TestNG SeleniumFramework

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 Introduction to TestNG
 Installation Steps of TestNG
 Import of TestNG
 Annotations in TestNG
 Reports generation in TestNG
 Assertion
 How to set priority
 Advantages of TestNG

Introduction to TestNG Framework

 TestNG is a testing framework tool which supports both Java and .net languages.
 TestNG has all features of Junit (Java based) and Nunit(.Net based).
 All testing tool implemented as plug-in for Eclipse , but Junit is a default plug-in for
Eclipse,no need to install Junit in Eclipse.
 In case of development ,TestNG will be used to implement unit test case.
 Each Unit test case tests the business logic of the source code.
 MAVEN /ANT is a build testing tool , whcih is used to check the compilation issues in
the entire source code.

Installation steps of TestNG Framework

 Go to Eclipse window
 Click on Help --> Eclipse Market place
 You will get Eclipse market place (Internet connection should be there)
 In Eclipse market place window,write TestNG in find box and go
 It will connect to internet and search TEST NG
 Click on Install button for TEST NG for Eclipse.
 Click on the radio button "I accept the terms of license agreement" and
click on Finish.
 Restart your Eclipse.
 Note:-If your Eclipse has not inbuilt TestNG plug-in; then please get
the latest version using the update site.
 In your Eclipse IDE, select Help / Software updates / Find and Install

Installation steps of TestNG Framework

 Search for new features to install.

 New remote site.
 For Eclipse 3.4 and above, enter http://beust.com/eclipse.
 For Eclipse 3.3 and below, enter http://beust.com/eclipse1.
 Make sure the check box next to the URL is checked and click Next.
 Eclipse will then guide you through the process.
o Eclipse window

Installation steps of TestNG

Installation steps of TestNG

Installation steps of TestNG

Installation steps of TestNG

Installation steps of TestNG

Installation steps of TestNG

Installation steps of TestNG
• Inorder to cross verify TESTNG installation
• Go to Window -->Show View -->Other -->New window will pop-up -->Expand Java Folder
and find TESTNG symbol.

How to Import TESTNG
• Inorder to use TESTNG features in Eclipse ,make sure TESTNG available for the project.
• Go to Configure build path from window-->Click on add library -->Click on Next -->Click
• on Finish

How to Import TESTNG

How to Import TESTNG

How to Import TESTNG

• Annotation is a meta-data which provides instruction to TestNG compiler at the time of
execution .
• List of Annotation

Tips for writing test cases in TestNG
• For writing TestNG test cases follow below 4 steps .
Step 1:-Create TestNG class
Select package -> Right click ->Come down to TestNg option ->Create TestNG class
Step 2:-Implement TestNg test cases,within a class
Example:- public class NewTest{
public void createUserTest()
System.out.println(“Execute create user Test”);
Step 3:-Execute TestNG class
Select TestNG class --> Right Click -->Run as -->TestNG Test
Step 4:-Verify TestNG ,html report

• When we execute TestNG class, TestNG compiler always look for @Test annotation
• to start the execution.
• Return type of TestNG method should be void and access specifier should be public.
• One TestNG class can have multiple test cases or test methods,but each test method
should have @annotation,before the method signature .
• @Test annotation method is used to implement test case.
Step 1:-Create TestNG class
Select package -> Right click ->Come down to TestNg option ->Create TestNG class

Step 2:-Implement TestNg test cases,within a class

Example:- public class NewTest{
public void createUserTest()
System.out.println(“Execute create user Test”);

• Step 3:-Execute TestNG class

Select TestNG class --> Right Click -->Run as -->TestNG Test

• Step 4:-Verify TestNG , report

@BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod
Public void configAfterMethod()
System.out.println(“Execute after test”);

• Output:-Execute before test

Execute Create UserTest
Execute after test

@BeforeClass and @AfterClass
• BeforeClass annotation is executed before executing first test casein the class.
• AfterClass annotation is executed after executing all the test cases in the class.
• Before and after class annotation are used to implement global configuration
• which is common to all test cases.
• As per the automation tool, test cases should be independ from each other and
• each and every test case should be unique.
• Example:-
package selenium;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class UserTest{

Program using all annotations
public void configBeforeClass()
System.out.println("---Launch Browser and intiate variables----");
public void configBeforeMethod()
public void createUserTest(){
System.out.println("Create and verify User");

Program using all annotations
public void createUserTest(){
System.out.println("Create and verify User");
public void modifyUserTest(){
System.out.println("Create and modify and verify user");
public void configAfterMethod(){
System.out.println("Log out");
public void configAfterClass(){
System.out.println("Close the browser , disconnect it");
} 25
Report Generation in TestNG

• TestNG generates 2 type of reports.

1)Eclipse console
2)HTML report
• Inorder to get HTML report refresh the project(F5) after the execution ,then
automatically we get test-output folder within a same project.
• Expand test-output folder select emailable-report html open with web-browser.
• The report for the above program

Report Generation in Eclipse console
[TestNG] Running:
---Launch Browser and intiate variables----
Create and verify User
Log out
Create and modify and verify user
Log out
Close the browser , disconnect it
PASSED: createUserTest
PASSED: modifyUserTest

HTML Report Generation

3)assertFalse():-If the status of the variable is false , pass the test case or else fail it.
Syntax:-Assert.assertFalse(“status”,error message);

4)asserSame:-This method is used to compare two objects.

Syntax:-assertSame(actual object, expected object);
• Advantages of Assertion
1)It is used to detect errors sooner after they occur.
2)Asserts helps us to verify the conditions of the test and decide whether test has failed or

How to set priority in TestNG
• Whenever we execute TestNG class by default TestNG always execute the test based on
alphabetical orders of test method name.
• Inorder to execute the test in user define order, either go for priority or depends on
• By setting priority
Package pac1;
Import org.testng.anntotations.Test;
Public class FlipkartOrderTest{
@Test (priority =1)
Public void orderTest(){
System.out.println(“Execute order test “);
Public void billingTest(){
System.out.println(“Execute billing test”);
} 31
How to set priority in TestNG
• Output:-
Execute order test
Execute billing test

• Dependson Method
Package pac1;
Import org.testng.anntotations.Test;
Public class FlipkartOrderTest{
Public void orderTest(){
System.out.println(“Execute order Test”);
Public void billingTest(){
System.out.println(“Execute billing Test”);
How to set priority in TestNG

Public void modifyTest()
System.out.println(“Execute modify test”);
• Output
Exeucte order Test
Execute modify Test
Execute billing test

Advantages of TestNG

• It generate logs
• We can do parallel testing
• Annotations helps to set program/function priority easy
• Allow to generate HTML report of execution
• We can group test cases.
Let’s take a scenario where we have created two set of groups “Regression” & “Sanity”.
If we want to execute the test cases under Sanity group then it is possible in TestNG
• We can set test cases priorities.
• We can do data Parameterization

Thank You


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