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Fortune Falls From Sky

Fortune Falls From Sky
Never Obedient When Drunk | Magical Realism

As Samuel Walker's life plunges into darkness after his father’s car accident amounts to a
mountain of debt, the middle-aged landlady comes knocking on his door, slyly offering to provide
for him as his girlfriend. While being harassed by her, Samuel is suddenly able to see her secrets
in his mind. Using this special ability, he gets himself out of trouble and starts working in a liquor
factory that’s about to close down. Unfortunately, a misunderstanding soon occurs between him
and his new boss lady, Arielle Bright. The beautiful Arielle is also in her twenties, and the
misunderstanding causes her to make things difficult for him. But with his special ability to help
turn her company around, she starts looking at him differently and comes to accept him! In
addition to working at the liquor factory, Samuel also starts a business himself. Everyone's secrets
are in his hands, and he becomes a business tycoon! Women of every background adore him,
itching to get their hands on this powerful man! I may come from a poor family, but I’m a rich
man now!

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Chapter 1: Landlady's Coercion
New York City, an economically prosperous first-tier city.

However, the rent in the city was suffocating.

Some of the suburbs that allowed people to travel to work within an hour became the ideal living
space for many workers.

Front Avenue, a suburb in Brooklyn. Inside Room 202 of a three-story apartment.

Samuel Walker's face was filled with anxiety as he frantically submitted his resume to the
recruitment software.

Just now, his mother called and said that his father's kidneys had worsened again. If he didn't get a
kidney transplant within three months, the death rate would be extremely high.

In the winter three years ago, his father braved the snow to search for a job in order to earn more
and provide for his education. In the end, he was hit by a car that ran a red light. The car hadn't
been found until now, and both of his father's kidneys had been damaged.

Over the past few years, his father's illness had used up almost all of his family's savings. The
price of this surgery was as high as 60,000 dollars…

"Sigh!" Samuel looked at his resume and clenched his fists in pain.

He had just graduated from university and thought that with his talent, he could make a name for

However, jobs nowadays required some work experience. Not only did he not find a suitable
company, but he also couldn't afford to pay for his living expenses next month.

Previously, he wanted to ask his mother for some living expenses, but when he heard about his
father's illness, he held himself back.

Knock, knock, knock.

The door was knocked on three times.

Who is it?

Samuel opened the door curiously. When he saw who it was, his heart skipped a beat.

Standing outside the door was the landlady of the apartment, Karen Pate.

At forty this year, she was short, fat, and had a loud voice, as if she didn't know it herself.

Her voice was often coquettish, and every time Samuel heard her disgusting voice, he couldn't
help but shiver.

"Karen, what's the matter?" After confirming the date in his heart, Samuel relaxed a little since it
wasn't time to pay the rent yet.

Without waiting for him to invite her in, she walked straight into his home.

Sitting on Samuel's bed, she sized him up from head to toe. A handsome face and a tall build. The
corners of Karen's mouth curved into a satisfied smile.

"Nothing. I'm bored at home, so I came to chat with you. You haven't found a job yet, right?"

"No. Professionals need work experience. I just graduated, so how could I have any experience?
But this can't go on if I don't have any income soon. I just submitted my resume, and I plan to
clinch a random job first." Samuel spoke out the bitterness in his heart.

"Will you do all kinds of jobs?" Karen's eyes lit up.

"Pretty much."

"Why don't you work for me?" Karen asked.

"What's the job about?" Samuel was curious. Could it be that she had other business besides
renting the apartment?

"Sit here, let's have a chat." Karen pulled him to her side and placed her hand on his thigh. She
smiled and said, "Your work is simple. You just have to serve me. Other than doing some
housework, you have to accompany me shopping, eating, and sleeping."


Seeing that Samuel didn't seem to understand, Karen concluded, "To put it simply, be my
boyfriend. I'm not stingy with the salary. I'll cover food and accommodation. You just need to
work five days a week, and I'll give you 600 dollars a month. If you satisfy me, I'll give you a

Wouldn't that make me a gigolo!?

Looking at her smiling face up close, Samuel almost spat out the food he had eaten the previous

You're about the same age as my mom, and you still want to be my girlfriend?!

"Karen, that's not appropriate. You're already married." Samuel refused politely.

Karen wasn't moved at all. Her hands searched through Samuel's clothes, and his firm chest made
her intoxicated. She said in a low voice, "That man of mine only comes back for a few days a year.
He can't wait to leave again to avoid seeing me every time."

After pausing for a while, she continued to persuade him, "Nowadays, it is very difficult for a
university graduate to find a job. You should have a deep understanding of it now, right? What you
can find are all filthy and exhausting jobs. Not only are you looked down upon by others, but your
salary is also a joke.

"How could it be as comfortable as being with me? Not only do you have money to spend, but you
also have a woman to warm your bed for you. You're a young man, it's hard to get through the
night without company, isn't it?

"If you want to marry me in the future, I'll divorce that old man. By then, you'll have half of my

Speaking up to this point, Karen pulled Samuel's hand and said with a sneer, "You must be
thinking about it at night too, right? Don't worry, I'm so wet that those young women can't
compete with me. Besides, girls nowadays are more open, so they might not be tighter than me."

Her greasy personality made Samuel sick. He quickly retracted his hand and said angrily, "Karen,
you should respect yourself."

Seeing that he spurned her, Karen's face turned cold. "What, you don't agree? Do you know that I
rented this room for 1,000 dollars to others and only charged you 600? Do you really think I'm
doing charity work? If you don't agree, I'll charge you the full rent in the future!"

Chapter 2: Supernatural Ability

A deep sense of powerlessness stifled Samuel.

It was indeed suffocating without money.

Suddenly, a piece of information appeared in his mind.

[Character: Karen Pate, 40 years old, landlady.]

[Secret: Married Andrew Dotson and gave birth to two sons, both of whom are not Andrew's
biological children. The eldest son's father was once a neighbor, Shane Warren. The second son's
father is a tenant, Rodney Best.]

Samuel's expression was dull, but his heart was in turmoil.

How did this information appear in my mind? Could it be some kind of superpower?

Is this information accurate?

His silence, in Karen's eyes, was a sign of submission. She snorted and said, "I'm helping you, so
don't be ungrateful! Start work today, okay?"

Samuel let out a long sigh. Whether the information was accurate or not, he would know after

"Do you still remember Shane Warren?" Samuel asked.

Karen's pupils shrank slightly. She frowned and questioned, "Who's that?"

"What? Have you forgotten your eldest son's father?" Samuel looked at her with a burning gaze.

Karen's expression suddenly changed. She looked at Samuel in disbelief. This happened 20 years
ago, and even her husband didn't know about it. How did this rascal know?
"What nonsense are you talking about?" Karen scolded.

Looking at her fierce reaction, Samuel was stunned. The information was apparently true! In that
case, his ability to read minds… was also real!

"I'm talking nonsense? Then, do you still remember Rodney Best?" Samuel asked again.

At this moment, Karen couldn't hold on any longer. She stood up abruptly, widened her eyes, and
shouted at him, "Just who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am. As long as you don't provoke me, I bring these secrets to my
grave. But if you don't know how to appreciate favors, then I'll tell your husband!" Samuel

Karen didn't dare to let her husband know about her past. Otherwise, not only would she leave the
household with nothing, but she might also be beaten to death.

"You… I'm telling you, you have to continue paying the rent!" Karen feared pestering Samuel
anymore. She pointed at him and said some harsh words before rushing out the door.

After Karen left, Samuel excitedly waved his fist in the air.

This mysterious ability might be his chance to counterattack!


The phone rang, interrupting Samuel's thoughts.

He lifted it and saw that it was an unknown number.

He picked up the call and heard a pleasant female voice. "Hello, is this Mr. Walker?"

"I am, and you are?"

"I'm the General Manager of Ruby Liquor Factory, Arielle Bright. I saw your resume today,
applying to be our salesperson. May I know when you can come for an interview?"

Interview information!

Samuel's heart skipped a beat. Although this ability that suddenly appeared was impressive, he
couldn't possibly write this on his resume, right? He didn't have any work experience on his
resume, so he basically wouldn't have an interview for a good job.

He might as well give it a try at the liquor factory.

Having made up his mind, Samuel hurriedly said, "I'm free today."

"Can you make it at eleven in the morning? If not, you can come in the afternoon," Arielle asked.

"No problem. Eleven is perfect."

"Alright. I'll send the interview information to your phone later. Give me a call when you're here,"
Arielle said in a friendly tone.

A few minutes after hanging up the phone, Samuel received a message from her. It contained the
address and interview information of the liquor factory.

Samuel changed into a clean set of clothes and left.

On the way, to test his new ability, Samuel's gaze landed on the pedestrians.

However, the information in his mind indicated that they had nothing to do with him.

Could it be that I can't see the secrets of strangers?

Samuel passed by a small supermarket and walked in. "Boss, give me a pack of gum please."

"Sure, that would be a dollar." A fatty took out a pack of chewing gum and placed it on the

At that moment, a message appeared in Samuel's mind.

[Character: Dale Gilbert, 42 years old, owner of Dale's Supermarket.]

[Secret 1: His car's license plate is fake.]

[Secret 2: Selling both real and fake tobacco and alcohol at the supermarket.]

Because they lived close to each other, Samuel often came to this supermarket and would chat
with the boss. From his understanding of the boss, his name and age were basically accurate. But
he never expected that this simple-looking man would actually dare to do such illegal things.

After quietly paying, Samuel had a better understanding of his supernatural ability.

If it was someone who had crossed paths with him, he would be able to see the other party's secret.
However, if it was a stranger, he wouldn't be able to see anything.

Taking a deep breath, a smile appeared on Samuel's face. If he could make good use of this ability,
earning his father's life-saving money wouldn't be a fool's dream.

Chapter 3: The Interview Begins

On the bus, Samuel searched online for information about Ruby Liquor Factory.

There was very little news about it in recent years. The information showed that the liquor factory
had been established for a long time—35 years.

As for the other sporadic news, only a few people posted on the forum.

From this information, Samuel had a rough understanding of the liquor factory. In the early years,
the liquor factory was still considered prosperous, but in recent years, it had been getting worse.
Now, it was already on the verge of bankruptcy.

"Wow, I was still wondering why the General Manager did the HR department's work. It's because
the factory is too small!" Samuel finally understood.

If it was in the past, Samuel might have turned around and left in the face of such a company.

However, fortune came from danger. For a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy, he
would be able to gain more benefits. At least in terms of commission, it would be much higher
than a developing liquor factory.

40 minutes later, Samuel appeared at the liquor factory.

After entering, Samuel took out his phone and called Arielle. However, after calling twice, no one
picked up. Samuel thought for a while and went straight to the second floor. The interview
message indicated that the interview room was Room 202.

Arriving at the door, Samuel knocked, but there was still no response.

Pushing the door open and walking in, Samuel looked around the room.

The office facilities were relatively simple. Toward the west side of the entrance was a sofa and
coffee table for guests, and there was a set of office tables and chairs facing in. Behind the table
was a bookshelf full of books, as well as some professional books on psychology and sales.

On the east wall, there was a closed door.

Just as Samuel was curious about what was behind the door, the door suddenly opened.

Then, a naked woman came out, drying her hair with a towel.

The woman was around 24 or 25 years old. She had fair skin, a well-proportioned body with long,
smooth legs, and a voluptuous figure that was even more eye-catching.

This was the first time Samuel had witnessed such a scene in his life. He was momentarily

The woman also noticed something strange. She looked up and saw Samuel with his eyes wide
open. Her heart skipped a beat.

"S-Sorry, sorry. I'll head out first," said Samuel hurriedly.

"Stop right there!" Just as he was about to leave, the woman yelled, without caring about exposing
her body. She quickly scuttled toward the door, closed it, and even locked it, pulling out the key in
a swift series of motions. Only then did she glare at Samuel and berate. "Want to escape? Don't
even try. Where do you think your lowly eyes are looking? Turn around!"

What the heck, what's the meaning of closing the door at this moment?

Although Samuel was puzzled, he still turned his head over.

The sound of rustling clothes was as if a cat was tickling his heart.

"Don't turn back, or I'll teach you a lesson!" The woman reminded him "promptly".

"Don't worry, I won't turn back," Samuel said.

"I don't think you dare to, either!" the woman said coldly.

At that moment, a message appeared in Samuel's mind.

[Character: Arielle Bright, 24 years old, General Manager of Ruby Liquor Factory.]

[Secret 1: The financial chain of the liquor factory has broken down and the company is about to
shut down. However, in order to calm the employees' hearts, they lied about finding a big client
and that business is about to soar.]

[Secret 2: She's dissatisfied with the marriage her family arranged for her. She has a two-year
agreement with her family that if the liquor factory fails to develop within this period, she must
obey their arrangements. There are still three months left.]

After digesting Arielle's details, Samuel couldn't help being stunned. Her situation wasn't much
better than his.

The sound of clothes being put on behind him had already stopped, and a cold laugh could be
heard. "You sure are brave to sneak into the factory to peek at me taking a shower. I've already
locked the door, so you won't be able to run out. Before the police arrive, can you answer a
question? How many times have you peeked?"

What? I…

Samuel finally knew why Arielle locked the door. She was treating him as a peeping Tom!

He turned around and looked at her just as she was about to dial the number. He explained at once,
"Ms. Bright, you misunderstood me. I didn't peek. You called me this morning and asked me to
come for the interview. When I got there, I called you but couldn't get through. So, I came to
Room 202 as you asked. No one answered when I knocked on the door. I thought no one was

Arielle's expression was extremely interesting.

She thought she had caught a peeping Tom, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding. When she
thought about how she dashed to close the door, Arielle wanted to strangle her embarrassed self to
death! She actually let him see her entire body.

This brat is despicable as well. We agreed to meet at 11 o'clock, so why did he come at 10 o'clock

If word got out that I was seen naked by an employee, where would I put my face? No, I must not
let this rascal pass the interview. I must send him away!

At this thought, Arielle took a deep breath and suppressed the embarrassment in her heart.
Pretending to be calm, she said, "It's not your fault, then. Forget it, let's sit down and start the

Chapter 4: Convincing the Boss Lady

"Thank you, Ms. Bright." Samuel thanked Arielle and sat opposite her.

Arielle pretended to look at his resume and acted surprised. "I see. You just graduated half a
month ago."

"Yes, didn't you notice it before, Ms. Bright?" Samuel's heart skipped a beat.

"I honestly didn't pay attention to it. I thought that you were experienced and simply wanted to
job-hop." Arielle regretfully said, "I'm sorry, but our liquor factory is currently in a crucial stage of
development. We need experienced workers, the kind that can fit in the job right away. Here's ten
dollars to reimburse your cab fare. Please leave."

Work experience? What's with this standard response again!

Now that he possessed unimaginable abilities, Samuel's mental state was also very different from

Arielle wanted to chase him away on purpose, how could he not realize it?

Sitting calmly, Samuel said with a smile, "Ms. Bright, although I just graduated, that doesn't mean
I'm not capable. I have studied our liquor factory. I think I can do this job."

Arielle didn't expect that this young man would actually take the initiative to fight for an
opportunity. She couldn't help thinking highly of Samuel. Without batting an eyelid, she
questioned, "You think you're qualified? What's the reason?"

"I know about the business situation of our liquor factory. We can't see our products on the market.
The factory urgently needs to sell our liquor. Otherwise, our income will be lower than our
expenditures. It's only a matter of time before we go bankrupt."

Arielle nodded indiscernibly. The current situation of the liquor factory was indeed urgent, but she
still had a deep prejudice against Samuel, so she immediately pointed out the loophole. "Every
liquor factory urgently needs to sell their liquor."

Samuel didn't panic as he replied, "Ms. Bright, allow me to be blunt. Our liquor factory has almost
zero reputation. Compared to the big liquor factories, we're neither famous nor reputable, so it is
very challenging to promote ourselves. If the salespersons are experienced and capable, will they
even choose our liquor factory over the big players? Or can you offer a high salary that no one can

"Those salespersons with experience but no ability have failed to achieve anything in the big
liquor factories, so what makes you believe they can sell our liquor?"

Hearing Samuel's words, Arielle's heart couldn't help but sink. What he said was the truth. This
small liquor factory was like an average-looking older woman who no man wanted. Those great
salespersons looked down on her, while she despised those inexperienced salespersons.

Just as she was about to say something, Samuel continued, "As for me, I don't want the basic
salary. I just want the sales commission. It's good for our liquor factory if I can sell the liquor. If I
can't sell it, the company won't lose anything. Ms. Bright, won't you consider it?"

Arielle was indeed tempted.

In the liquor factory's current situation, the employees' salary was a huge sum, and Arielle had no
reason to reject an employee that didn't require any basic pay. Even if this rascal had seen her
naked, she could observe him for a period of time. If his performance wasn't good within a month,
his contract could just be terminated.
"As long as it's only commission, then fine. Your salary will be set at eight percent of your sales
commission. How about that?" Arielle asked.

"The employees that are paid a basic salary at the big liquor factories earn a commission of around
seven percent. Putting aside the size of our liquor factory, do you think this is appropriate?"
Samuel asked.

Displeased, Arielle asked, "How much do you want, then?"

"Twenty percent," Samuel said firmly.

Arielle slammed the table. "What kind of…"

Before the word "joke" was out, Samuel interrupted her. "I promise to sell at least 5,000 boxes in
the first month!"

Arielle's anger came and went faster than she could blink. Her tone became gentler as she looked
at him suspiciously. "5,000 boxes?"

"Yes, minimally." Samuel nodded. "If I don't meet the requirements, I don't need the month's basic
salary. Please add this clause into the contract."

Arielle calculated quickly.

A twenty percent commission was considered quite high. However, if they sold at least 5,000
boxes of liquor, not only could they clean up their inventory, but the profits could also allow the
company to operate smoothly.

After a long while, Arielle said, "Fifteen percent. This is the maximum that the company can give.
If you don't agree, then there's no other way."

Samuel knew that any commission rate that exceeded ten percent was decent. If it could reach
fifteen percent, it would be a very high percentage in the industry.

"Alright, I agree." Samuel agreed.

"When can you start work?" Arielle asked.

"Today." Since there was nothing else to do, Samuel didn't wish to delay any further.

"Sure, let's sign the contract. Afterward, I'll bring you around the factory to understand the
company." Arielle quickly made a decision and added, "Right, if the sales volume falls below
5,000 in the first month… No, 500 boxes, I will fire you."
"No problem," Samuel said nonchalantly.

The contract was drawn up very quickly. Arielle wrote the rules that the two of them had discussed
in the contract. After printing it out, both parties signed and stamped the contract, and the contract
was signed successfully.

Next, Arielle brought Samuel to meet his colleagues.

Due to the liquor factory's small size, only the Finance Executive had any interactions with
Arielle. As for the other departments, they simply reported to her, and that was about all.

Room 206 was the finance room. After knocking on the door, Arielle opened the door and brought
Samuel in.

"Megan, let me introduce you to our new colleague, Samuel Walker. He's currently in charge of
selling liquor. Samuel, this is our Finance Executive, Megan Pierce," Arielle introduced.

"Oh, it's you." Samuel's heart skipped a beat when he saw her.

Chapter 5: A Small Demonstration of One's Skills

He knew Megan. She was his classmate in university and was also the school belle. She had many

However, as Samuel's family background was pretty average, he felt inferior and rarely spoke to
the goddess-like Megan. He would usually only sneak a few glances at her. Unexpectedly, the two
of them coincidentally became colleagues at the same liquor factory.

At that moment, a piece of information surged into Samuel's mind.

[Character: Megan Pierce, 23 years old, Finance Executive at Ruby Liquor Factory.]

[Secret 1: A gold digger who wishes to lead the life of a rich person.]

[Secret 2: She has four boyfriends at once, and is currently figuring out their true financial assets.
She's making a choice in progress.]

[Secret 3: She's a virgin.]

After receiving the messages, Samuel was speechless. This woman's thoughts were unscrupulous
yet smart, and dirty yet pure. What a contradiction.

When Megan saw him, a hint of surprise flashed across her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by
She was well aware of the liquor factory's situation. What kind of future could a man have
working in such a place? What a waste of his good looks.

She nodded slightly and said in an official tone, "What a coincidence. I'm looking forward to
seeing your results in the company."

"You two know each other?" Arielle asked curiously.

Sensing Megan's coldness, Samuel didn't want to befriend her. He explained to Arielle, "We were
university classmates. I didn't expect to meet her here. Ms. Bright, please bring me to see our

The liquor factory didn't have many employees, with only up to 15 people in the entire company.

Although the liquor factory wasn't big, the liquor's quality was definitely top-notch at the same
price. Samuel was extremely satisfied with them.

After understanding the company's products, Samuel didn't stay in the factory any longer. He
chose four different bottles of liquor and placed them in his bag. After bidding Arielle goodbye, he
walked out of the factory.

Arielle stood in her office and looked out the window as Samuel walked out. Her feelings were
extremely complicated.

This young man gave her an unfathomable feeling.

He has no working experience, but his mentality, confidence, logic, and eloquence are all mature
beyond his age.

He seems to be a rare talent.

If he really is a genius, then why is he willing to lower himself to come to this small liquor
factory? Could it be that he's a swindler and only came to cheat us of four bottles of liquor? Will
he never show up again?

At that moment, Arielle started to worry.

You've seen me naked. If you're really a swindler, I'll teach you a lesson!

Arielle clenched her fists as she threatened him.

Samuel left the liquor factory and started thinking about his next step.

Because he saw something he shouldn't have seen, and he knew clearly that Arielle wanted to
drive him away. If he wanted to gain a foothold in the liquor factory, he could only use his
performance to speak for himself.

He believed that everyone had their own secrets. If he could make use of the other party's
weakness, there was a high chance of winning negotiations.

The places that could promote liquor in bulk were mainly supermarkets and stores, followed by
some company purchases as company gifts. Of course, using e-commerce platforms was also a
popular sales method.

There were many ways, but the path had to be taken one step at a time.

Samuel considered for a moment before deciding to aim his first target at the large supermarket.

New York City had dozens of large supermarkets. If his liquor could be sold in the supermarkets
as the main brand, the sales would definitely skyrocket.

Soon, Samuel chose the first supermarket—Carrefour, on Hamilton Street.

This supermarket was in an excellent location. It was convenient for transportation and had many
parking spaces. There were many neighborhoods around as well.

The products' types were varied and the area was big enough.

With business booming all year round, it was one of the top supermarkets of all suppliers.

After choosing a supermarket, Samuel searched for the procurement department's phone number
online. These contact details were basically public. In a few minutes, he found a landline number.

He dialed the number and the phone rang a few times, before hearing a calm voice, "Hello."

"Hi, there. Am I speaking to Mr. Stone, Manager of Carrefour on Hamilton Street?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, I am. May I know who I am speaking to?" Jacob Stone asked curiously.

"I'm Samuel Walker from Ruby Liquor Factory. I would like to visit you today to discuss a huge
business deal. May I know if you have the time, Mr. Stone?" Samuel asked politely.

Ruby Liquor Factory?

Jacob found this place familiar. It seemed to be a small liquor factory.

However, when Samuel mentioned "a huge business deal", he didn't decline straightaway. He
smiled and said, "Alright. I'll be at the supermarket in the afternoon. Come over when you have

"Alright. I'll visit you at two in the afternoon." Samuel fixed a time and hung up after saying a few
polite words.

He took the bus to the supermarket and found a fast-food restaurant to have lunch. After resting
for a while and seeing that it was about time, he walked towards the supermarket.

The office of the procurement department was outside the supermarket and around the corner.
Samuel knocked on the door.

"Come in." Jacob's voice sounded.

Pushing the door open and entering, Samuel saw a middle-aged man with a bright forehead sitting
on a chair, sizing him up curiously.

At this moment, a piece of information appeared in Samuel's mind.

[Character: Jacob Stone, 45 years old, Purchasing Manager of Carrefour on Hamilton Street.]

[Secret 1: Having an affair with the boss's wife, leaving room records in several hotels. The details
are as follows…]

[Secret 2: Secretly keeps the rebates from the suppliers, and transfers them to his mother-in-law,
Margaret Cramer's bank account. The exact amount of rebates is as follows…]

Quickly digesting these pieces of information, Samuel was greatly relieved.

Just as he had guessed, everyone had their own secrets. Most of these secrets were the other
party's weaknesses.

With a calm expression, Samuel didn't wait for the other party's question and went straight to the
point. "Hello, Mr. Stone. I'm Samuel Walker from Ruby Liquor Factory. We've arranged to meet at
two o'clock. Do you have any impression of me?"

"Oh, you're Mr. Walker. Please take a seat."

Jacob glanced at Samuel with some contempt. Clothes made the man. Samuel's cheap clothes
indeed did not qualify him to be looked up to.
However, Jacob proceeded to pour a cup of water for him. He examined Samuel a few times
before asking, "You said on the phone that you have a huge business deal to discuss with me.
What kind of business do you propose?"

Chapter 6: A Long-Lasting Business

Samuel opened his bag and took out four kinds of liquors before placing them on the table. "Mr.
Stone, these are our products. They're of high quality. I've brought four of the most popular ones
over, and I hope to work with Carrefour."

"What's the price?" Jacob asked.

"All our liquors are brewed with pure grain and high-quality sorghum. The main ingredient of a
quality liquor is sorghum, I'm sure you know about this, Mr. Stone. The purchase price for these
two liquors is 23 dollars per box for the 53 degrees, and 21 dollars per box for the 43 degrees.
These two liquors are the refined version that has been stored in the cellar for a year. The purchase
price of the 53 degrees is 30 dollars per box, and 28 dollars for 43 degrees.

"Liquor of this quality is very good value for money, and there's a lot of profit for retail sales. You
can taste it." As Samuel spoke, he opened the four bottles' caps, took out four cups from his bag,
and poured some liquor into each of them.

Jacob had been purchasing liquor all year round, and he loved drinking it. Naturally, he was a
knowledgeable person in the field. From the fragrance and purity of the liquor, he had determined
that it was indeed of high quality for the price.

But none of that mattered.

What was important was what benefits he could gain from the deal.

He immediately put on a troubled expression and said, "Mr. Walker, your liquor basically has no
advantage. Although the quality is pretty good, the price isn't low enough. Most importantly, your
liquor factory doesn't have any branding nor reputation. If the customers don't recognize your
brand, it'll be even more difficult to promote it. At the same price, I'm mainly promoting liquor
from major brands, so the sales will definitely be pretty good. If there's no other advantage,
forgive me for not being able to purchase it."

Samuel knew that this was Jacob's way of seeking some benefits for himself.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Stone, we can give you five percent."

Jacob's face immediately turned ashen. He waved his hand and said, "We only want to purchase
products that are suitable for our supermarkets. We don't want to mess around with dishonest
practices. Please leave, I won't be sending you off."
Samuel wasn't surprised by his reaction.

From Samuel's secret "intelligence", he knew that Jacob had received a lot of rebates from other
companies, so he was naturally not an upright person.

The rebate Samuel offered was just too low for his liking.

Only large brands would provide a rebate of two to ten percent, while small and medium brands
would give a rebate of ten to thirty percent.

And the authority Arielle gave Samuel was at most ten percent for the purchaser.

However, to Samuel, if he really wanted to close this deal, there was no need to give a rebate.

But then again, if there was a candied date on the stick, wouldn't the other party be more obliged
to accept?

"Mr. Stone…"

"Get out!" Jacob glared at him righteously.

Samuel tightened the cap of the bottle and pretended to pack up his things. He said casually, "Mr.
Stone is a person of justice. However, I heard that a certain person in the purchasing department
receives a seven-percent rebate from Mega Fresh Vegetables, fifteen percent from Daisy Cooking
Oil, ten percent from Knockout Liquor Factory, and fifteen percent from Lemony Lemon… All of
this money has been transferred to that person's mother-in-law, Mrs. Cramer. Do you think this
information is true, Mr. Stone?"

Jacob felt a chill run down his spine, and the back of his shirt instantly became drenched. He
looked at him with fear and panic.

If Samuel had only mentioned the rebates of one company, he might have laughed and thought
nothing of it. It was very likely that some supplier and Samuel were friends.

But now, he had actually revealed the names of all the suppliers that provided rebates. He even
knew his mother-in-law's last name. This was a little too scary.

Once this matter was exposed, not only would Jacob lose his job, but he might also be imprisoned
for a few years.

After all, he had been in the market for many years and had gone through thick and thin. Jacob's
heart was in turmoil, but he still refused to admit it. "Oh? Why haven't I heard about it before?"

Samuel said calmly, "Let's not talk about last year. Let's talk about this year. On the 20th of
January, Joy Hotel. In February, on the 13th, 16th, and 27th, Oasis View Hotel. In March, on the
18th and 29th, Eclipse Hotel… The day before yesterday… Vienna Hotel. What do you think will
happen if I tell your boss, Mr. Buckley, about the hotel records and rebates?"

Despite Jacob's excellent mental fortitude, he sat on the chair with sweat dripping down his

He knew better than anyone what he had done. The person who had booked the room with him
was his boss's wife! If his boss heard about this, whether he was dead or alive was another matter.

"Who the hell are you?!" Jacob asked hoarsely, breathing heavily.

"Samuel Walker from Ruby Liquor Factory." A clean smile appeared on Samuel's face. "Mr.
Stone, can we continue our discussion? I would love to have a long-lasting working relationship
with you."


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