CH 3-2-Portland Cement Concrete Mix

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Materials for Civil Engineers

Chapter 3- Portland Cement Concrete Mix

Waleed Zeiada, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering
What is Common to All These Structures?
Order of Operations for Concrete
 Specific operations must be performed in a certain order
 Final quality is influenced by every step

I. Mix design (proportioning)

II.Trial mixes & testing
III. Batching
--------------------------------------------------Start the clock
IV. Mixing
V. Transporting
VI. Pouring (placing) Sampling and Testing
VII. Vibrating (consolidating)
-------------------------------------------------Initial set here
VIII. Finishing
-------------------------------------------------Final set here
IX. Curing
X. Maintenance
 Objective: Determine proportions of individual
ingredients to produce a mixture that will satisfy the
performance requirements under particular conditions
of use
 Coarse aggregate (rock)
 Fine aggregate (sand)
 Cement
 Water
 Admixtures
Size Scales in Concrete

Concrete Mix Design Methods
 Arbitrary volume method (1:2:3 method)
 Vcement =1
 Vsand = 2
 Vrock = 3

 Weight method – easiest design method

 Absolute volume method
 Analyzes components of mixture by their
absolute volumes
 Most accurate
ACI Method: Mix Design Summary
 Step1 – Developing specifications (structural
engineers hat)

 Step2 – Proportion the mixture to meet


 Step3 – Make trial batches and make

Step 1 – Developing Specifications
1. Minimum f’c (structural design strength)
2. Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size (NMAS)
3. Air content requirement
4. Maximum slump
5. Maximum w/c ratio
1. Strength Requirements
 Design engineer “specifies” a strength of concrete used for design
calculations – f’c
 Materials are naturally variable so if the materials engineer develops
a concrete mix with an average compressive strength, fcr , equal to
the design strength f’c then half of all our material will be weaker
than the design strength
 Therefore, the materials engineer needs to design for a higher
compressive strength, fcr , to make sure that only a small portion of
the total volume of the mix is weaker than what the structural
engineer expects
 ACI: There should be less than a 10% chance that the actual strength
of a PCC mixture is below the structural design strength
 Problem that is solved by STATISTICS!!!
1. Strength Requirements
f’c f’cr Average strength

Normal Standard distribution ½ the concrete has

a strength less than
X  1.34s
Z average
S f’cr = f’c + 1.34s
f’cr – average strength
for mix design

f’c – design strength

Adding 1.34s to f’c –

90% of the concrete will
be stronger than specified
Standard deviations
Increasing strength
1. Strength Requirements (f’cr)
 Standard deviation, s, is generally known from historical
records or from testing of a given mixture
 When number of replicates, n, is less than 30; standard
deviation is underestimated and modification factor, MF, is used
depending on actual n (15 to 30 or more)

 If s < 500 psi

 f’cr = f’c + (1.34 s)MF

 If s > 500 psi

 f’cr = f’c + (2.33 s)MF – 500 (IF units are psi)
 f’cr = f’c + (2.33 s)MF – 3.45 (IF units are MPa)
1. Adjustments for Small Number of Samples

 Fewer than 15 tests: additive factor based on f’c

2. NMAS Requirements
 Using larger maximum aggregate size increases the compressive
strength of concrete but up to a certain limit

 Larger maximum aggregate size with lower surface area requires

less cement amount and produce more economical concrete mix

 However, there are several conditions to limit the maximum

aggregate size as listed in the below table

 Note that this is the only place in the mix design process where
maximum aggregate size is used. Nominal maximum aggregate
size is used in all other steps
2. NMAS Requirements
 Example: Determine the nominal maximum aggregate size for a
reinforced concrete pavement slab that has 8 in. thickness
constructed using a slipform if reinforced bars are spaced by 2
clear inches and are kept at 1.5 inches from the form

 For form dimension condition: MAS = 1/5×8 = 1.6 ≈ 1.5 inches

 For reinforcement clearance condition: MAS = ¾×2 = 1.5 inches
 For form/reinf. clearance condition: MAS = ¾×1.5 = 1.1 ≈ 1.0 inches
 Considering lowest value, MAS = 1.0 in. Thus NMAS = 0.75 in. =
3. Air Content Requirements
Needed for volumetric analysis

Given: 19 mm Estimated air for Air-entrained is 5.0%

Moderate exposure Range = 5-1 to 5+2 = 4 to 7%
4. Maximum Slump
 Slump is ease of placing, consolidating, and finishing
 Increase slump with
 admixtures
 rounded aggregates
 For pavement condition, slump is 1 to 3 inches
5. Maximum w/c Ratio
 Check for maximum allowed W/C ratio
 Use lowest w/c ratio of all applicable conditions
o Exposure conditions (freeze/thaw)
o Sulfate exposure

5. Maximum w/c Ratio

5. Maximum w/c Ratio

Step 2 – Proportion of Mixture
1. Determine W/C
2. Estimate coarse aggregate mass
3. Estimate water content
4. Determine cement content
5. Evaluate admixture needs
6. Estimate fine aggregate mass
7. Determine moisture corrections
1. Determine Water-Cement Ratio
 Historical records of strength are used to plot f’cr vs. w/c
 If historical data are not available, three trial batches are made
at different W/C ratios to establish the relationship

f’cr= 4000 psi


1. Determine Water-Cement Ratio
 If there is no field experience or trial mixtures results,
water/cement ratio for concrete can be determined from the
below table according to the 28-day compressive strength

2. Coarse Aggregate Bulk Volume
Mass CA = 120*0.63= 75.6 lb/ft3 of concrete
Given: NMAS 19 mm x27 = 2041 lb/yd3 of concrete
FM = 2.7
Dry rodded unit weight = 120 lb/ft3 Important: adjusted later for
stockpile moisture condition

0.63 of the bulk

volume of the
concrete will be
coarse aggregate

Multiply 0.63 by the

dry rodded unit
weight of the coarse
aggregate to
determine the mass
of coarse aggregate.
2. Coarse Aggregate Adjustment
 Initial weight of aggregates is based on oven dry moisture
condition, which requires a correction in step 7 based on the
actual stockpile moisture condition
 When less workability is required, increase coarse aggregates
by 10% to reduce slump:
 e.g., pavement construction
 When more workability is required, decrease coarse
aggregates by 10% to increase slump:
 e.g., for placement by pumping
3. Estimate Water Content
 For a given slump it depends on maximum size,
shape of aggregates, and air-entrained admixture
 Considers SSD condition (adjust later)
 Never let workers add water in truck or at the jobsite

Oven Dry Air Dry SSD SSW

3. Estimate Water Content
Given: 19 mm NMAS 1.5” slump, Air entrained, Rounded gravel
Angular Aggregates

Reduce water for other shapes


280 lb water/yd3 of concrete for angular aggregates

For rounded gravel, 280 – 45 = 235 lb water/yd3 concrete

4. Determine Cement Content
 With the w/c ratio and the required amount of water estimated,
the amount of cement required for the mix can be calculated
 Check minimum requirements
Wcement 

W cement   622 lb / yd 3

 Check for severe exposure – minimum of 334 kg/m3 (564 lb/yd328

5. Admixture Needs
 Follow instructions from manufacturers
 Generally small quantities
 If manufacturer instruction is to add air-entraining
admixture of 0.15 fl oz per 1% air per 100 lb cement
 For 5% entrained air and cement of 622lb/yd3, the
quantity of the air entertainer = 0.15×5/1×622/100 =
4.7 fl oz/yd3 of concrete
 The entrained air volume = 5/100= 0.05 yd3 per yd3 of
6. Estimate Fine Aggregate Mass
Vconcrete  Vwater  Vcement  Vair  Vcoarseaggregate  V fine aggregate
Assume Vconcrete = 1 either m3 or yd3

Metric V fine aggregate 1  Vwater  Vcement  Vair  Vcoarseaggregate

U.S. customary V fine aggregate  27  Vwater  Vcement  Vair  Vcoarseaggregate


Mass (or weight) of components used with density (unit weight)

to determine volume of each component
6. Estimate Fine Aggregate Mass: Example
Wwater  280 lb / yd 3  water  62.4lb / yd
Wcement  622 lb / yd 3 Gscement  3.15

Wcoarseaggregate  2041 lb / yd 3 Gscoarseaggregate  2.735 Vair  5% Gs fineaggregate  2.705

Find V fine aggregate and M fine aggregate

V fine aggregate  27  Vwater  Vcement  Vair  Vcoarseaggregate

Vwater  280 / 62.4  4.487 ft 3 / yd 3 ft3 water M

yd3 concrete Gs 
Vcement  622 / 3.15  62.4  3.165 ft 3 / yd 3 V  w
Vair  5%  27  1.350 ft 3 / yd 3
Vcoarseaggregate  2041 / 2.735  62.4  11.959 ft 3 / yd 3

V fine aggregate  27  4.487  3.165  1.350  11.959  6.039 ft 3 / yd 3

W fine aggregate  2.705  6.039  62.4  1019 lb / yd 3 lb fine dry agg. per yd3 concrete
7. Moisture Corrections
 Adjust the weight of water and aggregates to account for the
existing moisture content of the aggregate

1. Wet aggregate weighs more than dry agg. (we used dry
 Mc 
M Stockpile  M dry 1  
 100 
2. We assumed SSD and must adjust free mix water if not SSD

+ Aggregates provide extra water to

 M c Abs  concrete and mixing water should reduced
M Free Water  M dry   
 100 100  - Aggregates absorb water from concrete
and mixing water should increased
7. Moisture Corrections

Agg Dry Absorption Moisture Mass Free aggregate
Mass content with moisture weights =
lb moisture Mass 2041×(1+0.023)
lb lb = 2088 lb
CA 2041 0.80% 2.30% 2088 +31
FA 1019 1.70% 4.50% 1065 +29
Free Moisture =
New water weight = 280 – 60 = 220 lb 2041× (0.023-
0.008) = 31 lb
moisture +60
8. Trial Mixes
 Check proportions with trial batches
 Air content
 Slump
 28 day compressive strength: 3 cylinders – 6″ Dia. x 12″ H

 Adjust for optimum workability & economy

1. ±10 pcy (pounds per cubic yard) of water  ± 1” slump
 ∓ 250 psi compressive strength
2. 5 sacks of cement in a cy of PCC gives fc = 2500 psi and
every ½ sack of cement per yd3 above 5 ≈ 500 psi
9. Batching of PCC
 Measuring correct proportions of components and
placing in the mixer
 By weight is more accurate

 Byvolume is commonly used with the continuous

mixers and hand mixing
Concrete Mix Design-Example1
 Design the concrete mix according to the following
 Plain concrete pavement slab in cold climate and slab
thickness = 12 in.
 Required design strength = 3000 psi, standard deviation of
compressive strength is 250 psi, more than 30 samples
 Air entrainer: 0.15 fl oz/1% air/100 lb cement
 Coarse aggregate: 1 in. nominal maximum size, crushed
stone, bulk oven-dry specific gravity = 2.573, Absorption =
0.1%, oven-dry rodded density = 120 pcf, moisture content =
 Fine aggregate: Natural sand, bulk oven-dry specific gravity =
2.54, Absorption = 0.2%, moisture content = 3.67%
 Fineness modulus = 2.68

Step 1 – Developing Specifications
1. Minimum f’c (structural design strength)
3. Air content requirement
4. Maximum slump
5. Maximum w/c ratio
Step 1 – Developing Specifications
 1. Required Strength:
o f'c =3,000 psi
o s = 250 (enough samples so no correction is needed)
o f'cr = f'c + 1.34 s = 3,000 +1.34 (250) = 3,335 psi

 2. Coarse Aggregate Requirements (NMSA):

o Nominal maximum size = 1 in. Therefore, maximum size = 1.5 in.
o 1.5 in. < 4 in. (1/3) (12 in.) slab thickness
o Aggregate size OK for dimensions

 3. Air Content:
o (Table 7.6) Severe exposure, Target air content = 6.0%
o Job range = 5 to 8 % (-1 to +2)
o Use air content = 6%

Step 1 – Developing Specifications
 4. Maximum Slump (Workability):
o (Table 7.7), slump range = 1 to 3 in.
o Use 2 in.

 5. Water-cement ratio:
o Exposure requirement, freeze and thaw and deicing chemicals (Table 7.3),
o Maximum water-cement ratio = 0.45
o Minimum Compressive Strength = 4,500 psi

Step 2 – Proportion of Mixture
1. Determine W/C
2. Estimate coarse aggregate mass
3. Estimate water content
4. Determine cement content
5. Evaluate admixture needs
6. Estimate fine aggregate mass
7. Determine moisture corrections
Step 2 – Proportion of Mixture
 1. Determine W/C
o Strength requirement, 4,500 psi (Table 7.1), Water-cement ratio = 0.44 by
interpolation (Less than 0.45, Okay)

 2. Estimate Coarse Aggregate Mass

o Table 7.5, 1 in. nominal maximum size coarse aggregate and 2.68 FM of fine
o Coarse aggregate factor = 0.68 (by interpolation)
o Oven dry weight of coarse aggregate = (120) (0.68) (27ft3/yd3) = 2,203 lb/yd3

Step 2 – Proportion of Mixture
 3. Estimate Mixing Water Content
o (Table 7.8) 1 in. nominal maximum size aggregate with air entrainment and 2 in.
o Water = 270 lb/yd3 for angular aggregates
o Required water = 270 lb/yd3

 4. Cement Content
o Water-cement ratio = 0.44, water = 270 lb/yd3
o Cement = 270 / 0.44 = 614 lb/yd3
o Minimum criterion of 564 lb/yd3 for exposure Check out for minimum
o Cement = 614 lb/yd3 cement requirements

Step 2 – Proportion of Mixture
 5. Admixture
o 6% air, cement = 614 lb/yd3
o Admixture = (0.15) (6) (614/100) = 5.53 fl oz/yd3
o Admixture = 5.53 fl oz/yd3

 6. Fine Aggregate Requirements

o Find fine aggregate content - Use the absolute volume method
o Water volume = 270 / 62.4 = 4.327 ft3/yd3
o Cement volume = 614 / (3.15 x 62.4) = 3.124 ft3/yd3
o Air volume = 0.06 x 27 = 1.620 ft3/yd3
o Coarse aggregate volume = 2,203 / (2.573 x 62.4) = 13.721 ft3/yd3

o Subtotal volume = 4.327+3.124+1.620+13.721 = 22.792 ft3/yd3

o Fine aggregate volume = 27 – 22.792 = 4.208 ft3/yd3
o Fine aggregate weight = (4.208) (2.540) (62.4) = 667 lb/yd3
o Fine aggregate = 667 lb/yd3

Step 2 – Proportion of Mixture
 7. Moisture Corrections
 Coarse Aggregate:
o Need 2,203 lb/yd3 in dry condition, so increase weight by 1.0% for moisture
o Weight of moist coarse aggregate = (2,203) (1.0+.01) = 2,225 lb/yd3
 Fine Aggregate:
o Need 667 lb/yd3 in dry condition, so increase weight by 3.67% for excess
o Weight of fine aggregate in moist condition = (667) (1.0+0.0367) = 692 lb/yd3
 Water:
o Reduce for free water on aggregates
o = 270 - 2,203 (0.01 - 0.001) - 667 (0.0367 - 0.002) = 270-19.8-23.1 = 227 lb/yd3

 Summary:
Batch ingredients required for 1 yd3 PCC
Water 227 lb
Cement 614 lb
Fine Aggregate 692 lb
Coarse Aggregate 2,225 lb
Admixture 5.53 fl oz44
Concrete Mix Design-Example-2
 A concrete mix design that requires each cubic yard of
concrete to have:
o 0.43 water–cement ratio
o 2077 lb/yd3 of dry gravel, 244 lb/yd3 of water, and 4% air
o The available gravel has a specific gravity of a 2.6, a
moisture content of 2.3% and absorption of 4.5%
o The available sand has a specific gravity of 2.4, a moisture
content of 2.2% and absorption of 1.7%
o Air entrainer is to be included using the manufacturers
specification of 0.1 fl. oz / 1% air / 100 lb cement
o For each cubic yard of concrete needed on the job,
calculate the weight of cement, moist gravel, moist sand,
and water that should be added to the batch
o Summarize and total the mix design when finished
Concrete Mix Design-Example-2
o Air entrainer = 0.1×4/1×567/100 = 2.27 fl. Oz
o Wcement = 244/0.43 = 567.4 lb/yd3
o Vcement = 567.4/(3.15 * 62.4) = 2.887 ft3/yd3
o Vwater = 244/62.4 = 3.910 ft3/yd3
o Vgravel = 2077/(2.6 * 62.4) = 12.802 ft3/yd3
o Vair = 0.04*27 = 1.080 ft3/yd3

o Subtotal = 20.679 ft3/yd3

o Vsand = 27 – 20.679 = 6.321 ft3/yd3
o Msand = (6.321)(2.4)(62.4) = 947 lb/yd3
o Mmix water = 244 – 2077(0.023 - 0.045) - 947(0.022 - 0.017)
= 294 lb/yd3
Batch ingredients (1 yd3 PCC)
o Mmoist gravel = 2077(1.023) = 2125 lb/yd 3
Water 294 lb
o Mmoist sand = 947(1.022) = 968 lb/yd3
Cement 567 lb
Fine Aggregate 968 lb
Coarse Aggregate 2125 lb
Admixture 2.27 fl46
Order of Operations for Concrete
 Specific operations must be performed in a certain order
 Final quality is influenced by every step

I. Mix design (proportioning)

II.Trial mixes & testing
III. Batching
--------------------------------------------------Start the clock
IV. Mixing
V. Transporting
VI. Pouring (placing) Sampling and testing
VII. Vibrating (consolidating)
-------------------------------------------------Initial set here
VIII. Finishing
-------------------------------------------------Final set here
IX. Curing
X. Maintenance
Mixing of PCC
 Mix until uniform in appearance obtained
 By hand, onsite mixers, central mixers
 Mixing time; minimum 1 minute for 0.75m3 capacity with
an increase of 15 seconds for each additional 0.75m3
 Usually start with 10% of the water in the mixer, then
solids with 80% of the water, and then remaining water
Transporting of Concrete
 Ready-Mixed: mixed a central plant and delivered in an
agitator truck (2 - 6 rpm)
 Truck-Mixed: mixed completely in a mixer truck (4 - 16 rpm)
 Max. 90 minutes from start of mixing to discharge, even with

Order of Operations for Concrete
 Specific operations must be performed in a certain order
 Final quality is influenced by every step

I. Mix design (proportioning)

II.Trial mixes & testing
III. Batching
--------------------------------------------------Start the clock
IV. Mixing
V. Transporting
VI. Pouring (placing) Sampling and testing
VII. Vibrating (consolidating)
-------------------------------------------------Initial set here
VIII. Finishing
-------------------------------------------------Final set here
IX. Curing
X. Maintenance
Sampling and Testing
 Pull samples at the job site

 Test on site
 Slump
 Air content

 Prepare samples for later testing

 Cylinders
 Beams
Sampling and Testing
 Slump: Workability is measured by slump test
 Fill a cone in 3 layers, 25 rods each layer
 Lift cone off and measure distance it slumps from original height

 Air Content Test for Fresh Concrete (Pressure Method)

 Measures total air content (entrapped and entrained)
 The pressure method is widely used (takes less time)
 The applied pressure compress the air in the voids
and reduce the volume of concrete by the amount of
the air volume
Prepare Test Samples: Cylinders
6 x12 Standard
 Place concrete in
three lifts, rod each
25 times
 Cure on site 24 hrs
 Temperature

 Humidity
Order of Operations for Concrete
 Specific operations must be performed in a certain order
 Final quality is influenced by every step

I. Mix design (proportioning)

II.Trial mixes & testing
III. Batching
--------------------------------------------------Start the clock
IV. Mixing
V. Transporting
VI. Pouring (placing) Sampling and testing
VII. Vibrating (consolidating)
-------------------------------------------------Initial set here
VIII. Finishing
-------------------------------------------------Final set here
IX. Curing
X. Maintenance
Placing Concrete: Transfer From Truck
Directly into form Chute Conveyor

Wheelbarrow/ buggy Bucket Pump

Placing Issues

 Drop height
< 3 ft
 Horizontal movement
 Limitto prevent
 Pumping
 Adjust mix design
Tremie chute to limit drop height
Vibration (Consolidation) of Concrete
 Consolidation (compaction)
complete before initial set

 Manually by
 Hitting
 Tamping

 Mechanically using vibrators

 Internal – poker
o <10 sec. typical
o Avoid segregation
o Through entire depth

 External –
o Tables and rollers for precast
Order of Operations for Concrete
 Specific operations must be performed in a certain order
 Final quality is influenced by every step

I. Mix design (proportioning)

II.Trial mixes & testing
III. Batching
--------------------------------------------------Start the clock
IV. Mixing
V. Transporting
VI. Pouring (placing) Sampling and testing
VII. Vibrating (consolidating)
-------------------------------------------------Initial set here
VIII. Finishing
-------------------------------------------------Final set here
IX. Curing
X. Maintenance
Finishing Concrete
 Smoothing and imprinting the surface of the concrete
with the desired texture
 Must be completed before final set

 Many types of colors and

textures available these days
 Longitudinal waived texture in
concrete pavement is a
finishing method that is quieter
than transverse tining
Finishing Concrete

Manual Straightedge Hand Floats

Laser Based Screed Power Floats

 Screeding – strike concrete  Bullfloating-eliminates high and low

off to desired level spots and embeds large aggregate
particles immediately after strike off 60
Order of Operations for Concrete
 Specific operations must be performed in a certain order
 Final quality is influenced by every step

I. Mix design (proportioning)

II.Trial mixes & testing
III. Batching
--------------------------------------------------Start the clock
IV. Mixing
V. Transporting
VI. Pouring (placing) Sampling and testing
VII. Vibrating (consolidating)
-------------------------------------------------Initial set here
VIII. Finishing
-------------------------------------------------Final set here
IX. Curing
X. Maintenance
Curing Concrete
 Maintain moisture and temperature in the concrete to
promote continued hydration and strength gain
 Hydration will resume if curing is stopped and
 Curing – immediately after final set to avoid surface
 Curing period
 Minimum 7 days
 70% of f’c (3 days for high early strength)
 Other job requirements
Curing Concrete

Compressive strength of PCC at different ages & curing levels63

Curing Approaches
 Approach 1: maintaining presence of water by
providing water periodically using:
 Immersion: smaller jobs flat-work (floors and pavement)
and laboratory
 Spraying or fogging: expensive and a lot of water
 Wet coverings: cotton, rugs, etc

Immersion Spraying Wet Coverings

Curing Approaches
 Approach 2: Seal the Surface  Approach 3: Heat
 Impervious paper or plastic sheets  Insulating blankets
 Membrane forming compounds  Steam with and without pressure
o Good for early strength gain
and in freezing weather
Insulating Blankets

Plastic Sheets

Foaming Compound Steam

Order of Operations for Concrete
 Specific operations must be performed in a certain order
 Final quality is influenced by every step

I. Mix design (proportioning)

II.Trial mixes & testing
III. Batching
--------------------------------------------------Start the clock
IV. Mixing
V. Transporting
VI. Pouring (placing) Sampling and testing
VII. Vibrating (consolidating)
-------------------------------------------------Initial set here
VIII. Finishing
-------------------------------------------------Final set here
IX. Curing
X. Maintenance
Properties of Hardened Concrete
1. Early Volume Change
2. Permeability
3. Testing of Hardened Concrete
 Mechanical Tests
 Non Destructive Tests
Early Volume Change
 There are three different types of
early volumetric changes
 Plastic shrinkage – occurred while the
concrete is still plastic as the result of
loosing water from evaporation (1%

 Drying shrinkage – It occurs at the

early age after setting of the cement if
not cured and causes cracking

 Swelling – continuous wetting causes

very slight swelling
 Caused by voids: poor
consolidation & excess water

 As w/c = 0.3 to 0.7: coefficient of

permeability increases by a
factor of 1000

 Allows water & chemicals to


 Reduces durability & resistance

to frost, alkali reactivity, and
other chemical attacks
Testing of Hardened Concrete
 Modulus Test (ASTM C469)
 Typical σ- of 28 day
 Increasing w/c
decreases both strength
(f’c) and stiffness (E)
 Almost linear at small
 Usually use chord modulus for Ec
 Very small strain and 40% su or specific
strain (1%)
 Ec = 2000 - 6000 ksi
 Poisson's ratio = 0.11 - 0.21
 ACI building code:

 Ec  4,731

Ec  57,000 f c , psi f c , MPa
Testing of Hardened Concrete
 Compressive Strength (f’c)
Test (ASTM C39)
 Most common test by far (even more
than slump)
 2:1 cylinders cast in 3 layers rodded
25 times each layer and cured at 95%
 Or specimens are cored from finished
 7 day = 60% of 28 day
 28 day = 80% ultimate strength
 Typical compressive strength is 3,000
- 6,000 psi
Testing of Hardened Concrete
 SplitTension Test (ASTM C 496)
 To measure tensile strength
 About 10% of f'c
 Typical values 360 to 450 psi
Testing of Hardened Concrete
 Flexural Strength Test (ASTM
 Important for pavements
 Simply supported 6” x 6”
beam loaded on the 1/3 points

Testing of Hardened Concrete
Non-Destructive Test

 Rebound (Schmidt)
Hammer (ASTM C805)
 Measures energy absorbed
by concrete
o Hardness of surface –
correlated to strength
 Not very accurate
o Average of 10-12
readings in one area
Testing of Hardened Concrete
Non-Destructive Test
 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity ASTM
 Transmitter, receiver, & clock
 Piezoelectric crystals
 Velocity of ultrasonic waves =
distance / time
 Faster = more dense
 Slower = weak spots
 Used for finding cracks and
 Used to determine the concrete
modulus of elasticity
Testing of Hardened Concrete
Non-Destructive Test

 Maturity Test (ASTM C1074)

 Maturity of concrete is defined as the
degree of cement hydration which
varies as a function of both time and

 Maturity meter monitors temperature

over long periods (3 days)
Alternative Concretes
 Several concrete alternatives are available which increase the
flexibility and applications of concrete to different purposes
 The engineer should be aware of different types of concrete
that provide additional capabilities for certain applications
 Examples of concrete alternatives include:
1. Self-Consolidating Concrete
2. Flowable Fill
3. Lightweight Concrete
4. Heavyweight Concrete
5. High-Strength Concrete
6. Fiber-reinforced Concrete
7. Polymer Concrete
Alternative Concretes
1. Self-Consolidating Concrete 2. Flowable Fill
 Contain more fines and certain admixtures  Cement, sand, water, fly ash, air
 Highly flowable, nonsegregating concrete generating admixtures
 Spread into place, fill the formwork and  Self-leveling and self-compacting
restricted sections, and encapsulate the  Low unconfined compressive strength
reinforcement, without any mechanical (300-1200 psi)
consolidation  Used as backfill material instead of
 Improve concrete pumping compacted granular fill
 Provide bearing capacity more than the
granular fill
 Can reach inaccessible locations
 Save time and labor
Alternative Concretes
3. Lightweight Concrete
 Light aggregates: Floating concrete (ASCE concrete canoe)
 Costs more but need less foundation because of reduced weight (2500 psi
and 115 pcf)

4. Heavyweight Concrete
 Very heavy weight aggregates (barite, magnetite, hematite, lead, steel)
 Massive walls for nuclear, medical, and atomic shielding

5. High-Strength Concrete
 At least 6,000 psi strength with normal weight aggregates
 Very low w/c with superplasticizers up to 20,000 psi
 Used in skyscrapers to reduce structural element size
Alternative Concretes
6. Polymer Concrete 7. Fiber-reinforced
 Resin concrete Concrete
 The polymer is added to the concrete as  Instead of rebar (for corrosion)
binding agent  Flexural strength increased by
 Very quick set (1 hr.) or super high up to 30%
strength ( >20,000 psi)  Reduces workability
 Provide very good resistance to chemical  Different sizes and shapes
attack  Steel, plastic, glass, etc.
 Expensive and only used for certain
Special Concrete Mixes

Pervious Concrete Colored Concrete

Self Healing Concrete Transparent and Translucent Concrete

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