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Facultad de Ciencias Psicológicas.

Carrera: Psicología.

Curso: MA 6-1

Ingles VII.

Persuasive Article

Speaking Skill Exam.

Claudia Bolaños Piedrahita.

Arguello Torres Millie.

Fecha de Entrega:

Ciclo I 2022-2023
Persuasive Article
The United States is a country you should definitely visit at least once in your lifetime, especially if you
enjoy the diversity of culture. In consequence there’s an abundant amount of gastronomy, history,
festivities and fun for all types of tastes.

From my personal experience if you like calm or relaxed go to small cities with less population, they still
have events, great restaurants, rivers, parks and landscapes. On the contrary if you prefer a city that
never stops or sleeps big cities are your deal, they hold a huge amount of options for party every single
day in everywhere, just be sure to make it on time because they get easily full so you would have to wait
way more. The cons of the country could be that most of the north doesn’t speak any other language
than English unless you find a foreign that translates or understands your language, also if you go in
winter and can’t take cold you better go in the warmer months due to the low temperatures are strong.
In addition, most of the convenience stores and markets, even your friend’s house, distances are huge it
takes at least an hour, and that’s considered near. You must be patient, in good condition ready to walk
more than you have ever walked in your life, as well the serves of food are tremendous so don’t worry if
you can’t eat it all you can take rest home. Besides when shopping it might take a minimum of 2 or 3
hours since they are too much choices, but at the end of the trip you don’t even mind for the reason
that its part of the fun. One of the most encouraging things it’s that people there usually are nice, very
generous and kind with tourists, in the case of needing help the will give you hand without a doubt.

In conclusion, the United States is a place full of alternatives for any kind of idea travel, from exciting
amusement parks to relaxing in the sand of a beach, or hiking in the snow with a hot cocoa.

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