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Sap architecture

V1 TYPE D and V2 like sy-datum.
v1 : when date is assigned then not formated .format is ddmmyyyy.
v2 : when date is assigned then formated .format is 

6) How to create checkbox in write statement? 


7) How to upload file at Application Server?

open dataset for output/appending. 

8) How to directly jump to 15th list from Basic list? 

Ans : sy-lsind = 15 . 

10)What is Node?
a node can be a root node or child node in LDB( logical data base ) and it has to be either database table or
a dictonary type. otehr 2 are there but only for your information pourpose..
data types and dynamic type nodes. 

3. On which even we can validate the input fields in module programs? 

In PAI (Write field statement on field you want to validate, if you want to validate group of fields put in
chain and End chain statement.) 

7)      List down the functional modules used in sequence in BDC?

There are 3 functional modules which are used in sequence to perform data transfer successfully using
BDC programming.  They are
b)      BDC_INSERT

9)      In ABAP what are the differences between table and structure in data dictionary?
The difference between structure and table is
a)      Data can be stored physically in Table, but a structure cannot
b)       Structure does not have primary key but table can have
c)       Table can have the technical attribute but the structure does not have

14)   Explain the difference between Template and Table?

The difference between the table and template is that, table is a dynamic and template is a static.

20)   What is the difference between ‘Type’ and ‘Like’?

‘Type’:  You assign data type directly to the data object while declaring.
‘Like’:  You assign the data type of another object to the declaring data object.
‘Type’ refers the existing data type while ‘Like’ refers to the existing data object.

25)   How can you debug a script form?

To debug a script form, you have to follow
SE71–>give the form name->utilities->activate debugger

29)   What is dispatcher?
A control agent referred as SAP dispatcher, manages resources for the R/3 applications.

30)   Mention what are the two methods of modifying SAP standard tables?
There are two methods for modifying SAP standard tables
a)      Append structures
b)      Customizing includes

34)   What are different types of parameters? How can you distinguish between different kinds of
The different types of parameters are
a)      Formal Parameters:  It is defined during the definition of subroutine with the ‘FORM’ statement
b)      Actual Parameters:  It is specified during the call of a subroutine with the ‘PERFORM’ statement
You can distinguish different kind of parameters by their functionality.  Input parameters are used to pass
data to subroutines, while output parameters are used to pass data from subroutines.

35)   What are the different databases Integrities?

a)      Semantic Integrity
b)      Relational Integrity
c)       Primary Key Integrity
d)      Value Set Integrity
e)      Foreign Key Integrity
f)       Operational Integrity

5. Difference between .include and  .append?

Include structure allows to add one or more structure into structure or table.Also placed

positioning anywhere. Upto 6 include structure can be used in a table.

Append structure can be placed only at the end of a structure or table which also stops

further insertion of fields.Only one append structure can be used

6. Preformance techniques


1. The sequence of fields must be same as per database table

2. During writing select query write all fields in sequence as per database table.

3. Never write select statements inside loop….endloop.

4. Use st05 SQL trace, se30 run time analysis, code inspector, slin,etc.

5. Use select single * statement instead of select *

6. Always use primary key

7. Use binary search but before using binary search sort that table.

7. How to debug sapscripts ?

Two ways to debug sapscript . first way is goto SE 71 and from menu bar select Utilities-
>activate debugger .then goto SE38 execute the print program ,it automatically goes to
debugging mode …..the other way is , run the program RSTXDBUG in se 38 . execute it . a
message will show that debugger is activated .now

19. Different types of locks?

v  Read lock (shared lock)

Protects read access to an object. The read lock allows other transactions read access but

not write access to the locked area of the table.

v  o Write lock (exclusive lock)

Protects write access to an object. The write lock allows other transactions neither read nor

write access to the locked area of the table.

v  o Enhanced write lock (exclusive lock without cumulation)

Works like a write lock except that the enhanced write lock also protects from further

accesses from the same transaction.

4. Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the database physically? 
a) True
b) False
Ans. B

19. The transaction CMOD and SMOD are

a) Used to create enhancements to standard SAP programs.
b) Used to create enhancements to ABAP queries.
c) Used to create the user exits, menu exits and screen exits.
d) Used to modify the standard function groups.
Ans. a, c

28. In an ABAP program, the INITIALIZATION event is invoked

a) Before the AT-SELECTION-SCREEN event
b) After the AT-SELECTION-SCREEN event
c) Could be either way
d) Cannot be predicted

Ans: a
38. If ITAB has 1000 entries, and DBTAB is a large table, which is better in terms of performance?
a) (i) is better than (ii), and (ii) is better than (iii).
b) (ii) is better than (iii), and (iii) is better than (i).
c) (iii) is better than (i) and (i) is better than (ii).
d) (iii) is better than (ii) and (ii) is better than (i).

Ans: d

65. S1 = ‘ABCAB’.
S2 = ‘ABCD ‘.
IF S1 CN S2.
WRITE ‘a’.
WRITE ‘b’.
Output of above code is:
a) a
b) b
c) Compilation error
d) Blank

Ans: b

Question 8: What is the difference between AT SELECTION-SCREEN and AT SELECTION-SCREEN

AT SELECTION-SCREEN is the PAI of the selection screen whereas
AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT is the PBO of the selection screen.

Question 9: What is the difference between SY-INDEX and SY-TABIX?

Remember it this way  TABIX = Table.
So when you are looping over an internal table, you use SY-TABIX.
When you use DO … ENDDO / WHILE for looping, there is no table involved.
So you use SY-INDEX.

For READ statement, SY-INDEX is used. 

INITIALIZATION: If you want to initialize some values before selection screen is called
AT SELECTION SCREEN: PAI for Selection Screen 

AT USER-COMMAND: When user click on say buttons in application toolbar. SY-UCOMM

AT LINE SELECTION: Double click by user on basic list. SY-LISEL
AT PF##: When User Presses any of the Function Keys

What events do you know in Module Pool Programming?

PBO: you know this . If not you should know this . That's basic.
PAI: You know this. If not you should know this . That's basic.
POV: Process on Value request … i.e. when you press F4.
POH: Process on help request … i.e. when you press F1.
*How do you convert a Smartform Output to PDF output?
There is a tricky solution here.But let's keep that for the last. Let us first discuss the conventional way of getting a
PDF output for Smartform. For that you need to keep in mind the following two function modules and their
importing/exporting parameters:


What is a Final Window?

Final Window is called after all the other windows are called in a Smartform.
Question 12: What is the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous Update ?
In Synchronous update , the database is updated before the next transaction is taken for processing in a
batch input.
In Asynchronous update , the system doesn't wait for updating the database before the next transaction is
taken for processing in a batch input.

Question 14: How do you read files from the Application server ?

You can use the commands:
OPEN DATASET ---> opens the file(dataset) either in read /write mode.
READ DATASET ---> Read the file
CLOSE DATASET ---> Close the dataset once the date has been read .
10. What are the functional modules used in sequence in BDC?- 
These are the 3 functional modules which are used in a sequence to perform a data transfer
successfully using BDC programming: BDC_OPEN_GROUP - Parameters like
Name of the client, sessions and user name are specified in this functional
modules. BDC_INSERT - It is used to insert the data for one transaction into a
session. BDC_CLOSE_GROUP - This is used to close the batch input session.

1. What are the different ways in which you can make

changes to SAP standard software ?
Enhancements to the SAP Standard
Modifications to the SAP Standard
Customer Development

6. What is SSCR?
SSCR (SAP Software Change Registration) is a procedure, for registering all
manual changes to SAP source coding and

8. What are the disadvantages of modification?

Modifying standard code can lead to errors
Modifications mean more work during software upgrades
11. What are the various types of customer exits?
Menu exits
Screen exits
Function module exits
Keyword exits

16. How does SAP organize its exits?

SAP organizes its exits in packages that are called SAP enhancements. Each
SAP enhancement can contain many
individual exits.

Q1: What is the reason for using ENHANCEMENTS?

Ans: Normal programs don’t give us all the functionalities we may need, so to
fix this we can use the R/3 enhancements that will permit particular functionality to any
normal SAP program.

Question 1: What is the difference between User Exit and Function Exit?

User Exit Customer Exit

User exit is implemented in the form of a Subroutine A customer exit can be implemented as:
i.e. PERFORM xxx.          Function exit
Example: INCLUDE MVF5AFZZ           Screen Exit
PERFORM userexit_save_document_prepare.            Menu Exit
         Field Exit
Example: CALL Customer function ‘xxx’
You modify this include.
In case of a PERFORM, you have access to almost all You have access only to the importing, exporting,
the data. So you have better control, but more risk of changing and tables parameter of the Function
making the system unstable. Module. So you have limited access to data.
User exit is considered a modification and not an A customer exit is considered an enhancement.
You need Access Key for User Exit. You do not need access key.
Changes are lost in case of an upgrade. Changes are upgrade compatible.
User exit is the earliest form of change option offered Customer exits came later and they overcome the
by SAP. shortcomings of User Exit.
No such thing is required here. To activate a function exit, you need to create a
project in SMOD and activate the project.

   What is the difference between RFC and BAPI? 

Just as Google offers Image/Chart/Map APIs OR RFC is nothing but a remote enabled function
Facebook offers APIs for Comment/Like, SAP offers module. So if there is a Function Module in SAP
APIs in the form of BAPIs. BAPI is a library of system 1 on server X , it can be called from a SAP
function modules released by SAP to the public so system 2 residing on server Y.
that they can interface with SAP.
There is a Business Object Associated with a BAPI. So No Business Object is associated with a RFC.
a BAPI has an Interface, Key Field, Attributes,
Methods, and Events.
Outside world (JAVA, VB, .Net or any Non SAP Non–SAP world cannot connect to SAP using RFC.
system) can connect to SAP using a BAPI.
Error or Success messages are returned in a RETURN RFC does not have a return table.

Question 3:What is the difference between SAPSCRIPT and SMARTFORM? 

SAPSCRIPT is client dependent. SMARTFORM is client independent.
SAPSCRIPT does not generate any Function module. SMARTFORM generates a Function Module when
Main Window is must. You can create a SMARTFORM without a Main
SAPSCRIPT can be converted to SMARTFORMS. Use SMARTFORMS cannot be converted to SCRIPT.
Only one Page format is possible Multiple page formats are possible.
Such thing is not possible in SCRIPT. You can create multiple copies of a SMARTFORM
using the Copies Window.
PROTECT … ENDPROTECT command is used for Page The Protect Checkbox can be ticked for Page
protection. Protection.

The way SMARTFORM is developed and the way in which SCRIPT is developed is entirely different. Not listing
down those here. That would be too much. 

Question 4:What is the difference between Call Transaction Method and the Session method ?

Session Method Call Transaction

Session method id generally used when the data Call transaction method is when the data volume is 
volume is huge. low
Session method is slow as compared to Call Call Transaction method is relatively faster than
transaction. Session method.
SAP Database is updated when you process the SAP Database is updated during the execution of
sessions. You need to process the sessions the batch input program.
separately via SM35.
Errors are automatically handled during the Errors should be handled in the batch input
processing of the batch input session. program.

Question 5: What is the difference between BDC and BAPI?

BAPI is faster than BDC. BDC is relatively slower than BAPI.
BAPI directly updates database. BDC goes through all the screens as a normal user
would do and hence it is slower.
No such processing options are available in BAPI. Background and Foreground processing options
are available for BDC.
BAPI would generally used for small data uploads. BDCs would be preferred for large volumes of data
upload since background processing option is
For processing errors, the Return Parameters for Errors can be processed in SM35 for session
BAPI should be used.This parameter returns method and in the batch input program for Call
exception messages or success messages to the Transaction method.
calling program.

Question 6: What is the difference between macro and subroutine?

Macro Subroutine
Macro can be called only in the program it is defined. Subroutine can be called from other programs also.
Macro can have maximum 9 parameters. Can have any number of parameters.
Macro can be called only after its definition. This is not true for Subroutine.
A macro is defined inside: Subroutine is defined inside:
…. …..
Macro is used when same thing is to be done in a Subroutine is used for modularization.
program a number of times.

Question 7: What is the difference between SAP memory and ABAP memory?

SAP Memory ABAP Memory

When you are using the SET/GET Parameter ID When you are using the EXPORT IMPORT
command, you are using the SAP Memory. Statements, you are using the ABAP Memory.
SAP Memory is User Specific. ABAP Memory is User and Transaction Specific.What
What does this mean?The data stored in SAP does this mean? The data stored in ABAP memory
memory can be accesses via any session from a can be accessed only in one session. If you are
terminal.  creating another session, you cannot use ABAP

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