Professional Development Grant Proposal

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Professional Development Grant Proposal

Jadyn Campbell

Kierra Collins

Ashley Frank

Tammy Murray

FRIT 7232: Visionary Leadership in Instructional Technology

Dr. Charles B. Hodges

Fall 2021

Table of Contents

I. Abstract

II. Proposal Text

A. Demonstrated Need

B. Goals & Objectives

C. Plan of Operation

III. Evaluation Plan

IV. Budget

V. References

VI. Appendices

A. Appendix A

B. Appendix B

C. Appendix C

I. Abstract

Nameless Elementary School is a Title I school in the Bibb County School District seeking a

grant to provide Padlet training for the 49 certified teachers and/or staff. The Bibb County

School District develops a highly trained staff and an engaged community dedicated

to educating each student for a 21st century global society (BCSD, 2021). The purpose of

professional development is to improve the knowledge and skills of employees to facilitate

individual, school wide, and district wide improvements for the overall goal of increasing student

achievement (BCSD, 2021).

The goal of this grant proposal is to ensure that teachers have the essential tools to prepare

lessons, provide an interactive learning practice for the students and parental engagement. The

goal of this professional development is to have all teachers trained in creating and implementing

lessons using Padlet. Analysis of data reflected that teachers were unfamiliar with the tool.

Therefore, the certified teachers will attend two, mandatory professional development workshops

in October 2021 and January 2022 during staff planning days. There will be a third training that

is optional for those that need additional support in January 2022. The expected outcome of the

professional development will be for all teachers to engage students more effectively using

Padlet than the traditional approaches.


II. Proposal Text

A. Demonstrated Need

Two questionnaires were created using Google Forms, and a link was sent to all certified

teachers and/or staff at Nameless Elementary School via email. The first Google form asked

teachers if they were given an option, which professional development learning they would

prefer to attend. 42.1% surveyed expressed support for keeping students engaged in technology.

The options given were keeping students engaged in technology, choosing technology to align

with standards, and differentiation using technology. The results of the survey can be found in

Appendix A. The second Google Form asked two questions, “Which Web 2.0 tool do you feel

you need the most support with?” and “How comfortable are you with using this platform?” The

cloud-based platforms listed on the Google Form have been purchased within this school district,

and made available to all staff during the 2020-2021 school year for student and parent

engagement. After analyzing the data, it revealed that teachers desire training using Padlet, see

Appendix B.

B. Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: By the end of the 2021-2022 school year, 100% of teachers will be provided training

using Padlet as a communication tool for teachers, parents, and students to support student

engagement with technology.

Objective: Teacher will gain understanding of the components and features of Padlet.

Goal 2: By the end of the 2021-2022 school year, 100% of teachers will implement Padlet by

using it as a curation tool to support student engagement with technology as an introduction to


Objective: Teachers will practice how to create and implement lessons using Padlet.

Goal 3: By the end of the 2021-2022 school year, 100% of teachers will be able to incorporate

the use of Padlet for discussion boards during lessons to support student engagement with


Objective: Administration will measure this goal throughout the year using the Padlet

links the teachers provide within the lesson plans and during observations.

C. Plan of Operation

Session Timeline Activity Goals

PD # 1 (Mandatory)

Pre-K - 2nd grade October 18, Icebreaker: Trainees will Goal 1: By the
8:00 - 11:00 2021 complete a padlet that asks a end of the
trivia question. Trainees that 2021-2022 school
Lunch Break get the answer correct will year, 100% of
11:00-1:00 have their name placed in a teachers will be
jar. 3 names will be drawn to provided training
3rd Grade - 5th earn an icebreaker prize. using Padlet as a
Grade Session: communication
1:00-4:00 -Trainer will give a brief tool for teachers,
introduction of Padlet and parents, and
show teachers how to create students to
a padlet. During the brief support student
introduction, the trainer will engagement with
also review the article technology.
“Using Padlet to Increase
Student Engagement”. Goal 2: By the
Teachers will then break into end of the
their grade level group to 2021-2022 school
create a Padlet based on a year, 100% of
given topic. teachers will
-Trainer will call the group implement Padlet
back together to clarify any by using it as a
confusion about creating a curation tool to
padlet. support student
-Trainer will then provide engagement with
examples of how students technology as an
can use Padlet as a curation introduction to
tool during a project, or padlet.
throughout the year. Teachers
will then discuss how to use

this as a curation tool for a

given standard for their grade
- During this time any final
questions will be answered.
-Door prizes

PD # 2 (Mandatory)

Pre-K - 2nd grade January 5, 2022 -Icebreaker: The trainer will Goal 1: By the
8:00 - 11:00 create a Kahoot game with end of the
review questions over the 2021-2022 school
Lunch Break padlet. Winners of the year, 100% of
11:00-1:00 Kahoot game will receive an teachers will be
icebreaker prize. provided training
3rd Grade - 5th -The trainer will complete using Padlet as a
Grade review slides over the padlet communication
1:00-4:00 and what was taught in the tool for teachers,
previous session. parents, and
-The trainer will introduce students to
teachers to how a padlet can support student
be used as a communication engagement with
tool. The trainer will show technology.
teachers how to set up their
padlet as a tool for teachers, Goal 3: By the
students, and parents. end of the
-The trainer will give 2021-2022 school
teachers 20-30 minutes to year, 100% of
practice using the padlet as a teachers will be
communication tool. able to
-The trainer will call the incorporate the
teachers back to the whole use of Padlet for
group. The trainer will then discussion boards
discuss with teachers how to during lessons to
use Padlet as a discussion support student
board during instruction. engagement with
-Teachers will break out into technology.
small groups to practice
using Padlet as a discussion
-Teachers will complete a
survey rating their
experience in the training.

PD #3 (Optional)

All grade levels will January 18, 2022 Icebreaker: The trainer will All goals
participate together. host a booklet game over revisited.
This will be a booster padlet for teachers to
session. complete. The winners of
this game will receive a
8:00 - 10:00 prize.
-The trainer will review
strategies for teachers to
implement goal 1 in the
-The trainer will review
strategies to implement goal
2 in the classroom.
-The trainer will review
strategies to implement goal
3 in the classroom.
-Teachers will have a chance
to ask questions and practice
using any of the strategies
during a 30 minute practice
-The trainer will call
everyone back to the whole
group. This will be a time for
teachers to ask any questions
that they have regarding the

III. Evaluation Plan

Goal Evaluation Person(s)


Goal 1: By the end of the The trainer will send out a survey -Teachers involved
2021-2022 school year, 100% of to the teachers involved in the in professional
teachers will be provided training training. The survey will ask the learning
using Padlet as a communication teachers to rate their level of
tool for teachers, parents, and understanding based on the
students to support student training. This survey will also ask
engagement with technology. how Padlet has helped to build
student engagement and
discussion in lessons (see
Appendix C).

Kirkpatrick’s Level of
Evaluation: Level 1, Level 2, and
Level 4

Goal 2: By the end of the Throughout the school year -Administrators

2021-2022 school year, 100% of administrators and the Padlet -Padlet Trainer
teachers will implement Padlet by session trainer will complete
using it as a curation tool to multiple walkthroughs looking for
support student engagement with evidence of Padlet use.
technology as an introduction to
padlet. Kirkpatrick’s Level of
Evaluation: Level 3

Goal 3: By the end of the Throughout the school year -Administrators

2021-2022 school year, 100% of administrators and the Padlet -Padlet Trainer
teachers will be able to incorporate session trainer will complete -Students
the use of Padlet for discussion multiple walkthroughs looking for -Teacher
boards during lessons to support evidence of Padlet use.
student engagement with
technology. Students will complete a Padlet
describing their experience using
Padlet in the classroom.

Kirkpatrick’s Level of
Evaluation: Level 3 and Level 4

IV. Budget

Laptops and Padlet is already accessible to all teachers by the Bibb County School District so

there is no cost associated. The costs affiliated with the Padlet professional development are the

materials and supplies. Those funds will be pulled and reported under the accounting source,

General Funds (100).

Item Justification Price

Padlet instructor The instructor will be School Library $0

Media Specialist or the Academic
Coach that is employed at Nameless
Elementary School.

Substitutes There will not be a need for $0

substitutes since the PD will take
place on staff planning days.

Materials and Supplies: The school will print the slideshow $50
Slideshow handouts handouts before the session. The
Pens school will also supply pens,
Highlighters highlighters, and door prizes.
Door Prizes/Ice breaker

Food and Beverages: The PTA will provide coffee, water, $0

Snacks pastries, chips, nuts, napkins, plates,
Beverages and cups at no cost for all sessions.

Total Budget $50


V. References

Archived: Comprehensive needs assessment (PDF). Comprehensive Needs Assessment. (2001).

Bibb County School District-Office of Professional Learning. (2021, July). 2021-2022 1st

semester professional learning course catalog.









Clark, D. (2015). Kirkpatrick's four level evaluation model. Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Evaluation

Model in Instructional Design.


UHR, Employee Development. (n.d.). S.M.A.R.T Goals. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from


Using Padlet to Increase Student Engagement. (n.d.). For Educators of Cattaraugus and Allegany

Counties. Retrieved October 15, 2021, from


VI. Appendices

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

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