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chandigarh | gurugram | jalandhar | bathinda | jammu | srinagar | vol.140 no.148 | 12 pages | ~5.00 | regd.no.chd/0006/2018-2020 established in 1881

/thetribunechd /thetribunechd www.tribuneindia.com friday, may 29,2020

SC orders free food, shelter, Forces thwart Pulwama 2.0

travel for migrant workers Intercept car with 45 kg IED | Hizb, JeM planned repeat of 2019 bombing
Suhail A Shah

Anantnag, May 28

C VID-19
Security forces have foiled a
Centre, states to repeat of the 2019 Pulwama
bombing by intercepting a
file detailed reply
PANDEMIC by June 5
car with 45 kg explosives at
Rajpora in Pulwama district
of south Kashmir.
Satya Prakash The IED-laden Santro car
Tribune News Service KEY DIRECTIVES was intercepted by the secu-
New Delhi, May 28 ■ Migrant workers on roads rity forces late last night BEFORE AFTER
Amid heart-wrenching be taken to shelters, provid- around 30 km from the site of An aerial view of the car laden with 45 kg explosives The police, CRPF and Army defuse the IED through
reports highlighting the mis- ed food, other basic facilities the deadly Lethpora attack that was abandoned by militants at Rajpora, Pulwama. in-situ explosion on Thursday morning. PTI
ery of migrant workers, the ■ States to arrange for food, along the Srinagar-Jammu
Supreme Court today ordered shelter, water for those wait- highway that left 40 CRPF HOW IT UNFOLDED LoC
states to provide free food and ing for buses or trains personnel dead and brought WEDNESDAY NIGHT
shelter to lakhs stranded in ■ States to give food, water at India and Pakistan to the PLACE: RAJPORA, PULWAMA Srinagar LETHPORA
various parts of the country rly stations; Railways to give brink of war. The car bore a ■ Forces fire warning shots

due to Covid-19 lockdown. meals, water during journey fake registration plate, the on seeing a car at check- RAJPORA PULWAMA
“No fare either by train or ■ States to speed up registra- police said. “The registration point, militants speed away J&K
bus shall be charged from tion process, provide help number belongs to a two- ■ Car jumps another check-
any migrant workers. The desk where workers stranded wheeler in Kathua district,” point, militants flee in the 2 SUSPECTS IDENTIFIED
railway fare shall be shared DGP Dilbagh Singh said. dark, leave car behind

■ Receiving state to provide
by the states as per their transport, health screening, IGP (Kashmir) Vijay ■ Forces examine vehicle
We suspect Adil, a
arrangement,” a three-judge Migrants arrive at the Chennai railway station to board a train for UP. PTI other facilities free of cost Kumar said they had been from a distance, cordon off Hizb militant also working
Bench headed by Justice receiving inputs that Hizbul area, wait for daybreak with JeM, and Fauji Bhai, a
Ashok Bhushan ordered. HC PULLS UP AAP GOVT OVER NON-RESPONSIVE FOOD, DISASTER HELPLINE NUMBERS Mujahideen and Jaish-e- Pak militant and JeM
“Those migrant workers Mohammed were planning a
who are found walking on Tuesday taken suo motu cog- difficulties of the migrant work- up the process of registration suicide car bombing.
■ Police, Army, CRPF defuse The wreckage of the car after a commander, are involved.
highways or roads shall be nisance of the plight of ers.” It heard Sibal and Singhvi of migrant workers and also “When the input matured IED in a technical way controlled explosion. AMIN WAR Vijay Kumar, IGP, KASHMIR
immediately taken care of by migrant labourers and asked as “officers of the court”. provide help desk for regis- yesterday, we set up joint
the state/UTs concerned and
they shall be provided trans-
the Centre, states and UTs to
spell out measures to deal
“The migrant workers who
are stranded at different
tration at the places where
they are stranded”.
checkpoints. In the evening,
when the suspected car
Intel picked up JeM chatter this week
port to the destination and all with the unfolding crisis. places shall be provided food Directing the Centre and reached a checkpoint, the New Delhi, May 28 Police and other agencies. about a major attack, it was
facilities, including food and Today, it issued a series of free of cost by states/UTs con- states to file their response in a security forces fired warning Grade-A intelligence input “It was clear from the inter- unclear which route the driver
water, be provided to them. directions after hearing Solici- cerned at different places, week with “all necessary shots, prompting the occu- and seamless coordination cepted chatter that the JeM was would take, the official said.
The receiving state shall pro- tor General Tushar Mehta, sen- which shall be publicised details regarding the number pants to turn around and flee. allowed security forces to planning something very big in “But the J&K Police, Army and
vide transport, health screen- ior counsel Kapil Sibal, AM and notified to them during of migrant workers, the plan to “They jumped another thwart a repeat of Pulwama. the Valley. The intelligence was the CRPF formed separate
ing and other facilities free of Singhvi, Colin Gonsalves, Indi- the period they are waiting transport them to their desti- checkpoint before leaving Sources in the Intelligence found to be Grade-A (high pre- teams, spread out and covered
cost,” it ordered. ra Jaising, PS Narsimha and for their turn to board the nation, the mechanism of reg- the car behind in Ayengund Bureau (IB) said they had cision) in nature and hence the all possible routes and when the
The Bench, which also other advocates representing train or bus,” it said. istration and other details”, area of Pulwama. The forces picked up Jaish-e-Moham- operation was so meticulous,” a car was first spotted, they
included Justice SK Kaul various states and organisa- The top court also directed the court posted the matter for cordoned off the area and mad (JeM) chatter earlier this senior IB official explained. opened fire in coordinated man-
and Justice MR Shah, had on tions “to redeem the immediate states to “simplify and speed further hearing on June 5. continued on back page week and shared it with J&K While there were clear inputs ner,” said the official. — TNS

Human trials of four No change, troops in Ladakh In HP, 15 Maha returnees test
Indian vaccines soon continue to hold positions positive after being sent home
Aditi Tandon
Tribune News Service
Ajay Banerjee
Tribune News Service
New Delhi prefers Dinesh Kanwar
HAMIRPUR FAUX PAS these persons — 11 men and
four women — were brought
New Delhi, May 28 COUNT
New Delhi, May 28 bilateralism to Hamirpur, May 28 ■ Despite their first report being
negative, the 15 persons
back in a haste. A majority of
India remains on the front- A day after China spoke of Throwing norms to the wind, them belonged to Barsar,
lines of Covid-19 manage-
diplomacy to resolve the flare- mediation by US the district administration could have been sent home Nadaun and Bhoranj areas.
ment with four vaccine can- up along specific sites on the New Delhi, May 28 sent home 43 Maharashtra only after second report Of the more than 270 posi-
■ All were shifted to a quaran-
didates expected to begin Line of Actual Control (LAC) in India today said it was diplo- returnees without waiting for tive cases in Himachal, the
human trials very soon. WORLD eastern Ladakh, there is no matically engaged with Chi- their second Covid report tine centre from their homes highest — 93, of which 85 are
TOTAL 58,39,904 in a haste between 10 pm
Renu Swarup, Secretary, RECOVERED 25,31,579 change on the ground. Troops na in both Beijing and New only to discover later that 15 active — have been reported
Department of Biotechnology, of both sides are holding posi- Delhi to resolve the troop of them were Covid-positive. and 3 am from Hamirpur. Kangra, Una
DEATHS 3,59,064 ■ Majority of them being from
the country’s nodal agency tions as before. stand-off in eastern Ladakh. All these persons had and Chamba districts are the
Barsar, Nadaun and Bho-
for Covid vaccine develop- COVID-19COUNT The Chinese continue mak- THE STANDOFF India also underlined the recently returned via a special
ranj, Hamirpur residents are
other major contributors.
ment, said: “There are at pres- ing military-style bunkers ■ The Chinese continue mak-
importance of bilateralism in train to their native places in The undue haste shown by
ent 14 Indian vaccine candi-
and trenches. Military trucks resolving the problem at the the district from parts of
in panic after the incident the administration in send-
Chandigarh 289 04 ing bunkers & trenches;
dates at different stages of are there by dozens. Even a military trucks spotted; a Line of Actual Control (LAC) Mumbai and Thane. Deputy ing these 15 persons, initially
progress. Four industry-led Punjab 2,158 42 warehouse is coming up. with China, thus sidestepping Commissioner Harikesh were received late last night, quarantined at Navodaya
warehouse too coming up
initiatives are at advanced Haryana 1,504 19 Indian agencies have picked the offer for mediation made Meena ordered an inquiry as the administration went into Vidyalaya in Dungri, home
■ The Chinese have stopped
stages of development and Himachal Pradesh 281 05 up movement of Chinese Indian troops from patrolling by US President Donald soon as the issue came to a tizzy to bring back the 15 without waiting for their sec-
will, hopefully, enter phase I J&K 2,036 27 tanks less than 10 km away. crucial areas along the north Trump. The Indian response light. “This happened due to persons from their homes to a ond confirmation report
clinical trial stage in next Ladakh 64 00 Large parts of Ladakh are flat bank of lake Pangong Tso came shortly after a confer- miscommunication,” he said. quarantine centre. It was could put to risk not just
three to six months.” Delhi 15,257 303 plateau where tanks can be ■ India assumes LAC to be at ‘Fin- ence by Chinese Premier Li The moment their reports between 10 pm and 3 am that their families but all others.
Phase I clinical trials are used. India has T-72 tanks at ger 4’. China is trying to push Keqiang during which he did
small-scale trials to see if the tute, Faridabad; IISc, Ben- those heights. Indian troops back to ‘Finger 2’, not touch the border flare-up.
vaccine is safe on humans and galuru; National Institute of The Chinese have unilater- Ministry of External Affairs
Law school grads hire
which is more than 10 km away
what immune response it Immunology; Indian Insti- ally stopped Indian troops spokesperson Anurag Shri- REGION COMBATS VIRUS
evokes. Advanced industry- tutes of Science Education from patrolling crucial areas both sides had clashed, vastav refuted an earlier claim
led initiatives include those by
Bharat Biotech, Serum Insti-
tute of India, Biological E and
and Research; and some IITs.
India is conducting trials to
test the efficacy of anti-viral
along the north bank of Pan-
gong Tso (a 135-km glacial
melt lake). Eight mountain
resulting in injuries to many.
India assumes the LAC to be
at ‘Finger 4’. China is trying to
by the Chinese Foreign Office
that Indian troops had intrud-
ed into its territory. “India is
plane to ferry migrants Chandigarh: A 60-year-old
woman from Amritsar and a
Gennova Pharmaceuticals. oral drug Favipiravir, plant- spurs of the Chang Chenmo push Indian troops back to committed to maintaining Ranchi/Mumbai, May 28 head constable of the RPF
Swarup said the industry based drug ACQH and anti- range end at the north bank ‘ Finger 2’, which is a distance peace.… At the same time, we Over 165 migrant workers posted in Ludhiana suc-
was trying a combination of arthritis medicine Itolizumab. of this lake. Each spur or of more than 10 km. India was remain firm in our resolve to were ferried back home to cumbed to Covid on
vaccine platforms, including “Trials are also on to see if anti- ridgeline is identified as ‘fin- patrolling till ‘Finger 4’ but the ensuring our sovereignty,” he Jharkhand from Mumbai in Thursday. Both had underly-
flu, anti-rabies and RNA plat- tuberculosis BCG vaccine can ger’ in military parlance and Chinese are not allowing said. India and China are also a chartered flight, arranged Crowd-fund to ing diseases. TNS
forms. The academic vaccine grant immunity against each ridgeline is separated patrols to pass. In a carefully utilising military mechanisms by the alumni network of a repatriate 169 workers 8 MORE CASES IN HP
initiatives involve Transla- Covid-19,” said VK Paul, by 2-5 km. On the night inter- crafted move, the Chinese to “peacefully resolve” the sit- Bengaluru-based law school, from Mumbai to Ranchi
tional Health Sciences Insti- Member, Health, NITI Aayog. vening May 5-6, troops of continued on back page uation. — TNS making it the first such Shimla: With eight new Covid
instance in the country amid cases, the count in Himachal
the Covid-19 lockdown, an APPRECIATE IT: SOREN Pradesh has reached 281. Of
official statement said. these, 199 are active cases

At 7K/acre, labour rates more than double in Punjab The Air Asia flight carrying
169 migrant workers and five
❝ This is the first time in
the country that a plane
while 73 have been dis-
charged. The state has seen
children left Mumbai at 6.25 brought mazdoorback five corona deaths so far. TNS
Aman Sood apps as security. Also, the 5,500 per acre. “There are direct seeding, has zoomed to am and reached Ranchi during the lockdown. I HRY SEALS BORDER AGAIN
Tribune News Service labour rates have more than Farmers woo migrants only a few of us still in Pun- Rs 150 per kg compared to Rs around 8.25 am. An airline appreciate the effort.
Patiala, May 28 doubled from Rs 3,200 per with ration, liquor & jab,” he points out. 55 last year, they say. spokesperson said the Nation- Chandigarh: Home Minister
Hemant Soren, JHARKHAND CM
From online payments in acre (last season) to Rs 7,000 Farmer Jasdeep Singh Gar- “Paddy was grown across al Law School (NLS) Alumni Anil Vij has again ordered
their accounts back home to per acre.
mobile top-up cha of Doraha says he will be 29.30 lakh hectares in Punjab Association had taken on lease sealing of borders with Delhi
permanent residences, Pun- The Punjab Government providing homemade liquor, last year. This year, the state a 180-seater A320 plane, a first Airport, the migrant workers as for past few days a num-
jab farmers are doing all to having sent back 3.89 lakh CDs of Bhojpuri movies and has decided to grow other such operation by the budget underwent a medical screen- ber of cases were reported
lure farmhand. Finding it migrants so far, the farmers television sets to his workers. crops on 2.50 lakh hectares. carrier since passenger servic- ing and the administration from Guurgram, Sonepat,
hard to get labour for paddy, are desperately searching for “Earlier, we would provide Also, PAU, Ludhiana, has es resumed in the country. provided them with food pack- Jhajjar and Faridabad. TNS
they are offering liquor, ration farm labour, especially since bhang too. But fearing police recommended direct seed- “We have been working ets, before sending them off to
and mobile top-up to migrant the window to finish paddy action, we have stopped that ing. The government propos- closely with the organisers, quarantine centres. Shyel Tre-
workers, who have opted to transplantation has been now,” he says. Farmers say if es to bring 5 lakh hectares who we understand have inde- han, one of those behind the Srinagar: With 115 new cases
stay back amid the lockdown. reduced to a month. it rains during transplanta- under this system that does pendently crowd-funded their initiative, said: “We are happy and one more death, Covid
The migrants are demand- Jai Parkash, a Bihar native, tion, the rates could go even not require intensive labour,” efforts to assist migrants,” the to have made this very small count in J&K reached 2,036,
ing 25 per cent advance pay- says he is willing to work for higher. The price of short- Kahan Singh Pannu, Secre- official said in a statement. contribution to addressing a while toll touched 27. Ladakh
ment through phone-based anyone willing to pay him Rs duration paddy seed, used for tary, Agriculture, said. At Ranchi’s Birsa Munda massive travesty.” — PTI reported 20 new cases. TNS

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