Table 14-1

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Behavioral Medicine: A Guide for Clinical Practice, 5e >Older Patients

Mitchell D. Feldman, John F. Christensen, Jason M. Satterfield, Ryan Laponis+

Table 14-1.The acronym MOMS AND DADS is a helpful tool in assessing new neuropsychiatric symptoms in older adults, especially those with dementia.

M mobility Recent change in gait or balance

O output Urine output, retention, incontinence, fecal impaction

M memory Change in orientation, recall, awareness of situation

Increased lethargy, daytime sleepiness, insomnia, abnormal sleep

S sleep
behaviors, sleep breathing disorders

A aches Evidence of pain-associated behaviors

N neurologic Weakness, aphasia, seizures, acute lethargy

D depression Mood and anxiety symptoms

D delusions Paranoia, suspiciousness, hallucinations

A appetite Change in PO intake of food and fluid

D dermis Skin integrity, pruritis, cellulitis, dental or periodontal pain

Hearing and vision problems that may be contributing to

S sensory
misperceptions, isolation, confusion

Date of download: 12/27/22 from AccessMedicine:, Copyright © McGraw Hill. All rights reserved.

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