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Public International Law-

1. Discuss ‘Person’ as the subject of International Law- 1,2

2. Write the names of International institutions and give detailed notes on any two of them. -
3. Write in detail regarding principles of International Law.- 1,2,3
4. Analyze the relationship and difference between International Law and State Law. -1,2
5. Explain the general principles of Treaties. - 1,2,3 Most imp
6. Discuss in detail coercive means of settlement of International disputes. – 1,2 , Imp
7. What is Nationality? Discuss its importance. - 1,2,3,4
8. Discuss in detail peaceful means of settlement of international disputes.
9. Discuss modes of acquisition and loss of Nationality.
10. What is meant by Recognition? Discuss the consequences of Recognition.(state recognition-
IMP) - 1,2,3,4
11. Discuss various sources recognized by the International Court of Justice for ascertaining
International Law. - 1,2,3,4
12. Discuss the role of Municipal Law in the Development of International Law- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7–
most imp
13. Examine in detail: ‘State’(1,2,3) and ‘Person’ and ‘Individual’ as a subject of Public
International Law. - 1,2,3,4,5
14. Discuss various definitions of International Law.-1,2,3,4
15. Discuss the concept and importance of International Law. - 1,2
16. Explain the Charter of the United Nations Organization.
17. Explain the concept and importance of State recognition. - 1,2
18. Explain the resolution of international disputes.
19. Write a detailed note on the Composition and jurisdiction of the International criminal
court.- 1,2
20. International Law origin and development.
21. Write a detailed note on ‘State Succession. – 1,2
22. Discuss theories of International Law.- 1,2
23. Detailed note on modes of Settlement of Disputes.(peaceful means – most imp 2 times) -
24. Discuss in detail: ‘treaty as an important source of public international law’.- 1,2,3
25. Purpose and Principles of United Nations Organisation.- 1,2
26. Enumerate forms of international terrorism. Explain legal control of international terrorism.
27. Enumerate the organs constituent of United Nations Organisation and discuss in brief
functions of each body.
28. Importance of International Law

1st and 13th are related………

Short Notes –

1. War-related laws -1,2,3 - (Effects of war)

2. Powers and functions of the General Assembly- 1,2
3. Custom as a source of Law- 1,2 Imp
4. Functions of Security Council. – 1,2
5. International Labour Organization -1,2
6. Hijacking – 1,2
7. Nationality-1,2,3 Most imp
8. War Crimes
9. Piracy- 1,2
10. Veto power
11. Monroe Doctrine- 1,2,3
12. International Humanitarian and Refugee Law
13. Terrorism and International Law- 1,2
14. Peaceful co-existence
15. International Court of Justice – 1,2
16. Scope of International law-1,2
17. State Jurisdiction-1,2
18. Civil and criminal Jurisdiction in international law
19. State Responsibility
20. Objects of UNO

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