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Name No.

A. Look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.

1. Yesterday Paul____________ ill in bed. He ______________at school.

2. The twins____________ at the cinema. They____________ at home.
3. Mary____________ at the school library. She____________ in the playground.
4. Last month my parents and I___________ in Paris. We___________ in London.

B. Read and match.

Was Mary at the school library? Yes, they were.
Were the books interesting? No, he wasn’t.
Were you with Julie? Yes, she was.
Was Paul at school yesterday? Yes, it was.
Was the film good? No, I wasn’t.

C. Answer these questions about yourself.

1. Where were you born?
2. When were you born?
3. Where were you last night?
4. Was your family at home last weekend?
5. Were you at school yesterday?

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