of law; the
the other hand, it is a state in which all principle of separation of Powers;
religious groups have equal rights and which independence of the Judiciary, Judicial review
treats religion as a personal matter. and effective access to justices; the principle
of federation; Fundamental rights in part III;
Question: Would you say-that India has
concept of a welfare state-Part IV;
remained strictly secular as envisaged in the
Parliamentary system; the principle of free and
fair elections; limitation on amending power
Answer: Sir, to the extent that India has not under Art. 368.
proclaimed itself as a religious or theocratic
Question: can you enumerate the social
state like Pakistan or Bangladesh, we can say
factors that militate against India’s unity and
that India continues to remain a secular state
national integration?
with a good measure of success. The citizens of
India are not discriminated or treated Answer: Communal conflicts, casteism,
differently by the state, because of their regional rivalries, language controversies,
religious faiths and practices. However, the growing tendency to indulge in violent mass
political parties have been fully exploiting demonstration and increasing corruption in
religion and caste to win votes and capture

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Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

public life with premium to amass wealth and and population explosion should be tackled on
capture political power at any cast, are in my a war footing. Finally, if people are properly
view, the major social problems which are educated they will not fall an easy prey to the
adversely affecting national unity and propaganda of greedy politicians. Hence
integration. eradication of illiteracy should be given top
priority and all available mass media like radio,
Question: How our Government has been TV and cinema should be put to full use to
tackling this problem? achieve this goal. Of course, we must also take
a fresh and objective look at the present State
Answer: Cur Government has already ensured
structure which is based on language. After
that India remains a secular state as enshrined
educating the masses we may switch over to
in the Constitution. The Fundamental Rights
multilingual States.
incorporated in the Constitution guarantee to
all Indian citizens freedom of worship and Question: Why only the USA and the erstwhile
equality before the law, besides protection to USSR were termed as the super powers. The
life, liberty and property. Practice of UK, France and China also possess nuclear
untouchability has been made an offence under capability. They belong to the ‘big five’ with
the law. Statutory reservations in terms of veto rights in the UN Security Council. In the
Government jobs and educational facilities economic front, Japan and West Germany are
have been provided for the uplift of the far ahead than the big five. But none of them
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. are super powers.
Regional rivalries are tackled by the financial
and constitutional powers available to the Can you, therefore, explain the criteria for
Centre. The language issue is being met by super power status?
keeping English as the associate national
language and by promoting the three language Answer: The criteria for super power status is
formula in all educational institutions. determined by the ability of a country to
withstand a surprise nuclear attack and launch
Question: Are the measures taken effective? in its turn a counter or retaliatory massive
nuclear attack on the enemy, capable of
Answer: It is indeed unfortunate that the causing damage unacceptable to him. In other
various measures followed by the Government words, the country should, first of all, be able
have not produced the desired results because to survive a surprise nuclear which might be on
of the tendency on the part of the political a massive scale.
parties and politicians to exploit religion, caste,
regional interests, and language to win the Secondly, despite such surprise nuclear attack
elections and capture political power. Besides, and resultant damage, it must still enjoy the
discontent is deliberately sowed and students, capacity to mount a massive nuclear counter
labourers and peasants are misled and attack in retaliation. Counter-attack or nuclear
exploited to serve temporary political retaliation should be capable of icting such
advantages. Further, growing poverty, grave damage or destruction which should not
mounting unemployment and population acceptable to the enemy. This involves defence
explosion also aggravate divisive tendencies. capabilities against surprise nuclear attacks
and subsequent offensive capabilities to
Question: What further steps would you massive scale. One should be able to reach any
suggest? point in the enemy’s territory, overcoming his
defences. Such a situation results in nuclear
Answer: Sir, I would recommend the
deterrence. These nuclear offensive and
disqualification of the parties and candidates
defensive capabilities are enjoyed at present
exploiting such differences and instigating
only by the USA and Russia. The other big
violence from contesting any elections whether
powers do not have retaliatory capacity.
parliamentary, State legislature or municipal
ones. Simultaneously, unemployment, poverty

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Mains General Knowledge Interpersonal skills including communication skills GMA Basic Numeracy Decision making POLITICAL SCIENCE (MAINS)
Test INTERVIEW Reasoning English Comprehension Comprehension (Bilingual) Miscellaneous Statistics GENERAL STUDIES (MAINS)

Hence, they are not regarded as super powers. to industry. England, America, Germany and
Japan are such examples. Communist China
Question: Do you think Non-Aligned under Mao tried to achieve economic
Movement has any future? breakthrough without industrialisation and it
has proved to be a total failure. As Malthus had
Answer: It is true that the Super power
pointed out, agricultural growth cannot keep
confrontation which gave birth to the Non-
pace with population explosion. To get better
Aligned Movement no longer exists. Thus the
agricultural yield or to bring about successive
danger of a Third World War has receded. But
green revolutions we need mechanisation,
there is economic exploitation by the affluent
fertilisers, power, chemicals, etc., which can be
industrialised countries. Also, under the
made available only through industrialisation.
unipolar power syndrome, America has become
In the international trade also materials barring
the sole world arbiter. To counter these, NAM
petroleum crude do not command much price.
serves as very useful forum both inside the UN
Oil price hike again is an offshoot of the
and outside.
organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Question: For attaining swift growth and (OPEC) cartel on the other hand, there has
economic welfare in India, which out of the always been a growing market for capital
two-development of agriculture or development goods and consumer products. For defence
of industries- is more important? needs also we need industrialisation. Thus I
feel we can initially invest a little more on
Answer: This is a highly debated subject agriculture and then switch over to industry in
today. Those who swear by the Gandhian a phased manner.
model and rural development lay the emphasis
on agricultural promotion. Those who support Question: Are you in favour of extensive
the Nehruvian model argue in favour of mechanised farming in India? Is it suited to our
industrial growth. In my view, in a modem village economy?
scientific and technological age, India cannot
Answer: Sir, I am certainly in favour of
remain in isolation. I would suggest that we
extensive mechanised farming in India. I am
should tackle the problem with different
convinced of the tremendous potential and
solutions for the short-term and for the long-
advantages of mechanised farming. It can
term results. The short-term problem is
greatly increase the scope and benefits of our
unemployment and poverty of nearly 80 per
green revolution which at the moment owes its
cent of the population in the rural areas. They
success more to chemical manure, better
lack in education and technical knowhow;
quality seeds, high yielding crop varieties and,
neither do we have adequate capital. All that is
of course, assured water supply management
available is land and facilities for cottage and
including power to pump out water from
small scale industries. Hence our short-term
underground resources. But the lands are held
plan could be to concentrate on agricultural
and owned piecemeal in small bits. We can
expansion and promotion of rural based
introduce cooperative farming and thus usher
industries. Hence our investment in this field
in mechanisation. I have no doubt in my mind
should be more than what we would like to
that mechanisation will increas our farm out –
allocate under normal circumstances.
Subsequently, there should be a definite and
planned shift towards industrialisation on a Question: Don’t you think it will aggravate
large scale. Ultimately, we must have all the unemployment among the rural population?
heavy and large scale industries and our aim
should be to limit the population working on Answer: Sir, if we introduce mechanisation in
agriculture to less than 10 per cent. a planned manner, it need not result in greater
rural unemployment. Simultaneously, we
In all industrialised societies, there has should introduce village crafts, handicrafts and
been such a pronounced shift from agriculture cottage industry and small scale and medium

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scale industries in the rural areas. Increased large demand and the patent holder refuses to
cattle growing, dairy farming, poultry, piggery set up production facilities. The only difference,
as well as forest development, tree planting, according to the Dunkel text is that compulsory
wildlife growth and the like will provide more licensing has to be based on the merits of each
employment. Side by side, we must make and only after hearing the patent holder.
determined efforts to contain population
explosion. Therefore, I am confident we can Drug Prices: The fear of excessive increase in
take to mechanisation in the farming sector drug prices if India accepts the Accord is highly
with positive and overwhelming advantages. exaggerated. The number of drugs under
patent at any point of time is not likely to be
Question: What are the implications of GATT 10 to 15 per cent of India’s domestic
Accord for India? pharmaceutical market. Also there are
alternatives from previous generations which
Answer: will prohibit higher pricing of the new drugs. In
any case India will have the option of
TRIPS: In the area of Trade Related
compulsory licensing or price control or of
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) India
using other provisions of the GATT. It is only in
already has a globally competitive Trade Marks
those products that may be newly given
and Copy Rights system. It is also a signatory
patents after coming into farce of the Uruguay
to the Berne Convention of Copy Rights. Out of
Round Agreement and which are likely to come
7 areas (copyright, trademarks, trade secrets
into market towards the early years of the next
industrial designs, integrated circuits,
century that a price rise may be felt. There is
geographical indications and patents) there is
no basis for apprehension of an immediate all
dispute only on providing ‘product patent’ in
round increase in prices of drugs and
food, drugs and chemicals. Indian law provides
only process patents at present. Under the
Accord India has an additional 5 years TRIMS: The agreement on Trade Related
transitional period. It can therefore adopt Investment Measures (TRIMS) is not
norms and standards only 10 years after the inconsistent with India’s foreign Investment
agreement is signed i.e. by 2005. In any case policies. The only condition is that there should
India should product patent regime in its own be no discrimination in the import of goods by
long term interests. a foreign investor. The Agreement does not
compel or require any country to allow foreign
The period of patent life varies from 15
investment freely without any restrictions.
years in Japan to 20 years in other developed
countries. However, in India it is only 5 to 7 Implications for farmers: In view of India’s
years in case of food, drugs, chemicals and 14 continuing BOP problem and per capital income
years for others. The Dunkel text provides for level being below $1000, India has been
an uniform duration of 20 years for all sectors. exempted from the obligations to phase out
Also, in case of process patents, the burden of subsidies for exports, PDS and farm
proof in India is on the plaintiff while the GATT production. Even the condition to open
text places it on the alleged infringer. agricultural imports to a minimum 3 per cent of
PMP will not apply to India as long as the BOP
The Indian law provides for automatic
Problem continues.
compulsory licensing in case of food,
pharmaceutical and chemical sectors. There is The Agreement does not require patenting
no significant difference between the Indian of seeds. Countries are free either to give
and international position in respect of patent or adopt an effective sui genris system
licensing. As per Article 5 of the Paris of protection or mixture of both for protection
Convention, India a is within its rights to resort of plant varieties. A transitional period of 5
to compulsory licensing for manufacture of years has been provided for this. The
pharmaceuticals in India in case there is a government can fully protect the rights of the

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farmers and researchers. The farmers are free run make Indian agriculture exports more
to retain the use of seeds for their own competitive and enable our farmers to earn
cultivation as well as for non-commercial higher international prices from their produce.
exchanges. The fear that farmers will be forced
to buy seeds every year at exhorbitant prices is Textiles: Trade in textiles and clothing is now
therefore not based on facts. governed by an arrangement known as the
Multi-Fibre Agreement (MFA), under which
The GATT Accord also does not affect public countries such as the USA, the EEC, Canada,
procurement operations or PDS as feared in Australia, Norway and Finland maintain certain
some circle. The PDS in India is essentially quantitative restrictions on the import of
meant for subsidising the consumer and it is textiles items from developing countries. The
not a subsidy for the farmer. Uruguay Round seeks to integrate the textile
and clothing sector into GATT so that the rules
The Agreement does not affect the of GATT apply to this sector also. The Dunkel
domestic support programme for farm Text Provides for a transition period of 10 years
products. As long as the programme for for the abolition of the MFA. The rate of
producers does not exceed 10 per cent of the abolition in the early years of the transition
total value of production of a particular product period is slow. India would have liked the rate
there is no obligation to reduce support levels. of abolition of MFA during the transition period
Only in sugar, oil seeds and jute, the domestic to be more evenly balanced so-that the
support may come closer to 10 per cent of the benefits to countries like India start flowing
total value. In all other commodities subsidy immediately after the Uruguay Round
level to the farmer is much below 10 per cent. Agreement.
Non-product specific subsidies given for
fertilisers, water, seeds, cost of credit, etc. What if India remains outside GATT
available for all crops did not exceed 5.2 per Accord: If India remains outside accord; it will
cent in 1986 to 1988, the base year for lose the most Favoured Nation (MFN) status,
calculation. In product specific subsidies also, which all GATT members offer each other.
the subsidy in 17 out of 20 products is Proponents of the accord say-that MFN status,
negative. In only 3 items it is positive but is which ensures favourable treatment in the
less than 10 per cent. In fact, indirectly the administration of tariffs, is particularly useful
Dunkel recommendations confer a benefit to for developing countries like India, whose
India in as much as the farm subsidy levels in economic leverage in world trade is limited.
developed countries being much higher, they
will be obliged to reduce them steeply. Our
agro exports might thus stand to gain Note: to get solution of MAINS-2012
significantly. There is also nothing in the-
Dunkel text which adversely affects India’s
freedom and flexibility to follow its agricultural
Call us
policies and programmes.

Exports: Exports from India will in fact stand

to gain from the Accord as several-countries
might lose their competitive advantage since
the per capital GDP in their case would exceed
the threshold. Also, duties and taxes on inputs
consumed in the production process such as
fuel, oil, energy and catalysts have been made
reimbursable. It adds another plus factor. The
reduction of subsidies by the industrialised
countries will raise the price of agriculture
production in the world market and in the long

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