7 Surname, Given Name, Middle Name, Course Code & Title, Experiment No. and Title

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Experiment No.

Full Wave Center-Tapped Rectifier


At the end of this experiment, the students are expected to:

1. Be able to construct a simple full wave center-tapped rectifier circuit.

2. Learn how a full wave center-tapped rectifier operates and rectifies AC signal.
3. Know how to generate and display the waveform of a signal on a cathode ray tube display.


1 Analog Trainer
2 Diodes (1N4001)
1 Resistor (1 kΩ)
1 Dual Trace Oscilloscope
1 Signal Generator / AC Source
1 Center-tapped Transformer
Connecting Wires


Full wave rectification is the process of production of a pulsating direct current that uses both
positive and negative alternation of the input voltage. It is also the process of inverting the negative half-
cycle of current of an alternating input so that it flows in the same direction as the positive half cycle.
One type of full wave rectifier circuit is the “Center-tapped” rectifier circuit. It is a circuit that
uses a center-tapped transformer, a transformer with a connection at the electrical center of the secondary
winding or midway between the electrical ends. It is used to establish the input signal across each section
of the secondary winding of the transformer. During the positive alternation, the first diode is forward-
biased thus conducting while the second diode is reverse-biased and thus, not conducting. During the
negative alternation however, the second diode is now forward-biased thus conducting while the first
diode is reverse-biased and thus not conducting.


1. Construct the circuit of figure 1.

2. Set the signal generator to 1 kHz and connect it to the input terminal of the circuit.
3. Connect the channels 1 and 2 probes of the oscilloscope as indicated in figure 1.
4. Set the appropriate settings for the time/div and volts/div selector switch.
5. Measure voltages and currents of each of the components and record them on table 1.
6. Trace the input and output waveforms on the graphs provided.
7. Change the voltage source to 9 volts and repeat procedures 2 to 6.
8. Change the voltage source to 12 volts and repeat procedures 2 to 6.

Wiring Diagram:

Figure 1. Basic Full Wave Center-tapped Rectifier Circuit

Data and Results:

Voltage VL VD1 VD2 IL ID1 ID2

6 volts

9 volts

12 volts

6-volt Input Voltage                        
Output Voltage

9-volt Input Voltage                        
Output Voltage

12-volts Input Voltage                        
Output Voltage

Analysis of Results and Conclusion


1. What is a center-tapped transformer?

2. Is it possible for a center-tapped full wave rectifier circuit to have both diodes conduct
simultaneously? Why or why not?
3. With a center-tapped full wave rectified voltage across a load resistor, load current flows for what
part of the input cycle?

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