Soc Sci 1. Activity 4

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Module 1 (Soc Sci 1)

Activity No. 4

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each question/statement carefully.

Highlight THE LETTER and the choice of your answer.

1. It is the basic social process through which an individual becomes integrated into a
social group by learning the group’s culture and his role in the group.
A. socialization
B. Collaboration
C. Interaction
D. Cooperation

2. This is a distinct identity that sets us apart from others. It is not a static phenomenon,
but continues to develop and change throughout our lives.
A. Self
B. Me
C. Myself
D. I
3. The scholar who proposed that feelings toward ourselves developed through interaction
with others.
A. Charles Horton Cooley
B. George Herbert Mead
C. Erving Goffman
D. Sigmund Freud

4. It is a concept that emphasizes the self is a product of our social interactions with
A. Looking Glass Self
B. Looking in the Mirror
C. Reflection
D. Socialization

5. It is the attitudes, viewpoints, and expectations of society as a whole that a child takes
into account in his or her behavior.
A. self
B. generalized other
C. significant other
D. societal pressure
II. ESSAY: Read each question comprehensively, answer it accordingly. (5 points each)

1.Do you think it is important that parents discuss gender roles with their young children, or is
gender a topic better left for later? How do parents consider gender norms when buying their
children books, movies, and toys? How do you believe they should consider it?

2.Based on your observations, when are adolescents more likely to listen to their parents or to
their peer groups when making decisions? What types of dilemmas lend themselves toward
one social agent over another?

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