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Review Suckling Pig at

Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka

Ngakan Putu Agung Tresna Pramana

DIV MPH Class E / Semester 1

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional

One of the popular Balinese foods is suckling pig or babi guling. Suckling pig as
traditional food have been listed as intangible cultural heritage (Warisan Budaya Tak
Benda / WBTB) of Indonesia since 2011. At first suckling pig is only used as offerings
(banten), or a means of ceremony by the Balinese Hindu. With the development of the
times, a growing population and an increasingly complex society activity, significantly
impact on the rising food needs. On the other hand, it also has an impact on the way
people look at suckling pig.
The community no longer looks at suckling pig as a mere offering, but has been
considered an economically valuable commodity. Increasingly crowded tourist visits to
Bali provide an opportunity to make suckling pig as a typical culinary of Bali that is
worth offering. So, it makes suckling pig become a fast food, which is one alternative to
enrich the menu based on local ingredients. These conditions have provided opportunities
for the emergence of businesses in the field of suckling pig food stalls.
Babi guling (suckling pig) or better known as nasi babi guling are a type of food
made from female or male piglet whose stomach are filled with herbs and vegetables such
as cassava leaves and Balinese special spices, called base genep. Base genep is a
complete Balinese seasoning, such as turmeric, galangal, ginger, garlic, shallot, chili,
lemongrass, candlenut, tomato, coriander, pepper powder, bay leaf, lime leaves, salt, and
sugar to taste that is formulated for the seasoning.
At first the slaughtered piglet is doused with hot water to remove the dead skin to
make it clean. After that, the stomach is cut open 10 centimeters wide to remove it is
contents. After all the contents of the stomach come out, the piglet is washed clean then
stabbed with wood or prick iron that has been prepared while adding the cassava leaves
and mix with the seasoning that has been crushed and then add it into the piglet belly and
then sewn together with threads, so the spices do not spill. After that the piglet is rolled
(roasted) on a roasting fire by twirling the wood or prick iron, so the piglet is cooked
evenly for about two hours until cooked through marked with a color change the skin
becomes reddish and crispy.
In this process the flame is controlled by fanning it, so the piglet does not burn
quickly. In addition, after the piglet is rather dry, then it is bathed with coconut water, so
it does not burn quickly, and when it is rather cooked, smear it with coconut oil. After the
piglet color turns reddish evenly and the rotated piglet sticking wood or prick iron
becomes loose, it means that the piglet is cooked. So it can be lifted to be put in a large
tray, by not forgetting to pull the wood or iron prick, this process has been completed. So,
that it can be served or consumed. Babi guling is so famous in Bali. But, there are some
other Balinese famous food as well, such as sate lilit, bebek or ayam betutu, oret or
urutan which is Balinese pork sausage, and lawar which is fresh vegetable.
Sate lilit is satay made from either minced beef, chicken, fish, pork or even turtle
meat, it is mixed with coconut, thick coconut milk, lemon juice, shallots, pepper, a rich
blend of vegetables, and Balinese special spices (base genep). The satay is then wrapped
around bamboo, sugarcane or lemongrass sticks before it is grilled over charcoal. Unlike
skewers of other satay recipes which is made narrow and sharp, the bamboo skewer of
sate lilit is flat and wide. This wider surface allowed the minced meat to stick and settle,
so it will not fall of while you grilled the satay. Also you can enjoy sate lilit with or
without dipping sauce.
Bebek (duck) or ayam (chicken) betutu is the slow cooked equivalent of Bali’s
babi guling. Suitable for those who do not eat pork, this iconic Balinese dish consists of a
whole chicken or duck stuffed with Balinese special spice (base genep), wrapped in
banana leaves, then enveloped tight in the bark of a banana trunk. The intire thing is
baked or buried in a coal fire for 6 to 7 hours, resulting in a rich and juicy meat that easily
separates from the bones. This traditional dish can be found on the menu of luxury hotels,
restaurant or even at street food stalls in Bali. And it is popular among tourists.
Oret or urutan are both made from pig intestines filled with dough inside and then
processed. What distinguishes between oret and urutan is the dough is usually made from
a mixture of rice flour, chicken eggs, raw pork blood, Balinese special spices, water and
then put into a pig's intestine. After it is boiled until solid and then burned over coals
(usually together with a suckling pig). Whereas in making urutan the dough is made from
pork cut into small pieces, the spices are then put into the pig's intestine after which it is
fried until cooked. But there are also people who are exposed to the sun before they are
fried, this aims to make the spices soak into the meat and the distinctive aroma of the pig
appears. The name urutan itself is derived from its manufacturing technique where, when
inserting batter into the intestine, it must be ordered so that the dough can fill a long
intestine. To enjoy this food is quite easy, you just need to come to the suckling pig stalls.
Usually they provide it, because the oret or urutan is a complement for the nasi babi
Lawar is a mix of finely chopped meat, vegetables, grated coconut and Balinese
special spices, called base genep. In some areas of Bali, this traditional dish is prepared
by mixing fresh chicken or pork blood with meat and Balinese special spices to
strengthen the flavor. The dish is usually served immediately after preparation as it can
not be keep long. There are 2 main types of lawar such as white and red. The white
version appeals to vegans and vegetarians as it does not contain meat or blood. But, the
red version is containing meat or blood.
Initially the babi guling was originally used as a dish for both ceremonial and
religious ceremonies. But nowadays the babi guling has been sells as a dish both in food
stalls, restaurants, and even certain hotels in Bali. In Bali there are a lot of restaurants
sells babi guling. Normaly the taste would be the same, but it will be depending from the
seller and the differently between the dish for the offering and the dish for customer is on
the presentation and also the quantity of the food.
Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka is one of Ubud legendary local restaurants. Why I
chose Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka? Because this culinary business has been handed
down for up to three generations. Opened since 1980. At first, Warung Babi Guling Ibu
Oka was only a stall measuring two by two meters in Ubud market. They then rented a
small restaurant in central Ubud. Now, Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka have three
branches, the first one is Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka which located at Suweta Street,
Ubud, Gianyar regency, across the road from Ubud central landmark, the Puri Saren
Royal Palace. It is also right beside the Ubud town communal hall, which regularly
features traditional Balinese dance and gamelan performance. The second one is located
at Raya Mas Street No. 191, Mas, Gianyar regency. And the last location is at Tegal Sari
No. 2, Ubud, Gianyar regency.
This deliciousness has also been recognized by chefs and leading television
presenters from United State, Anthony Bourdain. The most tourist that visiting Warung
Babi Guling Ibu Oka are from China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea, United State, Indonesian
people from outside Bali like Jakarta, some of them came with their travel agent and also
there are some from other countries. The taste is so rich and we can taste the pork with
Balinese special spice (base genep) and complement with some side dish such as rice,
lawar, be goreng, oret, and kulit babi (pork skin). Be goreng is dice pork meat mixed
with tomato sauce, grated chili, flour, salt to taste and fried until reddish. The place is
very comfortable, strategic and it also close from my house. It is one of the often
mentioned spots for babi guling, the traditional Balinese dish of whole roasted pork. It
makes this Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka (traditional restaurant) a convenient stop for
lunch while in the central of Ubud, especially if you are up for trying something local.
Suckling pig at Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka retains much of it is original charm
and classic. This despite it is huge popularity. It is open daily from around 11.00 a.m.
until 16.00 p.m. and they are usually full by midday. At 03.00 a.m. they began to prepare
some stuff for the roasting proses, preparing the cassava leaves and also some ingredients
for the Balinese special spices. At first the slaughtered piglet is doused with hot water to
remove the dead skin to make it clean. After that, the stomach is cut open 10 centimeters
wide to remove it is contents. After all the contents of the stomach come out, the piglet is
washed clean then stabbed with wood or prick iron that has been prepared while adding
the cassava leaves and mix with the seasoning that has been crushed and then add it into
the piglet belly and then sewn together with threads, so the spices do not spill.
At 05.00 a. m., the piglet is rolled (roasted) on a roasting fire by twirling the wood
or prick iron, so the piglet is cooked evenly for about five hours by using roasted tool (at
Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka they have seven roasted tool, and the piglet roasted with
saang (firewood)) until cooked through marked with a color change the skin become
reddish and crispy. Around five to six piglets are served daily. It will be depending from
the supplier that supply the piglets, the weight of the piglet usually 60 kilograms for the
smallest piglets and 80 kilograms for the biggest piglets). They did not use pig because it
will be take more time to roast it and the taste will be difference, the skin will be thicker
and the meat are not juicy. They stay open until they run out.
A common serving of Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka or people in Bali called it
with Nasi Babi Guling Ibu Oka, it served with rice, lawar, pork meat, Balinese traditional
sausage, fried pork meat, and pork skin. The price can be more affordable, if you ask a
local friend or your driver to order, you might get a “local price”, or you will pay up to 5
US Dollars or 70.000 Indonesian Rupiah for a single serving with a cold soft drink or
iced tea. The most beverage guest order is soft drink, bintang beer and young coconut ice.
Also they do not serve dessert.
One of the suckling pig in Ubud is also the "Babi Guling Gung Cung”. Babi
Guling Gung Cung are owned by the stepdaughter of the " Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka"
owner. The owner of Babi Guling Gung Cung also have been work at Warung Babi
Guling Ibu Oka, and later opened his own business which is Babi Guling Gung Gung.
The same process is carried out to overthrow the piglet, and it makes the taste almost
same with the Warung Babi Buling Ibu Oka. The things that make it different is the prices
and visits from tourists. At the Babi Guling Gung Cung when it takes away it is for
10.000 Indonesian Rupiah and for the Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka it is for 15.000
Indonesian Rupiah for locals, and also if you want to dine in, it would be cost for 25.000
Indonesian Rupiah for a serving of Babi Guling Gung Cung along with iced tea, while
50.000 Indonesian Rupiah for a serving of Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka along with iced
The suggestion for Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka, please make a parking lot for
the customers, but it is impossible because in that area there is no land to make a
motorcycle or car parking. That is because in front of the Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka is
a public highway. And Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka should make the price lower to eat
there for local people as we take away the food for 15.000 Indonesian Rupiah and not like
the price for tourist who eat there for 5 US Dollar or 70.000 Indonesian Rupiah. The
promotion of this Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka is very good because in front of the
Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka, they put a menu list and a photo of the food served there,
so that tourists or locals can see the food they sell. And also where they sell food is very
strategic, easy to find and near the famous tourist areas in Ubud. The guest could buy
some souvenir while waiting for the food due there are some people that selling some
souvenir from cloth, bracelet, neckless, Balinese traditional sarong and last but not least
Balinese traditional toy.
If the tourist confused find the way, they can check from the internet, do not
forget to check the review before you go to Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka. On the
internet, they can also give suggestions and criticisms of the strengths and weaknesses
that build from the menu or place at Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka. Over all the food is
very delicious and also the decoration has a traditional modern concept, so it feels very
comfortable and I really like it. So that is why I chose Warung Babi Guling Ibu Oka.

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