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 *What are the different elements to consider when designing a job??

 tasks are to be allocated to each person in the operation

 What is the best method of performing each job?
 How long will it take and how many people will be needed?
 How do we maintain commitment? Understanding how we can encourage people and
 maintain job commitment is, arguably, the most important of the issues in job design.
 This is why behavioural approaches, including empowerment, teamwork and flexible
 working are at the core of job design.

 What technology is available and how will it be used?
 What are the environmental conditions of the workplace
 *How should your work force be allocated?
 Each work force allocation depends on each company and to the tasks to be allocated to each

 Team work, divided work or single person work?
 Its depends on job requirements some times it need to like work in gourp.

 What should be considered in a work space/work environment?
 safety, easy communication, ergonomic support

 How is work time allocated?
 it depends on the work to be done. work place, people location,work load,number of tasks and
resources available

 How to maintain or improve the level of knowledge in an organization?
 by keep up to the newest technologies and sending people to attend new sminars and cources .
 to learn anout it

 How about job rotation? Benefits and drawbacks?
 its important so all the employees can swaps everytime so
 employees will have more experince in all companies departments
 to avoid being bored or repatable work
 if someone is missing anyone will takeover
 disadvantage too much training time will be spend to educate all and maybe the employer himself
will find it difficult to be specialized in a single job\\task

 Why could a heterogeneous work force be economically sound?

 What is a human resource strategy?
  is a design for a long-term plan created to achieve objectives in the field of human
resource and human capital management and development in the organization. Human Resource
strategy is one of the outputs of strategic management in the field of human
resource management. 

 How can company policies affect Human Resource strategies?
 Managers can stop them from acting or aquiring approvals from superior for each act

 How could good HR strategies be reflected in economical terms?

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