English Exercise For Grade 6 - 2

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123 i Yomoummndanquinvivonmigg ansatz dasiuil 2 Choose the best answers 1. What do we call a person who works for check in and check out at the hotel? 1. Waitress. 2. Secretary. 3. Receptionist 4, Security. 2. We can keep the food fora long time in the ......... 1. refrigerator 2. refrigeration 3. refreshing 4, regeneration 3. What can you find in a lavatory? 1. Soup. 2. Soap. 3. Syrup. 4, Syringe. 4. When you take someone to the hospital you can call an . 1. umbrella 2. ambulance 3. environtment 4, immediately 5. When heated, water will change into ..... 1. foam 2. vapour 3. torrent 4. bubble 6. Lines that run along together at the same distance are 1. circle 2. square 3. triangle 4. parallel 7. Why not ............ his address in the telephone directory? 1. look at 2. look up 3. look on 4. look into 8. The guy swam .......... The river to the other side. 1. up 2. down 3. along 4, across 124 9. The person who doesn’t tell the truth is a 1. liar 2. tailor 3. patient 4. drunkard 10. The man in charge of a ship is called the .. 1. crew 2. captain 3. chief sailor 4. headmaster 11. Look at the family tree and answer the question. wife — husband Who's Linda’s daughter? 1. Alice 2. Mary 3. Gerald and Charles 4. Lisa, Barbara and Marcia 125 12. Look at this advertisement and answer the question. Oriental Princess Cuticle Hair Treatment with Jojoba oil for Concentrated Hair 3 Direction : Drop a few drops in your palms and gently rub the treatment on your hair, especially at the tips. Style as usual. Excellent on Both wet or dry hair. Do not rinse off. What kind of hair do the treatment use for? L. wet hair 2. dry hair 3. wet and dry hair 4, Not wet and dry hair 13. Look at the menu and answer about the price. COFFEE HOUSE MENU Coffee. ie Hot Chocolate . 65¢ Tea. . 65¢ Orange Juice Se Milk Shakes ............ $1.00 - 60¢ HOT DOG 2.2... Se HAMBURGER . GRILLED SANDWICHES Ham and Cheese ............ $8 1.95 Cheese and Tomato ............ $1.75 Soup SPECIALTIES ‘Tomato Soup ... ses SLLO Spaghetti Plate $2.50 Soup of the Day ......ssseeseeees S125 PEZ2A cesses . $4.50 DESSERTS Apple Pie... . $1.75 Coffee Cake ...... .. $1.50 Danish Pastry .......... . 930 Cheesecake .. .. $2.00 Two hot dogs, coffee cake and two colas. 1. $1.50 2. $3.80 3. $4.60 4. $610 126 14. Look at the advertisement and answer the question. Order one four — course gourmet set menu for Baht 990 And get a second one for your guest Free! Now through January31, 2001 Banghok’s rommtic litle Frenck Resiaurart ROSES ARE RED 413/5 Sukhumvit 35 (between Thonglo 23 ~ 25) Tel. 3921881-2, 7129528 “Both menus are subject to 10% Service Charge. ‘M20 107 084: ‘EAE EABLET EAE (Bangkok Post Classified Ads. Thursday, January 5, 2001) How much would you pay for a meal for two? 1. 990 2. 1,089 3. 1,980 4. 2,070 Read the following passages. Then answer the questions. Mike and his dog, Chipper, were walking in a woods. It was winter and snow was falling. Suddenly, Mike slipped and hurt his leg. He couldn’t walk. Soon night came. Mike was getting colder and colder. Then Chipper lay down on top of Mike. The dog kept him warm. The next day, Mike’s father found him. He had been in the woods all night. If Chipper had not kept him warm, Mike would have died. His dog had saved his life.(Richard A. Boning. (1995) multiple reading skill) 15. The besttitle is ..... 1. A dog runs away 2. A boy is saved by his dog 3. Mike teaches his dog a trick 4. A boy has fun in the snow 127 OVELIN The All-Natural Food to Keep You Up And Going Stress and overwork can lead to indigestion and poor appetite. Ovelin, a mixture of fine quality herbs, helps strengthen your digestive system, improves your _ Ability to absorb food, and restores your vitality. Ideal for the whole family, Ovelin keeps everyone up and going. Available at all leading Pharmacies and Health Food Centres 16. Ovelin helps reduce . 1. stress 2. appetite 3. overwork 4. indigestion 17. The ad claims that Ovelin is good for people .... 1. onadiet 2. ofall ages 3. who can’t sleep 4. who are vegetarians 18. Ovelin can be ........ 1. eaten ina food centre 2. purchased in a drugstore 3. sampled in a supermarket 4. found in a fresh food market 19. “Up and Going” in this ad means ..... 1. active 2. awake 3. excited 4. satisfied 128 Read the story and answer the questions (20 — 23) Greetings to You All around the world, when friends meet, they greet_ each other. Different people greet friends in different ways. In our country, friends shake hands, always using the right hand. Or friends wave at each other, using either hands. A man tips his hat. A woman smiles. It is different in other lands. In Greenland when Eskimo children greet each other, they rub noses. In Japan, an child bows his head. In other lands, friends hug each other. Some kiss each other on both checks. In some countries, to greet a king, boys must bow low. Girls must curtsy. In other countries, people bend very low. They touch or kiss the foot of aking. 20. What is the main idea of the story? In Japan a child bows his head. 2. Different people greet each other differently. In other lands people never greet each other. 4. Eskimos rub noses when they greet one another 21. Which hand do we use when we shake hands? 1. The left hand 2. The right hand 3. Either hand 4. Both a and b 129 22. From this story, which statement is not tue? 1. In Japan, children shake hands 2. In other land, friends, hug each other. 3. Eskimo children greet each other by rubbing noses. 4, In other land, friends kiss each other on both checks. 23. From the passage, the word “greet” in line | means to .... 1. look at or watch 2. have or give asmile 3. give a sign or word of welcome 4, move from side to side or up and down Read the story and answer the questions. (24 — 27) For many years scientists believed that the most intelligent animals after man were chimpanzees. Now, however, there is evidence that dolphins may be even more intelligent than these big apes Although a dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. Itis a mammal. It is similar in many ways, therefore, to a human being. Scientists have discovered that dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to invent a third language which both he and dolphins can understand. Dolphins are also very friendly towards man. They often follow ships. There are many stories of dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous waters. J.B Heaton and K. Method, Effective Comprehension Book Two, New Impression, February 1969. 130 24. Which sentence is correct? 1. Dolphins are very friendly fish. 2. They help invent a third language to talk to man. 3. Man likes dolphins because they kill dangerous fish. 4. It is not easy for man to talk to dolphins. 25. Which animals do scientists think may be the most intelligent? 1. Big apes 2. Dolphins 3. Mammals 4. Chimpanzees 26. Why is a third language necessary if man wants to talk to dolphins? 1, Most men do not speak English. 2. Dolphins cannot hear men speaking. 3. Men want to talk to dolphins in secret. 4. The dolphin’s language is hard to learn. 27. In what way are dolphins friendly to man? 1. They often follow ships 2. They seem to like stories. 3. They often jump onto ships 4. They like interesting things about man. Read the story and answer the questions. (28 — 30) A Monsoon is a seasonal wind which blows inland in the summer and out to sea in the winter. The monsoons are must important in India and China, but they occur over all of Southeast Asia, in Northern Australia, West Africa and parts of western America. During the hot summers, the air over these tropical lands grows very hot. It expands, or swells, and the air pressure therefore falls. The air over the comparatively cool seas is at a higher pressure and it flows into the low — pressure area over the land. and the monsoon begins. 131 28. What is the best title for the passage? 1. In winter 2. In summer 3. The wind 4, The monsoon 29. In which area is there no monsoon? 1. Europe 2. West Aftica 3. Western America 4, Northem Australia 30. From the passage, the word “occur” in passage means to .. 1. get 2. blow 3. take 4. happen Read the dialogs and choose the best answers. 31. Tom Jerry _: She is going to play piano. 1. What are you going to play 2. What is Ann going to do 3. Who is going to play piano 4, Where is she going to play 32. Richard: Where can | get some medicine? Babara: At the. 1. chemists 2. baker's 3. butcher's 4, newsagent’s 33. Noi ra Nid : She is beautiful and clever. 1. What does she like 2. What’s she like 3. How old is she 4, How is she 34. Sam : How. do you do your exercises? Sak : Three times a week. 1. always 2. often 3. many 4. much 33. 3%. 38 39. 40. 132 A: Your dress is fantastic. 1. Lam okay 2. Sincerely . Thanks 4. Don’t say so 3 A: Would you mind picking me up? B 1. I would mind 2. LT welcome it 3. Lam not okay 4, No, wouldn't A: That's delicious? B 1. You're welcome 2. That’s right 3. Thank you 4. Ofcourse Is that King Ramkhamhaeng the Great Auditorium? 1. That's far. 2. Go ahead. 3. That’s right. 4. Next to Seven — Eleven. Pim May Luse your dictionary, please? Sara: Yes, of course. Here you are. 1. All right 2. Somy 3. Excuse me 4. Wait a minute Mai Pim : No, thank you. I'd like some fried noodles. 1. May Ihave fried rice 2. Would you like some soup 3. Do you want some noodles 4, Do you like soup or noodles 133 41.Mary —: It’s darkhere. .. Paul: Allright. 1. Where is the light? 2. How can you go there? 3. Could I tum on the light? 4, Shall we back or go on? 42. Nat goes to the market to buy some mangosteens, Shopkeeper: Good morning. May I help you? Nat : Do you have mangosteens? Shopkeeper Yes, How many do you want? Nat : Please give me two kilos. Shopkeeper _: Is there anything else? Nat 1. Don’t worry. 2. Never mind. 3. No, that’s all. 4. You're welcome. 43. Win : It’s raining. Can you close the window, please? Paul 1. Yes, certainly. 2. Have a good trip. 3. Take care of yourself, 4. Thank you very much. 44. Pan : Where are you going today? Dad : T'm going to the department store. Pan Dad : T—shirt and blue jeans. 1. Who wants to go with you? 2. Why do you buy them? 3. Where do you buy them? 4, What are you going to buy? 45.Mom ——: How about this curry? Dad 1. Pmhungry. 2. I's hot and spicy. 3. It’s pork curry, 4, Ilike pork curry. 134 46. Roger: Are you thirsty? Bob 2 Yes, Lam. Roger Bob : Some iced tea, please. 1. Tell me what you want? 2. How many do you have? 3. Do you want some iced tea. 4. What do you want to drink? 47. Shop assistant: May Ihelp you? Customer : I'd like a pair of jeans, please. Shop assistant 2 Customer : Light blue. 1. What colour do you want? 2. What kind of jeans do you like? 3. Which size do you want? 4, What can I do for you? 48. Husband : “Oh dear, I got home very late last night. Thope I didn’t disturb you.” Wife SA ecncaneeenororeenyesne ACM SERRA IM 1. You’d better not tell me. 2. Nobody knew about it. 3. No, I didn’t hear anything. 4. Don’t speak to me like that. 49.A 2%... B_: “Thank you, but my husband will pick me up at four.” 1. Do you need a ride? 2. Can I give you a ride? 3. What can I do for you? 4. You can calla taxi if you need a ride. 51. 52. 53. 54. eon a oS ee po 135 : “Can I talk to Penny, please?” : “There’s nobody by that home here. I’m afraid you've got the wrong number.” . I'm sorry. Good ~ bye. I'm sorry. I won’t call you again, Thank you. I won't call you again. Thank you for telling me that. Good bye. : This box is very heavy. Can you give me a hand? That box isn’t mine. Sure, I'll be glad to help. Justa minute! My hand’s are dirty. Certainly, I’m looking for someone to help you. : Is your uncle very sick? . It likely is. 2. I fear that is. I'm afraid so. 4. No, I’m afraid not. : I'm afraid the radio was too loud. - OK., [ shall tum it out. All right, ll tum it over. . I'm sorry. Shall I turn it down? Certainly, do you want me to tum it off? : Would you like to come to dinner at my house tonight? - No, thanks. I’m full. No, thanks. I'd like it. No, thanks. I’m afraid I have to do my homework, No, thanks. I’m afraid I have to go by bus to your house. 136 55.A_: Wow! Whata lovely ring? B Thope you like it. I'll give you yours. ‘When is your birthday. Why don’t you let me have some. 56. : Thank you for accompanying me home. o> a YN Never mind. 2. It isn’t matter. 3. Itis welcome. 4, Ithas been a pleasure. 57. Situation : Your friend gets all dressed up today. You like the way she dresses and want to give her a compliment. What would you say? 1, Gee! You look kind of smart today. 2. Gee! You look like a million dollars today. 3. Gee! You don’t look like your usual self today. 4. Gee! What are you getting yourself all dressed up for? 58. Situation: Your friend asks you to go fishing with him on Saturday afternoon. ‘You don’t want to go but don’t want to sound impolite. What would you say? 1. I'd like to. That sounds very nice indeed. 2. I'm afraid can’t. Perhaps some other time. 3. I'm looking forward to it. Would you mind if] can’t? 4. Thanks for asking me. How could I come with you? 59. Jane, an English teacher, has to return home. Her students go to see her at the airport. What should they say? .. 1. Have a good joumey. 2. Take care of yourself. 3. We hope to see you soon. 4, We believe you come back soon. 137 B_: Yes, Iwent to the museum and couldn’t find my way back to the hotel 1. What happened to you? 2. Did you find the way? 3. Could you retum to your hotel? 4. . [hear you got lost yesterday. Choose the best answers. 61. Some of the students ............ English very well. 1. speak 2. speaks 3. is speaking 4. were spoken oe «+. dress do you prefer, the red or the pink one? 1. When 2. Whose 3. Whom 4. Which 63. In Thailand winter begins .... - November. 1. at 2. in 3. on 4. with 64, Sam and Paul caught him and ............ Him back to their cage. 1. took 2. take 3. to take 4. taking 65. Tom was sick yesterday. He didn’t eat ... 1. something 2. anything 3. somebody 4. anybody 66. If today ............. Sunday, September 12, What .......... yesterday? 1. be/ will be 2. is /is 3. was / was 4. is/was 6 68. 6 s 1 3 a Ta in 74, 15% S 138 Pooky always gets good marks in the examination, Her mother is very proud .......him, 1. in 2. on 3. of 4, at Pin likes to go to the library. She is going to ............ the dictionary for the meaning of these words. 1. look in 2. look out 3. look at 4, look up . The tennis players drank .......... tea after the game. 1. alotof 2. much of, 3. many 4. alot ). Susan used to have lots of dogs, and Lucy .......... 00. 1. used 2. used to 3. had 4. did How much time do you your homework? 1, make at 2. give for 3. spend on 4. bring to If he .......... smoking, he might get fat. 1. would stop 2. stops 3. stopped 4. will stop He prefers volley ball ......... football. 1. to 2. for 3. over 4, above This ribbon is sold ....... yard. 1. by 2. in 3. on 4, against .. quiet Jack. This is the hospital. 3. Don’t 4. Let . Please 2. Keep 76. 71. 7B: ee: 80. 81. 82. 83. 139 Nancy will put ona .............. for her birthday party tomorrow. 1. long pink dress 2. dress long pink 3. pink long dress 4. long dress pink What . - does Tina like .............2 1. fruit/ good 2. day /better 3. color / best 4. food / well Ladda wants to sleep because she has ... 1, the 2. an 30a In autumn, a lot of ....... 1. leaf, 2. leafs 3. leafes 4. leaves Tomas often has .... diarrhea. la 2. an 3. at Ae My mother’s birthday is .......... The second of June. 1 in 2. on 3. at 4, of Do you mind your name on this document? 1. sign 2. signed 3. signing 4. tosign Everyone who comes .......... to see the unusual rock garden. 1. wish 2. wishes 3. wishing 4. to wish . He sometimes wants to be a good children ........ he is always disobedient. 1. because 2. although 3. because of 4. in spite of 85. 86. 87.1 88. 89. 90. aL 140 While he .......... his son fell from the chair. 1, had read 2. is reading 3. was reading 4. being read The children are left at home alone. They look forward to .... L. see 3. seeing Il be .......... Satisfied with something 1 . complete, expensively «ss. their parents. 2. saw 4. was seeing 2. completely, expensive 4. completely, expensiveness 2. were allowed 4. are not be allowed 3. complete, expensive You ......... to tum left when you see this sign 1, allowed 3. are not allowed We always enjoy to music at Thongchai’s house. 1 3 Neither Sam nor Bill ... 1 3. listen . listening invite was invited Which is the correct sentence? 1. If you upset I do not come shall be. 2. » Ido not come if you upset shall be. 1 shall be upset if you do not come. IfI do not come shall be I upset. 2. to listen 4. tobe listened .- to the party. 2. invited 4. were invited 11 Read the passage and fill in the blank with the given words. (92-95) Last Christmas, Sonya ....(92).... a good time at all. She and her parents (93)... to the Christmas dinner at her grandparent’s house. Sonya ....(94)... a beautiful vase of her grandmother. She ...(95)... a fork while she was cutting a chicken drumstick. 1. dropped 2. broke 3. went 4. did not have Read the letter and fill in the blank with the given words. (96 — 100) Dear Sumonta, Thank you for your ...(96)... while | was in Thailand. I really ...(97)... the sun and the warm weather in Phuket. The weather here is now ...(98)... raining and snowing all the time. I hope to be back again next year. My family will also ...(99), me this time. I’m sure they will ...(100)... being in Thailand like [ do. I'll write again soon. Please keep in touch. ‘Yours Robert 96. 1. honesty 2. humanity 3. hospitality 4. hostility 97. 1. miss 2. desire 3. think of 4. worry about 98. 1. awful 2. reliable 3. wonderful 4. destructive 99. 1. send 2. join 3. allow 4. follow 100. 1. hate 2. avoid 3. enjoy 4. consider e toe x Ba AaTAAAUNISHAIIUAIAINHULNTTAMNIND AI 2 dasduil 2 (lavnafinwnilf 4-6) 142 oh Aaneu| tot donou| taf dine ded Aivau| tel daneu 1 3 a 2 4 A 61 1 81 2 = it 22 1 42 = 62 4 82 3 3 2 23 3 43 1 63 2 83 2 4 2 24 4 44 4 64 1 84 2 5 2 26 2 45 2 65 2 86 3 6 4 26 2 46 4 66 4 86 is ¥ z 27 1 47 a 67 3 87 3 8 4 2B 3 fee 68 4 88 | 3 9 1 one 49 1 69 1 89 3 10 2 30 4 50 1 70 4 90 3 4 4 31 2 51 2 n 3 1 3 12 3 32 1 Sou a 72 3 92 4 13 3 33 4 53 3 23 1 93 3 14 a 24 2 54 3 74 1 94 2 16 2 35 3 55 ¥ 5 = 95 a 16 4 % 4 56 4 76 3 96 8 17 2 37 4 87 3 7 3 97 7 18 2 Pa ee 2 78 3 98 1 19 1 39 3 59 1 79 4 99 2 20 | o 40 2 60 4 80 4 100 3

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