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Lecture # 10+11

MATH2304 By,

( FA L L 2 0 2 1 )
Dr. Mehwish Manzur
Convergence and Divergence of Power Series

If we choose a specified value of the variable x then the power

series becomes an infinite series of constants (numbers). If, for the
given x , the series of numbers converges (sum of terms of the power
series equals a finite real number), then the series (power series) is
said to be convergent at x.

A power series that is not convergent is said to be a divergent series.

This means that the sum of terms of a divergent power series is not
equal to a finite real number.
 If a power series in x. Then the first two derivatives are

 It is important to note that the first term in the first derivative and first two terms
in the second derivative are zero. We omit these zero terms and write

Adding Two Power Series
Note : The summation index is a “dummy” variable.
Power Series Solution of a Differential Equation
Consider the first order linear differential equation


is the solution of this equation.

Power Series Solution of a Differential Equation

Thus, we have

From this recursive relation, we get

and so on.

Thus, from the proposed solution, we obtain

Therefore, we obtained a general solution having one arbitrary constant.

Solution about Ordinary points:
The next example illustrates how to find a power series solution about an
ordinary point of a differential equation when its coefficients are not
polynomials. In this example, we will see the multiplication of two power
series that we have discussed earlier.
Steps to Implement the Method of Frobenius

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