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The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) comprises different medical

professionals who provide evidence-based recommendations on possible preventative health care

services for primary care clinicians and patients who demand help from these platforms. In such

a case, it is notable that the USPSTFs screening recommendations are a critical aspect of the idea

of primary care since they help doctors and other healthcare personnel to come up with measures

that can be used to ensure that their patients are saved from the acquisition of different illnesses

that could cause them harm (Silverstein et al., 2021. Pg 1). It is important to note that these

approaches are all based on scientific evidence, making them accurate and effective in making

countermeasures that ensure the health of individuals with certain characteristics. In such a case,

by following such approaches, it can be possible for patients to be aided in understanding the

potential risks they face due to aspects such as age. A good example of such considerations is in

the case of women between the ages of 30 and 70, whereby screenings are done to determine

whether they have breast cancer or not through mammograms.

In such a case, the USPSTF recommends that women in this age limit be tested once

every two years since this time window has been noted to be accurate in determining whether

there is the presence of cancer in the body. In such a case, the use of such recommendations

creates a scenario where the individuals being considered are saved from the harms that are

generated due to the discovery of an issue at times that is hard for treatment to be conducted in a

manner that creates a big difference (Jalalabadi et al., 2022. Pg 2). In addition to this approach,

through such recommendations, it becomes possible for individuals in the healthcare sector to

advise their patients on the different approaches that can be used to ensure that they live in a

manner keener when it comes to health promotion. Through such approaches, it becomes

possible for healthcare costs to be drastically reduced since the patients will avoid the costs

associated with advanced illnesses. In such a consideration, it is arguable that such approaches

promote the quality of life by ensuring that people learn of aspects that could affect their health

before they become a big issue, and this ensures that something is done soon enough.


Silverstein, M., Kemper, A. R., Henderson, J. T., & Mabry-Hernandez, I. (2021). Importance of

Assessing Wellbeing for the United States Preventive Services Task Force

Recommendations. Pediatrics, 148(Supplement 1), s37-s39.

Jalalabadi, N. Z., Rahimi, B., Foroumandi, M., Lackey, A., & Peiman, S. (2022). Willingness to

participate in a lung cancer screening program: Patients' attitudes towards the United

States Preventive Services Taskforce (USPSTF) recommendations. European Journal of

Internal Medicine, 98, 128-129.

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