Interview Skills 1

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Interview Skills

Interview Skills

Interviewer Candidate

What type of candidate does an interviewer look for ?

Interview Skills

Interviewer's Boss

Interviewer Candidate

What type of candidate does an interviewer look for ?

Interview Skills

Interviewer's Boss

Ideal Employee

Interviewer Candidate

What type of candidate does an interviewer look for ?

Interview Skills

Interviewer's Boss

Ideal Employee

Interviewer Candidate

What type of candidate does an interviewer look for ?

Interview Skills

Desirable Candidate has to project

herself or himself as possessing
Interviewer's Boss QUALITIES of an ideal employee
or should display that she or he is
Ideal Employee TRAINABLE to become an ideal

Interviewer Candidate

What type of candidate does an interviewer look for ?

Interview Skills

Desirable Candidate has to project

herself or himself as possessing
Interviewer's Boss QUALITIES of an ideal employee
or should display that she or he is
Ideal Employee TRAINABLE to become an ideal

Interviewer Candidate

What type of candidate does an interviewer look for ?

Defination of an ideal employee is based on the Organization and the Job Profile of the employee or
Simply put THE REQUIREMENT. One type of an employee may fit in the requirement of one job
profile but may not be the right fit for another job profile within the same organization!
Interview Skills

Desirable Candidate has to project

herself or himself as possessing
Interviewer's Boss QUALITIES of an ideal employee
or should display that she or he is
Ideal Employee TRAINABLE to become an ideal

Understand the
requirement of
1. The job Profile
2. The organization
Interviewer Candidate

What type of candidate does an interviewer look for ?

Defination of an ideal employee is based on the Organization and the Job Profile of the employee or
Simply put THE REQUIREMENT. One type of an employee may fit in the requirement of one job
profile but may not be the right fit for another job profile within the same organization!
Interview Skills


Eligibility Suitability
Interview Skills


Eligibility Suitability

Parameters for applying for

the job and may include
Educational Qualifications
Work Experiences etc
Interview Skills


Eligibility Suitability

Mandatory filters for applying Having the necessary

for the job and may include QUALITIES needed for
Age fulfilling the roles and
Educational Qualifications responsibilities optimally as
Work Experiences etc governed by the Job Profile
in the said organization
Interview Skills


Eligibility Suitability

Mandatory filters for applying Having the necessary

for the job and may include QUALITIES needed for
Age fulfilling the roles and
Educational Qualifications responsibilities optimally as
Work Experiences etc governed by the Job Profile
in the said ordanization

A desirable candidate fulfills BOTH !

Remember organization do not hire for the degrees and diplomas the candidates
has but for the QUALITIES the candidate can bring in the organization .
In other words how can this candidate add value to the organization as an
employee !
Interview Skills


Eligibility Suitability

Mandatory filters for applying Having the necessary

for the job and may include QUALITIES needed for
Age fulfilling the roles and
Educational Qualifications responsibilities optimally as
Work Experiences etc governed by the Job Profile
in the said ordanization

Remember there are no WRONG ANSWERS in an Interview

In order to be the right fit the candidate has to ANSWER APPROPRIATELY
Interview Skills


Eligibility Suitability

Mandatory filters for applying Having the necessary

for the job and may include QUALITIES needed for
Age fulfilling the roles and
Educational Qualifications responsibilities optimally as
Work Experiences etc governed by the Job Profile
in the said ordanization

Remember there are no WRONG ANSWERS in an Interview

In order to be the right fit the candidate has to ANSWER APPROPRIATELY

In order to answer appropriately it is recommended to

1. Know about Yourself & Know your Resume
2. Research about the Job Profile
3. Research about the Organization
Interview Skills

Regardless of any job profile or any organization

Some Common Qualities are always desirable:-
2.Communication Skills
3. Problem Solving & Decision Making
5. Basic Knowledge of Computer , Internet & Email
Interview Skills

Some common problems that interviewer see in candidates:

1. Comprehension - Cannot understand what has been asked

Interview Skills

Some common problems that interviewer see in candidates:

1. Comprehension - Cannot understand what has been asked

2. Articulation - Cannot express what you want to say
Interview Skills

Some common problems that interviewer see in candidates:

1. Comprehension - Cannot understand what has been asked

2. Articulation - Cannot express what you want to say
3. Do not know their what has been mentioned in their resume
Interview Skills
4 common reasons why candidates do not answer questions:

1. Did Not Hear the question

Interview Skills
4 common reasons why candidates do not answer questions:

1. Did Not Hear the question

2. Did not Understand the question

Interview Skills
4 common reasons why candidates do not answer questions:

1. Did Not Hear the question

2. Did not Understand the question

3. Do not Know the answer

Interview Skills
4 common reasons why candidates do not answer questions:

1. Did Not Hear the question

2. Did not Understand the question

3. Do not Know the answer

4. Need Time to think

Interview Skills
4 common reasons why candidates do not answer questions:

1. Did Not Hear the question

I am sorry , I could not hear , Can You Please repeat
2. Did not Understand the question
I am sorry , I could not understand , can you please EXPLAIN
3. Do not Know the answer
I am sorry , I Do not Know , But I will find out the answer Later.
4. Need Time to think
Can you please give me a moment to think
Interview Skills
Some Common Interview Questions
1. How are you?
2. Tell me about yourself OR introduce yourself OR run me through your bio data?
3. Tell something about yourself that is not wri en in your resume?
4. What is the meaning of your name?
5. What do you know about TATA, TCS etc ?
6. Why do you want to work?
7. Why do you want to work in TATA,TCS,Private sector etc?
8. Why should we hire you?
9. What are your strengths?
10. What are your weaknesses?
11. What are your achievements?
12. What is your aim in life?
13. What are your alternate plans?
14. What is your plan for higher studies?
15. Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
Interview Skills
Some Common Interview Questions
16. What is your career plan?
17. What challenges/obstacles/problems have you faced in your life and how did you
overcome them?
18. Tell me something about your school/college/school life/college life?
19. How will you use your academic qualifica on in the job?
20. What extra thing you had done in your life apart from your educa on?
21. What extra ini a ve you have taken in your student life?
22. What is the key learning in your life?
23. How will you manage flexible shi s?
24. Are you willing to work in night shi s?
25. Are you willing to relocate if you get this job?
26. Have you ever visited Delhi or xyz state? What do you about xyz state?
27. How will you manage your career a er marriage?
28. How will you manage your family emergencies?
29. What do you know about this job and job profile?
30. what is your SALARY EXPECTATION?
Interview Skills
Some Common Interview Questions
31. What type of boss/colleagues will you like to work with?
32. Suppose you get a be er job a er 2years will you leave Our company?
33. How do you plan to upgrade yourself to make yourself resourceful inside the job?
35. What are your hobbies likes and interest?
36. What do you do in your free me/leisure me ac vity?
37. Do you watch T.V/MOVIES? What do you watch? Why do you watch this show?
What did you learn from this show?
38. Do you read books? What was the last book that you read? Tell me about the
author? Why do you like this author? What did you like about the book? Give me a
summary of the book?
40. What was the toughest decision in your life?
Interview Skills
Some Common Interview Questions
41. Give an example from your life which shows that you are hard working /flexible/
adaptable/team player/team leader/quick learner/honest...?
42. What are our organiza ons mission & vision?
43. Where are our offices located?
44. Tell me something about our company other than its brand?
45. What is the revenue of our company?
46. Who is the founder/chairperson of our company?
47. Who is the CEO of our company?
48. What is the number of employees in our company?
49. Tell me something about your city/village/locality/district/state/country?
50. Tell me something about your family background? Who is the earning member of
your family?
Interview Skills
Some Common Interview Questions
51. Why did you not go for further studies?
52. What is the source of your income in family?
53. Tell me about your siblings?
54. Do you teach tui ons? Why do you teach tui on/part me?
55. Tell me honestly how much do you earn from tui on?
56. Tell me something about C / C++ / Java / Python / xyz Technology?
57. Tell me about INTERNET?
58. Tell me something about EMAIL? How do you know a ach a file in EMAIL? How do
you send an email to mul ple people? What is the difference between CC &BCC?
60. What is the difference between GOOGLE CHROME AND GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE?
Interview Skills
Some Common Interview Questions
61. Shortcuts of MS OFFICE?
62. What is computer?
63. How to start a computer?
64. What can you do on a computer?
65. Who is your role model/Whom do you idolize?
66. How do you come to know about this training?
67. Why did you join this training?
68. What did you learn during this training?
69. What did your trainer teach you during this training?
70. What extra ini a ve did you take during the training in order to improve?
71. Apart from your training what extra you do to improve yourself?
72. Rate yourself on scale 1-10?Why?
73. How do people perceive you? How your friends and family would describe you?
Men on 5 words that describe you?
74. What will you do if you do not get the job?
75. Tell me about the best day of your life/funniest/memorable incident?
76. Do you have any ques on?
Thank You
Happy Learning

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