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Greetings and welcome to the course Poll Everywhere Nuts and Bolts.

My name is Karl Carrigan

and I am the instructional technologist in the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
here at UNE. I enjoy collaborating with faculty to find creative and unique ways that technology
can enhance the learning environment for you and your students in both the online and face-
to-face aspects of your course. For our time together here, I'll be your instructor for this course.
But I see myself as more of a collaborator or a guide on the side. Together we are going to
learn, explore, and integrate into your teaching, the software engagement application Poll
Everywhere This tool will allow you to implement live polls, Q and A's, surveys, quizzes, word
clouds and more seamlessly, to enhance student engagement. This course is a self-paced online
course. Although you may take as long as you'd like to complete it; I would recommend
completing it within the time frame, of say, a single semester or so. So that the concepts and
skills you learn build on each other easily, without the need for a lot of "relearning" and then
you can quickly implement the ideas into your courses. As a bonus, during this course, you will
see opportunities for optional workshops, and our door at the Center, like always is open for
consultations in person or in Zoom. Our goal is for you to be successful! So the first order of
business is to set up your Poll Everywhere account on the UNE license so you have access to the
full array of tools and privileges we will discuss in this course. When you signed up you should
have received an invite from Poll Everywhere with a message from me to create your account.
It should have looked something like this. Be sure to accept the invitation and follow the
prompts to set up the account using your UNE email address. If you already had a Poll
Everywhere account with your UNE address, by clicking "accept" your account will be upgraded
to the UNE license. If you did not receive an invite or had difficulty getting your account set up
reach out to me at c-e-t-l at and I will quickly send you an invite. So you can get started
to get a feel for Poll Everywhere be sure to respond to the embedded poll that is below this
video and view your fellow Learners responses below that. I am looking forward to
collaborating and learning with you be well and have a great day! [Music]

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