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friends, family, and others in your community.

Early reports about the Omicron variant, which has quickly become the most

dominant strain of the coronavirus in the United States, suggest that it generally

causes less severe symptoms than previous variants.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, an estimated 80 percent of those with

COVID-19 experience only mild to moderate symptoms.

That means that most people can recover at home.

But you'll need to be prepared for an extended period of isolation: The Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people who are

sick and think or know they have COVID-19

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was approved for use in the United States on.
February 27, 2021.
In April 2021, concerns about the vaccine causing blood clots caused a pause in
distribution. But, on April 23, 2021, the FDA stated that the vaccine was still
considered safe for most recipients and could continue being administered.
This vaccine is widely approved for use in adults 18 and older, including in the
European Union under the name Janssen.
Here are some key facts and figures about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine's
efficacy and how it works.
soups and sauces can be made straight away and then frozen. You can make a
concentrated stock which you can then freeze in ice cube trays and, voila,
homemade, low salt stock cubes."

Here's a shopping list

Other critical supplies to have on hand as you recover from COVID-19 include
the following:
Clean water
Water should be at the top of the list of supplies you'll need in the event you
develop COVID-19.
"COVID-19 is a viral infection and like most viral infections, treatment is all
about comfort and keeping well enough while your body heals," Dr. Roy
Benaroch, a clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at
NCIP is not the only complication specifically linked to the 2019 coronavirus.
Researchers have seen the following complications in people who have
developed COVID-19:
⚫ acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
⚫ blood clots
⚫ irregular heart rate (arrhythmia)
⚫ cardiogenic shock
⚫ kidney injury or kidney failure (including needing dialysis)
⚫ severe muscle pain
⚫ fatigue
⚫ heart damage or heart attack
⚫ multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C); this is also known
as pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (PMIS)
Emory University and a pediatrician with a private practice in Roswell,
Georgia, told Healthline.
"It's crucial to stay hydrated, so plenty of fluids, especially if the fever is high,"
Benaroch said.
Williams said that common COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, coughing,
diarrhea, and vomiting "can easily impact individuals' fluid intake and
contribute to dehydration, and rob the body of key nutrients if healthy foods and
fluids are not consumed while recovering."
"Healthy hydration levels can help your nose by maintaining that the mucous
membrane is intact," she added. "This could help decrease nasal irritation when
coughing, sneezing, and even just breathing. Moisture also helps heal broken
membranes so additional bacteria don't get into the body."
When worn correctly, and by large percentages of the public, these masks can
help to slow the transmission of SARS- CoV-2.
That's because they can block the respiratory droplets of people who may be
asymptomatic or people who have the virus but have gone undiagnosed. People
are infectious about 2 days before they have symptoms; this is called pre-
symptomatic. Masks are very important in preventing the transmission of the
It's critical to keep the mask or covering clean. Wash it after each time you use
it. Avoid touching the front of it with your hands. Also, try to avoid touching
your mouth, nose, and eyes when you remove it.
This helps prevent you from possibly transferring the virus from a mask to your
hands and from your hands to your face.
Keep in mind that wearing a face mask or covering is not a replacement for
other preventive measures, such as frequent handwashing and practicing
physical distancing. All these preventive practices are important
. Certain people should not wear face masks, including:
⚫children under 2 years old
⚫ people who have trouble breathing
⚫ people who are unable to remove their own masks
How long do each of the COVID-19 vaccines last?
Knowing how long the vaccine you received will provide protection can help
you feel more confident in making long- term plans, such as returning to a
physical workspace or classroom, as well as attending public events.
Moderna (mRNA-1273)
The Moderna vaccine was approved for use in the United States on December
18, 2020. It's also been approved for use in many other countries and throughout
the European Union.
The Moderna vaccine is recommended for people 12 years and older, having
received FDA emergency use authorization (EUA) for 12 to 17-year-olds in
August 2021.
Most people who contract SARS-CoV-2 and develop COVID-19 make a full
recovery, often within a few weeks. Serious cases of the viral infection can take
a month or longer to completely resolve.
Rebuilding lung capacity can help aid your recovery, whether or not you had
complications such as pneumonia or were placed on a ventilator.
Breathing exercises deepen each breath, improving the exchange of oxygen and
carbon dioxide in the lungs. This can help improve the efficiency of your lungs.
Breathing exercises may induce a feeling of calm an important part of recovery
and quality of life.
If you're using breathing exercises to help with your recovery, don't rush it.
You may have to start slowly and build up to
"Organize a 2- to 4-week supply of food, cleaning materials such as sanitizing
wipes and soap, and basic household staples such as toilet paper and facial
tissue," suggested Ide.
"When you are planning your food supplies, think of food that will store well
and be nutritious such as rice, pasta, canned or dried beans, dried fruit, soups,
and frozen vegetables as well as pet food," she said,
Fresh fruit and vegetables are also important for health and healing.
"Fruit and vegetables provide loads of essential nutrients, and there are ways to
extend their shelf-life and make them more convenient," notes the website Huel,
which markets nutritionally complete food with a 12-month shelf life. "For
example, soups and sauces can be made straight

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