The Factors of Working Students Time Management Its Implication To Academic Outcomes and Individual Performance in ACADEMIA GLOBAL SYSTEM COLLEGES CEBU CITY

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(The Factors of working students time management its Implication to academic

outcomes and individual performance in ACADEMIA GLOBAL SYSTEM COLLEGES


Academia System Global Colleges, Cebu City


Group 3

Paulyn L. Sabarre

Jasel Cabaluna

Joel Perez

Sandra Jelua Francisco

Hannz Aiyfer Tirol

Nilda Sanchez

Kathleen Mae Larbo

February 2023
Rationale of the Study

Time management is one of the difficulties a working student could

encounter specially on getting high remarks on every subject. However focusing
on self- management is a key to manage your time. To focus on task or task that
you can accomplish on a specific hour and example, that helps you be more
productive and to manage on every goal that you want to achieve like to be an
efficient working student. It’s not eat to manage your time as a working student
but when you focus on what goal you want to achieve all of your problem will be
solved like your tuition fee, and your daily allowance in school.

Working while studying is struggle but as you can see some people are
determined to have a degree. But the hard thing of being an working student is to
many workload to that may give pressure to the students and not be able to take
a time to rest that may cause of stress and tiredness in school. In regards with
financial problems, it will bring impact to the both mental and physical health.
Money is important in the whole world today. However the problem is that some
people have lots of it, and most people have less than enough. Especially most of
the students are facing financial crisis because of the pandemic. They do not
know how to manage their budget and they will use their money without any
awareness and facing problem such as not enough money to buy what they need.
For example, they bought a phone, laptop, or computer for their online class they
attend. One of the disadvantages of working while studying is that students
sacrifices their time for their studies. Working student has less time to study their
lesson. Classes which require extensive reading and writing are affected; they can
be always late for their classes. One of the negative impacts on working while
studying is the students’ performance in school. Working than 20 hours a week is
a negative impact on students’ grades, whether the employment is on campus or
off. Students who work 20 hours or less on campus or off, report roughly similar
grades as do students who do not work at all. Some traditional-age student may
use employment as a way to explore career options or earn spending money.
Working students are trying to meet multiple demands and roles of a student and
at the same time, an employee. This creates high level of stress and anxiety
making them vulnerable to sickness and failure in pursuing their student life.
Balancing school work and social life while couple with the newly found freedom
of living away from home is often formidable challenge. The purpose of this
research is to look into the problems of the time management and working
students encountered and its effects on their academic performance so the action
plan that aims to help them may be formulated.
Theoretical Background

This study makes use of the Moral responsibility Theory of P.F Stawson,
Sociobiology. Theory of Edward Wilson, and the Existential Theory by Soren
Kierke gaard and Friedrich Nietzsche.

The moral responsibility theory of P.F. Strawson published in 1962 presents

the consequences of each action in the pros and cons result. It can be defined
philosophy as the status of morally worthy praise, reward, blame, or punishment
for an act performed or neglected by one’s moral obligations accompanied by the
three essential elements: accountability, freedom, and result that can be either
praise worthy or blame worthy.

This theory shapes the pros and cons of the life experiences of working
students. As indicated by watts and Pickering (2000). Working part-time and
studying full-time employment as a necessity to survive in the contemporary
higher education sphere. However, the student might experience under pressure
due to demands in academic such as completing the tasks in the given time and
instability regarding with financial. The work plus studies make these hardworking
students sleep deprived, and sleep deprivation increases the risk factors of
insomnia and damage to brain function. Working students exposed to excessive
world load despite the satisfactory salary will have bad effects on health and well-
being in the long run.
Lastly, this research will use the Existential Theory which is a branch of
philosophy that focuses on the meaning of life. Existential Theory (Also referred
to as Existentialism, Merriam 1828) can be taken as a philosophical theory which
means that someone’s development depends on their choice and which
emphasizes that everyone is free and responsible. It is the view of humans that
define their meaning in life and try to make rational decisions despite existing in
an irrational universe.

The Existential Theory is categorized into two perspectives; first a religious

perspective which states that human’s free will is affected by their beliefs.

Second, a psychological perspective which state that everyone has their different
mind and will, whatever the decide is through their own. To relate in this study,
working students possess legal rights and own action which corresponds to their
will. Existential Theory will aid in further understanding of the instances such as
students might even stop studying to continue working or starting studying to
stop working and even or commonly do both simultaneously. Existential has a
certain thing to focus in terms of a human will and supports the factors that affect
the working students’ choices and perspective.
Conceptual Framework

Working Students Time Management


1. In being a working student Survey Questionnaire
what can you say about the
new challenges with online Analysis
classes and increasing Statistical Tool
financial pressure?
2. How do you manage your
time as working student?

3. How hard to be a working


4. How about your financial

problem as a working

5. Being a working student how

tried and how do you
manage your school activities
and working time?
Opening Statement

Good day everyone, we are here In front to represent our research study
entitled The Factors of Working Students Time Management Its implication to
Academic outcomes and Individual Performance in Academia System Global
Colleges Cebu City. To begin our topic we’d like to talk about what is time
management? The life of a working students’ needs time management because it
is not very important. One of the key to get high grade is when you have an
enough time in doing your school activities by means of that you school activities
will have a good outcome, time management is the key.


The management is an immense distinction between web-based and

format education administratively and academically. There was the type of
learning opportunities in formal education that integrates a clarification of
everything (Nieuwoudt & Brickhill, 2017). Teachers in this system are in front of
students and they can ask anything regardless of any hesitation or delay.
However, distance learning students have no such type of academic environment
as compared to formal learners. The presence of physical distance is evidently
reported between teacher and students in online learning (Ahmad & ch, 2017).
Thereby it is more complex for managing time and gaining high scores in distance
education. Web-based students explore and learn online that just integrates
incomplete data and the rest is their business for thinking about and examine
further. It is an art for managing time and every learner must command and
familiar on this skill for the sake of betterment (Broadbent, 2017). They
experience in domestic as well as academic world because of this incompetence.
In this regard, majority of learner’s experience issues such as errand vulnerability
and repugnance, so they commence for stalling their time administrative skills.
This study is based on existentialism philosophy, which is learned centered and
offers direction to students about their study. Learners are self-responsible of
their academics as they just seek guidance from their teachers, but take decisions
as well as manage all activities themselves. This study is relied on pickle jar
theory, which is the modern and relevant theory of time management (Sharma&
would, 2007). This theory shows that human beings should construct balance
among activities and things while integrating time management techniques
effectively. The success of students is determined through effective utilization of
time at each phase in distance learning institutions and regular system.


Good time management helps us maintain control in life. When you have
control of your time, you feel more in control of your life having control your life
gives you power, freedom and time management help you maintain this control.
Effective time management skills can have positive impact on your work and life
in general. When you learn to take control of your time on a daily basis, you
improve your ability to get things done, make better decisions and most
importantly, gain ultimate control of your key priorities.

The final point about time management is the concept of balance. The most
important thing that you can instill in your life is balance and moderation. By
practicing the methods, ideas, and techniques you will become a master time
manager and have more time for your family and your personal life. However,
when students work, they receive practical skills which are impossible to get while
studying. So, it may be concluded that working while studying is one of the ways
to become a successful if students will be able to use knowledge got in different
fields properly. Therefore I conclude, studying while working is the best
experience you’ll have.
Statement of the problem

This study focuses on the problems encountered by working student of the

Academia Global System Colleges Cebu City Campus and its effect on their
academic performance as basis for a proposed action plan.

Particularly, this study attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What are the problems encountered by working students?

2. What are its effects on their academic performance?

3. Is there significant difference in the degree of seriousness of the problem

met between male and female working students?
Significance of the study

This study is significant and will be beneficial to the following; working

students, motive them to manage their responsibilities towards on school
and work so that their academic performance will not be affected in favor
of their work or vice-versa.

Student - This study will gave the regular students an idea on how
important education is. This will motive them to be more focused on their

Parents- This study will give the parents idea on the problems working
students have encountered. This motive them to become more supportive
and more understanding towards their children.

School Administrators- Will benefit from the results of the study by

applying the proposed action plan which will help minimize drop outs
among working students.

Teachers- This study will give teachers an idea on the problems

encountered by working students. They will understand them better.

Future Researchers- The future researchers will benefit from the study
because this will serve as their source and guide for future studies.
Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study focused in determining the problems met by working students

upon coping their academic tasks. Furthermore, this would also determine the
priorities, financial stability, and time management of working students.
Definitions of terms

Action Plan is a devised to intervene to a problem being assessed.

Problems Encountered the hindrance and obstacle the working students

met what would affect their academic performance.

Working Students who are working while studying either outside or inside
the campus.

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