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W O K A N D S T I R - F R Y D I S H E S

kitchen cleanser and hot water. This is
the only time you should scrub the
wok, unles~it rusts during storage. Dry
the wok and place it over a law heat for
a few minuw , to drg thoroughly. To
sewn, add 2 tablapmu vegetable oil
and, using a double thickns d folded,
&&nt kitchen paper, rub a thn
ALm of oil all over the h i d e of the wok.
Heat the wok for a few more minutes
and wipe again. T h e paper will pro-
Idly be black horn rnaahine oil
midue. Repeat mdl the paper stays
clean. The wok is now ready for use.
CIeaning the Wok: F d rareiy sticks
to a seasoned wok, man ordinary wash
in hot water wirh na detergent should
a c e . If any f d has stuck, use
a bamboo wok brush, or ordinary
plasti kitchen &bra Dry the wok
t3roroughly and put it wet. a Iow heat
to prevent rust during storage. As a
precaution, rub the inside surface of
the dry wok with 1 teagpoon of oil.
If the wok msts, repeat the seawning


Cutting and dicing Chinex style is an Horizwtal Slicing;To cut thick f d SmR-mnNG
art. The s h and shape d ingredients into two or more thin pieces to bg Probably the most imprtant tech-
deterink cooking time, and there L sliced or shr&, hold the cleaver or niqw in stir-frying, is p ~ e - b r i n gthe
link t h e fnr foodP to ah& flawms knife parallel to the cutting hard. wok. This prevents fmd sticking and
and samw. M o r e , cut vege- Place one hand flat On the f dd a c e absorbing ex- oil. Place the wok
tab!= thinly, with a many cut surfaces and p r w down while slicing horizon- over a malerate heat and wait a few
as p a h l e . Cut meats,f i and poultry tally into the food. Repcat.-fi minutes until the wok is very hor,then
generally ecross the grain, f ~ r h g m a l Slicing: Mast 'long' vege- add the oil and swirl to quickly a t the
maximum r&mess. tables such as spring onions, asparagus bottom and sides.
Slidne; Hold food firmly against a or murgettes look rnnre attractive and For recipes that begin by adding the
curring h a r d with one hand and, wirh more surface m a is e x w e d for quicker flav~uringingredients, such as garlic,
a knife, slice the food stmight down cmking, if sliced cm the diagonal. ginger and spring onions to the oil, it
into thin strips. Hold a cleaver with Angle the cleaver or knife and cut. s h l d k only maderately hot or these
y w r indm fmger e x m d d over the rap RDU Cutting: This is like diagonal delicate Ingredients r n q bum or
edge and y a u ~thumb on the near side, cutting, but is suitable for larger or become bitter. If, however, the fiat
to guide the cutting edge. Hold the tougher, long vegetables,such as celev ingredient added is a meat or hearty
food with the other hand, tucking or large carrots. Make a diagonal slice vegetable, make the ail very hot, just
your fmgers under, so the blade m m at one end. Turn the vegerabtt 180" b l o w smaking point. As other ingte.
against your k n u d a for safety. For and make another draganal slice. dients are added, stir-fsy wer a high
matchsti&-thin strips, quare off rhe Continue until thc whole vegetable is heat by stirring and casing them with
side of the prepared vegetable, cut cut into triangular pieca about 2.5 cm the metal spatula or spoon- Allow mcnr
cmxways into 5 cm (2 in) Imgths. (I in) long. to rest a minute on orre side before
Stack a few slices and cut even Cut f d into slices, then into stimng, m c& and brown. Keep the
lengthwise strips. lengthwise sticks. Stack the sticks and food moving from the centre, up and
Shrsdding:Mdascabhgeor cut craglrwise into e v e n - s d cubes. out onto theside. Ifamuce tobe thick-
spinach are easily shredded by piling Chopping: First cut the fd into long ened with cordour is added to tbe
up a few l a v e s and cutting length* srrips, align them and, holding them dish, remove the wok briefly from the
into thin, ftne shreds. Roll largeleaves, with one hand, fingers tucked under, har and push the foad away from the
Swbmll fashion, before cutting, to cut crosswise with a knife or cleaver. centre so the sauce-thickening mixture
teducewidth, Meat and pultty bceasw Useadingrnorion, keepingthe tipof g m directly to the bottom of the
or cutletswe asier loshred if frozenfor the knife or cleaver agaivsr the cutting wok; spir vigornusly and then continue
a b u t 20 minutes first- board and using the knucklesas a guide. tossing the ingredients in the sauce.
Elamboo Shoots: Young, tender shoots Lemon Grass: A, long, thin, lemony
from the base of barnboo shoots, these herb. Bruise the stems, then chop or
are crunchy but bland, absorbing slice. Grated lemon or lime peel can be
stronger flavwrs. Sold canned. wed instead.
Bean Curd. Bean curd, or tofu, in N&:
Japanese, is nutritious, low-calorie Berm Thread Also called cellophane
food made from soy beans. Bland, with noodles, t h mansparent
~ dies are
a soft-chew texturn. it absorbs other made b m ground mung beans. Stir
flavours. Stir-fry w i t h care as i t can into mps or stirpfry with vegetables.
disintegrate. 'Silken tofu' has a much Soak in warm water for 5 minutes for
d t e r texture and is mostly used in general use, but use unsoaked if deep-
soups and saucs. frying*
i 3 - d Chmese Sjughr.ri This thin firm
B h k &am: These small, fermented noodle cooks quickly: any thin spag- !
soy beans are very salty. Black bean hetti-type n d e can be substituted.
sauce, in cans or bottla, is a quick, Chinese egg nmdles are also sold fresh
hmndy substitute. in wpermdets and Asian markets.
Rice Sricb Long, h,dtied noodles
b k Choy: Alw known as Chinese made from rice flour, rice sticks can be '
cabbage, this resembles Swiss chard. fried directly in hot oil and increase
many rimes in volume. A good base for
Daikon: A long white, bland mt any Chinese-sryledish.
vegetable with a cntnchy texture: also Soh This spaghetti-size noodle, made
called m l i or Japanesewhite radish. from buckwheat flour, is often used in
Japan- soups. Ideal for cold n d l e
Fish Sauce: A h called Nuoc Nam and salads. Very quick d i n g .
Nam Pla, made from salted, fermented
anchovies and used in sauces, stir- Oriental Aubergine: These long, thin Samw Oil: Made hmdii,
fries and as a condiment. The lighter aubergines (eggptants) are tastier than this has a rich, p l d e n - b +r
Vietnamese and Thai sauces are best. large aubergines (eggplants), do not and a nutty flavout a d amma. Hm a
A little p a long way. Keeps need peeling and do not absorb much low s m w point aml can bsrm easily.
indefinitely. oil. Sold in supermarkets and Asian h a smming, a teasp~onadded toa
markets. stir-fry dish just before *wing a
Fiw-Spice Powder: A blend of $elicW flavour.
cinnamon, cloves, star anise, fennel Wter Sauce: A thick, brown,battled
and Szechuan peppet, used in Chinese sauce with an m-fishy rich, subtle &mme Pate: A h known as tsrhini,
marinades and sauces. Sold in super- flavour, made h m concentrated this is m d e horn ground sesame st&
markets and Asian markets. oysters and my sauce. %en wed in It is often combined with &arkdl, ,
beef and vegetable stir-fry dishes. lemon juice and m n i n g s and used
GaIand: Known as Thai ginger or a Middle-Wrn dipping sawe or
lam, this i a used huh, minced or Plum Sauce: A thick, sweet Canton- condiment.
sliced, in soups, sauces and s t i r 4 w . ese condiment made from plums,
Sold in Asian markets. apricots, garlic, chillies, sugar, vinegar SesameSeeds: Widely available, t k
and flavourings. Use as a dip or a base add texture and flavour to stir+
Ginger Root:This hobby root's sweet for barbecue sauces. dishes. Dry-fry in the wok first ro briq
spicy flavour is used in arienml soups, out flavatlr, then stir& and w ss a
stir-fries and in fish dishes. Store in a Radicchio; A small, tight, slightly garnish. Black sesame ss& can be
dark place, but do not refrigerate. bitter, red-leaf chicory. Use shredded hterchangedwith white ones-dry-by
in stir-fries, risottos or salads. Sold in them in the same way..
Hoisin Sauce: This sweet-spicy, dark supemarkew or ltalian markets.
red-brown wndiment is used in Sop Sauces: This essential C h i 1
Cl~incsemarinades, barbecue sauca Rice Vinegar: Use Japanese rice wdlment, flavwring a d d i
m A
and stir-fries. Made from soy flour, vinegar, mild and clear, for salad d m - tmceisdfromafermentcdrafxtme '
chillies, garlic, ginger and sugar. ings, sauces and pickling. Chinese ofswybeans, flowandwater.llem
Excellent dipping sauce. vinegar is not strong enough. d e b = Light Soy Sauce is mc#rc cprm- '
man, It is mlty, but clan be diluted with

Jicama: A sweet, crunchy Mexican Rice Wine: Made from fermented rice water. Dark Say is thicker d
root vegetable similar to water chest- and yeast, rhis mellow wine is widely sweeter, containing m o b or m
nuts. Add to salads and stir-fries. Peel used for stir-fry cooking. A dry shew mel. Japan- 5 h y %we, shoyu, is
before using. can be substitutedfor it. always n a d y fermented.
~ O K
O F W O K S T I R - F R Y D I S H E S

ternon Cms: A, l a , thin, lemony
herb. hk the stems, thm chop or
slice. G r a d lemon or Lime pecl can k
wed i n s d .

Ban T h d A h called cellophane
d e s , these mnspmt n d l e s are
mde fm grwnd mung beans. Stir
into or srir+fry with vegetables.
Soak in warm water for 5 minutes for
g e n d use, but use u m k e d ifdeep-
Dried S+ This thin firm
d f e cook quickly: any thin qag-
h i - t y p e n o d e can bt substituted.
in ~ ~ eand Asian
t markem
Rsce Stickr Long, thin, dried noodles
fried direct$ in hot ail and h c m w
many ti= in voIume, A g d kfor
any Chinesemledish.
h This qtaghem-size n d l e , made
hkkwheat flour, k often used in
Japrmcsot+. ldeal for cold noodle
&. Very quick d i n g .

Orhtal A u k q k : These long, thin k a m e Oil: Made from sesame seeds, Spring R d skinst Thee paper-thin,
-a (-lane) am mstier than this has a rich, goEden-bwwn -lour flaur-bgh skins are sold as S h a d i
large aubergines (eggplants), da nor and a nutty flavour and aroma. Has a wrappers or lumpia skins. They are
need peelmg and do not absorb much low smoking paint dcan burn easily. thinnw and fry more crisply than
oil. Sold in supermarkets and Asian As a ~ n i n ga ,teaspoon added w a thicker Cantonese egg roll skins. They
mafkefs. stir-fry dish just before w i n g adds a canbedmen.
delicious flavour.
Oyster Sauce: A chick, brown, baled Star Aniw This eight-pointed star-
sauce with an un.fishy rich, subtle !hmme Paste: Also known as tahini, sltaped pod has a mild liquwice flavour
f l a w , made from concenrratcd Jlis is made from ground sesame d.and is u d in marinades,
oysters and my awe. Often used in It is aften combined with garlic, oil,
W a n d vegetable stir-fry dishes. h n juicc and m n i n g s and wed as Szechuan P p : k am-
a Middle-Eastern dipping sauce or matic, reddish-brown dried
Plum Sauce: A thick, sweet Canton- condiment. have a mildly spicy flavour. Taast in a
ese condiment made from plums, Bry wok or frying pan before @rig to
apricots, garlic, chillie, sugar, vinew b e Seeds: Widely availabk. these a powder.
and flavouringsoU s as a dip or a bast a$d texture and flavour to stir-fry
for barkcue Sauce. dishes. Dry-fry in the wok first to bmg Water C h l a a r : A smrchy, bland,
out flavour, then stir-hy and use as a c d y tuber. Use raw in salads or add
W o r A small, right, slightly mi&. Black sesame geds can be to mps and stir-&=. Widely sold in
bitter, &leaf chicory. Use shredded inter&& with white anes - dryfry cam, rinse m cold wattr or drop briefly
m stir-fie, risottos or pal&. %Id In them in the same way.. into boiling water, then rim to
sltpermarkecs or Italian markets. remove any memlllc w w .
Soy Sauces: lhii esmtial Chinese
Rice V i : Use Japnese rice condiment, flavouring and dippiw Won- S w Th- smooth, whem
vhgw, mild and clear, for salad dress- sauce is made from a fermented mimure flour dough wrappca a b u t 7.5 un
ingsr, sauces and pickling. C h i n a dsoy b, flwr and water. The mom (3 in) square are mld kwhand froaffl in
vinegar is not strong enough. delicate Light Soy Sauce is most corn- supermarkets and M imarkers.
taon. It h salty, but can be diluted with
d a m Ricewine: Made fromfermentedrice water. Dark Soy Sauce is thicker arad Yeflow Bean hdhce This thick,
&at- and p s t , this mellow wine is widely sweeter, containing molasses or cara- aromatic, spicy sauce is made from
Peel used for stir-fry c d m g . A dry shmy mel. Japanese Soy Sauce, shop, is fermented yellow beans, flour and =It;
can be substituted for it. always naturally fermented, flavours fish, p l a y and vegetables.

3 mbb#-
light my sluce
3 ~ w l n t o r c I d a ~
'12 t v hot chilli powder 2 teas- mediumchilli epuce or torano
'/* blsck ptppcr ktchupt-1
4- t
v b o s ~ s p u clot
t tomitt) 4SQg{1 Ib)uwosdfisb~&,2.5cmI~ h)&k
BOOg(lY-lb)firmwhitchh f+ts, such w plnice, 3hlblcepmraJvcgembkoil
cut inlo2.5 cm ( 1in) h)pk
1 redprpper(crprkum),cufbt02~5olr(l
1oaioa,choppoa ~w~Pw(-),~~o~*~-(LIQ)@

I 3 dw~sgadk, finely chop&

tstPllrrdeq,w y & d
~ ~ p e p p r r ( ~ ) . d i w d
1 red pepprr (capurn),died
4 ~ o n i w & e u 1 i n t o 5 c m (in)*
3 t
~ ~ r ,
~ W d

(5 tld%
1501111 cup] firhotchick;en&
225 g (8 rwl k b okmsliced

In a shallow dish. combine 2 tablespoons of -

the oil, paprika, oregano, cumin, chilli
powder, black pepper and hot pepper sauce,
Add fish pieces and stir gently to coat. Allow
ro stand for 15 minutes. Heat the wok over
high hear until very hat. With a slotted
spoon, drain tih pieces and, working in
batches, if necessarv, add to rhc wok. Sriccfty
gently for 2 minutes until pieces are firm. I
Remove to a bowl. 1

Heat m i n i n g o i l in the WE and add onion,
garlic and d e r y . Stir-* far 102 minutes
mtilonion k g ~ n to s sofwn. Add green ar$
red peppers (@urns$ a d okra dstir+
for 1-3 minutes. Add any remaining mari-
nade and cLsoppedtwaahxs. Bring to the boil
md simmer far 4.5 minutes until sl&tly
thickened, stirring fnqumtly. k h r m 6sh
p i a s m wok d mdrgmtly bI minute to
hear through. ,Serve~l nct.
A N D S T I R - F R Y D I S H E S


3 tablapna light soy sauce
2 o b w dry sherry or rice wine
3 teaspoons wine or& vi-r
1, tablwpoonwgpr
2 t e a m rncdiumchilli~ucrortonrare
ketchup iseure)
4 5 0 g ( I Ib) swordfisbsreaks,2.5 cm ( 1 in)thick
3 tables* vegetableoil

1 redpepper (cqqsicurn),cut into 2.5 cm ( 1 in)pieces
1grewpppr(rapsicum),cut intoZ.5 cm ( 1 in) pi-
4sprin$onimr, cut into 5 cm (2 in)pieces
3 t ~ s u r m f l o u r , d i s s o l v e din I tab-
cold water

I~FW ~ ~ ~ S ~ . Q T ~ *

h e , vi-, s u p d chilli $awe or

t k h d b ~ p p e r ~ h -to 'kitchup fsaua). 431
t swordfish jnto
~ & r i d ~ i p ~ W g l i t ~ ~ t . ~
rod&r2!"ut&~ H athedund
rtnril v q hop. With a %rW veryb~mm dd2tiIM
~, ,

t n b h , p i t m s d +in
# f ~ , & c o t h e ~ ~ ~ * ~~ d w m m m f & ~ h r h s
n e w h d c , & * o f f d ~ d
iiq& as psshlc. Add P i to, & 4 4
Rk&r hr 2-3 minure, @il fraih is @m.
~ & a ~ s p t r o n , ~ ~ r t r g - f i m i ~ t a
a MI,
H a t remainingoil in the wok and add onion, Add peppars
Add tematqing 011 to tb d.
garlic and celery. Stir-fry for 1.2 minutes (-urns) diirek & 3 minutes, until
1, until MLiam begu~sm d e n . Add gretn and ~ l q h ~ ~ ~ . ~ b p t i n g ~
dp(capkums) and okra and air-Erj d air-Ery h.1hare minute. Stir the'-
, h 2-3 minutes. Add any remaining mari- f k w n l ~ m d ~ , ~ ~ m a r i ~ ,
:. nade and W psdtomatas. Bring to the bail h&fn&aockunxit d l bk&, Pow
r . . d simmer for 4-5 minutes until slightly tntothedZMdbhgegrht.~,~
. thickad, stirring frequently. Remm fish kquently, S i ~ m e rfor Id minuts until
piecesto wok and cmk gently for I minute to &kW&turn . nwdgb trr the m e : &
,- k t through.Serve with rice. $th@ndybrI ~ t l e r o b r ~ . ~
wit& ri*arqlw&l Ki#*itk &$v&,
T H E B O O K 0 F W O K A N D S T I R - F


4helibutlilkcs,rbout 175g(doz)nch 1 tmqmmchillipwkr (ortotwe)
juiceof f lime 'h-pmgprmd@t~tpper
2 tmpmm ground wrmehc It m s p m4
~ coripodrr
1lSml(4tl~ Y z c u p ) ~ l e o i l 'At~gmund~umiu
1clweguli, liacly cboppad 'h-d-
lcm{Vzia)piscefnsh~gin~r,pkdud It-Pdh
finely c M M driedthyme
1 f d cbii, w r d a d d c h o p p d 55 mlI 2 fl mllr'*cup) ~ h i l
1o a i o n . s l i w d ~ b w k t o t w r a ' + d 3tabkspooas~juk
2 t#~pooasgrwod cwiPndcr 3tnbdespwnsridPr-
150 ml(5 fl &cup) u m w n d coeonut milk 1tnMrPpowbowy
1- 1 sufp 4 t t t n a e t & , ~ 1 2 2 5 g f 8 o t ) ~ s d 2 . 5 c m ( I In)
'Atwspoon d t tbick, cut i t o p k m
17Sir(6w)mwrwt(mperrs) 2 ~ d . W ~ c b o p p e B
f r d roriaDder d g a , to p m h b 4*a*, tWsliced

Place f ~ fillers
h in a shallow dish. Sprinkle h s h g l l ~ wdish, mrnbine chilli
with the lime juice and rub the turmeric into black 'p@pzI g m d cori&l ad&
both sides of each fillet. Set aside. In a wok, twnalc, ppib d hpe. In &
hat half the oil until hot, but nut smoking; M i o w diih, combine d,m ge juice,
swirl to coat wok. Gently slide 2 of the fish I vim@$and holl-ey. T m tuaa w ia
fillets into t k oil and fry for 4+5 minutes, o i l ~ t ~ w a t a U ~h &Q~ g d
carefully turning once during cooking, tumpiactina, t b s p I c e m ~ n m t 0 w x u : d
Remove and drain on absorbent kitchen &wmly.
paper. Add remaining oil to wok and fry
remaining f ~ fillets
h in the samc way. Drain
as before and keep fish fillets warm.

A d d ~ l i cginger
, and chilli adstir-fry for 1
minute, Add the onion'petals' and coriander
a d stir-fry for 2 minutes until onion kgins
ta d e n . Stirin oxonttt milk, slugar and salt
rmtil h. bmva m
e i Add epdie apd e

rtir*fry Cw 1-2 l
d n m spm
A d me pbapts d stir-fry fat 3-5 mitt-

and Erring to rlw bil, adding a littte more

water if sauce is rcx> t h a . Stir in the mange cunadeemwichabmwriceprild, t
tout {snow ps)and cook for 1 minute, until
they turn & i t green, Spoonsauce over fish
filtets and garnish with M corider. b e
W O K S T 1 R - F R Y


PEaoe hh fillets in a shdaw dish. Sprinkae In a shallow dish, combine chilli powder.
with the lime juice and rub the turmeric inw black pepper, ground coriander, cumin,
both rid= of each fillet. Set aside. In a wok, turmeric, paprika and thyme. In another
kt. half the oil untd hat, but not smoking; shallow dish, eombie ail. oranp juice,
mirl to coat wok. Gently slide 2 d the f& vinegar and honey. Tea tuna pieces m
Wlets into the ~ i dl fry for 4-5 minut- oil mixcure to mat all sides, then dip each
bardully turning once during =king. tuna piece in to the spice mixture to a t each
, b v e and drain on h r b t kitchen side even1y,
peper. Add remaining ail to wok and fry
remaining f& fillets in the sum way. Drain
w b h m d keep fish filleb warm.

Prau o & dbut 1 tabtspoon oil from the wok. H a t dry wok over high heat until very hot.
Add ~;arbc,ginger and chilli and stir-fq for 1 Add tuna p i m e and stir-fry for 3-5 minutes
minute. Add the onion 'ptt als' and coriander until finn. Remove to warm plates. Add oil
and stir-fry for 2 minutes until o n i ~ nkgiw m i m to wok and stir to deglaze any spice
m &en. Stir in coconut milk, rand salt mixture. Add garlic and spring onions and
4 bring to the boil, d i n g a ittle mure
water if sauce is too thick. Stir In the mange
stir-fq for 1-2 minutes. Spoon sauce wer
tlrrra andsetve wwirh a brown rice p i l d
row (snow peas) and c w k for 1 minute, until
they turn bright green. Spoon sauce over fish

T Y E B O O K A N D S T I R - F R

2 tablespoonsolivc oil
I o m i o n , c ~
2 doves prlic,fiaelychappsd
1 ubbpmm tOrnPtoputet{paste)
a b l t s p o o n c ~ ~ h ~ 1om os rp m dried
55p (t'/rod%cup)suudr&d tomaims in oil, d d
d c b d
rslt nnd fd ground black pepper
55 g ( Z I h & % c u p ) blackolives,ca~rsclycbopprd
2 dkspoons capers, drained
2 tablesvns chopped f r d pmky
Pumewn cheese, to gmbh

Heat the wok until hot. Add the ail and swirl In a shallow dish, combine 1 tablespoon
to coat wok. Add onion and garlic and stir-fry seame oil with soy sauce and garlic. Add

for 1-2 minutes until beginning to soften. uma chunks and rossgently to mat. Allow to
Add the tomatoes, stirring to break up the s d for 15 minutes. Heat the wok until v q
large pieces. Stir in the tomato p&e (paste), hot; d 1 tablespoon of the vegetable oil and
oregano and sun-dried tomatoes. Bring to the swirl to coat. Add daikon, cucumber, red

boil and simmer for 10-12 minutt~until sauce pepper (capsicum),red onion and fmhchiUi .
is slightly thickened. Season with salt and and stir-fry far 2-3 rninutecr until v e & b
pepper. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan of begin to softerr and nun a bright C O ~ Soir .
bailing water, cook penne acwrding to in lime juice, sugar and remaining oil ,
and c m k for 30 seconds until sugar d i m j

packet directions.
Remove t~a bowl. I

Stir btack olives, capers and tuna into the Add remaining vegetable oil to wok d,
sauce. Drain pasta and add to sauce. stirring warking in htchts, if necwaq, add the f&
gently ro mix well, Stir in chopped psnley ch& and stir+ gently for 2-3 minum,
and serve immediately from the wok, or und firm. Arrange fish on 4 dinner p h
s p n into 4 swp platers. Using a swivel- and sprinkle with the w a n e d. Spocrn
bladed vegeeabte peeler, shave flak= of sane of the warm relish onto a h plate ad
Parmesan aver each serving. Altemntiveiy, w i s h with lime w d g a and f d corhder
grate Parmesan over each serving. sprigs. S p c wirh ndles.
A N D $ T I R - F R Y D I S H E S


2 f a l l e s ~ n =same
r oil
1 tableepoon Ilght soy sauce
1 clowpdic, f i ~ l y c b o p d
cut inur chunks
2 t a b n s vegetable d
225 g(8 w )dnioa (maoli),p l e d a d d i c d
1red pepper (capsicum), diced
1 doniom,cmrselyC b d
1 fd chilli, d e d aml fdycbopped
2 lnb8espw~limejuice
1 tnbltapDoo d s , toasted

In a shallow dish, combine 1 tablesen

sesame oil with soy sauce and garlic. Add
tuna chunks and toss gently to coat. Allow to
dfor 15 minuta. Heat the wok until very
hot; add I tableqmmd t h e vegetable oil and
swirl to coat. Add daikoa, cucumber, red
p p p (capsicum), d onion and k hchilli
and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until vegctablcs
kgin to softenand tun a bnght co!our. Stir
in lime juice, sugar and remaining sesame oil
and m k for 30 seconds until sugar dissolves.
Remove ro a h l .

Add remitring vegeGable oil t~ wok and,

working in brches, if necessary, add rhe fish
chunks and stir-fry gently for 2 ~ 3minutes,
until f&m. Ar*mge fish on 4 dinner plates
and sprinkle wirh the -me seeds. S p w n
m e of rhe w m r e l i onro each plate and
m a s
h with lime &and frtsh coriander
sprigs. Save with &a.

h 4.
T H E B O O K A N D S T I R - F


_ I I ~ablespond i v e ail

55 g(20d1/4cup) u w l t e d butter
4 5 0 g ( 1 Ib)rcda~ppcrsrwbssBLkta,cutinto
2,5 cm ( 1in)st+
silt and fmhly groundblack ppper
225 g (8m) mushrmma, quanerd
Lcbves garlic, finely tho@
150 ml(5 fl d K cup) dry d i t c wine
2 turnatmy, p l e d , sctdsd and chopped
juice of 1 lemon
1 t n b l a m tomatopu& (prte)
4 sptin$oaionr,thinly sliced
ttablmpowthlnly~brcddedfresh basil
450~(llb) upellhi or thin s&ti
freshWi@p, topmish

Heat the wnk until hot, Add oil and swirl to In a shllw baking dish, combine the saam
coat wok. Add half the butter and swirl to oil, my sauce, sherry or wine, honey, limta
mix with oil. Add snappr or bass strips and Iernon juice and five-spice pw&. Ad
gently stir-fry (or 1-2 minutes until just firm. salmon strips and toss gently to coat. Lmv
Season with salt and pepper and, with a slot- to stand tor 30 minutes. With a s h m
ted spwn, remove ta a bowl. Stir mushrooms spoon, remove the salmon strip hm
intr~remaining oil and butter in the wok, marina& and pat dry with absarbent kitdm
then add garlic and stir-fry fnr 1 minute. paper. Regervc marinade. In a small dbh
Add white wine and stir to deglaze aoy bits beat egg whites and cornflour to make
stuck to wok. Bring to the boil and simmer for htter. Add salmon strips and toss gently a
I minute. coat completely.

Add chopped tomatoes, lemon juice. tomato H a t the vegetable ail in the wok until l~
pude (paste), springoninnsandbasil, stirring Add the salmon in htcha. b for 24
frequently. Whisk in remaining butter in minutes until golden, tuming awe. Rcmm
small pieces to thicken and smooth sauce. and drain on ahorbent kitchen p a p .
Return fish to sauce and cmk gently for oil horn wok and wipc wok c h . h
1 minute until hem4 thmugh. Meanwhile, m a r i d into wok and add sprins
in a large saucepan of h i l i n g water, caok d M water and pepper sauce, if
capllini or spaghetti according to directions. Brmg to the boil and simmer for 1-2 m n
k i n and divide amam 4 plates. Top with Add fish and rum gcntly to a t . C h k fo
f i strips and &uce and wich fresh 1 minute until hot. Garnish with l i i m
basil sprigs. m e with n d l e s .

S e w s 4.
Heat the wok until hot. Add oil and swirl to X r i a n h a I l k w ~ ~ ~ e l r t ~ ~
coat d. Add half the butter and swirl to dr 4bp=W,w wine, honeyt hmq
mix with dl. Add sllapper or bass strips and h a m we d fi**?" p d e r * Add
lpently stir-fry for 1-2 minutes until jusr firm. h & k . & w m d ~ ~ 1 .haw
Seiwn with salt and pepper and, with a slot- to d bz $0 .slime With a &id
ted q w n ,remove to a a w l . Stir mushrwm v* remow 6,wlmon mpg +
into remaining oil and butter in the wok, ~ - i i i d p t d r y # i i ~ ~ ~ t k i t & e n
then d garlic and stir+ for 1 minute. pqm. n t a r i d mJk a d l &,
Add white wine and stir to deglaze any bits ktqgwhibda&&rb&a
snrdt to wok. Bring to the !mil and simmer fbr
m .

km: ~~ mips Mid w>@mb, to


Add choppcl tomatoes, lemon juice, tomato Heat the vegetable ail in the wok until hot.
pun% (pame),springonions and b d l, at irring Add the &on in batch=. FFJ for 2-3
frequently. W h i i in remaining butter in minutes until g o k h , turning onoe. Remove
small pix- u, thicken and s w r h sauce. and drain on absorbent kitchen paper. Pour
Rtturn fish to sauce d cmk gently for oil €mnwok and wipe wok clean. Pwr
1 minute until heated through. Meanwhile, marinade into wok and add spring onions,
in a large saucepan of boiling water, cmk w k or warer and pepper sauce, if using.
cq&m or spaghetti accoding to d i m r i m . Bringto the boit and simmer for 1-2 minum.
Drain a d divide among 4 plat- Top with Acid f i iand rum gntly to coat. b k fat
zy scrips and sauce ad h i s h with fresh 1 minute until hot. Garnish with l i e and
m e with n d l m .


1bblwpwa moil
4 chva dlc,fmclychopped
2.5cm ( ] . i a ) f ~ r o o t ~ , p c e k d P n d c b o p p c d
~ s o r n l ( ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~
70 ml I2lh €I
&%cup) twr~mLtctchup(uu#)
1 - h ~ ~
2M- t cornflour W v c d in 3 rsMnpooar
1large cmkd cnb, d ~ t d d in the rhdl, cboppcd
intosewhgpmeCa,with kpradclawa mkdw
o r 4 ~ ~ r a b c h w s , f t ~ ~o k pc d
II ~I ~as*t. rdp. rmat=owi li n g m i m , t o ~ 1
Ncurnber d t i c k r mdcoddwqu+I to&

With a sharp knife, make 3 or 4 diagvnal Heat the wok until very hot. Add the oils ar
slashes I cm (M in) deep on both sides offish. swirl to coat the wok. Add garlic and ging
Sprinkle inside and out with wine or sherry I
andstir-fry for 1-2 minutes until softened, b
and salt. Place in an wal baking dish which do not brown. Stir in wine vinegar, f& I
will fit in a wok. Allow to stand 20 minureso ! chicken stock, tomato ketchup (saw
Place a wire rack or an inverted r a d hand chilli sauce, soy sauce and sugat and brh
a plate in wok. Fill wok with 2.5 an (1 in) to the h i l .
water and bnng to the boil. Place dish with
the fish on the rack or r a m e k h and cover
t~ghtly.Cook for 8-12 minutes, until f&
f l a k easily. Remove fih from wok and keep
warm. Remove rack or ramekinand plate and
pour off water. Wipe wok dry and r e h t .
Add panut oil arid swirl to mt wok. Add Stir the cornflour mixture, and stir into th
the black h, garlic and g i w r and stir& wok with spring onions and crab pi- (

for 1 minute. Stir in the spring onions, claws. Simmer crab pie= in the -sauce fr
sauce and srwk and h n g to the boil; codr for 2-4 minutes, until sauce thickens and era
1 minute. Stir in the chilli sauce and -me is heated through. Garnish with cucumbr
oil and remwe kam the heat. Pour sauce matchsticks and coriander sprig and serv
over fwh and serve immediately, garnished with plain boiled tice.
with fwb coriander or spring onions.
ldl- wgetabk d
I ~ s e s ~ m e o i l
4dovcspdkr finely c h o w
l S O m 1 ( 5 f l & c u p ) ~ t hhmchickrnst~~k
70ml (tl/z fladficrrp) toamioketchup (mwe)
3~ c o c h b o t c h i l l l s ~ u c e m d m y ~ u c e
2v2 t ~ ~ d i d d3 m i k pn m
4 a* onioas, thinly sliced
or 4 large crab claws, cmckd oppl
cucumber mat~hrtidrsa d c o h d e r s p r i p , to pmkh
Heat the wok until very hot. Add the oils and
swirl to coat the wok. Add garlic and ginger
and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes until softened, but
do not brown. Stir in wine vinegar, ftsh or
chicken stock, tomato ketchup (sauce),
chilli sauce, soy sauce and sugar and h n g
to the boil.

Stir the cornflour mixture, and stir into the

wok with spring onions &d cmb pieces or
claws. Simmer crab pieces in the sauce for
24 minut-. until sauce thickens and cmb
b heated
9 Garnish with eucwnber
coriander sprieg and serve
with plain hi14rice.
T H E A N D S T I R - F R


7Od(t'/hfldY~cup)~~taoy~ m i d d Ira- lor =wing
t ~ w i a r v h e g a r 2 ~ ~ r a a ~
t - m o i l t ~ a l l v e d
z ~ h m r y o r * w = r : ~ ~ ~ l M n l y ~ i a p o t S c w ( 1 i n )
6 . 8 d w h h walerhtnuta rinaedandmiacd
Zqhg- fiDclychoppDd
, 1 5 g ( H d I ublcsprron)butter
4 s o $ ( l l b ) c o o k o a t + r ~ ~
1t ~ h l y c h o & f d m o t g I n s w I ~ ~ H n v o u r e d ~
225 (8 w )wbltt c h t , d r d d dpicltedover I
55 1111(2 fl oaf44cup) u m a m
'/a t v rod pcpprtSaUK
f h l y choppsdfmbooaiudetotdill i W ~ Y W ~ ~ V
M ~ m ~
~ ~ ~ f w B k s p W w

In asrtlalIbswl, mix together 55 ml(2 fl dbh Ammge h e salad leaves on one side of 4 larip
cup) wy sauce, wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon and fan out the mango slim on b
ssame ail, I tablespoon water, crush4 &r dde; set aide. Heat the oil in the d
chilies and honey or sugar. Set aside. Heat md swirl ts coat wok. Add sugar snap p&
remaining oil in the wok, add the water and spring oniom and stir fr, for 1-2 mi-
chestnuts, spEing onim and toot ginger and mtil kam turn bright green and onkn$
stir-fry for 1-2 minutcs. Cool slightly, then begin ta sahn. With a strainer or dottd
mix with uab, remaining soy sauce, red F, remo~eto a bowl.
pepper 8auce. fmh coriander or dill and egg
yolk. Place a t w n of mimre In the
centre of each wonm skin. b m p n edges
with a little water and fold up QM comer to
p i t e comer to farm a triangIe,

Fold over the h t m m 2 m e r s KOmeet and Add butter to oil in the wok ;uPd sdx k
press together to ~ m b nk melloni. & prawns. Stir-lry for 1-2 minutes until h a d
sure the filling is w e l l d e d In the wok, th- do not owrcmk. Remow ro tW
heat 7.5 cm 13 in) vegetable oil to 1% bowl Pour in anise-flavour liquwr d s
tir ~
(375F)and deep fry the wontons in batches deglazt the wok. C m k for 1mime, &ma@'
for 3 minutes, until goldcn on all sides, cum- in cram and bring to the hil. Scasu>n w+&
ing once during mking. Remove with a m e g , satt and peppr. Stir in dill, p-
Chinese strainer or slotted spoon to a h - sugar snap peas and spring onions, * t ta
k t kitchen paper to drain. Servc with the mt.Immediately, spwn mixture onto sLd
dipping sauce and a salad. leaves and garnish with dill sprigs.

hrtcmall bowl, mix together 55 ml (2 flodb'i Anange thesalad leaves on one side d4 large
-1 my gauce, wine vinegar, 1 sahlqmm plates and fan wt the mango dices on the
emre oil, 1 tablespwn warer, crushed ather side; set aside. Heat the oil in the wok
t wide. Heat
&Ilia and honey or sugar. S and swirl to coat wok. Add sugar snap pas
remaining oil in the wok, add ihe water a d springonions and stir fry for 1-2 minutes
&etnm, spring on& d root ginger and mil beans turn bright green and onions
&*fry for 1-2 minutes. -1 slightly, then begin to soften. With a stminer or slotfed
mix with crab, remaining soy sauce, red qmn, remove to a bowl.
pepper sauce, fresh. coriander or dill and egg
yolk. P k a waspon of mixture in the
centre of & w m t ~ n skin. Dampcn edges
with a tittle warm a d fold up one comer to
m i
tt camer m form a triangle.

Fold aver the b o r n 2 comers to meet md Add butter to oil in the wok and stir in
press togaher to regemble a rortelloni. Be prawns. Stir-fry for 1-2 minutes until heated
m e the filling is well-sealed. In thE wok, throurrh: do nat o v e m k . Remove to h e
haat 7.5 cm (3 in) vegetable oil to lgQC b l . P o u r in anise-flavour liqueur and stir ro
(315F)ddecp fry the wontom in latches $egiaze the wok. Codr for 1 minute, then stir
br 3 minutes, until golden on alt sides, m- in c m and bring to the boil. S e w n with
ing once during caoking. Remow with a nutmeg, s ~ land r pepper. Stir in dill, p r a m ,
Chest sminer or slatted hpoon m a k - su$ar m a p peas and spring onions. tossing to
tKlU kitchen paper to dram Serve with the mat. Immediately, s p n mixture anta salad
dppq sauce and a salad. lamand garnish with dill sprigs.


u 15cm ( C i n ) a P l l r f r e s b l e m o n ~trimmad
It- tomatopu&(p$tt)
1 tablespmn vcgetablcoil
I tablwod -me dl
450g{ i lb) oloak~rajbr.skitracdrdcutinto
chunks,ar450g( 1 lb) ccmktdl&tcr
3 dovw garlic, finely c w
, 450gtIlbj~

125 g (am)

225 (~narll
~ p a ~ i - , blmU,ilb
lSg(%dl d e q I o m ) h
w t

1# d ( 4 f l d M c u p ) d q ~ c w b t
C ~ ) ~ & I ~ * C -

1 wion,cut lengthwise into'pelals' ~ ~ ~ ~ d b J = k p e p p

1 f r d c b i l l i , ~ ~ kn ld y chopped 4 qriqaniou, thinly 8lkd
2 tomrtoa, peeled, seeded dc l q p d 1-2 t*#arpawuDipa mustard
1t msuw
2 hrgesmonioru,eNwdinto2.5 an (1 in) p k e s
2 iablcqmmlr tresbchopped cotinader
1 nbleqwmlimejuice
l i + pnd wrhnder, to garnish

Cnrsh lemon grass and cut into 2.5 cm (1 in) In a saucepan d boiling water, c d t:
pieces. Place in a saucepan with 175 rnl pm- for 12-15 minutes until tender4
(6 fl ozlj/r cup) water and bring ro the boil. pierad with a sharp knife. H a t the e
Simmer for 3 minutes. Add tomato pude
I =ti1 hot Add butter and swirl to d I
(paste): stir until dissolved. Set aside. Heat wat wok. Add onion and garlic a d s h
the oils in rhe wok until very hot. Add fish fw 1 minute. Add mushmm and stir&
and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes, until firm. a further 1-2 minutes. Add white wine I
Tmnsfer fish to a bowl. If using lobster, stir- bring to the bail. Simmw for 1-3 raiaQ
fry far 1-2 minutes, then transfer to a bowl.
Add garlic and ginger to wok and s t i r k y for
, mil reduced by half. Stir in the aeaml
bmg k k to the bail. Simmer taP
ramutesuntilreduced and thickened. Sea
10seconds. Add onion and chilli and stir-fq
for 1-2 minutes, untilonion begins to when. with nutmeg, salt and freshly g r o d pcp
Add tornarm, sugar and iemongms mixmre. andstir in spring onions.

1 Add spring onions, chopped coriander and I

Stir in 1 m b l q m n Dijon m u t a d I&
lime juice; caok for 1 minute until spring I d pmwns and cook 1-2 mlnuta ,19
anions turn bright green. Return fish or chop& Basil and new p o t a m Tam r
I lobster to wok and cook for I minute until stir in remaining mresrard for a
it is heated through. Serve immediately, , 8.w. onto dinner p h e 4
gamishd with lime wedges and coriander. I garnish wit fresh bail leaves.
Accompany wirh n d l e s ,

V d t i o n : Coaked prams a n be mbstinr

Note: Monkfish (anglerfish) is often called ' Cur the lobster meat. Alremtively, 7a
114Cr Ib) cooked monkfish ( a n g l d i ) pie
' p r man's lobster' due to its sweet flavour
and firm, lobster~liketexture.
I can be subst ltuted for t h e lobster and paaw
A N D S T I R - F R Y D I S H E S


450g(1 Ib) new put-, cut inhalf, il large
1 5 c m ( b i n ) a t a ~ f d l ~ r n o trimmed
1 t w p n tomato pu+e (paste) 15gt1/2 &I tabla-) butter
I&poonv~Iroil 1onion,finelychopptd
I &poon~meoil
I clovegrrlic, fineky chopped
450g(l Ib) monkf!& tails, skinned and cut into 225g(8m)mushrooms
chunks, or450 g (1 Ib) cooked l&tm 115m1(4fld%cup)drywhitewinr
3 h & i , fintlycbapped 225 m l ( 8 f l d l cup)doubleor whippingcream
pinch freshly gnted nutmeg
I mion,cut Iemghwiseinto 'petals' salt and freshly + black pcppcr
1 fmh chilli,seeded and the1y chopaed 4 springoniomthinly sliced
2 t o m t w , p l e d , swdcd and chopped 1-2 lnbltspoansDijm mustard
I tcsspooa sugar
2 hrgt sprjngonim, sliced into2.5 cm ( 1 in) picces
450 g ( I Ib) cooked lobster went
I t 5 ~ ( 8 0p l~r )d c m k d prawns, d e f m t e d d d t i e d ,
2 mbleqKmns fresh chopped c a r h d t r
Z d e s p o o r u s h d d fresh basil
I despwnlimejuice
lime+ mdcoriander, to praisb bnsdleaves, togarnish

In a saucepan of b i l i n g water, c!x)k new

Crush lemon grass and cut iri to 2.5 cm ( 1 in)
pieces. Place in a saucepan w i t h 175 rnl 1 potatws far 12- 15 minutes unril tender when
(6 fl 0dY4 CUP) water and bring ro the boil. 1 pierced with a sharp knife. Heat the wok
Simmer for 3 minutts. Add tomato pude until hot. Add butter and swirl to melt and
(pate); stir until dissolved. Set aside, Heat coat wok. Add onion and gadic and stir-fry
the oils in the wok until very hot. Add fish for 1 minute. Add mushrw~msand stir-fry for
and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes, until firm. a further 1-2 minutes. Add white wine and
Transfer fish to a bowl. If using lobster. stir- bring to the boil. Sinlnler for 2-3 minutes
fry lor 1-2 minutes, then ttansfer to a howl. until reduced by hall. Stir in the cream and
Add garlic and ginger to wok and stir-fry for bring back to the h i l - Simmer br 5-6
10seconds. Add onion and chilli and stir-fry minutesuntil reduced and thickened, Season
for 1-2 minutes, until onion hegins to soften. with nutmeg, salt and freshly ground pepper
Add tomatoes, sugarand lemongmsrnixture. and stir in spring onions.

Add spring onions, chopped coriander and Stir in 1 cablespn Dijon mrlstard, lobster
lime juice; cook for 1 minute until spring and prawns and w o k 1-2 minutes. Add
aninns nrrn bright green. Return fish or chopped basil and new ptarocs. Taste and
lobster to wok and cmk for 1 minute until stir in remaining mustard for a stronger
it is heated through. Serve immediately. flavour. S p n onto dinner ~ l a r e s and
garnished with lime wedges and coriander. garnish with fresh basil leaves.
Accompany with rides.

Note: Monkfish (anglerfish) is often called
'p,m n P slobster1 , , , ,a
to iu ,weer
and firm, lobircr-like texture.
Variation;Gn~kedprawns can he? suhsr iruted
for the Iphrer meat. Altcmatively, 700 g
(1 Vz Ib) cocbked monkfish (anglerfish) pieces
can be substi tltred for the Ir>hsterand prawns. -
T H E A N D T I R - F R I


450 ( t Ib) d d ~ W M h, the shell 3~ ~ ~a wine, sakeor+shrrry
iJ a p tv l e rice
lmbkspnvrsctpbltoil 1 light my sauce
lnMwpoonsesuard 2.5 cm( 1 in) p i e c c h h root piitger,pecledd
2.5 cm ( 1 in) p k e fresh root g&r, p l e d nnd finely cboppcd
finely choppad 1 tcaspoon =same oil
2-3c k p r l i c , M y minced V4 t e m p o wl t
t 3 frwh chiUks, w d x l and choppul (orto taste) 7OOg{1 'hIb)raw mtdium prawm,sheUdand
ficucumber, petled, steded d d i c e d &veined, tails left on I( wished
2-3 s ~ o n thinly ~ drccd
. 2 t w b m i n e w ther ram mark tea l m w ,
1 t a w s t-to ketchup(aawe) such as Earl Grey
3t m w l n e v i n c p r t 15 ml(4flod'/r cup) light fish orchickens~ock
'Aw p n s u p 2 teaspons cornflour, dissdverl in 1 tabhpoon water
Yz leaspoon sugu
1 tabkpoon wgembk oil
4 qingonions, thinly s l i d
mint q r i p or jasmine flowers, to pmish

In a medium bowl, mmhine rice wine, sake

or dry sherry, m y sauce, ginger, sesame oil
Hack Y@IQ* KEqmg<*b imw, auf and salt. Add prawns and tcm to coat well.
& vydn & running add wter. -h Allow to stand lor 30 minutes, stirring once
pmmm dry with -a kitchen gaper* or twice. In a small h w l , stir the tea leaves
b t t & d u f dk. &dd& ~ f k tbm into 11 5 mi (4 fl od'/i cup) hiling warer and
e o a r ~ d A d d ~ , ~ ~ ~ l &allow w dto steep for 1 minute. Strain tea
u-f@ far 1 *hue mtit mframm b i t through a fine tea srrainer or sieve into
d m h .~ n c c e a w b t a d d & ~ m . another bowl and dkard the tea leaves. Add
Srir4iyfor 1-2 mhv~esluntil pmm me hot. the fish or chicken stock to the tea and stir in
the comflwr mixture and sugar.

Stir in the cucumk and spring onions. Add .Heat wok until hot, add vegcrable oil d
the tamata ketchup (sauce), wine vinegar mid ta m a r wok. With a aimsmhr rn
b. ,
,and sugar and srir-fry for 1 minure, undl
, i&cly caered 4 tha a u d
hned w n , irmove p p r a w n s from
made. Working in h&, d p r a m to

cucumber lmks translucent.. Serve the wok d stir-fry €or 1.2 mtnuta until pi&
prawns immediately. and limn; r m v e to a h w l . Stir in &
onions and ~ r v mda r i a and cook hr
smles 2. 1 minute. Stir rea mixture a d add to wo&
stirring until thickened, Ream prams td
wok and lass lightly to coat. G d with
minr ar jasmine a d serve with rim, 1
3 r P M e # p m J- rice wine, sakeor dry sherry
b l v Ehoppsd
1t e a s p o a n ~ m c d
Y4 wlt
dtvelncd, talh leit on ifwished
2 w b l q w n sjasmincorothernmolatic tm Itnw,
I t 5 m l ( 4 f l d Y 2 CUP) ligfit fiShorrhjcIIcnsmk
2 cwatlwr, d i v e d in 1 tnbkspoonwater
1 iabhpooa w b l e oil
4Pprifigmionr, thinly sliced
mint sprissajamkfhvtmtop&

Using kitchen scimrs or small sharp knife,

ln a ~ l e d i u nbowl,
~ combine rice wine, sake
cut along backs of prawn shell to ex- the w dry sherry, soy sauce, ginger, sesame oil
black vein. Keeping shells intact, rinse our I
and d t . Add prawns and tosr to coat well.
the vein under running cold water. Pat Allow to stand for 30 minutes, stirring once
p r a m dry with absorbent kitchen paper, I or~ice.lnasmallh~wl,s~irchecealtavcs
Heat the wok until hot. Add oils, swirling to I into 115 ml(4 fl uzlM cup) bailing warer and
coat wok,Add ginger, garlic and chill ics and allow to steep for 1 minute, Strain tea
stir-fry for 1 minute until wry fmgrant but through a fine tea strainer or sieve into
not brown, Increaw heat and add the prawns. I anorher bowl and dimrd the tea leaves. Add
Stir-fryfor 1-2 minutw until prawns are hot. the fish or chicken st& to the tea and stir in
the carnilourmixture and sugar.

Stir in the cucurnhr 4spring onion&.Add .Heat wok until hot, add vegetable oil and
the tawm ketchup (sauce), wine vinyqr ; swirl to coat wok. Wit11a Chinese strainer or
and sugar and stir+ for 1 minute, until slotted q w n , remove pmwns from mari-
prawns are lightly coated with sauce and nade. Working in batches, add prawns to
cucumber imkS ~ramlucent. S e m the wok and stir-fq for 1-2 minures mril pink
p m immtdiately. I
and firm; remove to a howl. Srir in spring
onions and reserved marinade and cook for
s3w 2. 1minute. Stir tea n~ixtureand add to wok,
stirring until thickened. Return prawns to
wok and tw lightly ro coat. Garnish with
mint or jasmine and erve with rice.

Serves 4.
S T I R - F


450gI L Ib) m w m c Q i u m p w m , d d l d d & t n e d r*dkm+
2.5clll(1 in)picccfdroorginser,p"Md
fincl~c h d
2 d k s c*, deed
1 rrdprppcrt~icuml,lticd
I llSd(4fldlAap)~orbmdy
4&ngonbnslcut htothh~pg
225 g ( 8 ~can) urrswtemed +gplcchmka, tJOaJ(9flodl.cup)whippIrrsrmm
-4, mwd
2- t nrmfbr I UtlW#pooascaoppcdM+
2 tmpmswsoucc N g ( J Jbllitrgldoe
1t~,Mespow Iemmjuacc Hear wok until hot. Add oIIve all and wid m
1 S a g l W l c u p ~ ~ a u triruad
s , I war d.
Add garlic, shallots and bwm
l i d v if SdmI
Heat h e wok until hot. Add 1 tablespoon oil for 1-2 minutes until bacon is crisp
and swirl m caat wok. Add prawns and stir- , Add prawns and stir+ for 2 mintnea d
turn pink and kt1 firm to the to&
fry for 2 minutes until prawns turn pink and
feel finn to the touch. Remove to bowl. Add Wath a Chinese miner or slotted spoanv
remaining oil to the wok. Add garlic and t h o v e prawns to a bowl. Add es
ginger afld 5th-f. for 30 seconds. Stir in bandy and bring to the boil, stirring 6nr
celery, red peppet (capsicum) and spring , qwmtIy. Stir in shredckd radicchio.
d t d pepper and b r i i to simmering pobry
onions and stir-Fry fw 3.4 minutes until
vegetable are redder but still crisp, Srir in for L minute until sauce thidwrra
pineapple ch&. shghtly. R e m p r a m ro wok and stir w
mat. Stir in half the panky.

In a large saucepanof boiling water, d h

Dissolve the cornflour in the r e w e d pine-
apple juice. Stir in the soy sauce, lemon juice h i n e according to packet -d
and hot p p p r sauce. Stir into the vegetable r)rainand divide among 4 large hwb, Sgmi
and pineapple mixture and k ing to simmcr- pmwns and same equally over psm d
ing p i n t . Add resewed prawns and macada- with remainingparsley.
mia nuts and stir-fry until sauce thickens and
prawns are heated through. Setlrcs 4.

serves 4. I Variation: M e d prawns carz be d & w

~, but do not stir+ Add w t b k d
' wandheatchm&gentlyfarI~
L before adding parsley.
A N D -S T I R - F R Y D 1 S H E S


2 ~ o L i v e o i l
2 -rl$ pe%nutail
4 c l w a g a ? l k ~ y ~
450g (1 b)mw d u r n mrms,sbdlad and &wined
Z c l o v e a ~ , f i n e l pchop+ 4&b*wa.diwd
25em(~m)pkeclr~shicw~~,psclcdaad 7 w g ( l ~ I b ) t n a r ~ p r s ~ ,
findv-. &lledpnddcveiwd
Z ~ c e k r y , ~ 1,15mt(4tl1d~hcap)gtspprorbrandy
1 red pppr (Caprieum), s l i d 225g(8os) t;Ddk& rhinlysbrrddrd
4 q h g ~ , c u intothinstrip
t U Q m l ( 4 f l d Ic u p ) w & p h g c m
d& juice rcurvcd
~ t p n d W d M . c k w
2tmcomllonr 31t*bspspaonscboppsdldpd=~
450g(l Lb) L i m p h e

Z t ~ s q s a w r
1mbl~kmonjuife Heac wok until h o t Add alive nil andswirl to
1 5 0 g ( W l cup)mecPd?minnuts,~ coat wok. Add garlic, shallcirs and bamn.
Ibgbtly Itsaltad

Heat the wok until har, Add 1 t a b l q w n oil Stir-fry for 1.2 minutes until bacon is crisp.
and swirl to coat wok, Add prawns and srir-
Add prawns and stir-fry for 2 minutes until
fiy for 2 minuces unti t pmwns rum pink and
p w n s turn pink and feel firm to the touch.
feel firm to the touch. Remove tp bowl. Add With a Chinese maioer or slotted spoon,
remove prawns ro a bowl. Add grapp or
remaining oil to the wok. Add garlic and
brandy and bring to the boil, stirring fre-
@ngm and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Srir in
celery, red pepper (capicum) and spring quently. Stir in shredded radicchio, cream,
onions and stir-fry for 3-4 minutes until salt and pepperand bring to simmering point;
wok for 1 minute until sauce thickens
vegetables are tender bur still crisp. Stir in
d i t l y . Return prawns to wok and stir to
pineapple chunks.

coax. Stir in half the parsley.

In a Large saucepanof boiling water, cook the

Dissolve the codour in the reserved pine-
apple juice. Stir in the soy sauce, lemon juice lrnguine according to packet directions.
and hot pepper sauce. Stir into the aegtsMc
Drain and divide among 4 large bowls. S p n
prawns and sauce equally over pasta and
and pineapple m i x m and bring to simmer* sprinkle with remaining pmky.
bag pant. Add -wed prawns and m a d a -
mia nuts a d stir+ until aauce thickerrs and
prawns m hated through.
Variation: Cooked prawns can be subrim-
td; bur do not stir+. Add to thickened
sauce md heat through gently for 1 minute
before adding parsley.
. --
B O O K W O K S T.1 R - FR


1 rmioa; f i ~ c l ychopped
250ml(9 nodl cup)li&~ fishorchickcnstmk
1 smPll rod (capifum),thinly sliced
150ml{5lIodV1cp) wbipphgcanm
2 buncbta wrrrercmor mket, washed,
At mdk h l y p n dpppr
450gI 1 lb) t a g h t e k

I that
With a stiff brush, =rub mussels. Discard any
are not tightly clmed. Using a small
knife, remove beards and barnacles.

Heat the w& until hot. A& the olive oil and
swirl to coat wok. Add the onion and garlic
and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, until onion
begins to soften. Stir in the fah or chicken
stack and the mussels. Bring to the boil,
cover and simmer for 3-4 minutes until
rnursels open. Using a Chinese strainer,
scoop out the mussels into a large bowl;
discard any unopned mussels. If you like,
remove and discard half the mussel shells.

Add the red pepper (capsicum) and boil the

cooking liquid until r e d u d rn about 250 ml
(9 ff od i cup). Add cream and simmer for a
further 3 minutes until slightly thickened.
Stir in the watercress or rocket and seamn
with salt and pepper. Return the mussels to
the sauce, stirring to heat through. In a large
saucepan of hiling water, cook the ragha-
teUe according to the packet directions.
Drain and divide among 4 soup plates. Top
w i t h equal amounts of m w l s and sauce.

Add tbe red p e p (caphum) and boil the

cooking liquid until r e d d to about 250 ml
(9 fl d l cup). Add cream and simmer for a
M cr 3 minutes until slightly thickened.
Stir in the w a t e r c m w mket and seami
with salt and pepper. Return the musgels to
the saucc, stirring to heat through.In a large
saucepan of boiling water, cook the tagha-
teUe -ding eo the packtr di&ans.
Drain and divide among 4 soup plates. Top
w i t h q u a 1 amountsof mussels and sauce.

Serves 4.
A N D S T 1 R - F R



24 steamer (wbt&l) c h s
2**, fidy *

2.5cmfl in) p$cafdrwt-Ip&eod

~ d

l ~ ~ b k k h , ~ d

Witb stiff h s h , scrub dams well. &vet

with cold water and soak for about 1 hour. Crush lemon p stalk and cut into f
With a Chinese strainer, cadidly remove ( M in) pieces. Heat the wok until hat, add
clams from d i n g liquid to a c&nder. &oil a d s w i r l romrtwk. ~ ~ 1 - n
(This leav~sany sand or grit on the bottom.) II
gms, garlic, ginger and chilli and stir-fry 6w
Bmrd any c h that me not: rightly c l o d . W w r s d s . Add scallop d stir-fry fw
Heat oils in the wok, swirling to mix oils d 1 3minuresuntil~araopgqued.l&~
c m c wok. Add prlic, ginger and black b n s , firm tothe twch. With a Chinese strainerar
and stir+ for XI seconds, un ti1 fmgmnt 'Stir . I
I dotted spoon, remove toa h w l .
in cwry paste or powder and cook for 1
minute, airring constantly.

Stir in dams, Fih or chicken stack. tomato

ketchup (sauce), oyster sauce, soy sauce and ! Add green and red p q p m (capsicums) arad
chilli sauce, Bring to the boil, cover and 1
spring onions to the wok and stir-fry for 2-3
simmer far abut 5 minumiuntil clams open. minutesuntil vegetablestpginto soften. hkl
5tir m d o w mixture d stir into clam I vinegar, nam pla, sugar, tomato and chappat5
with a p i n g onions. Stir until sauct thickens cmiander. Return mllops to the wok n d
and spring onions rum a bright c o h r . for 30-50 seconds to mat with rhc
Discard any unopened dam. Swve immc- I d heat through, Garnish with corianda
diately with smmd rice or noodb. sprigs and serve with boiled and wild rice.

I s m s 2.
A N '

15- (6 b)stalkfreshkmbngm~a,trimmed
2 bbiww1b3L & ~ U I Oil
2 clow gdk W y c h q d
2.5 cm F1 in)p k e tresb mr @@,-peeled d
WYc w
4 5 0 g ~ 1 1 b ) w a ~ l c u t m ~ ~ e
1 pepper (cagsi~um),d i d
~ ~ i u *y w ,
90ml(2% f i d I S cup) w r l r c vin-
2-3 hkk8pm.m ph((Thnifish saw)
l ~ s u g p r
l ~ , ~ ~ a r d c b s p i w d
I With stiff brush, xmb &mi well. a v e r
Mlemon gas qaIk and cut inm l xm
I w i h cold water and soak for akur 1 hour.
With a Chin= miner, carefully remove (kin) pieces, Heat the wok until hot, add
clam h m making liquid to a colander. the oil and swirl rn coat wok. Add lempn
(Thia leaus any gand or grit an the httwn.) gras, garlic, ginger and.&illi and Stir-hy for
Discadmy dam rhatare not rqhtiy c l d . 30 m n & . Add xallops 3rd stir-fry for
Heat oils In wok, s w i r J i ~ , t mix
o d s and 3 minutes unril ch@yare opaque and slightly
coat d .Add garlic, ginger dblack k m r i m the tauch, With a Chinese strainer at
ad stir-fq for 30 seconds until. hgmnt. $rir slotted s p n , remQve to a h w l .
in curry p t e or powder and cmk far 1
minute, stirring comrantly.

1 Stir in clams, fish or chicken at&, t o m

ketchup (WE), ~ y s t sauce,
e~ soy sauce and Add grem and red peppers (capsicums) and
chilli sauce, Bring to the boil, cwer and qring onions to the wok md stir-@ far 2-3
simmer f o r a b u t 5 minute until clanlshwn. unri1 v+get&les begin to dm4Add
Stir cornflour mixture and stir inco clam *im@r+nam ph,$ugw,tomaw and chopped
wirh spring onions. Stir uncil g u e thick- mdmder. Return m1lepa ro the wok and
md spring onions turn a brjght c0laur. tm for 30.50 =con& to coat with the sauce
h a r d any unopened chw. &we imme- and heat throw&. Garnish whh mrimder
&eIy with s ~ tics ordnoall*. @rigsand serve with hiled and wild rice.
W B K A N D S T I R - F R



55 ml(t fld'/*cup)dsysberrymrice wine f-*d
3 toblespoonslomitoketchup (sauce) ~ ~ ~ ~ W h m M b ~ h t p e r W
1 tabkspwnoystersauce 1 - w
I~ k s p o ~ o w i m ~ , s~ah~gk-bcrh-m,&dm
It a w = u ~ e o l l Wd
1- t Chinese chillisauce (orto taste)

I tablespoon grated zest nod 1 tnbkspoon - S~mpmmglr~yp-d-~~m
a r a w juice
1 tuapwn c o d o u r
1 tables- vegetable oil
I ?:&-- h4-W-
700g~l'~zLb)qucea~ : et5
WL~f +a.
2 clove$guljc, riel y c t ~ o p p d
r smonim,thinly sliced &d&p
1 S d r d&ku@w

175g{Bw)f r c r e l h ~cut
150g(5 w)uphew nuts, lightly t l n d
, 2.5 cm
~ into
~ h l q d f
In a medium bowl, combine dry sherry or rice t d ~ a t r h e d u n & i f ~ d
&dt~m& M*d~bgMd-

wine, tomato ketchup (sauce), uyster sauce,
wine vinegar, sesame oil, chilli sauce, orange & bt 2-3 mwefi 4@
zest and juice and cornflour. Heat the wok ~ w b d A w m a ~ d ~ $
until hot, add oil and swirl to coat wok, Add l o ) r m d s d d o a i s O ,a~d*.-
scallops and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes until they .&l~P.-mti oniosl~b*
bcg~nto t u r n opaque. Remove to a bowl. I & d d ~ ~ ~ r y @ m t e
4 ~,~ S€ir+ for 1-2

I & 9 ~ & ~ w m 1y d d
I & i & e n e d . ~ t h e ~ m i H
-, f y 3-3 minutes.
Add garlic, spring onions and apmgw and Wr mars#binto-& mh,d . h
stir-fry far 2 3 minutes, until &pangus b 112m w # t q d h t ~ - w
brqht green and tender but still c&. Stir . l a p c p w ~d
, _&mirr~o~msI~
sauce ingredients and pow into the wk ~ d - d ~ w
Bring to simmering point. Rtnrm xallops 14mw ls d
dl r n t r ~ ~opwt
mtar liff~ii
to xhe wok and add the d e w s . Stir-fry 6 r ~ i 9 w & r u q & . - *
I minute until scallop a= heated thrwgh, l.wmgrasdannnd~pn?
t~soingto coat aU ingradrents %we with rice k i * f l g ? c & h & d
garnished with strips of mangerind.
h*&+- *
* 7
S T I R - FR Y


55 d (2 fld'Acup)dry&emyorrictwioc
3 tamomketchup(saw)
1tlMaEpoonmtcr wce
1t q m o chilli rpucc(0rto w e )
l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a r d l L a b k s p o o o
2c l o v e s & i c , a a c ~ y ~
I1 tn)Pkm
15Qg15m)&nuu,l~dv r i n d
In a medium bowl, combine dry shenyor rice
wine, romara ketchup (sauce), oy5ter sauce,
wine vinegar, sesame ail, chilli =we, orange
eest and juice and cornflour. H a t the wok
until hot, add oil and swirl to coat wok, Add
d l o p s and stir-fry for 1.2 minute until he
k nto turn opaque. Remove to a bowl.

Add &I:, spring anions and asparagus and ' '&irmwklsinmauceatbdaok,d,
stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, until asparagus is *ldui-+ u d l uumCb@'td Stir m.
bright green and tender bur still crisp. Stir h-rtdei&~int~lm('&In)
sauce ingdients and pour into the wok. Pm&!.drn& C s o k , w ,
h n g to simmering point. Return scallops 12 miuummoreuntil dt aurssds ogm and
to the wok and add the cashews. Stir-Frjfor ~ ~ ~ ~ R e m D k r t t h 9
1 minute until allops are heated through, ' lmmqtaWmUbaavd#Wmy~
tossing tacoat all ingredients. Serve with rice ' ht hiahrz mt d p e d '&m.&ed with
gdmished with strips of orange rind. ~dlappdc&hdw PnB &Y& k&nut6
I h : \ u * , ~ d r k
~ W4. J


225 g(8ozll V4 c u p ) brownrice
3 d e s p m n r wmme oil
2 tablespoons peanut oil
150 g (Sodl cup) c d e w nutsorpwaue
150g( 5 oa)mange tout (snow m)
7OO 9 (1 V2 Ib) rkinncd and baned cbkkm k&
cur into thinstrip
2 tnkpoons sunfloweroil
2.5 cm ( 1 in) i r c s h w r , peed and thinly s t i d
2 h p & , f f m l y cbopprd
9 6 ~ o n i o n sdiced ,
1-2fmh penchillies, d a d ~ y
3 t P M c s m wine h r p r
2 tabl- cboppsd frcgh minr or d r
mixed lettuce Iravea
1clmnge,peeled. segmentedand any juice remwed

r - Heat wok m i 1hot, mid oil d swirl to mat

WE Add p m a n ddr-fry for 2-3m i w e ,
mtilpmwmmm &rtndMfmmrmh.
+ qdhfryfor&~minu~undlop&eandfimh
lbmtwc wllqps 0 b l. StiT mmge mat
Ifrm wok grid sdr-fw f;m 4-5 mhm, until
6d( rice for 30-35 minutes or according to
directions, until tender. b i n and place in a
large bowl; tm with mame oil and set dk
Heat the wok until hot, add peanut oil and
wirl to coar wok. Add the nuts and stir-fry
for 1p2 minutes until t h y turn golden.
Remove and add to rice. Add mange tout
, d l l m w n d Stir flour i n t o s a w mmt (snow pas) to oil in wok and stir-fry for
upti\ cwaplrwly bl-, &n d mion, 1-2 minutes until bright green. Add to the
'garilc.C&kry* p p # M
uming mb ox ~hifii&.
~~~~~ dGjun
S&& Edr
rice. Add chicken to the wok. in 2 batches,
and stir4i-y for 2-3 minutes until chicktll
4.5 m b t * mTiItm** to dtm turns white and feels firm to the touch. Add
t b r L ~ iirnrice, to the rice.

Add sunflower oil to wok and stir in ginger,

garLic, spring onions and chillies. Stir-fty 6Dr
I minute until onion bgins to soften. Pour
contents of wok over rice mixture. Return
wok to heat and pour in vinegar, swirling to
T c wok. Pour vinegar over rice mixture,
half the he& and toss to mix well. h a
shallow serving bowl with lettuce. Spoon rice
mixture on to leaves, decorate with orange
wgments and pour over any juice. Garnish
wixh remaining herbs.

as wkaa4-d
l m d l =+tqMQWW4rdbed
h m q P - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
a d
ms (I4fl~
380s 1 3 o d l h & W *
K 8 4 & ~
t #b
H d d until l m r , . d ~ i I y i d w I rtotpar
l Wrke &3.Q-f5 minuw or &iw. t t ~
dm Add pra~da1r&pfgr2-3 minu- ~ , ~ n t i 1 t e n d e ~ ~ ~ ~ i n ~ ~
mdlgmwm turn pink@ fed fhrnto mwb. h&w1; tm with mmeoil and set &,
~~a bl . APfs!mlbpm8wkaisd MsarIhtwkmlril~~~ut~1and
srbfryim2-$ m i ~ ~ ~ s g uo- p
t iq! x a M t M t h tamtwuk* W * f i u ~ d S t k *
b v e m~qw q~h l . Sdr s a w inma ' tshlm d tiley turn g o k b 4

into d and RI~& br 4-5 minutmi wtil, brmda&dotkemA4dmxt~~

' rpbe,Add&tohwkihZhdw,
Wcfry b 2.5 m i d k s chib,
r ~~itsaxdkc:bhmh~h,.Ad
, o*&e:

~ ~ thleitliqtdawl ~ ~ t h
a n d W + k k ~ * ~ * r a
' &mering paint and 4,E
, for Mt
&ub mil rice t tea& atrd liquid is
*. %ik h m e d @iwIis, dEop
&1#saW &d s or wab p k e ~ ~ d
o c r a k , ~ E v r r S ~ r r ~ a r t ~ ~ ~ i ! ~
W k W c t r d . @mi&*PEe4h
&andserve,+wtd deer
T H E B O O K A N D S 1 I R - F R


In a medium bowl, beat egg whites with 4 bi a medium b a w l beat tgg whim with the
ZPQMIS cmnfh. Add the chicken strip asmfiour. Add chickenc u k , tmingto c a t
and toss to mat well. Refrigerate for 10-15 4.Rgfrigeme for 10-15 minutes. In d~
minum. In the wok, he* the vegetable oil heat peanut oil mtil vev hot and SPIM
until very hat and wid to a t wok. Using &coatwok. Usingadmtedspson, d d
tow or a f d , add h e d c h mip a few bg in 2 htchs, lift out chicken cubes md
at a time. Stu-fqquickly to k e q strips h m d to wok. Stir* quickly to k c q
sticking. C q k chicken amips hr 2-3 minutes &tam sticking. b k &&en
c u b fw 2-3
until jusr gullden. Remove to a h r b n t golden. Remove to h a r *
&mite$ until just
kitchen paper to drain and pwu off dl but k t kitchen paper to drain and pwr off d
1 tablespoon oil. ( R m eoil fos futuref q i i bt 2 tab!- oil. (W oil for hlttlrr
ardkd.) Wmdkd.)

Add onion, garlic and red pqqm(capsicum) Add spring onions, cekv, green w
to t b wok. Sdr-fry lor 1-2 minuteg until w m n ) and ginger and stir-fry fix 2 4
onion kgiw to soften. Add chicken tack, until o n h d pepper (m
lemon rind and juice, sugar, saw, wine begin to soften. Stir in the crushed chill&
pr sherry a
d a few drops hot peppet sauce. q p r , yellow bean paste, brp sherry OY r i a
Dismlve remaining cornflour in '2 table- miwand thecashew nuts, m s h g m t i l ~
spoons water a d stir Into the Bauce. Cmk for d i d m Add chicken c u b and tam ar
30 seconds until sam thickens. Add chicken mt; d far 30 d. %we i-
mips and toas to r m . Qmk fm 1 minute, htely, garnished with l e m wcdp d
until chicken is t r through.
~ Garnish
~ -panid by a dad.
with chives and m e with boiled rice.

Q O K W O K A S T I R - F R Y D I S H 8 6


- -7 . tw*
mgftacb?d@ddbd*k=e- ~li&Y&bddbd&khkm~~
W-b* ~ttffuiups&5&(lk)*&Ik
I L l d i4 a-eW-). l w l ~ a d % ~ ~ ~ d
1wlWF- s*mh&dkd
~*mhhbrkmorl Wh#krp#W~~
1909 5 0 f i a w j & ~ k d
-M 4U"m-
b -
e -
*ram& t
* bm

bar&W,k- laphImwrtth4 hadiumW,h wW~withrht

~ c o m A o t l r Add
. %~ h k k e n d p ~ 6amfh*~r~lGhi~~-wtP~
dltws.awat d l .
thed*btYE-" V@dhbteQil
d ~ t l t o e o g t d L h $
h m ~ t ~ a w d ~ ~ b d d
Irr tttr
rudl. &&pate Eos E045 @-
, b w ~ dW. s h g a s h d p m , d d -
q w o a a W d d w ~ s ~ ~ tltrZk&&, ~ lifrmt&i&m&bd
~ ~ a r i r n . S ~ i r ~ q d & y r n b r r r i p f r,a*e*%3- .
SaL i* m - k q mw
h- G k k for g-3
leuil .jm goHm. Remove tos &dmt P ~ ~ l
a t t i l ~ # O ~ ~ m *
ki-Amtcidm&d &dIh
.l&Wedl tk@%,b t kkchen psper to drain a
r t
2 ~ d grur"J'
forfuture ~ ~ ~

Addcaboh,'gdiiandxdpppr(~pi~) ' ~~
ta the mk; %ir*fr,for 1-2 m
mfmkgimrn mfmb&&chickenmkl
m untie

ad 3sir+
WL.&imt and
fbr 2 ~ 3
p3pp& Etap&um)
b r k d m d j u ~~ p~ ~ ,r ~ p e , w i r ~ e ~ w & x i 4 % r i n t b & & 1 h ~
rrrdwqmd9fmdlwh ~ r n u p c * @ w P * k w ~ ~ s g y ~ ~ ~ ~
~ I v e d n ~ ~ q ki @xtk&wnms,mhwuncil
n ~ ~
~ ~ ~ t ~ d & i ~ c o t & ihd we% A~d d~& &k& w t o

NMuntilm- Wchicb ~ & ~ ~ - s e o o n d p . ~ ~ -
~ d ~ r t i ~ . ~ f o r 1 , m l n ~W~ , t ~r ~ ~ k m o n * a t B $
mtil &,&m is hwed , w E e d b ~~.
with chi= 4ww Mrh boiled r b .
+ 39
B O O K 0 I?


2 mbhmuuolive oi1

Arrange salad haves on 4 dinner plate and

set aside.

&at the wok until hot. Add olive oil a d

wid to coat wok. Add onion and garlic and
&-frj for 1-2 minutes until onion kgms a
darnon, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, cayenne
h e n . Add chicken strip, w o r k i i in 2
or chilli powder and lemon juice. Toss pieces htcha. and stir-fry fur 3 4 rninum mil
of chicken in spice mixnut to coat well and and chicken fcels firm to the touch.
leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 4-6 Return all thicken to the wok,
hours or overnight. H a t h e wok until hot,
Add the olive oil and wirl to coat wok, Add
mated chicken pieces and, working in 2
batches, stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until just
golden and firm to the toud. Remove
chicken to ahsotbent kitchen p a p r to drain.

Preheat ~ 1 1 Arrange
. girtas on a grlll rack
Sm in vinegas and mustard and stir-fry &r
&3 minutes until chicken is 4 4 h o t &
andhruundergrillbrl-2minures.turning d well coated with vinegar and m u a d .
once during cooking, until p i m arc puffed Smwn with pepper and sprinkle with shtad.
and golden. Cut each pirta uosswiw in half dd b i l . S p n onto =lad-lined plates and
to open, and place s lettuce Leaf in each half.
w i s h with additional basil leave. %we
Spoon equal amounts of chicken snips into with gautkl potaroes.
pittas, sprinkIe with chopped anion and
d r i i with tahini sauce. Garnish with l s i l
sprigs and anion rings.
A N D . S T I R - F R Y D l S H E S
O O K 0 F


In a large shallow baking dish, combine

chicken with black p e w , salt, car-
darnon, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, cayenne
or chi1I i powder and lemon juice. TW pieces
of hicken in spice mixture to mat well and
leave to marinate in the &geraror for 4-6
ham or overnight. Heat the wok until hot.
Add the olive oil and swirl to coat wok. Add
coated chicken pi- md, working in 2
bat&@, stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until just
galden and firm to the touch. R m w
chicken to absQtbent kitchen p q m to b i n .

@& in vinegar and mustad and stir-fry for

Preheat grill. Arrange pittas on a grill rack 3+3minute undl chickm is wked thraugh
8nd heat d e r grill for 1-2 minures, tuning ! d dl mated with vinegar and mwrard.
once during -king, until p i m are puffed Sumn with pepper and sprinkle with shred*
and goiden. Cut each pitta crocrswise In half asd Wl. 6pm onto ddlW plates and
to open, and place a lettuce leaf in each half. gsrniah with additional bad leaves. Serve
S p n e q d amounts of chicken strips into
p i n s , sprinkle with
drirrle with tahini sauce. M
onion and
i with h i 1
. withsauc&lp.stauses.

sprigs and onion rings.

T H E S T I R - F

55 ml f2f l d V 4 cup) peanut oil
3-c~ intojuliincstrips
223 g(8-1 bennapswtr,mimmed
!4cuerrmkr,seededorsdcut k t o j u k d p
cut into shreds
r s e p a fhl ) ~ * , ~ ~ t h j h * t r f p

k t wok until hot. Add 2 r a b w n s pes

nvt oil and swirl tocoat wok. Add c m m
&illi and stir-fry for 2-3minutes. Removes
g &I. St ir-ETy bean sprout^ for 1 minute mm
w m v e to bowl. Add ct~cun~ber m b l
&at m i n i n g oil in wok and add c h h
Working in 2 batches, stir+ for 2-3 minute
mxil the chicken is white and the juicts rw
b.Remove to another bowl. Inness
*t, add ginger and garlic to wok and stir*
BM 1 minute. Add spring onions and stir&
far 1 minute. Add remainingingredientsanr
stir-fry until sauce is smooth and hick.

Srir in chilli powder, peanut butter, chilli Four half the sduce over c a m mixme m
sauce and tho spring unions. Slowly add d n i n g sauce over chicken; toss ach &
coronur milk, stirring until sauce is smmth. a m well. Spoon chicken onto centre of:
Add sugar and salt and simmer for 3-5 m g dish, then spmn vegctablw
minutes until sauce is thickened. Spoon onto a c k e n . %we with rice or noodles.
a sewing di& and sprinkle with choppd
peanuts and coriander leava. Sewe with

Mote: Garnish with sesame seeds or c h p p

mnutsand coriander, if wished.
& N D S T I R - F Y D I S H E S


Zdmlblls;)W ' ,wki**

r8-w d c r a H ~M- d= w u
W l ~ v mcumbet
A ~ gmurclr ~ d sticks # b twok dM.Add 2 ~bles-+a-
~ ~ s h s l b ~ ~ W m d s e r =& dl ~m~ d d m m t mk.A & m d
~wkunriibot.Adddrxrrddmcaa~ ~ d ~ ~ f o r b ) m i @UWW n w .w
m k&ki@geradgarlbcmddr&farf
b 1 b L $iir*b kamgmbfml~ard
minu61, tuitil *t; do nat b m Add move ta W. A eut& to b w L
~ d s a i r - h y f o r 3 rninut~s~ntiljust
4 H b $ r - s h goil in wokand &chiJtq.
g O k , d # ~ ~ d & ~ P " ~ & t h eWhg in3 .stir-@ h 2 . 3 ~ i n u m
larh dthchick& Is&tredtheju~rw
dm. k m m m mohr &I. In-
&, d g i q p a d g a r b mwolcmdstir4v
h 1 minute. Add sptingpnbq d c k a S
frw 1miwe. Ad$ remaining in@ents a d
&&y until w w Psrrwothand t V i

I stir in cbifi3 &*

md t h @ng
w m u t rrdk, airring until mm &
! ? m w ~ md
Peurh~&'~ ~ m
r e d d n g s u c e o v e r qhkh. @xm?s&mi~
t m d . S p o p n chickmmto-ctntrede

mt at 4 am- h 3-5 -8 dbh, thm d w around
~ ~ d ~ $ h i c b e & ~ b f ' l& &
v d tea= %mwith "


h i & with m4orxhq~ped
p m t l t k a r r d c ~ wifwbhed4



wtfd rind ad juioeof t kmw
1 ~ p o each
m ground cimmmm, g m ~ n ginger
d and
w n d cumin
'/z - t d t
'ht-csyanne r to taste)
p e ~ t(or
3-4 cbwprlic, finely choppod
I red gqqwr (capifurn), diced
r ~ W M ~ Op, e ~ l ds, d e d d chopped
250 ml(9 nod1 cup) chicktnstofkorwater
16 s t o d p r u n e
1large lemon, thinly a l i i
masted pl& dc w fresh&, ropmish

In a large shallow baking dish, combine

chicken piece with 2 tablespons olive oil,
h a AaIlow baking dish, combine boy m
sherry or rice wine and chicken IVitg
the lemon rind and juice, cinnamon, ginger, FmweM and leave to stand, wed,1 h
cumin, salt and cayenne pepper to taste.
h t the wok until hot. Add peanut oil m d
Work the spices into the chicken pieces,
cover and leave to marinate in the refrigerator
for4-6hoursorovernight. Hear the wak until
hot. Add 1 tablespoon oil and swirl to coat.
Arrange marinated chicken pieces un h t t o m
mid ra coat d. Add ginger and garlic a
--fry for 1 minute. Working in 2 bat&#
W r y , add chicken wings dstir-fry firrr
&5 minutesuntil $olden brown. Stir in Ida&

snd side of wok in a single layer and srir4y for

b. s t d . sov sauce and chilli sauce. P
-kng in batcga, return all chicken w h @
6-8 minutes, until golden brown. Remove
chicken pieces to the cleaned baking dish.

a 1

0 0 K W 0 K A N

% T I R h F R I





1 3 5 kg (3 b)c b ~ k mcul
, inlo8 pi-

4 ~ o l i v e o i l IraWrrsowW~~
IrenapwaePch4c-,d*Pad 1- M"""*"F

l/rt~mvconc~(o~tOtnstc) t~l&=*madhb-
34dowr~rlic,~~cbopped a-w-r~w
I dpcppr(crplif~rn),dierd ris-d~ a ~ mtwqbm
j t&
J -WW,-~+
t M m l ( 9 8 d I cup)cbckcnsmkwwater I w a h d t i U f m
t6rtmedpnma ~&!wmw@d$~fid
SSml(2 fladl/rcup) honey 175~~&d~b4a~ihmlium
lbkmon,~vdk=I 4mFk
~ t t plmwdi
d and c wI d psmley, to@ ~ ~ ~ J W
b w -
In a large shallow baking dish, wmbine

chicken pieces with 2 tablespoons olive oil, b W m baking dish, conihe ~ $ b u d e +
the lemon rind and juice, cinnamon, ginger, &y s
hev & r i a wim atid c h W
cumin, dt and cayenne peppr to taste. T4mwII md ltawx~lm~$, GW&, 1b$+
Work the spices into tke chicken pieces, hrrbcw&untilhrrt- W - u t d a d
cover and ltave to marinateinthe reherator
d t o c o a t d . Addgirqgwandpkd
I ddq for 1pinwe.WmkFng in 2 htchw Ff
for 4-6 hours or overnightt Heat the wok until
m, a d d c h i E h ~ d & - ~ ~

hot. Add 1 tab1eqwon oil and swirl to mat.
Arrange marinated chicken pieces on bottom $5 rniriumunril gdhnkwrn. S&hH&
and side of wok in a single layer and stir-fry for h , ~ k , ~ @ ~ d $@ r i ~ -
6-8 minute, until golden brown. Remove wwk&id&~~,~d&@~n~W
I tndwwk.
chicken pi- to the cleaned baking dish.

Add remaining oil, onion, p1ic and red

peppee (capsicum) to d .Stir-fry fac 2.3 ~ t o e h b g l , ~ ~ b r ~ l l l d c ~ ~ k
minutea Add tomato and mwk or ware and
a 'k44 rqjwm &ing bqmly.Sfir In
bring to nrimmerlng point, st-. Return ~$3 imi g k orapre ~ dchkkm
n~ufitil ~ ~ tm a ngndd d f o r
chicken and maride to sauce, Simmer,
m d ,for 35-40 minu= until chicken is fal~&nm E I W . nkk with Jaappad p
tender, acfdingpnma,honeyand ~ e m o n s l i i
after 20 minutcscooking. Remove chicken to
riwsm&m& "P"
w th ~Matider1-b.

wrtgdish, s p n sauce wer and sprinlcb -4%

with aImonds and puntey. Serve with



1maim, thinlydicd
2.5 cm (1in) pieccfrrsb run W r , p l e d attd
4 t-dq sbcrryor rice wine
16 chicken wings, wingtip ramowl
70 1(2'15 ff d / s cup)
2 h h chillies, a d d Pnd-
4 bpPinponhr, thinly sliced
3 ~ w i n c v h p r
I tcpspooll-oil

In a large shallow baking dish, combine
onion, ginger, salt. I tablqxmn sherry or
rice wine and 1 tablespoon soy sauce. Add
chicken wings and w to coat well. h v e
to stand 30 minutes. Remove rind from
tangerine and slice thinly. Squeeze 2-3 table-
s p n s tangerine juice and reserve. Heat ail
in wok until hot and swirl t~ coat wok.
Remove chicken from the marinade, return-
ing any onion or ginger sticking to it, Work-
ing in 2 batches, add chicken wings to wok.
Fty for 3-4 minures until golden, w i n g
once. Drain on absorbent kitchen paper,

Pour off all but 1 tablespuon oil from wok.

Add chillies, spring onions and tangerine
r i d and stir-fry far 30-40 seconds. Pour in
reserved marinade with the onion and ginger
slices. Add sugar, vinegar and remaining %me with dbsmtifiu~.
sherry or rice wine, say sauce and tangerine
juice. Add the chicken wings and toss to coat
well; cook for 1 minute until heated thmugh.
h a l e with sesame oil and garnish with
coriander sprigs. Serve with n d l e s tossed in
s a m e oil and sesame seeds, if wished.
P c M D S T f q - F F R D D S S H S

I -- -



, &vdzm-
? "
wirq -

In a la&& ~ 1 1 disk!~ d i ~ W t i~b d u n d l i l t . A d o i l d w i d to
m i o % ~ d, I i WqQpqshefqor ~ t w o kW
* :&r, ~mdchilliand
1 fable@& q s - Add 1 mimte m d ~ h g a n tAdd
.-lea. .
ctu6dcm~dm~~dl " :mpmd*s@&34
w minums
ts4M)mhures. WWfmm d * ~ w w l w . Stk,iflDnjOR
-maddice ~ l ~ -
@mm tmgqine ju@ and m.Htat 061
~ 2 d -c u w3 p a ~r ~ e d s i ~ w m . w-
' h d d w i i j u ~ k q c w h u h Ieqxtriqd
inarokuntdhofandd t o ~ t d WfirQt,bayb=dW-.*
B~MW chi& h the m m d e , t e r n *
£rigany aaeoR -+tirk'iTh&@)it. Worb
i n g l n 2 b d & ~ , ~ ~ w ~ m *

Fry fw 3-4
mirum und &n, 1witing
u- DmtttQN.*t ~eiaebtru@q&F#

*&ab 1 U ~ ~ I b d&.i n - m u t m i 8 4 k~ sm-

&81b,Wa isrnianr d lwr* 54 mbwcea mtil ;hi&e&
@ . a d sthfry h 3W mcmb Pbus in & * ~ p k c e S ~ w n d a . ~ h y

msarPedmdmdewitb thegnip~mdging~
q, y i t a q ~d w i s e
ar d& w * ~ ,
k% m a r f & d b m a t i T i ~ $ . .
j v hWthechi&nw~adtm~mt kf.
d i & ~ o r 1 nrimd~~h*.
&& <wkh wmg oil &
maionderqrigj. B e w e e h C
- o i l a n r f ~ ~ *ifwidml.

T H E A N D 1 R - F


2 lar&db-fw, t # g ( S a x ) eacb,boasd
4 s ~ , ~ c b o p p s d
350g(12ae) wildrrrffikl muah-, trimmsd
2 ~ M r e d w I m
1Md(5 fl d 45 cup) duck or fhkkm -4
225 g(&os) trrah w h e n b d ( h a ) kam
I lab- ~~f jelly
W Y ~ ~ W
1 t-emfhr
b ! ! ~ a F y m u r t P r d ~
I law-

Heat wok until hot. Add oil and swirl to mat. kthe wok until hot. Add oil and swtd
With a sharp knife, remove skin and make sat wok. Add duckling breast s n i pand r
2 or 3 diagonal s t d m a c m duckling %dor 3-4 minutes until golden. R m v e t
bmasts, 1 cm (M in) deep. Add to wok and h i . Add plum, port, wine vinegar, tl
cmk over moderate heat far 5-6 minutes &djuice of the orange, plum or duck saxr
until golden, turning andstirring.Remove to %rhg onions, soy sauce, cloves. cinnama
a plate and keep warm. Add shalloo md and chilli sauce to caste. Bring to d
garlic to wok. Stir-fry for 1 minute, then &wing point and cook gently for 4.5 mirw
add mushmms and s r i r + hfor 2-3 minutes MIplums begin to soften.
Sprinkle over flour and stir m blend. Add
wine and stock and bring to the boil. I',
Add beans,

Simmer, covered, for 15-20 minuses untd

b n s are tender and sauce is thickened.
(If using frozen haw, add 5 minutes Idore
E duckling strips to wok and dr-w
utts until duck is heated thm& I
is thickened. Gamkh with p d q i
end of amking time. ) Scir in redcumant jclt orange rind. Serve with n d h d
and gcason with pepper. Meanwhile, h a with sesame MA.


saucepan, combine d o u r , m d -k
pawder, rind and juice d the orange and 4. 4
bets. Bring to the boil and simmer for
1 minute until &e thickens and are P
hot. Slict duck thinly; amnge sticss on
4 phtes with beam and beets.
setveJ rF.
-fat removed, cut c m w i s c i n t o t f i i s t r i p
U5g ( 8 ~d) plums, stwed nndthinly sliced
6 ~ w i n r h e p r
gmdrirtdpnd juiced 1mange
2 t d q w n s Chinege plum w duck muce
4 ~ ~ h g o n i 0 cutintothin~trips
1 -mysufe
3.4 w h d e ~ l ~ ~ e ~
I Mr w Chi- chilli s~lacc(wto taste)

b t . d milk*~ ~ ~ ~ W W H & Q ~ .
With a s l a p knife, r e ~ : & na d seaZht
2 ur 3 *l &*,I WzW d d l
b i t s ,
oucr m&me hmt Tw 5-6 mbm
u n r l l ~mingandand$einh$.
, bmwto
,a pW and h p m m . Add $lalleh a d
@tic tq w& for I miirute, h
add m-.d*~r-fcy for 2-3 minu-
$pinkle.m?r?rfiwpd stit w bklld-.W
w i w d + ~ d b ~ w ~

w & ~ w ni h w.Miimdik, in a 1
cw 7 i 1m u d

Mng pg and sirmtaer b
l ~ t e a n t i ) * ~ ~ ~ ~
hot& S l k duck thid , mange dicta on
4dnur W i t h & a a s s n d L ,
S T I R - F
A N D S T I R - F R Y D I S H E S


7 0 0 g 4 ~ ~ I b ) ~ ~ t h i & 2 tablmpwns olive oil

2-3 -V-&I ?Wg ( 1 I/*Ib) boneless rutkey breaut i d e r s
1 * , w 1dpvegarlic, finely chopped
4 c l m ~ g a r I k , ~ y ~ 4springoninas, thinly sticed
1-2 f r d t&Ik, d a d ciw& I lablespwngreen pppercorus
4 chiW pwrder 55 ml(2 fl oz/% cup) brandy or white wine
m p q q w c , t0hStt 115 ml(4 floz/l/l cup) wbippingcream
l Y , ~ & c u r a l o + t a qim n gal r
(HXIgCMozPx)caaperledtaraom 1 peerorapale,rut in half tengthwise, coredmd cut
bJhzmlqwIsmhbmm m p r lengthwiseinto hiin slices
aak maedsliverrrd almonds and fresh chives, to garnish
~ 4 2 S g E 1 5 P F ~ c e a s d ~ ~
p d eW
~ u c ; l m d ~ y,*pmish Heat the wok until hot. Add oil and swirl to
E O N wok. Amnge turkey in wok in a single
hyer, working in 2 hatches, if necessary.

With a d, sharp knife,remove akin from G m k for 3-5 minutes, turning halfway
turkey and discard. Slice meat fiom 'hi& through cooking. Remove ra serving plate
hnq; cut into small pieces. H a rhe wok and keep warm, Add prlic, spring r~nions
mrif hot. ,Add 1 r a b l e p n oil ,and -1 m J peppercorns to wok and stir-fry for
~ cgreen
coat wok. Add half the turkey wt md 1, mhute until oniuns heein to sof'ren. Add
fry h C 5 minlnw until brawn. Remove tu as brandy or wine and stir rt;deglaz@. Cook for
h I ; r q m t with remining turkey t m ~ , 1-2 minutes to reduce slightly.
d i n g a little mure oil if n e q r y . Re-
m t to h ~ lAdd . remining oil to wok d
add wion and garlic. Srir*FT)rfor 3-4 minuts,
until m b =kens. Stir ir! &illlest chi&
powder, cayenne pepper a d ground cumin.

Srir in tmafaes, w I& their liquid, the I

t h e q p r d s e a s ~ nwith&[. I heat and add pat ar apple

ra rhe hi1 and reduce hat. I
m v d , for 45-55 rninutw. Remwe
arvdoook 15 minutes more until a
andwell dud,T ~ tacd d j u s t
if necessary. Gamlfrh with

B O O K rJ 9 $ 1 R - "


misirus. have to stand 20 minum. Heat the

UFok until h p t Add 1 tablegpdDn butter and
swirl to d t arrd war d. Add leeks and
stir-fry for I minute. Ackl 70 mi (2% A ad
IA cup) chicken st&, hay leaf, thyme and
sage and m k , covered, fox 4-6 minutes until
leeks are tender and Liquid has evaporated.
. Discard by ieaf. Remove to a bowt and cover
K) keep warm. Wipe wok dry.

Add tmahing butter to wok and swirl ar

a t . Add the turkey, in 2 h t h ,and stir-
fry for 2 minutes. Remove to a plate. Cook
lemonrid and b u r for I minute. Sbwlydd
remaining stock and bring to the boil, Add
Mamala, d i m and cream and simmer for
2 minutes. Spm leek mixture onto plates,
top with turkey adspaonsauccover.Gatnish
with sage and lemon. Serve with rite.






55 g(2 od4 tablapoom)butter
I onion, finely chopped ey cudtts, cut into tbm a t r i p
1 teasgmn paprika
250 ml(9 flodl cup) whippingcrenm
3 te~spwnsDijonmustard
2 tabkpoona chopped freshdill
salt and freshly p u n dblack pepper
71Xlg (I '/I Ib) turkey brsast fillets, cut m r m i s einto
2.5 cm ( 1 in)stnp
6 tabkpoons scnmnsd flour
2 tabbnsvqptabkofl
225 g(8 w )taeliatelle or dim
2 l e q n m l s camwmyd s
I m b dill sprip, toprnbh

Hear wuk until hot. Add 1 tablespoon butter

and swirl to cmt wok. Add onion and stir-fry
for 7-8 minutes. Add paprika and cmk for and stir-fry fnr 2.3 minutes until
I minute, Add cream and bring to sirnrncrlng cotour. Remove to a bowl. Add
poinr; cook for 1-2 mlnutes untd slightly
thickened. Add mustard and dill and season.
!"bur mto small hjwl;keep warm,Wipe wok
:lean. Dredge turkey strips in seasoned flour.
Heat rhe wok until hot. Add vegetable oil
and I tablesptxm butter and swirl ro coat
wok. Acld turkey strips, working in batches,
and stirafry for 2- 3 minurts. Remove to plate
and keep warm.
C w k t~gliatellc according to packet
d~rections:drain well. Heat the wok u n t ~ l
hot. Add remaining buctcr, peas and caraway
seeds. Stir-hy for far 2-3 minutes until
are tender. Stir in noodles and wason. Stir in
a spoonful of the rwrved sauce and toss to
cvat noodles. Turn out onto serving plate.
Pour remaining sauce and turkey strips into
the wok, tossing to coat. h k for 1 minute.
S p o n rurkey strips and sauce over noodles.
Garnish with dl11 sprigs.

serves 4.
O O K Q F S T 1 R - F R Y


450s(l l b ) b ) n u k e y c u t h , c u t ~ t h i n o t t i p e
I- m o i l

B-Wt wmuw
f ~ c o r a f B w r b I v o ind I trblqwwnwater
bmbcwidq, togarnish

khtwkuntilhQa.&bj 1W~tPuttsr ;Haat the wok until very hut but not smoking.
d ~ ~ ~ ~ t w d c . W ~ dAdd s ~egetable
t b ~ oil and swirl to coat wok. Add
sk1.8mia~mA d d h d d k d e p scrip and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes until
1minute. Wctem d b h g t e ~ i m ~ kgmmg ta colaur. Remove ro a bowl, Add
j m h ; m k &t 1-2 m i n e until alight$ m e oil to wok. Add tmxxali and ~ i r - f r y
d~i~hed.Mtolusear$and&L&- h 2 minut&. Add the spriaonitsns, ginger.
kih@dWlikpwmtI%?pew4 .#id garlic and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes more,
csfm, Wmkx&p i n d k. mil b m l i is tender but still crisp.
H a t the wok until Add -table ail
a n d l r a b ~ E 4 ~ m d w i d m ~
wok. Add N F ~ctrips,
Y M n g in
4 stkdqfar2-3 rnimtec RWW t ~ g k b
$5T I R - F


I 2 ubbprwnrsoliwoil
700 g ( 1'/z Ib) bonelw turkry brws~ fillets
-t &rid thym
salt ud M y grwndblack pcppcr
4 d d l o t s , thialv s r i
25 g ( Id 3 tab-) mMt3
45g(I WwlY4cup)dricdsprilcots,chopped
I dlgmnqgpcr!capkum),diced
2 tablqmmcldervmeg~r
55 ml(2 fldficup) dry white wine w mppk juice
115 ml(4 fl d'hcup) chieltea stock
1-2 ~ b m 8 * t proarm

Heat wok until hot. Add oil and swirl tocoat

wok. Arrange turkey breast fiIlets on bottom
and up side of wok in single layer, working in
2 batches, if necessary. Sprinkle with the
thyme and seasun with salt and ppper. Cook
fillets for 2-3 minutes, turning them halfway
through cooking. Remove ro sewing plate;
keep warm.
and gir-fiy for 2-3 minu-

Add shallots, uarikrries-, apricots and green

' p e ~ p e r(capsicum) and stirefry for 1 minute.
Stir in cider vinegar, white wine or apple
juice, chicken stock, apricot preserve and
honey. Bring to the boil and simmer for 3-4
minutes untilsauce thickens slightlyand frult
L d m . Spoonsauce and h i m over turkey

1 fdets and garnish with parsley or thyme.

Serve with wild rice.
b O D K D $ T I E - F R Y D I S H E S


S T I R -



w d ~ f l d ~ ~ ~ m I d a w d w ~
1 - 7
4~~~~~~~ A
In rrWbb&g&& s m & m m g n m
gartie; wgaf 4.fld-r to

Add & d d p s a n d t r e n EQ c q t WCK
b w e t ~ s p d f o 1r hwr, twning&p4nrw
or twice.

I Hear he d mrT1very h
i Ad&- oil
a d d t a w a t . Qraihm, W n g W
until M ~ n a i i * PWpwrmwb
Id@ ~ ~ s p r a 4m k W
*fw~ ~
mimites wnrH & we
dto &ired
&tmmsrrd m ~ofmaride
t kern*
t&#C ~ ~ L ~ ~ w & ~ *
h* 2
d&n (-1i)
&dad rtCt.

~r - --
- smw 4.


kqm~liWvdhdw d w m m h
(5 fla!4 cup) **. Ifi th& *
S T I R - FR Y


%d(rh&r~p)-~- r comhr
.ahbJwmmpf 5sm1(2floJ%cup)li&t~1y~cc
sd(2ffarMer~~J?&~~ 3 d c s p o n boaey ot bmwn supr

~ ~ A

w a 1w n Chimsr chilli sauce
bH)g(I lb) rumporsidcin~terk.cutcrrwswiwinto
~ - w - ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ t p . ~ #
/&w*mHm&&*#k4m ltPb8esvres~medl
hdbw-md Jclwrs garlic, finely chopped
4 - w M 1 chilli,& and thinly sliced
f P c r b - W ~ M I onion, tbinh/ diced
J dppper(capicum),cutintothiis~rips
h ~~ m h q m i r i n ~ ~
,J m p e ~ r ( c e p s i c u o r )cut
, intothinstrips ~ ,
- d r V h , ~-W,%&pt, 1ydbwpcpper (cnpsicum),cut in~othiistrip
m k , ~ a d d ~ t a m ~ l

kiWps d my fwiwd
mi- ufitil bbaf % h d

h a b l ,eoanbimZ-ddw.-
W W#pwdmw ~ w U , A t h m
&.aaR215aiw;. hX$gddlm
bt.rRz?dp%d@warnw* ArMM
and stir& for 2 4 mixluaes until
bm4.With a & d e e m m e kdr
; z a d ~ m ~ r q M g
@rlar~* we

Stir In qmex saue and combine remaining

cornflour with the stock or water, then stir
imo the wok and bfing to the boil. Add
reserved beef strips and tw beef and vqcf-
abla for I minute until sauce bubbles and
rhickubs and k f is heated h u g h . Serve
wi& rice and wild rice.
I R - FR 1


A ~ m w ~ t b w m ' r d K d D a
m i w w ~ ~ ~ ~ i t r v p o k d *
hfqr1i n i w p S ~ ~ t ~ m + ~ n t k t ~ ~ e d
I R - F R Y t 1 S H E S
r P E E



In the wok, place minced beefand heat until

it begins to r e l e juices. I n c w heat and
stir to break up meat and stir+fry for 5-6
minutes until meat is browned. Add onion,
garlic, green or red pepper (capsicum),
chopped chillis, kidney beam and sweet-
uxn and bring M the boil.

Stir in chilli pwckr, cumin, oregana and

peeled tcnnatw with their juice. Stir ta
W up tomatoes. h n with salt d
pepper, lower heat and cook, covered, for
20-30 minuns until sIightty thickened.
Remove from heat, stir in the w l e y andhalf
the cheese. Sprinkle with remaining cheese
and garnish wirh choppad parsley.
1 d M d d C o s knu~twothtrbitter

~ V u , ~ r o d d t k d t ~ f l y
2-3 ra-oliveoil
450#(1 Ib) H k o l c P l r , b f w Mmhutes thencur
8 ~ ~ a l k i ef bd
55 g(2 w ) c h
24 Itmoojqicc
1oWcspooncspen, r i n d a d d r a i d
h g e the escarole, 6sor other leaves on
4 large plates. Set aide.

h t wok until very hot. A d 1 mbl-

diveoil and a few k f strips. Fry 58secods
d Mjust mlours, turning each slice
m a halfway thrwgh cooking. The k e l
h k l lx very ram. Remove to one of the
dad Continue -king bfin
adding oil as necawyl and
m n g over leaves.



Place escdop khveen 2 sheets of pew

proof paper and to a 0.5 cm ('4 in) hpshallow did,combine flour with d t and
rhickntss. Cut veal ind strips. hpme pepper ta mre,

In a shallow dish combine flour with salt and

pepper. Lightly dredge the veal strips,
shaking off any excess flour. Place bacon in
cold wok and hear over moderate heat until
&on h i m to cook and melt Increase heat
and stir-hy for f -2 minutes lrntil bacon is v-.

crisp. Remwe tu a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon irwirl. Add veal strips and stir-fry for 2-3
butter ta drippings in wok and swirl to coat until men on all s i d e . k m v e
wok. Add pine nuu and stir-fry for 1 minute d
-,' to 2 dinner plates and keep warm.
until golden. Rmovera the buwl.

A d 1 t a M q n butter and the veal strip

and stir-fru for 2-3 minutes until golden on
all sides. Remove veal to 2 dinner plate and
keep warm. Add wine ta wok, stirring to
d e g I a artd bring to the boil. Boil for 1-2
minutes until d u d by half, then stir in
remaining butter. Add capers, bacon, pine
nuts and and toas well. hwith
pepper and spmn over veal. Garnish with
sage leaves, if using. !%we with OW (rice
shaped pasta) or linguine.
O O K s T 1 R - FR Y

Z L S ~ ( 8 o r ) V t . l ~
dtltnndfrlahlypundblsek pcppcr
55 E I Z ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~butter
W I U )
2-piat nus
115 ml (48 ml'hcup) dry white wim ~ d @ f i d ~ ~ * ~ h
I-caperwlmind 115d4404~a~eJ~-
2 t ~ A m & k d I r d ~ I e a w b-m-
~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o P I J 2-frarbWCwda&wirh
O I I P I ~
Place -lopes between 2 sheets of gre
proof and pound to a 0.5 cm ('/4 hrhbwdi&s9mb3neftourw~&sak aqd
thickness. Cut veal inr6 strips. wwtg taste.

In a shallow dish combine flour with At and

pepper. Lightly dredge the veal strip,
haking off any excless flour. Place bamn in
cold wok and heat over modeme heat until
b n k i n s tocook and melt. Increase heat
and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes until bacon i9
uisp. R m v e to a bowl. Add I, t e w
butter to drippings in wok and swirl to cost
W Q Add~ pine nuts and st irwfryfor 1 minute
unril golden. Ren~ovem the bowl,

A d the &allots to remainingoil in wok and

d for 2-3 minutes until mftened. Add the
whim wine, stirring to deglaze, and b r i i t o
boil. hi1for I t minutes until reduced by
M, then stir in crtam and bring back to the
bail. Cook for 1 minute marc until sauce
W e n s slightly. Stir in the mustard and
besil or dill. Pour sauce aver veal and garnish
with reserved leaves or sprigs. Serve with
, d l e s or s a u t k l p t a t c m and a dad.
l ~ o l i v c d
4 h m r b k g u e r b ~ c b a m p c h o p , ~I t7 5 g16ml
d~ ,
1cmrgetre (zu&),&ed
SOgOd$5cup) rlmdriedtormtopiinoil.
t ~ b o t t l c d ~ t 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
bPsil sprigs, mpmisb
Whinddrepdbtom Heat the wok until very hot. Add the olive
m h t k b ~ d b w @ d , oil and swirl to caa t.

bwm kit 4 stir+ for 1-2 npimm

mtilwc*. ~ ~ 8 7 ~ ~ 1 . ~
m h r o *ng in dwB*-@ far 1 4
l w
m t h u ~ u a t ijust ng w $&mAdd
&&us and tu+ fm a f w k 1 4
YfdmtmuhlIl $ I p t t ~ t ~ & .
+rh m 1 t d . m m d rmmet~befPrl.
W o i l m p l p o P ~ ~ k - ~ k
~ d f l b k y ~ 1 - 2 m i n u ~ ~ i 1 ~ p s t
W The liver skbshct k pink b d e .


B O O K W O K A N D S T I R - F R Y D I S H E S


3*~soymm 1~ v q c r a b l e o i l
Y*~csrpwnfIVe3picL& X W g ( J ~ I b } h l a r n b , c u t i n t ol c m ( % z h ) s t r i ~
2Sm II i a ) p k C e f ~ r w ~ ~ , p e e l c d m d ~ ~ t 1 lSOtnl~5B&cUp~&ywhilcWfM
lntojubstrip I I H l d (5 f l d K cup)i d y w d mmwluke
2do+-*wckwd I 1mqwmgmdcoriPader
700g(l%Ib)WfakP,~m*into&s+ 4l~dryrnustardpdm
l ~ ~ a i l nhma*dbl*ckppgper
k~mdchillid.adrbinlysliced I 3 ~ d r W w d i a 2 t n M ~ ~ ~
8~m~,cruia105~~(2in)pieccc 1&rle- tcn d d c u t i m o j u k
l~psdedd~tinto1m(Mia)thickpitcea I radlkshdividcd ima -
175g(Boa)~hrby~bh~k I trclh&rn*I*)
9 dry Bharryor rice wine Heat the wak until very hot. Add vegetable
I ~ ~ ~ t ~ w d i a ~oil and
~ swirl
~ to coat
l c
wok* r

In a shallow hakingdiah, combine say sauce, Add lamb s t r i p and stir-fry tor 4-5 minutes.
five-spice powder, ginger and garlic. Add
lamb strips and rw to coat well. haw
I &move taa plate md keep warn,. PauroHzll
I dw fat Crom the wok and add the white wine.
to marinate for 1 hour, covered, stirring
wcasionally. Heat the wok until very hot, 'I xining to &glaze.
Add umngc juicc, mi-
mustard powder, salt and v p w r and
Add -me oil and swirl to coat. With a bmgto the boil. Stir the cornflour mixture
slattwl spaon and working in 2 batches, add
lamb to wok, draining off and w e w i n g as
much n l a r i das pcssible. Stir-b lamb for
w t ldow'y r'
ur into the wok, stirring con-
y unti sauce thickens. 1
2-3 minute until browned on all sides.
Remaw co abowl. Add chilli to oil remain-
ing in wok and stirdfrj for 1 minute.

Add spring onionsand mmga and stir-fry for Return the lamb strips ro the sauce,
1 minute. Stir in spinacb leaves, resewed ig to mat each one, and ccmk far 1.2.

I m n
h b , dry s h q or rice wine and reserved , minutes until sauce has g l a d the lamb srrips
m a r i d e . Stu cornflourmixture and srir intar ' and they are heated thrtqh. Add orange
wok. Stirrfw for 1 minute, tossing all i n p j&me and xgments and cook for 1 minute
dents until spinach wiles and lamb is lightly : to hear &rough. Amngc lamb and or-
g l a d with sauce. Sew with potatoes (li : WW on 4 dinner plates and garnish with
n d b . Qajnt, it wished, Serve with green h s -

h s 4.

T H E S T I B - F I

4 PORK wa

~ ~ ~ b r P a i r Y
aira WWBV) -.&a-
* d * e - P m w
* ~ ~ * ~ ~

dice a d 4hm a& &-& fw 9-2


Add CalvadoD or brandy to the wok and &

Add cream and bring to the boiL
to d e g k .
Add salt and pepper to m e . Cook fm i

minute, stirring constantly, until saw
thickens stightly and a p p h are r&<
Arrange pork strips on 4 dinner plates d
s p n over apples and sauce. Garnish with
apple slim and parsley sprigs. &we with
buttered egg d l e s or sautded ptstosr


250gI9& thin e q s d e o
55 d (2 fl d
Ek cup) dive oil
575glI'/*lb)p$RUet,cut k a & &
4PWLlpwasrbraddedfrd~kIh I
~ I b H i l ~ ~ , t o ~
In a large mucepan of boiling water, c m k
the egg noadb according tn the packet
directions. k i n and rinse. Turn into a large
1 g t a q d paper 'and pound to a 0.5
(% in) thickness. Cut into thin s t r i p
b w l and row with 2 tablespasns olive oil.
Keep warm.

Hetrt the wok until very ha. Add oil d Hear the wok mtil very hat, Add remaining
mid to coat wok. Add half the porlc atrip olive oil and swirl to emt wok. Add shredded
dstir-fry for 2-3minutesuntil goldenon aEI prk and stir-fry for 2 3 minutes until ~ r is k
&lei. Remove to a plate, keep m,d golden. Add red anion and trws with the
300k the remaining strip in the same wayy for I minute.
p k , henstir-~FJ
Pour odf any oil from che wok. Add butter td
h e wok an8 allow to m1t. Add garlic, apple
slices and thyme and stir-fry for 1.2 minutes
miti1apple st ices arc mlden.

9 Add Cal&

or brandy to the wok and m1 Scir in shredded basil, the balsamic vinegar
q h . Add ueam and bring ta the W
rrl d
and pine nuts and mss to mix well. Add
Md dt and peppr to a t e . CoQL €at P mdla to the wok, semn to tasre and toss
with park mixture. Turn onto shallow
, &rig dish and pwnish with basil leaves.
b g c pork strip on 4 dmer plates d
ipoan over a p p b and sauce. Garnish with
apple dices and parsley quip. Serve with
xlttered egg n d b ar s a u d ptawea
T H E B O O K S T I R - F R
%*!aI in)& U b & & i & I-&

4k a~mb&&irtMbmWrDood
r - a $ h B d y & d

t 5 t m f 1h ) ' p W h d r w r ~ l p d d d
b l p ~
.I b f z a r w - , d -
, Htmw
3 & ~ m b ~ 0 t ~r h m
~ - b1r n - ~
~~~ * m d b V M
3-db- 1 '
Pk.-ne i 0 4 w ' &at&%&lUilht.Mdddrn
a & ~ ~ r w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I u n i t b s a l t~
a h* dv w mb,
W ~ ~ ~ S S S W ~
1minute. mitWz~
h e EB. atand 3Q mlmtaARime au+ * b d # & d ~ a n 8 ~ ~
I,~W)&~~ingtmtwd€Um ~ # n g e r ~ d ~ & h r Z t 3 ~
~ ~ o h y m g f a ~ ~ ~
dtydwughlp. H**ttadlirmbt.
whl ~ ~ w p b ; . l W
b#n m
1.2 mbwq until spdq a n b ~

b M a - t W t Y d W
for L3 m h c e tmtil &addk#mihg
Srth ~ ~ ~ 1 15.a-ml
~ a W1@mwat&d&,M
R d
(5 fl& 1-
ww~bdngtothe~ &?,tZfmbutc5, StirrkQ w e w
R&&~h&ddm~tf;or5.?~ w n w k a r a d d 3 . t a ~ - ~
md&*t*h)bwwh* ~ ~ f e & m r n d q i g d r W a t d
m.fr8Qm~ly.rumm b t 0 h* d ~ d w h m a ~ *
wklr dd.b b t . 9 - a
a d garnish with pl
q . -44
h w 4-6.

# 91-
A N D T P - P R Y 1 S M l 3 . S



1 hpca-, M i n r o h m
ss gi2 d 4 ta-1baw
l h , & d y ~ -
3-4t ~ ~ i c e
55 g (2 d K cup) dried bradcrumbs

Htat the wok u q i l hm. Add h e stlmmds

and scit-fry over a d a t e bear ntii
browned on ail sides. Remove ro a plate.
W e n cool, chop almwlds wrselg.

MaIf-ftIl the wok wt~hwater and Over hi& the wok until h a Add .ail and swkf a
heat bring to the boil. Add the c a u l i ~ r mt wok. Add anbn and garlic arrd m h
d simmer for 2 minut&. Win a d
p F ~ ~d k t to medium. $&fry fior4.6 r n i n u r e W 1
rime; set aside. Wipe wok dry md return d o n i s tender arid golden. Add the d
to heat. Add butter to wok and swirl until w x h and bla& mustard &and stir-h M
melted. Add the anion, chilli powder and 2 minutes until seeds kgin tom.Stir in &&
rurmeric .and stir-frp for 2-3 minutes und pQrder and ground whew and st%.
dened. 6-yb r a f u d e t 22.3 minure.

Add the bhehtd rauliflowe~pie= ;yld Add pow- and peas and a tir-frv, t&% @
kmon juice and stir-fty.for 3 4 minute$ until wat with the spice mimure, for 2-3
tender but still crisp. Add the breadcrumb ,&dd lemon juice and choppd c o r i d e r 4
and &opjxd a l m c & and tw until cauli- b gently until wtaew and d
flower p i e are well coated. a n witb s d heard through, adding a W
. ~ ~ a t i and
salt and m~r. Turn into a sewing dish and ! if pot-armbegin tr, stick. h4
serve kar, garni&d with lime wedges d I -khed
with coriandersprigs.
~ 1 4 .


$~B(~O~I/*EU~)W~O~C& quranw-pj-*
l ~ m d M o w t r , & ~ i n m ~ 1-w-
55g(2od4kbhpma)htter 3**u~-
~+Wchoppod *&
Vz-cMlipowdcr 1mblskmmdM
'h-pnrumaic 3 - h - e
3 4 ~ l m m a j l h
-41 W ~ W ~ ~ U P ~ ~ W ~ W
B t l t d f m C h ( y 4 k c k ~ ~ d j ~
~+-+~=k&,~guoisb/ i 7 h W l W 9 h m ~
Heat the wok until hot. Add the almonds a-cboWgi--
ruzd stir-h over a moderate heat until -
browned on all sides. Remove to a plate.
Wfien cool, chop almonds coarsely.
Half-fill the wok with water and over h i ~ k a o o k ~ d I ~ . ~ ~ r ~ ~
heat bring to the boil. Add the cauliflower eoet r#ok. Add mian d wlk and
pi- and simmer for 2 minutes. Drain and la#t tod m .&ir*frp f o r 6 tninwe tic@
rinse, set aside. W i wok dry and re- mim k t & d e , A d i l & & n
ro hat. Add butter to wok and swirl until daadbkkddPPR$sW@f$r
melted. Add the onion. chilli powder and
tunneric and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes un%
A N D S T I R - F R


'iktw&uqUhw, Mdldrnirh-

H w k & m l d w ~ W ~
s t l d d m E $ m tW
d wmBk~
IQlpsian1 db&kdd*hh
Stir the c m h r mixture w k i r ' k m m k
d t t r l c k m l 8 . W ~ ~ ~ ~
~ 4 ~ ~ ~ r n l m ~ r n m & -
r 1-2 iuimrt~$rir
(atpqkdni) and sianarer h
S m into w i n g dish;

Q O K S T I R - F R Y D I - S H E S
S T R - FR Y

25 tl&-)bm
M Q w q w k d ~


3 ~
~ *

~ *


l %




~. b


Z 5 g ~ l : d d ~ ) b u t m
~ & ctu t u baur 5remn( 2~in),j d~ i ti ~trlp
2 & r h 350 ~ ( 1 OZ),


) 1 chve
o pptlic,
k h le i y cbrqpd
34 d h p a a dry
~ ~ ~
ob white w h
dd{4 florlHcup)Boubk(bmy)arwbippiag

* ~ ~ ~ f dill m
~ ~

~ o r ( ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ y ~ -
2 lrimmed, wosbed Pnd cut

w ~

Heat the wok until h ~ t Add. olive oil d W d l e w & d h t . A A b ~

butter and swirl to cosp, Add bacon d arir- wkl w& ltjqtet mlw, Add -E and
fry for 2 minutes untit crisp. Add onim a d leek aerim and wtk id br 2-3
mlic and for 2-3 n~inutes until mhtt&~Wl~bcrsMi]~rsWimmm
browned and kginning to d e n . tndumt. h i d the &my a$ pihe wid
for 1 minute until kutd
~ f p v ~ x d *


Add the potato stices and rosemary or thyme Pedd rhe e m arvd t w c : r ~ c u m d
k Ids
d toss ra combine. Gmk gently for 3-5 'BBo. 1-1 mhufgs mtil d l d wirh the

minute$ stirring occasionally until potatoed cmm4~eaderburdcrisp.~irh&e

rm browned a d cri@. Add vinegar to taste : c&!tpddtl! andW?OIX
with t$3l~atd
and rn with salc and pepper. Garnish Tmirmasemingchhahd-
with extra chapped mamary, if wished. Turn . with d a e
into servingbowl.
h 44-

4 1

I ~ ! ! ! ! ~ l

T H E B O O K S T I R - F


M O U T L C CMBAGE ~xixedsaadhres,sUGb&~rcdlcaf
55rnl~tfI&cup)@kd &cbEo rod mlrult o w e
2&&4fm+- 5 -dived
;?.tnbb* 9t-~mr@d*,m-dwm
~ d p e p p e r I ~ ~ t u t r p ~ p X i o e d 4 m g 1 l ~ m * r ) w d b d
~ ~ ~ ~ S P u c e aufn~~hge
~ q d Q k ~ # t h h l t ~ 2ag(~rrr)~EPaaeILinitreans
b 9 m h m j & 1C l # * & k , W
l ~ r ~ y u r ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~

H w wok milh ~ lZdd . oil and b i r 1 war.

&Id garlic, misrns and p p p r ( ~ ~ ]
and stir-fry far 3 m i n u t s 5th in the Mi
sauce, @g onions and lemon juice; t i .
Add cabbageand stir-@ for 3 4 minure.
' I n a large bowl, ross t h d~ a d k m W&
rablmpmrs alive qd and h t m
.gar.Arrange the mixed &d bm mi
large, shallow serving dish, H a the
M - W W .until hot. Add the remahiig oil d
1~rwetWcMUt8auce(mtaa) .-t. Add the aAch& heam, 4
b, garlic, red o o h and h i 1 and &;fl
for 2 3 minutes until heard &mu&. b
&Ily spm the mixturi onto the d a d h
Heat the wak untiI hot+Add xherpiI and swirl

a Add the c ~ u r g e t t a(zucchid) a d rosr lo

cast with flavourings. Stir in 2 tab1qsoris !
- Add the d-B and %undrid- C
m wok a d rm gently for 1-2 m h t e s m 4
r water and H l r . b h 335 minutes wtil tender
bur still crhp,adding a little mate waxer if
thW4h.A mg.ecrverthemi~tBQkeaasd
mixme. Sprinkle with the bh
necessary. k v e hat orat m m t ~ dives
~ . l m v s if hhd, d W
a d basil
I warm with emry bred.

, k 4 . 6 .



L 1m.
s TI. R - F R Y D I S H E S


tmtil hm.Addoil and swirl to coat*

&, raisiw d r (capsicum)
sir+bfor 2 minutes% in the cehiui
&hm,spriw ontom ;lnd lemon juice; laas.
Adti* atba stir-fry for 3-5 minutes.
In a large h w l , r w tke said I e a v wirh
~ 3
tabkspmm olive oiI i l d 6 6v i n e
gar. Arrange rhe mixed d a d leaves on a
kg,shillow serving d&> H m ihe w ~ k
until h&. Add the remhjng oil and $wid to
coat. Add the artichake heam c a m e h i
bem*@rILl red onion and basil and scirdry
lor 2-3 minutes until hated through. C;ire~
fully spoon the mixture mto the salad leavefi,

wok until hat* Add the oil and wirl
1 mute. Stir In the chilli &er, chi&

&t & I
h wcgeat?s (zucchini) ad row, to Add &e d peppas ac;d sun-dried tamataes
#w&dl f l a w stir in 2 tab1&pons mwok aiid~mgentlyfbr 1-2minutesto heat
w a n d srir-frJfor3-5 mitturn until thh th&.
kq dIu+q, addinga little morewater if %ri&le with the capers, btaek
~ ~ and
~ . & w e h ~ t ~ a t r O O r n dim ~ basil learn, d w&cd, and sewe
warrs with crusty bred.
T H E B O O K S T I R - F


------- -I@
T H E T - 1

3 ~ ~ s a r t c e
1 t ~ C h l n e e c h i l lptcw=uu/
1 tablcspaon m e oil
6- t co&r
cut into shreds
2 stalks cekv, W y s h e d
1 7 5 g ( 6 m ) m ~
1 d w g m m p e ~ ( c a p u u m ) , ~ h f nrliced
1 1 5 g ( 4 w ) m a n p ~ t ( ~ ~ ~ )
115 ml(4 floJ'hcup)chickea stockor w e r

In a shallow baking dish, combine the soy

sauce, shew or rice wine, chilli paste or
sauce, sesame oil and cornflour. Add the
shredded chicken and toss to coat evenly.
Allow to stand 20 minutes. In a large sauce-
pan of boiling water, cook the egg noodles or
linguinc according to the packet directions.
b i n and set aside.

Heat wok until hot. Add oil and swirl to mat

wok. Add elm, rnushrnoms and pepper.
Stir-fry far 2-3 minutes until vegetables begin
to soften. A d cgdtout and spring onions
and stir-fry fa 1 minute. Remove to a h l .
Add chicken and marhack to wok. Stir-frj
for 2 3 minutes until chicken is cooked. Add
stock, bring to the boil, then dd n d l e s or
litlguine and mewed vegetables and bean-
sprouts. Tosa and stir-fry fbt f -2 minut~until
gauce thickensand d m are hat.
S T 1 R - FR Y


3t*Mwpooarmysauce 2 la- dive 011
2 ~ d q ~ o r k e w i a e 4Mg{IIb)Spaishcboriwm~s~gewhotl
1 ttlgpooaChioacchillipwuorowcc Itdart-dcyk uuspgr, cut into 2.5 era ( 1 ia)s h
1d h p m saameoil 450 g ( I lb) skinneda d k m d cMFken b w t s ,
6teupoo~rcoraflour cut i n t o 2 . 5 ~(~I 1
359g(12 or)skinmdoadboaadcbuken k t s , IpniolkW
cut inlo&mi9 2-3cloves p&,f i l y chopped
225 g 18 M )C b b h g e g s d e s or IioNne 1 ~wdpepper(cPpsicum),drotd
t*u%erpbkd 40Dg(14w)mnItalipn-stykurmatms
Zddw1thlalyslioed 45Os(:~I~ZY,clrpr)~rioe

175 g (6-) mwhroamr 'ht c q m r crushed
~ d dc m a
1rtdcrpen pcpper ( c a p & , thinly sliced %~~dYied&ymc
115gl4w)m~ngetwt(mow~) 1~ ~ n u b e d d f m n t h d s
4-6~ooions 225g(8a)greroh,curhm2.5cm(lh)piecm 1
I15 ml(4 fld%cup) chicken~~wk
orwater 225 g ( 8 w )c& pasklpmwna {*kid)
115~(4ca)hnoprouu,trimwdPndrbd ~ ~ ~ p n d l i w o r ~ w o d g e s , ~ g p m i s b I
In a shallow baking dish, combine the soy Heat wok until hot. Add oil and swirl to coat 1
sauce, sherry or rice wine, chilli paste or wok. Add chorito or Italian s a w and stir-
sauce, saame oil and comfluur. Add the fry for 4-5 minutes until golden*Remove to a
shredded chicken and toss to coat evenly, plate. Add chicken pieces to oil in wok and
N o w to stand 20 minutes. In a large sauce- stir-fry for 3-4 minutes until golden. Remove
pan dboiling water, cook the egg noodles or ta the plate.
linguine according to the packet directions.
Drain and set aside.

Heat w k until hot. Add oil and swirl to coat Atid onion, garlic and pepper to wak. Stir-fv
wok. Add celery, mushrooms and pepper. for 3-4 minutes. Add tomatws, rice, 450 rnl
Stir-fry for 2-3 minute until vegexablts begin (16 f l od2 cups) water, chillies, thyme and
to soften. Add mange tout and spring onions saffron. Boil, add the sausage and reduce heat
and stir-fry for I minute. Remove to a bowl. to h w . Cover wok and cook gently for 20-30
Add chicken and marinade to wok. Sir-fry minutes until rice is tender. Add chicken and
for 2-3 minutes until chicken is cooked, Add g ~ t bans.
n Cmk,covered, fot 5-7 minutes
stock, bring to the boil, then add nodies or more. Add prawns and fluff with a fork.
linguine and r m e d vegetables and bean- Cook, uncoverad, for 2.3 minutes. Garnish
sprouts. Tbss andstir-Fry for I.2 minutes until and serve,
sauce thickens and noodles are hot.

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