LCS Questions

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1. Why was John Bull created?

He was created as a character in a satiric series of pamphlets The History of John Bull. And the
reason he was picked up as a national symbol was that he appeared to be the perfect caricature of
an average Englishman. Honest, short-tempered, choleric, bold.

2. Who exactly was Queen Boudicca?

She ruled the Iceni tribe of East Anglia alongside her husband King Prasutagus. Due to the Roman
conquest, she and other tribes began rebelling against the monstrosities the Romans did. She was a
great inspiration to others and she took poison rather than be taken alive by the Romans.

3. What is King James also known for?

He is known to be very unpopular among the people because of his attempt to forge an alliance with
Spain, his Scottish origins, which were very obvious due to his accent, and his widely recognized
attraction to men.


1. Why did Richard the Lionheart choose to use three lions as his symbol?

Because it’s England’s national animal. It is also connected to the fact that three of Richard’s
ancestors had a lion on their coat of arms. He just decided to combine them in his coat of arms.

2. What does God Save the Queen mean?

It’s an expression that means your patriotism and that you hope for a long life for the monarch. It’s
the same as Long Live the King.

3. Who is Saint George?

He was the patron of England and of Georgia. He is one of 14 Holy Helpers Saints. He is a symbol of
selflessness and great courage. There’s not much information about him, but traditionally he is
believed to have slain a dragon.

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